I Xiaoxiong

Chapter 184 Northern Expedition to the Central Plains?

Chapter 184 Northern Expedition to the Central Plains?

The army is here.

Almost all the cavalry of the rebel army were sprinkled along the Feishui River, in order to quickly discover the movements of the officers and troops.They thought Feishui was all they could rely on now.

This is not to say how wide the Feishui River is, but to defend along the Feishui River to resist the surprise attack of the army.

It would be great if he could strike halfway.

The cavalry of the official army has already appeared on the east bank of Feishui, which means that the official army of the brigade is behind, but it has not yet appeared.

In Xue Julin's eyes, the officers and soldiers should be looking for a suitable location for crossing the river.

Along the west bank of Fei, the rebels temporarily built many watchtowers to observe the movements of the officers and troops at any time. As long as a watchtower lit a beacon, the rebels along the line would immediately gather for defense.

"The northern army came so fast."

Standing on the east bank, you can clearly see dozens of cavalry officers and cavalry on the other side of the river.You can even vaguely see the hot air snorting from the horse's nose, and the frost hanging on the iron armor in the early morning.

The person who sighed was Xue Changqing, he was Xue Julin's nephew, and he was the commander of the two thousand cavalry of the rebel army.

Xue Changqing once followed his uncle to fight against Qingtang people's iron cavalry in the northwest border town. He is a rare general among the rebels who can command cavalry and is good at cavalry.

When following his uncle to lead the army to attack the official army at night, he led the front vanguard company to break seven camps of the official army.

He is one of the best generals among the rebels.

But at this moment, Xue Changqing looked at the horses of the officers and soldiers on the other side of the river with greedy eyes.

He could tell that these dozens of cavalry were all elite, and the horses they rode should all be Liangzhou hussars from the Shandan army horse farm in Hexi.

Coupled with the stricter breeding system of the officers and soldiers, even in the early spring, they still look fat and strong.

If the Feishui hadn't stopped him, he would definitely have fought the opponent and then snatched the horse. But this idea is just thinking about it.

It's a joke to say it.

Which side is more beneficial to the big river in front of him, can he not know in his mind?
If there were no river water, there would not be dozens of cavalry in front of our eyes, but what we saw at that time were thousands of military cavalry from the army.

Furthermore, although the horse he is riding now is a good horse from the north, how can the cavalry of the southern army be so good?Moreover, these cavalry are still half-baked, and they are said to be competing with the Beidi athletes on horseback, but they don't even understand the work of feeding the horses!

Horses and people can't do it, can they catch up with the cavalry of the official army?
As a native of Hedong, Xue Changqing knew very well that the cavalry had to be athletes from the Northland.

If he was given three thousand Longyou cavalry to cooperate with the infantry formed by the southern army, he might not have the confidence to compete with the northern army.

But where is the iron cavalry from Jiangnan for him to use?
After Xue Changqing patrolled along the river, he did not forget to tell the watchtowers along the way to pay attention to the movements of the Northern Army.Then he returned to Anfeng's camp and told his uncle Xue Julin the news.

At present, the [-] rebels are divided into three groups.

Xue Julin's brother Xue Juye led an army of [-] to confront the Zhengyang garrison in case the Zhengyang garrison attacked the Southern Army's flank.

Liu Taiqing and Li Zichun led most of the troops to attack the city.

And Xue Julin led [-] troops to garrison near Anfeng to guard against the official army on the east bank of Feishui River, and at the same time cited the rebels from Zhengyang.

In the military tent, after hearing his nephew's report, Xue Julin looked at the map again and said, "There is news from Yangzhou that Marquis Wu'an returned from the south of the Yangtze River and led the Yangzhou army to rescue Shouzhou. It is the cavalry army, there should be more than [-], and now we should find a ferry on the other side."

"Marquis of Wu'an, Fu Jinchuan?"

Xue Changqing was quite interested when he heard the name.

Nowadays, whether it is the Great Jin Dynasty, the Qingtang Dynasty, or the Northern Territory, when it comes to Marquis Fu Jinchuan of Wu'an, they all have to give a sigh of admiration.

A brave general in all battles.

It has only been five years since he was garrisoned at the border at the age of 16. He has fought more than a hundred battles, big and small, without losing a single one.

But in Xue Changqing's view, although this Marquis of Wu'an has a great name, he is better than others, and he just got a good background.

Xue Changqing joined the army with his uncle on the fifteenth day, fought dozens of battles in Longyou, and also had no opponents on the battlefield.

In the 12th year of Xuanjia, Xu Xingzong, the Duke of Zhen, served as the envoy of Longyou Jiedu, and led an army to attack Qingtang, but those who were killed were defeated and returned.

Fortunately, Xue Julin led the army to respond in time, and the Qingtang army was blocked.

But even if the Qingtang army met Xue Julin's support army, would they retreat?
In fact, far from it.

At that time, Xu Xingzong's former army was defeated by Yeli Gonglu, a famous general in Qingtang Dynasty, and fled in embarrassment.As Jiedu's deputy envoy, Xue Julin gathered the defeated soldiers and stationed in Chengfengling, using mud ditches for self-defense, while the Qing and Tang army stationed troops in Gaogang, condescendingly coercing the Jin army.

At that time, the Jin army experienced a big defeat and its morale was low. At the critical moment, Xue Changqing asked for orders and led five hundred men who dared to die to attack the Qingtang camp at night.Nori Kyouro retreated out of desperation.

However, such a battle that was enough to be recorded in the annals of history did not bring Xue Changqing the fame and power he deserved.

Soon afterward, his uncle was imprisoned because of Xu Xingzong's prevarication and frame-up. Naturally, no one was willing to fight for his military exploits.

Therefore, Xue Changqing naturally didn't think highly of the nobles of the dynasty.

Xue Changqing felt that if he was in that position, he would have to be no worse than Fu.You can also get a title!

But now that the two armies are facing each other, they can face a famous general who is famous all over the world, and even have a chance to defeat him.

Where there is flesh and blood, there must be contention.

They are all warriors fighting to the death on the battlefield, if they don't have the heart to compete with the heroes of the world, then why would they rebel?



When Xue Changqing heard his uncle calling him, he immediately regained his composure and responded.

"Lead your cavalry troops and increase the scope and frequency of inspections. You must closely monitor the movements of the officers and troops, and you must not let them cross the river."


"General Wang."

"The end is here."

After Wang Yang heard the roll call, he clasped his fists and responded.

"You led your [-]-step army and stationed in the south of Shaopo. You are ready to support along the Feishui River at any time, and you must guard our army's food road."




"Order Tanma to keep an eye on Zhengyang's movements."


Xue Julin felt that his arrangement was already very strict, but even so, he was still a little worried.

After all, what we are going to face this time is Fu Jinchuan, Marquis of Wu'an, who has never been defeated. As long as the opponent's cavalry can cross the Feishui River, there will be no rivers and waterways to block the open land of Shouzhou. Obviously, the situation is also extremely unfavorable for the rebels.Therefore, the first choice is to block the official army to the east of Feishui, and try to break through Shouzhou City as much as possible.

Only by breaking Shouzhou can we capture Cai in the north, cross the Huai River, and go up the Central Plains along the Yinghe River.

This is the only chance of winning at present. Although it is slim, there is still such a chance.

But if the cavalry of the officers and soldiers cross the Feishui River, they still have to be prepared for this, after all, the enemy is expected to be lenient.
While thinking, a messenger came from Daying.

King Wu summoned him.

After hearing the news, Xue Julin handed over the military affairs to his younger brother Xue Jucheng, and immediately went straight to the Shouzhou camp with his own soldiers.

Only after entering King Wu's central army camp did he realize that it was the Red Lotus Army who had arrived.

It was Qian Luo who joined the army to introduce the situation to Xue Julin.

"The meaning of the Red Lotus Army is that if our siege is not going well, we can give up attacking Shouzhou and not fight with the main force of the official army, go west to Tangzhou and Dengzhou, join them, and then the two armies will merge, with 20 troops Great army, the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains."

(End of this chapter)

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