I Xiaoxiong

Chapter 17 Care

Chapter 17 Care
Hundreds of light cavalry of the Jin army in leather armor, driving hundreds of cattle and sheep, are on their way back at a leisurely pace.

The leading general was wearing armor, majestic and majestic, holding a long lance, the lance's edge was dazzling cold, and it was a size larger than ordinary horse lances, a bit longer.

But it was Xue Cong, the envoy of the Wuwei Army who was in charge of fighting on the northern front.

"General Xue, the enemy has taken the bait. They see that we are moving so slowly with the plundered cattle and sheep. There are already five or six hundred riders hanging behind us. If we launch later, maybe we can still have two or three hundred more riders." .”

Listening to the scout captain's report, Xue Cong thought for a while, then quickly shook his head.

"We are in the enemy's territory. We must fight quickly. We can't let them gather too many people, otherwise the tail will be too big. As the old saying goes, you can't chew too much. Don't wait, send a signal to make the two behind us launch a siege , Eat up this trailing cavalry."


Xue Cong's tactics are simple and effective.

First, troops were sent to plunder the tribes of the Golden Tent, and then they headed back with the captured cattle, sheep and horses. On the way, hundreds of cavalry troops were ambushed on both sides. Surrounded and strangled.

"Master Meng'an, the Jin army is over there. Should we launch an attack and take back the lost cattle and sheep?"

In the Golden Horde, [-] people are teachers, [-] people are Meng'an, and [-] people are Mou Ke.

It is not only a military combat unit, but also a tribal administrative unit.

Ke Elun always felt a little uneasy looking at the Jin army not far away. After all, the other party walked casually, so it must be weird.

But in the face of a possible ambush by the Jin army, he had to face the risk.

Because the Jin army looted his Meng'an's cattle, sheep and supplies, if they didn't get them back, they would face starvation and hardship.

And soon there will be a war, and his Meng'an will definitely be recruited in the border area as a participating force, and even provide some cattle and sheep as rations for the army.

If you can't get it out, you will be punished.

The princes of the Shulu family above don't care whether your cattle and sheep died of illness or were robbed by the Jin people.

Therefore, he would rather die in battle than die in the hands of those princes. Meng'an, who was punished for his crime, might be annexed by other Meng'an.

But if he dies here now, his Meng'an will not be recruited by then.

So now, he must fight the Jin people.

If he wins, he can take back the cattle, sheep and horses, and maybe he can also capture some Jin people's arms and armor. If he loses, dying here can also ensure that his family's hereditary Meng'an can survive, and his son will inherit his position.

"Rush forward, my warriors, and take back our sheep and cattle"

Ke Erlun drew out his saber and rushed over at the head of the horse. When he was halfway through the charge, he realized that there were enemy cavalry on the left and right flanks, and they were quickly encircling his own side.

It should have been ambushed behind the mounds on the two wings before, the damn Jin people are really cunning.

However, there is no turning back when you open the bow. If you can defeat the enemy in front of you, you can break the enemy's encirclement attempt.

"Come on, sons and daughters, take back our cattle, sheep and horses, for our wives and children not to starve to death, for us to survive this winter, go for it."

Ke Elun, as a hereditary Meng'an, was naturally adept at bowing horses, and his saber was also one of the best in his Meng'an.

But facing a general headed by the Jin army, he felt a trace of fear for no reason.

The person on the opposite side was riding a tall Hexi horse, wearing a black Mingguang armor with wind wings, and the blade of the long lance in his hand was two feet long, and the cold light was dazzling.

Looking at the word "Xue" on the banner of the enemy army on the opposite side.

He understood in an instant. He didn't know many Chinese characters, but almost everyone in the tribes on the border between the Golden Horde and Hexi knew this word. Who was the general opposite, "Xue Wanfu".

"Xue Wanfu" who claims to have the courage that a man should not do.

When he knew that Xue Cong was facing him, he already knew that he was actually a dead man, but he still swung his knife vigorously, which he thought was perfect.

Then he was blocked by Xue Cong with a lance, and with a sweep, the lance cut his throat.

When he got off the horse, he was still alive, and covered his wound with his hands, watching Xue Wanfu's heroic figure of riding first, beheading his clansmen, his eyes gradually darkened.
The Xue family is a famous family in Hedong. They have practiced horse lance since childhood, and their lance skills are superb. They have never met an opponent in battle.

The specially made long lance in Xue Cong's hand took three years and dozens of processes to complete, and it is one foot and eight feet long. If it weren't for his extraordinary physical strength, it would not be able to move at all.

And this kind of long lance is also extremely powerful in cavalry battles. This is the reason why every inch is long and every inch is strong.

Picking stabs, smashing and hacking, Xue Cong rushed into the enemy's line like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. These golden tent warriors who are usually herdsmen, even if some northerners are brave, they are just more determined when they die.

When the headquarters led by Xue Cong fought against the cavalry of the Golden Horde, the cavalry on both wings had already completed the encirclement. They began to attack the Golden Horde cavalry from the flanks, but they did not directly oppose the direction of the attack of the headquarters, but layer by layer like skinning. The outer perimeter of the shocking Golden Horde cavalry.

Meng An died in battle, and fell into the encirclement of the enemy again. The Golden Horde Cavalry collapsed very quickly. Five or six hundred cavalry finally escaped and surrendered. They were killed in battle, and more than a hundred riders were seriously injured, so they could also be included in the ranks of the dead in battle.

After the war, after interrogating a certain Ke, Xue Cong also got the information he wanted from him.

The commander of the Golden Horde, who is about to invade the Hexi direction, is the second son of the Khan, the prince who lost his life.

Along with him are Jin He and Shuhu.

"It's finally here."

Xue Cong said excitedly, and looked further north.

After knowing his father's itinerary, Fu Jinchuan took three hundred tiger ben festivals and rushed to the Choubi Station dozens of miles outside Ganzhou City to meet his father Fu Maoxiu and his party.

After seeing his father, Fu Jinchuan knew that his worries were unnecessary.

The former Jiedu envoy Guo Shixun was besieged and killed between Liangzhou and Ganzhou by Bai Xianguang. There are many vassals in this area, and the form is complicated.

So Fu Jinchuan brought his men and horses directly to Choubi Station to meet him, but he saw six hundred soldiers and one thousand cavalry.

The guard of honor on the road is mighty.


After Fu Maoxiu saw his own Saburo here, he also understood why he came here.

"Sanlang has a heart. Come, ride with me."


Fu Jinchuan got into Fu Maoxiu's large carriage, took off the iron helmet on his head, and untied his shoulders, leaving only the breastplate and skirt armor on his body.

"Aye, will you reprimand me?"

Fu Maoxiu smiled, "If you can ask this question, it means that you don't need it. But where is your mother, it is probably unavoidable. You can tell her yourself when you return to Shangjing."

"Maybe, Aunt, you don't care that much."

Fu Jinchuan's mother, Yang Shi, also came from an honorable family and was the daughter of Fu Guogong Yang Jixun. She had been married to Fu Maoxiu for more than [-] years. The couple had a very close relationship and had three sons and two daughters.

The Yang family did not treat the three sons equally, but they all raised them with care.

Compared with his elder brother Fu Huaichuan and his younger brother Fu Yuchuan, both of whom were legitimate sons, Fu Jinchuan was known for being stubborn since childhood.

But no matter what, he is also a legitimate son, so there is no need to talk about food and clothing, and he has been valued by his grandfather since he was a child, so he acts extremely recklessly.

When I was studying with the prince, I hung shoulders with the prince and called him a brother.

Fighting with the prince, the other party's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he ran to the emperor Daojun to complain.

Fu Maoxiu, who was accompanying the driver at the time, looked livid, but the Emperor Daojun didn't care much, he just smiled and said that children fight, and if they lose, they will find a place for themselves, there is no reason for adults to meddle.

But when he got home, Fu Jinchuan was whipped fifty times.

Later, when he was a few years older, Fu Jinchuan hung out in the market all day long and became the famous "Loyal and Righteous Saburo" in Shangjing.

In fact, at that time, Fu Jinchuan also had some factors that wanted his parents to pay more attention to it.

But Fu Maoxiu and Yang seldom put their energy on him. After all, the family is busy with many children.

Except for being impeached by the censor, he went home once and suffered family law, his parents basically kept him in a state of stocking.

He also understands that the eldest brother is the eldest son, mature and stable, and will inherit the family business and title in the future, so his parents value him highly.

Hachiro is the youngest son and is still young, so his parents prefer him.

The two younger sisters are smart, well-behaved and sensible, so they are loved by their parents.

He was caught in the middle, and the situation was a bit awkward.Of course, it is still a lot compared to the brothers who were born in concubine.

But Fu Jinchuan didn't have any complaints. After all, in his position, it would be a bit too much if he was not satisfied.

He wanted these things, but didn't bother to fight for them.

He, Fu Sanlang, wants to leave his name in history, why should he act like a child?
(End of this chapter)

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