I Xiaoxiong

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

The 18th year of Xuanjia was definitely an eventful year for the Jin court. In the first half of the year, the north and the south were in chaos one after another.One was the Shamen in Hengzhou who rebelled, and the other was the rebellion caused by Zhao Deyu, king of Wu, who lived in Jiangnan Dao for generations.

The nobles in Shangjing City who were originally silent in the peaceful and prosperous age were extremely uncomfortable with the sudden sound of fighting in their ears.

But fortunately, I haven't seen it yet.

Therefore, the bustling Shangjing City did not become depressed because of the chaos in the north and the south.

The nobles still spend a lot of money, wearing brocade hats and sable furs, flying eagles and horses.

However, the people in Shangjing don’t have many channels to learn about the wars thousands of miles away. What they hear is just how many states and counties the British Duke has recovered in Hebei, and how many cities the King of Wu rebelled and won. In other words, it's fun to listen to.

For this nickname.They still have to work every day, or go out to do business as usual, listen to books and music when they have free time, and eat miscellaneous chews to satisfy their cravings if they have spare money.

No one would think that the Jiangnan rebels could really cross the Jianghuai and drive directly to Gyeonggi.

But there are still some sensible people in the capital, and some of these sensible people happen to be in high positions, and can even influence the court's decision-making.

Daming Palace.The Prime Minister Li Fuzhi, Xie Qian, together with the old Taishi Xu Chongjian, Niu Daoqian, Minister of the Ministry of War, Yang Jixun, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and other important officials were summoned by the Daojun Emperor to discuss the situation of the war.

".A military report from the Marshal's Mansion of the Hebei Marching Army said that the British Duke had recovered the four counties and trapped the rebels in Shiyi and Fangshan. They are looking for opportunities to wipe out the main force of the Salmonella rebels. As for the army of King Yan, They are still outside the customs, a few days ago the Marquis of Changxing personally went to Lulongsai and Yuguan to inspect, and there is no accident on the Yanshan defense line."

"Yangzhou Governor's Mansion Army News, Qingzheng Army envoy Bi Sili colluded with the King of Wu and sold private salt. His nephews Zuoyuhou Biyi and Youyuhouhou Zhangshun were also arrested and executed. Since the rebellion of King Wu, there have been bandits all over Huainan Yao commanded the King of Wu to cause rebellion. At the beginning of July, the giant thief Zhang Gouer gathered tens of thousands of people to attack Gaoyou. The Marquis of Wu'an led his army out from Yangzhou, defeated the bandits in two days, beheaded the first Gouer of the thief, and the siege of Gaoyou was finally broken."

"Jiangnan Military News, the entire territory of Hangzhou has been lost. The assassin Liu Jingzhi closed the door to die, and Hangzhou Sima Luqing opened the city to surrender. Before the military report was issued, Wu's rebel army had broken through Wu County, and Suzhou was in danger. The other rebel army was Yuanyue. Under the leadership of Xue Julin, the governor of the state, two counties in Xuanzhou have been conquered recently, and the next step should be quarrying."

After Niu Daoqian reported the specific military revenge, he pointed to the map and said: "Looking at the actions of the two rebels, it should be that they want to capture Runzhou and Caishi first, and then encircle Jianye and control Jiangbiao. There are 4 troops, but they are all the old troops of the King of Wu, and they are unusable. The Marquis of Wu'an, the governor of Yangzhou, also reported the number of troops in his hands. There should have been three armies, with 8000 main troops and [-] auxiliary troops. There are only more than [-] main troops, more than [-] auxiliary soldiers, and the Qing Zhengjun also has an alliance with Wu Ni, so there are very few soldiers available. It is expected that most of the south of the Yangtze River will fall into Wu Ni's hands."

After hearing this, the Emperor Daojun sighed and said: "It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. The Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Wu'an are both famous generals in the dynasty, but they have no soldiers to fight. What should they do to quell the chaos? Order Jiangnan, if Jianye can't be defended, The Duke of Wei can retreat to the north of the Yangtze River, set up the Grand Marshal Xingyuan, and dispatch all the troops to suppress the rebellion. In addition, Liu Jingzhi, the governor of Hangzhou, will be posthumously awarded the order of Zhongshu, with the posthumous posthumous title of "Wen Zhong". An heir, a generous gift of kindness, such a loyal minister, heirs are inexhaustible. There are also many ministers who are dead, and the Ministry of Rites and the Yushitai will discuss and give them one by one."

At this time, Yushi Zhongcheng Chen Boyuan said: "Your Majesty, the ministers who are loyal to the death festival should be rewarded generously to show loyalty, but if Jianye, Tokyo, is one of the five capitals of the country, if it is lost, Jiangbiao will be owned by Wu Ni. Don't give up, Li Shizhong, the Duke of Wei, should be ordered to defend to the death, and then named Yangzhou Dudufu, Anzhou Dudufu, Xiangzhou Dudufu, Jiangzhou Dudufu's full reinforcements, and don't let an inch of land go against Wu Ni."

Emperor Daojun felt a little headache when he heard Chen Boyuan's words, but he couldn't refute.

Is this wrong?That's right.

It's true to say that.

The rebel offensive is fierce, and Tokyo Jianye, one of the country's five capitals, cannot be easily given up.

But it was because he was right that Zhao Lingyuan felt a headache.Because it's one thing to say it's right or wrong, it's another thing to do it.

Facing the current situation, the imperial court actually pales in comparison. Outside the Yanshan defense line, Wu Renguang's tens of thousands of troops are staring at him.

The chaos caused by the king of Wu in the south of the Yangtze River made the court even more exhausted and overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the general situation of the Hengzhou Rebellion has been settled. As long as the Hengzhou Rebellion Army is eliminated, the Yan King outside Yanshan Mountain will inevitably retreat.

This matter was tacit on both sides.

It is impossible to resolve the Wu Ni Rebellion quickly.King Wu has been in business for a long time, and has a deep connection with the wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River.

The Jiangnan gentry are also very dissatisfied with the imperial court's heavy taxation on the Jianghuai Branch, but suppressing the southerners in the court, so they are hoping that the king of Wu can make things bigger, and it is best to really enter the capital and change the day. Day by day, the Jiangnan aristocratic family also naturally rose with the tide.
Facing the chaos that echoes from the south to the north, if the imperial court wants to solve it quickly, it must have capable ministers and generals.

To the north is Fu Maoxiu, Duke of England, and to the south is Li Shizhong, Duke of Wei.

Both of these two men are in their prime of life, and their fame and prestige are enough to subdue the generals. Therefore, in the view of Emperor Daojun, even if Jianye falls, as long as Li Shizhong can form a marshal Xingyuan in Jiangbei and the court is sending usable troops, then It will be sooner or later to quell the rebellion.

But once Li Shizhong died in Jianye, the army would be terrified, and the prestige of Marquis Fu Jinchuan of Wu'an would not be enough to overwhelm all the old generals, and there would be no generals available in Jiangnan.

As for the No. 1 Jin general Feng Shenji, the east of the river, although there is nothing wrong, can't be moved lightly. During the civil strife in the Jin Dynasty, it is especially necessary to guard against the north.

But what Chen Boyuan said is also very reasonable, at least such a will cannot be made, and the land cannot be abandoned.

At this time, the old grand master Xu Chongjian suddenly said: "At this extraordinary time, the veteran thought that the frontline generals have their own considerations for the battle situation, and the imperial court is thousands of miles away. Things are changing rapidly, if you expect the imperial court to order you to fight, the generals will be in a cocoon, and those who use troops should not stick to the gains and losses of a city or a place. Since the Duke of Wei thought that the generals of the Jianghuai march would command the overall war, he should take it seriously."

These words surprised the crowd, after all, these words came from the mouth of the old grand master Xu who had paid homage to the Prime Minister three times.

When this old grand master was the prime minister, as the head of civil servants, he often quarreled with the old British Duke Fu Xun, Dingguo Duke Feng Shenji and other military figures in the court.

So Fu Guo Gong Yang Jixun and Xin Guo Gong Tang Xianzong who were similar in age were very surprised by this. They knew Grand Master Xu quite well, so they naturally knew his nature. Has this old man changed his sex today?

If this is normal, why don't you clamor to send an extra civilian to supervise the army?

But if Fu Xun was alive, or if Feng Shenji was in Shangjing, he would definitely be able to understand Xu Chongjian's thoughts.After all, they are old opponents who have been fighting for many years, and Yang Jixun and Tang Xianzong, the two princes of the state, although they have high names and senior qualifications, can only be regarded as mediocre in terms of ability.At that time, he was not even qualified to be Mr. Xu's political opponent. He belonged to the kind of people who had to stay away from meeting on the street.
But the reason for this is also very simple, Zhao Lingyuan and Li Fuzhi both know it, because the situation is really dangerous.Now is not the time for civil and military disputes.

At this time, the civil servants and military generals in Shangjing are fighting, and then the southerners will really fight to Shangjing. After all, the current court is the court of the northerners.
This is also the reason why the Emperor Daojun let this old man who has worshiped the prime minister three times appear here. The reputation of the old grand master Xu is far superior to that of the powerful left minister Li Fuzhi, and he has enough weight to suppress it. Some scholars discussed the noise of the war.

Niu Daoqian, Minister of the Ministry of War, continued to suggest: "Your Majesty, according to the current situation in Jianghuai, the three guards led by Marquis Pingbei are no more than [-], which is not enough for the Jianghuai war. It is far from enough. New troops are being recruited from Guanzhong and Hebei. At the same time, the imperial army will be withdrawn from the old and weak and the number of Sanya troops will be reduced.”

Fuguo Gong Yang Jixun said: "Niu Shangshu, the imperial court still has nearly 30 forbidden troops, which is enough to deal with the North-South War. If Jianghai's troops are insufficient, it is enough to send reinforcements. Why recruit new troops? Besides, the Sanya forbidden army is the foundation of the country. How can you cut it when it's so urgent?"

Niu Daoqian said: "Duke Fuguo thinks? Now the Sanya Forbidden Army can still fight?"

"Why not?"

The debate about the Sanya Forbidden Army is also a cliché.It's just that I didn't expect it to be mentioned again today, and even Xu Chongjian felt a headache.

Seeing this, Li Fuzhi stood up and said, "The recruiting of new troops is not the same now. The tense war in the Jianghuai River is bound to affect this year's wealth. Recruiting troops from Guanzhong, Hebei is far from being nearly thirsty. It is better to let the capitals raise their own. The new army should be trained and used for counter-insurgency operations."

What Li Fuzhi meant was to directly open up the power to the governors from all over the country to recruit troops on their own.After all, in the past, although the major governors were in charge of local military equipment, they had a fixed number of troops. If there was less, the imperial court could turn a blind eye. If there were more, there might be a censor impeaching the shady armored soldiers for attempting to rebel. Such crimes, the off-the-shelf Wu Wangfu is an example soon?
Originally, Wu Wang Zhao Deyu was only the governor of Yuezhou, and he supervised the three armies. The full quota plus auxiliary troops was only 6 people. Now the Jianghuai military report shows that the number of soldiers may be close to [-]. It has only been two months. There has been objection for a long time, and it is absolutely wrong that there will be such a situation.

As for the training of famous strong regiments from all over the country, although the military order from the Governor's Mansion is required to mobilize and recruit them, they are directly commanded and responsible by civilian officials, which is completely different from recruiting regular soldiers.

After Zhao Lingyuan heard this, he really hesitated. The frontline generals are already very powerful.
Now it is necessary to allow the front-line capitals to recruit troops on their own. To make such a decision, it also requires courage.

"Quite. I'd rather drink poison to quench my thirst, than to destroy Wu Ni!"

(End of this chapter)

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