Wild North America 1846

Chapter 844 3 Giants

After watching for a while
Richard put the internal reference in his hand aside and raised his hand to rub his eyebrows, as if he could block out the complicated affairs in the world.

Although the Allies won the First World War, the troubles did not diminish at all. Various contradictions emerged one after another, and no matter how much energy they had, they could not be solved.

The most realistic thing is that as soon as the armistice treaty was signed, a large number of military industry orders there were cancelled. Some were for clothing, weapons, ammunition and ships, as well as cans, blankets, military rations and other materials related to the supply of military supplies.

All countries have invariably closed their wallets, saving as much as they can.

This inevitably had an impact on some of the export industries of the Tang Empire. Although it was only partial, bad signs were already showing.

What will be the ultimate form of war?
It is nothing more than a competition of national strength. Both sides invested a large number of soldiers, weapons and resources into the bloody meat grinder of war, which brought nothing but destruction.

What is burned is a lot of money and what is stimulated is additional demand.

Dozens of millions of young lives, entire ships of arms and ammunition, and all the massive supplies needed to sustain the war were all wiped out in fierce wars one after another.

When the war is over, these additional needs will naturally cease to exist.

In order to cope with the new situation in the international market, the Tang Empire government also took action.Place orders with some military enterprises with large output, extend the order cycle to 2 to 3 years, and carry out step-by-step reserve acquisitions.

5 years of war
Most of the more than 2700 reserve warehouses in the Tang Empire were empty. All the reserve materials were transported to the European battlefield at once, and the amount in stock was very small.

Especially last year, more than 220 million troops were equipped for the European Expeditionary Force, which almost completely plundered a large amount of military supplies reserves, and all major military industrial enterprises were working overtime for production 24 hours a day.

It took a lot of effort to basically meet the needs of the military.

Now that the war is over, the excess production capacity of military industrial enterprises has begun to be turned into strategic reserves, which is a huge demand.

Of course, such orders are far from being able to make up for the sharp decrease in international demand.

But at least it can guarantee the low-speed production of some key military industrial enterprises for a period of time, so that they will not fall directly from mid-air and land on their faces.

Starting from the new year

Many factories have significantly adjusted their production plans, switching from three shifts around the clock to two or even one shift, and have begun to lay off workers to adapt to the sudden change in the direction of the international market.

This is just a new problem in the development and operation of the domestic economy. Although it has a considerable negative impact, it will not drag down the overall economic development.

The focus of conflicts on international issues is today's Paris Peace Conference. In order to gain as much post-war benefits as possible, representatives of the 19 victorious countries were quarreling.

In particular, Congress President Clemenceau, after proposing an astonishing amount of war compensation on behalf of France, also hoped to significantly curtail German power.

Therefore, the French side maintains;
France not only wanted to recover the Alsace and Lorraine areas lost in the Franco-Prussian War, but also moved France's borders eastward to the Rhine River and merged the German provinces on the left bank of the Rhine into an independent country.

This proposal has been opposed by Britain and Tang. They do not want to see France dominate Europe. This is not in the interest of both countries.

Today, both the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire are divided, and Tsarist Russia is plunged into a raging civil war with a lot of tatters.

If Germany is abolished, won't France be the only country in Europe left?
The core of Britain's foreign policy is the "European balance policy", and the core of the Tang Empire's European policy is the "balance of power policy", which are actually the same thing.

Tang and Britain not only wanted to maintain the balance of power between Germany and France, but also wanted to use Germany to fight against Soviet Russia, so they both opposed this suggestion of overly weakening Germany.

In exchange, the two countries offered;
Tang and Britain joined forces to ensure the security of France's eastern border.Once France is invaded, Tang and Britain will keep their promise and provide immediate assistance.

Under strong pressure, Clemenceau was forced to give up his demand for the establishment of a Rhineland.

But in exchange, he proposed that the Allied forces occupy the left bank of the Rhine for 30 years and hand over the Saar mining area to France.

by this time

Lord Hu Yongtang, Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty, was extremely annoyed by France's endless excessive demands. He lowered his face and said impatiently, "I'm sorry, I have never known about any other Saar issues, and the Tang Dynasty will not consider them."

This attitude
The French Prime Minister Clemenceau was so angry that he flew into a rage, his face changed color and he retorted;
"Mr. Prime Minister, this is unfair to France, which made great sacrifices in the war. No French Prime Minister will sign a treaty that does not annex Saarland to France.

I am deeply suspicious of your position that those hysterical German Junker military aristocrats are the main culprits in starting the war.

And your repeatedly tolerant attitude towards them has sent a message to the outside world that is extremely unfavorable to unity and will destroy the current friendly chemical reactions among allies.

I don’t know whether Mr. Prime Minister is harming France to please the 1200 million Germans in the country based on his own political interests.

No matter what, we will not give in. "

Faced with the French guy's fierce words, Lord Hu Yongtang, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, did not tolerate him and said in a cold tone;
"You mean...if France doesn't get what it wants, it will refuse to cooperate with us? It seems like you want me to go home."

This is naked forced labor.

If the French continue to hold this attitude, then there will be nothing left to talk about, and at worst they will break up.

Clemenceau's face turned red and the veins on his forehead were exposed. After glaring at Lord Hu Yongtang angrily for a while, he saw that the other party stared back at him without giving in.

Clemenceau's momentum weakened first, and he had to lower his stance. France could not bear the serious consequences of the breakdown of peace talks with its allies.

say unpleasant words

Now a large number of expeditionary forces from Tang and Britain are supporting the situation in France. If they are withdrawn, the Germans will be able to rearm in a very short time.

Facing the Germans alone, it is no exaggeration that those Germans can beat the shit out of the French guys.

After the defeat, Germany still had a population of more than 6100 million, a quarter more than France, and had more than 450 million elite veterans who had been tempered for many years in the war.

As long as someone climbs up and shouts, followers will gather.

in desperation
French Prime Minister Clemenceau had to lower his tone and replied: "I don't want you to go home. I want to go back. I'm sorry."

With that said, he left the office angrily.

Lord Hu Yongtang looked at his leaving back, shook his head helplessly, and said to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George who was sitting aside; "Next time it will be your turn to play the villain, and I don't want it to always be your turn. Be at the forefront, in the final analysis this is your Europe’s problem.”

"It is also a common trouble for all of us. London will try its best to cooperate with you to achieve our common goal." Prime Minister George said a tongue twister and smiled with satisfaction.

It is completely impossible to establish a Rhineland, it is too taken for granted.

As long as Tang and Britain join forces, it is impossible for the French to pass any resolution beyond the two sides, and they must make substantial concessions.

The so-called international politics is a process of constant striving...compromising, striving...and compromising again. It is impossible for Clemenceau not to understand this.

The Frenchman's wishful thinking is in full swing, so it depends on whether the other two can cooperate?
Otherwise, everything is nothingness.

The Paris Peace Conference has been quarreling and quarreling for more than three months, and has reached deadlocks from time to time, but the negotiation process is still advancing with difficulty.

War compensation against Germany and the current Saarland issue are both difficult issues, but the British have been persuaded by Lord Hu Yongtang and established the British-Tangshan United Front to jointly put pressure on France.

Its purpose is to preserve Germany's vitality and not to over-divide it.

The Big Three also had a consensus at the Paris Peace Conference;
That was the basic establishment of the Polish restoration plan advocated by France.The Ukrainian independence plan advocated by the Tang State was established.

The plan of the multinational coalition led by Britain, France and Tang to intervene in the internal affairs of Tsarist Russia was basically established, and it was planned to send 12-15 divisions to southern Russia to attack Moscow together with the German troops stranded in Ukraine.

some of

Datang sent 5 divisions, France sent 5 divisions, Britain sent two divisions, Italy had one division, and allies such as Belgium, Greece, Poland and Romania jointly sent 1 to 2 divisions.

In addition, the Paris Peace Conference preparatory conference also adopted plans to divide the Crimean Peninsula, Odessa Province and the Principality of Kerch.

Support France in regaining Lorraine and Alsace.

The Republic of China passed the resolution to recover the 64 villages in Transnortheast and Jiangdong that were stolen by Tsarist Russia, etc., and considerable progress was made on various agendas.

The concerns of the three major countries were given priority, and the voices of some small and weak countries were simply ignored.

The defeated countries could not even enter the gate of the Paris Peace Conference, and could only let the victors write their own destiny.

This is the cruel reality of international politics at the beginning of the 20th century. The three giants of Britain, France and Tang carved up the world behind closed doors, and the representatives of the [-] countries at the Paris Peace Conference were reduced to decorations.

Use it to decorate the facade when necessary. In fact, it has little say and can be ignored.


The main issues will be passed at the preparatory meeting. It is the result of the compromise between the three giants of Britain, France and Tang Dynasty. A tacit understanding has been formed internally, which cannot be changed by the formal meeting stage.

Another important significance of the Paris Peace Conference is that it formally established the recognized status of the three top powers of Britain, France and Tang Dynasty, and the world entered the stage of the dual power of Europe and America.

This is the inevitable decline of the Great British Empire, and the rise of the Tang Empire to the top of the world, a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

The 280 million-strong Tang Imperial Expeditionary Force landed in Europe. This was the largest expedition in human history to date, and the sensation it caused was difficult to subside for a long time.

Lord Hu Yongtang, Prime Minister of the Tang Empire, argued for the defeated Germany and Austria-Hungary in the closed-door meeting of the three giants, and won the unanimous praise of these countries.

In society, Germany and Austria and other countries expressed a sincere love for the expeditionary officers and soldiers of the Tang Empire. There were countless foreign lovers, and even the more than 40 oriental laborers were particularly favored.

left bank of the rhine

Koblenz in Westphalia.

The German left bank of the Rhine is also called the Rhineland, and Koblenz is an important town with a population of about 57. It is a traditional German industrial city.

Nowadays, it is occupied by the Tang Empire army, and the entire city is under military control. A large number of imported goods have poured into this place. The city is also one of the first German cities to restore its former prosperity.

In the city
Soldiers from the Tang Empire wearing crisp woolen coats or military uniforms could be seen everywhere. They did not carry guns, but swaggered through the city with their beautiful German girlfriends in their arms.

In defeated Germany, soldiers from the Tang Empire were very popular.

After the war, there was an urgent shortage of young and middle-aged men in Germany, and these generous North American soldiers became the targets of German women.

Although Koblenz was not damaged by the war and the town was well preserved, Germany's financial collapse after the war and prices soared, and the gold mark has become as worthless as papyrus.

There is a shortage of supplies on the streets and many people are hungry.

The Tang Empire had no historical grudges with Germany. On the contrary, they had an extremely harmonious relationship before the war, and their stance after the war tended to support Germany, thus winning the unanimous favor of the Germans.

The Tang Empire was not short of money. During their overseas service, these expeditionary officers and soldiers enjoyed overseas garrison subsidies, service subsidies and other miscellaneous subsidies. The officers and soldiers' subsidies were paid in Tang Yuan, which has a strong currency value.

In addition, there are fixed monthly rations of cigarettes, chocolates and cans, and the benefits are quite good.

In the currently depressed Germany, this purchasing power is quite amazing and can be used as hard currency.

The 2rd and 203th Divisions of the Datang Empire's 211nd Group Army stationed in Koblenz totaled more than 3.1 officers and soldiers. After a few months of being stationed, almost all of them found girlfriends in this city and surrounding towns.

The atmosphere in this city, where the Tang Empire's troops were stationed, was extremely relaxed. There were very few vicious incidents of vandalism, smashing, and looting, and the market quickly returned to prosperity.

After the defeat, the Germans were very obedient. They often suffered hunger and dissatisfaction silently, and at most they drank themselves drunk in taverns.

They will not take to the streets for rallies or marches to loudly accuse the occupying forces of atrocities.

In today's Germany, Koblenz is one of the few places with a particularly harmonious atmosphere.

The young soldiers of the Tang Empire would not only care about their own happiness, but would also take care of their girlfriends and families, spending some money to help them buy food, chop wood and carry water, and do whatever they can.

Although there is a language barrier, those who gesture can still understand the meaning of both parties and make the other party feel goodwill.

The imperial soldiers on duty would not treat the Germans harshly. They rarely beat or scolded them, but mostly went about their errands absentmindedly.

When they were on vacation, they went their separate ways to find their German girlfriends.

The war is over, be happy when you should be happy, there is no need to continue the hatred between each other.

Afraid of comparison in everything

Unlike the relaxed atmosphere in the Tang-occupied area, the German residents under the French occupation were much more miserable. They were always under high-pressure military control full of hatred by French officers and soldiers.

Every French officer and soldier had relatives and brothers who died at the hands of the Germans. The two sides had a blood feud. How could they give the Germans a good look?

In the French-occupied areas, there were frequent incidents of shooting lawless people in the street. French officers and soldiers beat and tortured innocent people wantonly, not to mention making things difficult at will.

The Germans in the French-occupied areas lived under dire straits and high-pressure military rule.

Women were raped, men were beaten and persecuted at will, and property was robbed. The French occupying forces vented their hatred wantonly.

The Germans are also bloody, and this has also made the local situation more turbulent, with frequent attacks and falling into a vicious cycle.

(Dear readers, I believe you have also seen that this book was originally planned to end, and the last chapter will end here.

The results of this book are acceptable so far. Not many readers talk about hydrology. This is what the author Taojun feels particularly gratified about. Thank you again for your support!
Some readers have left messages, hoping to continue writing. This makes me feel encouraged, but at the same time, I can’t help but feel hesitant.

The newly opened book didn't do well, so I asked for a eunuch.

As there is no pressure for a new book for the time being, it is not a bad idea to continue writing for about ten days. This is my original intention to continue updating, and it is planned to end around the 10th of next month.

The next new book I want to write about the Holy Roman Empire, that is, the Austrian Empire, is now being slowly conceived, and I am preparing to adopt a completely different narrative method from this book, focusing on the Obsburg family's return to glory in the early 19th century.

It was a story of the Napoleonic era, when the Austrian Empire was defeated again and again under the historical circumstances, and after being forced to remove the title of Holy Roman Emperor, he learned his shame and then became brave.

The plan is to use storytelling to replace long paragraphs of political commentary. There is no system and stories are used to promote plot development. Is such a story worth watching?

I hope you all can express your pertinent and valuable opinions. Mr. Tao would like to express his gratitude again. Thank you very much for your support. )

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