I Xiaoxiong

Chapter 162 The Divine Soldier Falls from Heaven

Chapter 162 The Divine Soldier Descends from Heaven ([-])

Many young and strong people in the village were killed or injured, including Mei Shisan's Aye.

While the cavalry of the [-]th officer army hacked and killed a group of bandits, they also naturally captured many prisoners.

Asked a few things, but not much use.Even these captives didn't even know the local terrain, because most of them were from Luzhou and Shouzhou.

Although this place is close to Shen County in Luzhou, it is still within the territory of Haozhou.

Apart from the size of the rebel army, weapons, food and grass, etc., the only useful news is that the city of Shen County on the edge of Luzhou is still there because it has taken precautions.The local regiments were still able to defend the city after Fu Jinchuan's armament was rectified, and the county magistrate and county lieutenant also organized a large number of strong men to defend the city.

However, seeing that the riots and bandits in Dingyuan County are so rampant, compared to the surrounding villages and towns in Shen County, it may not be much better than this.

Some powerful clans built Wubao to gather crowds to fight against them, and the small people might not be spared.

At nightfall, a larger cavalry army arrived at the village.

There were hundreds of cavalry in this army. The moonlight shone on the iron armor, reflecting the cold chill. The movements of these cavalry were also surprisingly similar. Although the horses ran fast, the knights were very stable on the horses.

There is no doubt that these knights are the real elite who can gallop and shoot, move forward and retreat freely, and gallop their horses into formations.

In this way, when hundreds of cavalry marched in neat formation, there was no need to show off their power, and naturally they had a strong sense of chill in this winter.

A tall cavalry general, riding on a tall horse, is Ma Shanbao, the former capital of the Japanese army.

He led two regiments of [-] cavalry as the vanguard. Behind him were Shi Wannian's [-] cavalry from Qiandu, Fu Jinchuan's headquarters with [-] cavalry, and Zhang Chaozong's headquarters with [-] cavalry. Five hundred rides.

The distance between the teams is only a few miles, and the cavalry can rush to the area with a cup of tea.

"The last general, Liu Chi, has met Du Yuhou."

"Are you Liu Jiu?"


Liu Chi, the leader of the scout team, stood by the side of the road, clasped his fists and said.

Liu Chi, who is only seventeen, is a native of Guanzhong. He is nine in his family and is known as Liu Jiu. He went to Longyou to guard the border for two years. Because he was good at riding and shooting, he was incorporated into the scout team. Also raised two levels.

The imperial court formed a new army and was transferred to Shangjing, where he happened to meet two of his family brothers, Liu Liu and Liu Qi.

When he was at home, he heard that the sixth brother and the seventh brother had fallen into the eyes of nobles, and they were both high-ranking officials.After inquiring about it in Shangjing, I found out that the two clan brothers are both very powerful in the army.

The sixth brother was only twenty, and he became a military envoy, and the seventh brother was eighteen, and he also became a school lieutenant.The tallest of their Liujiabaozi is the fifth uncle of the previous generation, but they are also the tallest to be the lord. No wonder the village said that the fourth uncle can walk sideways when he arrives in the county, and the county magistrate has to be polite to him when he sees him.

During the reorganization, the sixth brother deliberately went to him to praise the Japanese army, and got him the scout team that was the easiest to make meritorious service.

So he is actually the eyes of the whole army this time.

"General, I want to join the army." The sudden appearance of Mei Shisan kneeling on the ground and kowtowing caused Liu Chi to frown. This young man had told him in the daytime that he wanted to join the army. As a gang leader, he has the right to recruit troops by himself.

But he didn't expect that the young man was quite stubborn, and here he was again. Just as he was about to yell at him, he heard Ma Shanbao say, "Get up and talk."

Upon hearing this, Mei Shisan cried, "If the general doesn't agree, I won't get up."

During the day, he told Liu Jiu to join the army, but Liu Jiu refused.Just now when he heard the neighing of war horses and the trampling of thousands of horseshoes at home, he came out to look around, and saw Liu Jiuzheng talking respectfully to a tall general beside the road.

He didn't know what official this tall general was, but looking at the armor on his body and Liu Jiu's attitude, he must be a big man.

So he hurried over to kowtow.

Ma Shanbao looked at the young man who was still stubborn, and said with a smile, "Then why do you want to join the army?"

"Those gangsters killed me, Aye, and I want to avenge Aye."

"Just for revenge?"

"You can ride a horse in the army, and you can be an official!"

"Have you ever ridden a horse?"


"We are cavalry, those who don't know how to ride don't."

"I can learn."

"When you learn it, our battles will be over. Let me ask you, how many roads are there from here to Luzhou?"

"There are two, a main road and a small road."

Ma Shanbao became interested when he heard that the trail was less than 100 miles away, but after learning about the details, he resolutely gave up the idea of ​​taking the trail because the road was only more than [-] miles away.

The path required walking through mountains and wading across rivers. Although he could cross horses, five of his cavalry troops were heavy cavalry, so taking the path might take more time than taking the road.

On the contrary, it is the main road, a flat river, all the way past is a plain area, standing in the cavalry raid.

However, Ma Shanbao finally gave Mei Shisan a chance to join the army, and asked him to lead the army as a guide. After the war, he was recommended to join the army. However, it was not the Japanese cavalry army, but the Jingnan army behind.

After all, the Pingri cavalry army, composed of Hanhu cavalry and archers from the border towns of Guanzhong, Hedong, Longyou, and Shuofang, really couldn't accept a half-grown child who could only lie on the horse when marching as a soldier.

Fu Jinchuan led his own tooth soldiers in the third sequence. In addition to [-] tooth soldiers, he also had [-] more embroidered clothes Tiqi as personal guards.

These were specially arranged by Sizi when he learned that he was going to go on an expedition, and he directly ordered Hu Lanqing to "be alert" and follow closely at all times.

Can Fu Jinchuan know what this means?That's why I was leading the army to charge the battle otherwise.

And these Tiqi who followed the march these days almost complained one by one.

Although these riders are called riders, in fact they may not be able to ride a horse once a month in the capital.What I do the most all day is guarding the prison and patrolling the streets.

They have never experienced this kind of rapid march directly on the horse for several days.

Under the night, a military tent was quickly set up. This was Fu Jinchuan's prerogative as the commander. Shi Wannian, Zhang Chaozong, and Ma Shanbao also rushed to the tent to participate in the military meeting and report the situation ahead.

"Luzhou City and Shen County are still in the hands of the government army, and the rebels under the city are already running short of food, so now there are bandits looting around in Shouzhou, Luzhou, Chuzhou, and Hezhou." After Ma Shanbao's summary of the former army, Fu Jinchuan asked Zhang Gao, the aide who accompanied him.

"Is there any military newspaper in Chaohu?"

Zhang Gao said: "Not yet. The governor is worried that the Jiangnan rebels will take advantage of the trend and attack Chao County through Ruxukou? In order to join forces with the Honglian rebels?"

"After the Poyang Lake water battle, the navy of the Hongzhou Governor's Mansion has been completely wiped out. In the Jianghuai imperial court navy, only our Chaohu navy and Jingzhou navy are left. Now the morale of the rebel army is high, and all the navy I have not practiced war for a long time, and it is difficult to resist. If there is a loss in Chao County, the rebels can go straight into Chaohu Lake. The thousands of people and hundreds of warships in the Chaohu Navy may not be able to withstand the emperor. You will lead the cavalry. Tomorrow Change the route and go to Nest County."


"The rest of the ministries will set off early tomorrow morning. This place is only more than 100 miles away from Luzhou, and it can be reached in half a day. After passing through Shen County, the ministries will change their horses. The east of Luzhou City is a smooth road, which is conducive to cavalry raids. Gather the elite, tomorrow we will fight against rebels, I don't care how you use your troops, I only want a victory!"

"What's more, victory is victory. If one of your subordinates loses too much in tomorrow's battle, not only will there be no merits after the battle, but I will beat him with the army stick!"


On the second day, under the city of Luzhou.

Marshal Zhang Jiao and military envoy Pang Zhigu still knew nothing about the situation more than a hundred miles away.

The siege continued.

The rebellious army's supervisor team is behind, and in front is the rebellious army brigade with [-] weapons in their hands and wearing various clothes. The only thing in common is the rebellious army brigade with red turbans on their heads.

They carried rough-made long ladders on the city wall, climbed up in a swarm, and then were shot to death by arrows from the defenders on the top of the city, or fell down by rolling stones and wooden rings, and some fell into the moat , and some had their brains cracked by the smash.

After more than ten days of onslaught, the original [-] defenders on the city also lost more than a thousand people. Now the main force of the city defenders has become regiments and young men.

Lei Bo, wearing armor and holding a long knife, also fought hard on the city wall.

Every time he saw a rebel army rushing up, he led his personal guards to make up for it, and the knife was a little curled.

After a while of fighting, the bandits stopped after a wave of offensive was frustrated, and then those Taoists in red clothes began to lead the crowd to chant mantras again.

The defenders on the top of the city are also resting and rearranging their defenses.

Suddenly, soldiers came to report that there was something wrong in the east of the city.

Lei Bo, who was originally in the south of the city, ran towards the east of the city immediately, and then saw the dust flying in the distance, and the scene of thousands of cavalry galloping is not uncommon in the north, but in this land of Huainan, many people have only seen it in their lives.

A few miles away, dust and smoke were everywhere, and the black cavalry was like a dark cloud pressing on the heads of everyone.

Directly pressed against most of the unorganized rebels.

Pang Zhigu immediately patted his head, "Marshal, quickly order our headquarters to withdraw."

It's actually a bit late.

There is no formation, no horse-repelling spears, no large-scale crossbowmen, and they want to fight cavalry in the plains.

This is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

To be precise, it is an extravagant hope to escape at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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