Wild North America 1846

Chapter 510 Three Major Telegraph Companies

Chapter 510 Three Major Telegraph Companies
"Your Excellency Lord Palmerston, I, Datang, support the inheritance of the shogunate rule that has existed for more than 200 years. There is nothing wrong with this. Our French friends share the same view as us, and we have the same position on the issue of the Fuso civil war. We just want to maintain the old To avoid huge social turmoil, which will affect the international situation in the entire Northeast Asia region." Prime Minister Liu Xianjun patiently explained.

Seeing that Lord Palmerston was about to speak again, he hastily stretched out his hand to stop him, for fear that the Englishman's words would be a cloud of mist, and he would waste his time completely.

The position of the Tang Empire has nothing to hide, and there is nothing to criticize.

The British sold weapons and provided loans to the fallen factions, the Dutch also sold weapons, and the French also sold weapons to the Tokugawa shogunate. Why couldn't the Tang Empire sell weapons and equipment?
There are some things that are better to be stated directly, and there is no need to hide and hide a guilty conscience.

Therefore, Prime Minister Yoo Hyun-kun said directly;
"We are also aware of London's position. It is normal for the two countries to have differences on the Fuso issue. This will not affect the extensive cooperation between my country and the UK on a global scale. There is no doubt about it.

In terms of specific differences, it is reflected in the differences in cultural values ​​between the East and the West.

My Tang Empire originated from the legacy of the former Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago. Because of this, it has always attached importance to maintaining and carrying forward the traditional oriental suzerain-vassal relationship, safeguarding the foundation of royal rule, and reflecting a firm stance on maintaining peace in Northeast Asia.

It is hoped that Lord Palmerston will convey to London our official position;
No matter from which point of view, the Tang Empire could not turn to support the local vassals and towns that had committed rebellion to overthrow the existing Edo shogunate ruling system in Fusang Kingdom, which was unreasonable.

our suggestion;

Tang, Britain, France, the Netherlands, the United States and other countries should not excessively intervene in the Fusang civil war, and maintain a relatively detached posture. The Fusang civil war still requires internal power competition, which may be the best solution.

The second telecommunications giant is the Royal Datang Telecom Company, which is also the world's second largest telegraph operator.

The long-distance telegraph line set up by the Royal Datang Telecom Company extends through Central America to various countries in South America. Even in Storm City, the southernmost tip of the Andean Governor's Mansion, the urgent long-distance telegram sent is sent through the relay station, and it takes at most two days. Arrive at Qingyuntai, the political center of the empire.

They are all century-old tortoises, who doesn't know who's skills?

The most brilliant technological feat of the Royal American Telecom Company is that it teamed up with the telecommunications companies of the United States of America, France and the United Kingdom to jointly build the world's first transatlantic submarine long-distance telegraph cable, which is more than 6700 kilometers long.

In addition to developing telecommunications business in China, Royal American Telecom also conducts telecommunications business extensively in Central America, South America and Europe, and is fiercely competing with its rival "Royal Datang Telecom" for the trans-Pacific submarine cable business.

He smiled slightly, and sarcastically retorted; "I am very interested in oriental culture, and I hope your country can maintain a consistent position on the issues of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in South America. Oh... By the way, I heard that your country is Is the news accurate that a massive counterattack deep into the Brazilian Empire is planned?"

But this communication is not completely ineffective. At least both sides understand each other's East Asia policy, and with a tacit understanding, they will not further strengthen their support for all parties in the Fusang Civil War.

The planned trans-Pacific telegraph cable line starts from Panama City in Central America, passes through the province of Costa Rica all the way north, and then reaches Los Angeles, an important city on the west coast in the Central Plains Province, and then continues northward to Unicom Chang'an, the imperial capital, and continues northward along the Pacific coastline through Durham, Seattle , Vancouver, entered the Yukon Province, and finally arrived in Alaska through thousands of kilometers of snow-covered no-man's land along the way.

Even Napoleon III or the Tsar had to make concessions on many issues.

The first one is Royal American Telecom Company, which is also the world's largest and largest telecommunications company. It is extremely powerful, with more than 1.7 employees alone. It is the first large company in the world to truly develop transoceanic telecommunications services.

After the North American War, the North American Union Telegraph Bureau expanded aggressively, annexing many small and medium telegraph bureaus in the United States of America and the Confederate States of America, forming a very powerful telegraph giant on the east coast.

Even a vassal state can't protect it, so who will play with you?

All the way west across the East China Sea to Weihaiwei in Lu Province, and connected to the telegraph line of Shenzhou Continent, thus completing the feat of crossing the Pacific Ocean.

Back to the topic
The conversation between Prime Minister Ryu Hyun-kun and Lord Palmerston did not achieve any practical results. It was more about you talking about yours and I talking about mine, each explaining their positions and East Asia policies, and no one side softened.

Royal American Telecom is the largest shareholder with a 35.2% share. If the shares of the United States of America and the Confederate Telecom are added, the actual shareholding has exceeded 5%.

This unprecedentedly large-scale trans-Pacific telegraph cable was launched from Alaska, crossed the Bering Strait to Beihai Province, and split two telegraph cables from Beihai Province, all the way south to the Fuso Islands, Amami Oshima and the Kingdom of Ryukyu.

Chinese capital from the Tang Empire is also the main force in investing in the coastal telegraph office. After years of construction, the long-distance telegraph line from Beiping in the north to Hong Kong in the south has been basically completed.

Therefore, it is well known that the Royal American Telecom Company completely holds the "Atlantic Telecom Company" and assigns an employee to serve as the chairman.

It can be seen from its massive expansion process that the shareholders behind the North American Alliance Telegraph Bureau are powerful, including high-level imperial nobles and high-level government officials from both the North and South of the United States. Otherwise, it would not be possible to rise so smoothly.

Its predecessor was the California Telecom Company, which was founded in 1847. With the rise of the Tang Empire, it extended its tentacles to the entire North America and even the rest of the world.

If not, even if the transoceanic telegram is sent back, it must be forwarded through the local telegraph office, which means that a large part of the profit will be eroded. Wouldn't it be for others to make wedding clothes?
In addition to the above two companies that are really capable of participating in this grand project, there is also the North American Union Telegraph Bureau, the third largest telecommunications company in the Tang Empire. This is a very powerful multinational telegraph bureau in the United States of America and the Confederate States of America. .

It is said that American Telecom and Datang Telecom are fiercely competing for the right to lay the trans-Pacific telegraph cable. It is said that the decision will be made through bidding, and the powerful telegraph bureaus in the world are welcome to participate. This is only superficial.

Just take long-distance telegram as an example;
Over the years, Datang Empire has spared no effort to develop the long-distance cable telegraph business. The cable telegraph network has spread all over the world. As we all know, there are three top telecom operators in the world.

"For specific matters, you need to consult the Colonial Department. You know...the Andean Governor's Mansion is too far away. They have obtained His Majesty's special authorization to decide some actions independently, and they can report to the police afterwards." Prime Minister Liu Xianjun replied with an unchanged expression. .

In mainland China

With the rapid growth of the Tang Empire's strength, it is unwilling to wave the baton with the British on many international issues, but has its own interests.

It has been deeply involved in the North American telecommunications business market for many years. It has the largest number of telegraph offices in the Empire itself, the United States of America, the Confederate States of America, and Canada, and has extensively carried out telegraph services in Central and South America.

And for this reason, the "Atlantic Telecom Company" was formed to specialize in transatlantic telecommunications services.

The Tang Empire has several infrastructures that rank among the best in the world. The first is railways, the second is long-distance telegraphy, the third is transoceanic shipping, the fourth is urban construction and asphalt roads, and the fifth is trams. Enjoy an excellent reputation.

Lord Palmerston is well aware of these situations, so Prime Minister Liu Xianjun's excuse of "too far away" is not valid at all.

the reason is simple;
The so-called trans-Pacific telegraph cable has a total length of more than 1.67 kilometers, of which 1.4 kilometers are within the territory or territorial waters of the Datang Empire. Only its local major telecommunications company has such strength, and the British Telegraph Company is also far behind.

If foreign telegraph bureaus participate in such a grand telegraph project, they need to build a series of local telegraph bureaus in the Tang Empire from scratch, then the investment will be huge.

"I understand very well..." Lord Palmerston said in a tone of "understanding you very much", but he showed a perfunctory attitude in an uncooperative manner.

From this point of view, the Tang Empire has obtained what it wants.

This situation is not surprising.

The telecommunications companies in the above two countries are actually puppet companies controlled by several telecommunications giants in the Datang Empire, with cross-shareholding control.

British arrogance and paranoia are notoriously difficult to deal with, especially in the height of the Victorian era, foreign policy has always been aggressive and domineering.

Your Excellency Lord Palmerston, what do you think? "

"I heard that Orientals are good at Tai Chi. I am deeply impressed by the remarks of the Honorable Duke Liu Xianjun, and I will fully convey your country's official position to London." Lord Palmerston is a veteran politician in the London political arena. Such a foolish master.

For example, in the 19s when the British forces invaded Egypt on a large scale, France, which had been operating in Egypt for several decades, had to back down to avoid disputes between the two sides.

"Your Excellency Duke Liu, I have brought a letter from Queen Victoria to Her Majesty during my trip. I hope that I will have the honor to enter the palace to meet Your Majesty and hand over this letter." At the end of the talk, Lord Palmerston admitted frankly There is also the mission of the messenger.

This is the top-level exchange between the royal families of the two countries. Prime Minister Liu Xianjun certainly cannot refuse, so he replied with a smile: "Please stay in the State Guesthouse for a few days, and I will arrange this matter as soon as possible to see the request that His Majesty forwarded to the envoy. "

"Thank you very much!" Lord Palmerston gave a boob salute gracefully, showing the demeanor of a British gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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