Wild North America 1846

Chapter 483 I have to continue to bear the beating

The Japanese crisis lacked money and food, not people. From the heart, the Tokugawa shogunate was extremely afraid of the unprecedented military power of the Tang Empire, and did not want the imperial army to intervene too deeply in the civil war, so as not to turn the shogunate into a puppet.

The Paraguay War was the exact opposite, and what was most lacking was the intervention of external military forces.

On December 1864, 12, Paraguay declared war on Brazil and sent troops to the Mato Grosso area, which first provoked the flames of the Paraguay War.

Since Argentina refused the Paraguayan army to pass through Argentina to aid Uruguay, Paraguay declared war on Argentina on March 1865, 3, and sent troops to Corrientes Province in Argentina, making a reckless decision of 18 against 1, which also led to a small Paraguay faces a gang fight.

In May of the same year, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay formed the Triple Alliance to jointly fight against Paraguay, and the Paraguay War broke out in an all-round way.

Today, the Paraguay War has lasted for two years. Paraguay has played triumphant songs in the early stage and now faces the pressure of soldiers from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, and has fallen into the quagmire of bitter fighting.

The reason
Paraguay is still too small and the population is too small. The country has a total population of more than 40. Now almost all the people are mobilized. Men under the age of 60 and over the age of 15 are all carrying guns on the battlefield. The current strength of the army alone is as high as There are more than 5 people and a militia force of more than 28000 people, with a total force of more than 8 people.

On the other hand, the coalition
The Brazilian Empire has a population of more than 150 million, Argentina has more than 20 million, and Uruguay has between 30 and 17 people. After several war mobilizations, Brazil alone has more than [-] troops in the war, occupying an overwhelming Advantage.

President Lopez of Paraguay is still too young and too reckless.

Since he took office as president, relying on his father's legacy, he has gone smoothly and has not experienced severe beatings from society.

Whether it is the Tang Empire or the French Empire, his role models are not comparable to Paraguay, which is small and weak.

How easy is it to rise in South America?

Paraguayan President López had no idea that the war caused by the Uruguayan coup would turn into the largest all-out war on the South American continent. He was not prepared enough and believed that he could win quickly.

At the beginning of the war, Paraguay had only 2.5 regular troops and about 30 battalions of troops.

Facing the Triple Alliance, which is several times larger than his own, Lopez hoped to take advantage of the Uruguayan Civil War to drag down Brazil's main force to win, and beat a time gap.

However, the war has deviated from the established track since the beginning of the war. The overall strength of the two sides is too different, and the allies clearly have the upper hand.

Facing the outrageous provocation of the ant-like Paraguay, the Brazilian Emperor Pedro II was outraged and said;

"The clown Lopez must be made to feel the anger of the Brazilian Empire, and make him tremble in the despair of being crushed. The sacred imperial power of the Brazilian Empire cannot be insulted."

The Brazilian Empire began to exert its real strength, constantly adding a large number of troops to the front line, and joined forces with the Argentine army to launch a tidal wave of attacks. Now it has recovered the decline at the beginning of the war and surrounded the Paraguayan army with heavy troops.

Paraguay struggled to cope with a protracted war, and for two years suffered heavy casualties in an all-out war.With the increasing shortage of manpower and resources, coupled with the blockade of the Allies, the supplies were seriously short, with disastrous consequences for Paraguay.

If there is no strong foreign aid, it may suffer the terrible ending of national subjugation and genocide.

At the court, the ministers discussed it and basically restored the catastrophic situation facing Paraguay.

"Is Paraguay willing to respect the Tang Empire as the kingdom of heaven?" Li Cha asked sharply.

Field Marshal Dai Changfu took a step forward, and Shi Li replied;
"Show Your Majesty;
Paraguayan President Lopez is an extremely tough person, and he has repeatedly mentioned it in previous close contacts;
Paraguay loves freedom, advocates equality, and is willing to associate with the Tang Empire on the basis of equality.

Even if the mountains and rivers are overturned and the country is destroyed, they will never accept the humiliating master-servant relationship. This is the bottom line that all Paraguayans stick to, and it does not depend on anyone's will. "

"It's very well said and ambitious. I'm very optimistic about Paraguay's future prospects. Is there still a need to discuss the Paraguay issue?" Li Cha asked suddenly.

Yes, why don't you go to heaven if you are so awesome?

Although it would be nice to bring hundreds of thousands of Paraguayans to die together, this has nothing to do with the Tang Empire.

Some people just have a stubborn mouth and can't see the situation clearly. When the country is in peril, they still talk about equality and freedom. Then just stick to your own ideas. Why do you come to ask the Tang Empire for support?
As soon as His Majesty said this, all the officials fell silent, and Marshal Dai Changfu also returned to the train with a look of embarrassment.Then watch the nose with the eyes, watch the heart with the nose, and start fishing.

after a while

Prime Minister Liu Xianjun stood up bravely and said after saluting;
"Show Your Majesty;
The current situation in South America is quite in danger of deviating from the South American strategic layout plan formulated by the empire before, and this minister is deeply worried.

Regardless of whether it is a thorn or a shit stick, the empire needs a role-playing spoiler like Paraguay.Only by rushing to the front in the South American situation can the superior status and decisive influence of the imperial arbitrator be demonstrated.

Paraguay has a small population and weak national strength. Excessive consumption is not in the interests of the empire.

President Nopes has a stubborn personality and refuses to bow his head easily.However, he is extremely loved by the people in Paraguay and regarded as an irreplaceable national leader. This is the most troublesome place.

Weichen worried that if he didn't take action, this small country would be completely abolished, and it would be difficult to play the expected role, and this would greatly affect the implementation of the empire's South American strategy.

Which is more important, please let your Majesty express it? "

Prime Minister Ryu Hyun-jun's remarks are also justified. He doesn't care about the life and death of Paraguay. The real question is;
Your Majesty, do you intend to change the South American policy?
The current 10-year expansion strategy of the empire in North America and Central America has been successfully completed, and the North American strategic map of "one large area and three small areas" has been completely established, and there is no room for expansion.

The so-called "big one" refers to the Tang Empire.

The "Three Small" refers to Canada, the United States of America (North) and the Confederate States of America (South), from North America to Central America, the latter two are headed by the Tang Empire, and the former is headed by the British Empire.

The "Three Smalls" are only relative to the huge territory and strong military, economic and cultural power of the Tang Empire. Any one of them is a regional power in Europe and the world, and its overall strength is not weak. .

As for Central America, let’s not mention it. In the process of the strong rise of the Tang Empire in North America, if more than a dozen small and medium-sized countries are not destroyed, how can we be worthy of our ancestors? The mighty power of the empire that shocked the Eurasian continent?
From 1866

The colonial expansion of the Tang Empire has set its sights on South America and the Western Pacific, including the turbulent Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico, which are all included in the future strategic plan.

Among them, South America is a focus.

The core of the "Ryu Hyun-kun Doctrine" policy is "America is America for Americans", in other words;
That is America is the America of the Tang Empire.

The core meaning of this policy is; North America and Central America are in the pocket of the Datang Empire, and South America is also in the pocket of the Datang Empire, and it is the back garden of the Datang Empire.

The Tang Empire can coexist peacefully with the countries in South America, but the premise is that the Tang Empire must be the leader, and it is not allowed to "be in Cao Ying and the heart is in Han", not to allow Europe to meddle in the internal affairs of South American countries, and not to allow these South American countries to collude. Hook up, wink everywhere.

Therefore, the South American policy of the Tang Empire is to support pro-Tang forces on the one hand, and strengthen military, economic and cultural penetration on the other. The third aspect is to support Paraguay as a spoiler.

In Emperor Richard's mind, his template was Israel in the Middle East.

An overly weakened Paraguay, which has been severely beaten by the war, obviously does not conform to the fundamental interests of the Tang Empire. The power of the chess pieces is too small, and it does not conform to the South American policy positioning.

The South American strategy is an expansion policy formulated by Emperor Richard himself. It is specifically manifested in attacking and weakening Argentina, supporting Paraguay, deterring Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Uruguay and other South American countries. Strategy.

From a map of South America it can be seen;

Uruguay is at the crossroads of the landlocked countries in South America. It borders Paraguay in the east, Argentina in the southeast, and only one province away from the armed militias that the Tang Empire expanded to the north in the south, Chile in the southwest and Chile in the northwest. Bordering Bolivia, the north is the largest country in South America, the Brazilian Empire. Paraguay is a small and aggressive country. It is called "Prussia of South America". It is simply a wonderful template for South American spoilers.

It would be a pity if it was destroyed in the war.

The prime minister, Duke Liu Xianjun, has no idea, so please make it clear to His Majesty;
Is there any intention to change South American policy?
After he played the report, he stood with his hands down respectfully, while the ministers in the court looked at each other wisely and kept silent.

a little silence
Sitting high on the throne, Li Cha burst out laughing, glanced at all the ministers and said, "Liu Aiqing's words are wrong, is there any reason to change the policy overnight?

To support Paraguay, you don't have to spend money, food, troops, or effort. You can also support it in terms of foreign policy and morality.

The coalition forces of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay besieged Paraguay, a small country in South America, causing extreme turmoil, which was not conducive to the simple desire for peaceful development of the entire South America.

As the most influential speaker in the entire American region, the Datang Empire should stand up at this time and urge South American countries to resolve disputes through dialogue, abandon the wrong approach of using brutal and bloody wars to solve problems, and return to the principle of peaceful dialogue. Come on the right track.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately summoned the envoys of the four countries involved in the war, and stepped forward to mediate.

It is believed that this move will greatly relieve the pressure on Paraguay's shoulders, and the empire has also done its best. "

Speaking of here
All the ministers in the court have suddenly realized that they have to sincerely admire His Majesty's far-reaching thinking. This is step by step, and there is a killer move!

On the one hand, it showed the goodwill of the empire to the Paraguay government, and used its influence to suppress the coalition forces, making them more or less wary of making moves. When launching a new round of large-scale offensive, they must consider the consequences of angering the Tang Empire.

The logic is simple;
Since the Tang Empire came forward to mediate forcefully, all parties involved in the four countries involved in the war must show face, otherwise the empire could turn the tables and go crazy at any time.

If you don't listen to good words, I will beat you up without discussion!

On the other hand, the imperial mediation pays lip service but does not deliver.

The positions of the coalition forces and Paraguay are very far apart, and there is no possibility of successful international mediation. In the end, it is necessary to rely on war to resolve sharp disputes.

Well... only Paraguay bears it alone.

The Tang Empire has helped you, but you are not up to date and cannot see the situation clearly, so is it reasonable to continue to be beaten?

If you want to get a strong military intervention from the empire or even more, then the door is always open; that is, respect the Tang Empire as the celestial kingdom, and let yourself be driven by the status of the vassal state of Gansu, don't think about those grand plans and hegemony all day long.

I'm a few catties and a few taels tall, isn't the lesson of this all-out war not enough?

Sure enough, His Majesty the Emperor is insidious enough, ah... no... His Majesty the Emperor strategizes from the height of the temple, and makes decisions thousands of miles away.

There was a lot of flattery in the court, and all the officials admired His Majesty from the bottom of their hearts.

Paraguayan President Lopez is stubborn and persistent, but he is not stupid. He watched the Paraguayans being swallowed up by the war one after another, and this was a desperate war that was destined to be impossible to win.

The longer the time stretches, the more profound the torment and pain in my heart.

This is a young politician who loves Paraguay deeply and has ideals and aspirations. As long as there is a one in ten thousand possibility to save the nation from peril, he will definitely try to do it, even if it goes against his heart.

Now he still adheres to the concept of Paraguay's national independence, freedom, and equality, which shows that he has not suffered enough beatings, and the painful self-blame biting in his heart is not strong enough, so it is necessary to push it gently.

Young people, you will see the rainbow after going through the wind and rain...

Emperor Richard is teaching Paraguayan President Lopez to recognize a truth in this way;
There has never been love for no reason in this world, and there is no hate for no reason. When you are not strong enough, you should not expect any equality. That thing really does not exist in the world of the jungle.

Negotiating conditions with the Tang Empire, are you qualified for Paraguay?
Anyway, the life of the Paraguayans is used to pay the tuition. If Lopez thinks that 1 is not enough, he will pay 2. If 2 is not enough, he will pay 5. Just regenerate.

I found a butcher Zhang, can I still eat hairy pigs?
It is really impossible to have tens of thousands of Chinese immigrants to fill the fatal shortcoming of the scarce male population. On the contrary, it will help to completely control the high-level military and political circles of Paraguay in the future, and there will be no loss to the empire.

The officials of the court wanted to understand this, and they couldn't help admiring it in their hearts; Gao, the Gao of Gaojiazhuang!

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