I Xiaoxiong

Chapter 192 Chase

Chapter 192 Chase

After several days of confrontation between the official army and the rebel army, the rebel army's navy had not yet arrived, but the official army's reinforcements arrived first.

The leader of the army is an old acquaintance, the governor of Yanzhou, the king of Qi, Zhao Yuanzhang.

He brought Zhen Haijun and Taining Army, 5000 people, along the Huaihe River, and Weizhou's Tianxiong Army was on the way.

Originally, this part was going directly south to Yangzhou, but on the way, it received a military order from the Yangzhou Grand Marshal's Mansion and the order to go to Beijing, so it directly changed its route and came to Shouzhou.

Fu Jinchuan went out of the city to meet Zhao Yuanzhang in person, and hosted a banquet for him.

In fact, the two have been at odds since they were young, and they even fought when they were young.But it's just a teenager's spirit to say it, and now they want to work together, but they won't cause some troubles because of the old things.

But after nearly a year of experience in the army, Zhao Yuanzhang felt a little admiration for his former old enemy.

Especially during this year, whether Fu Jinchuan faced Wu Wang's rebels or Honglian's rebels, he won consecutive battles.

Even the rebels couldn't even hold a stalemate in the face of Fu Jinchuan.Several wars have been devastated.

Just like the current Shouzhou City, the rebels who are in a superior force can only rely on the camp to defend themselves, and they dare not mention it when they go to war.

Before entering the barracks, Zhao Yuanzhang didn't take Fu Jinchuan's great name and achievements in Hexi seriously.

This means that he was not given a chance, and it would be fine if it was him.

That's what he thought at the time.

But when Fu Jinchuan was training in Beijing, he went to the camp, especially after staying for a month before he really realized how naive his thoughts were.

During this year, he was a military envoy at the beginning, and after Zhenyuan Hou Wang Bin was transferred, he took over as the governor of Yanzhou. Facing all kinds of cumbersome military affairs, he realized that this soldier is not so easy to lead, and the battle is not so easy to fight. of.

Going south to support, he led the Taining Army and Zhen Haijun first, and the military affairs were handled by two military envoys along the way.If he is asked to personally manage the march of 2 people and many other matters, he will inevitably be somewhat powerless.

Therefore, he has no objection to the Marshal's Mansion expressly ordering him to obey Fu Jinchuan's restraint.

He directly stated in the meeting that the [-] troops of the Taining Army and the Zhenhai Navy asked Marquis Wu'an to control and dispatch them.

Fu Jinchuan was also a little surprised that Zhao Yuanzhang was willing to obey in public. Is this exactly Zhao Yuanzhang?

"Could you be distracted by some monster?" After the dinner, Fu Jinchuan and Zhao Yuanzhang came to the study to gossip and joked.

Zhao Yuanzhang said unhappily: "Hmph, it's just the order of the emperor, otherwise you think I will obey you? State affairs are the most important thing, don't care about it with you."

Fu Jinchuan smiled and said: "Hahaha, then I would like to thank His Royal Highness Qi Wang for saving face?"

Zhao Yuanzhang said: "It's all right, you can just tell me if you have anything to say."

Fu Jinchuan said unceremoniously: "Tomorrow your troops will attack the enemy's camp, and you are going to scold Wu Ni in front of the gate of the rebel camp as a prince. It is best to scold him so that he is furious and distraught. "

Zhao Yuanzhang said: "Let him come out to fight against the enemy? It's that simple? If I scold Wu Ni, wouldn't that be a great achievement for me?"

Fu Jinchuan smiled and said: "Simple? What are you thinking? I have already lost his courage in these few battles. If he dared to come out and fight, he could wait until now?"

"What's the use of that?"

"Clean up the root cause. You need to let the rebels know that what they are doing now is rebellion and rebellion, to shake Wu Ni's morale! You are a prince, so it is only appropriate to do this."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuanzhang said, "That's fine, but are we going to attack the camp tomorrow? The Taining Army and Zhen Haijun have just arrived. Do you want to repair it?"

Fu Jinchuan said: "You came all the way by boat, and you just landed on the ground to exercise your muscles and bones. Besides, the sailors of the rebel army have also arrived. If you don't hurry up, let them run away."

"it is good."


"Take orders."


On the second day after the reinforcements arrived, a large section of the trench had been filled, and the official army finally began to attack.

First, Qi Wang Zhao Yuanzhang was in front of the gate of the rebel army camp, and he accused Zhao Deyu, who had been expelled from his clan, with righteous words. It can even be said that Taizong's line was questioning Wu Wang's line.

The commotion made the people in front of the rebel army panic, and King Qi let the official army start attacking the camp after he finished scolding.

All morning, the two sides fought fiercely around or around a section of the camp fence, at the gate of the camp.

The Taining Army, the Zhenhai Army, and the Jingnan Army attacked in three places.

After Qi Wang Zhao Yuanzhang finished his impassioned scolding, he also returned to the city and watched the battle with Fu Jinchuan.

"Your Jingnan Army is the new army that has only been training for half a year?"

King Qi saw that although the Jingnan Army was small in strength, they advanced and retreated well, and fought bravely. Comparing the two reinforcements with the Jingnan Army, it was simply a judgment call.

"How did you train your troops? Can the new army be so elite?"

When Fu Jinchuan heard Zhao Yuanzhang's question, he didn't mean to hide it.

"The first is military orders. In battle, there are no personal thoughts, only military orders. If you want to advance, you must advance, and if you want you to retreat, you must retreat."

"The second is to be familiar with the regulations of the army. How to use and maintain various weapons, how to coordinate crossbowmen, spears, sword shields, and longbows, drums and horns with different rhythms, and military flags of various colors How to wave it represents the meaning of the military order"

"If soldiers master these well, they will be able to conduct drills according to the Golden Drum Banner and practice various military formations."

"Of course, this soldier has been trained well, and he has to go to the battlefield experience before he can be regarded as a real elite teacher."

What Fu Jinchuan said was simple, but Zhao Yuanzhang, who had experienced this year, understood that he just said it simply.It is not an ordinary difficulty to form a new army and form an army in half a year, and to reach this level.

Even now, there are also many soldiers in the Taining Army who only know the simple golden drum flag, and the slightly complicated ones can only be understood by officers above the team.

Just as Zhao Yuanzhang was sighing, the section of the camp that the Jingnan army attacked finally pulled out the opposing fence and entered.

But it was counterattacked by the rebels immediately.

In order to prevent the official cavalry from pouring in through this opening, the Japanese rebels hastily set up antlers and repelling horses at the gap, and established a temporary defense line to block the offensive of the official army.

Both the offensive and defensive sides suffered considerable damage, and as it was getting late, the officers and soldiers had no choice but to withdraw their troops.

In the early morning of the second day, the infantry of the officers and soldiers went out of the city under the cover of the cavalry, and were about to attack the city again, only to find that the camp of the rebels outside Shouzhou City was already empty.

At this time, news came from the rangers on the east bank of Feishui that the navy of the rebel army had come.

Although it is impossible to withdraw all the rebels with the boats of the rebel navy, it is enough to transport the 3 people from the Shouzhou camp to the south of the Anfeng River in batches, and join the rebels in the Anfeng camp. .

Sure enough, Su Duan's headquarters also quickly sent news that there was a change in the Anfeng camp. After sending people across the river to check, they found that they had evacuated overnight.

The pontoon bridge is currently being erected, please ask if you want to pursue it.


(End of this chapter)

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