I Xiaoxiong

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Early in the morning of the second day, the Ministry of Rites sent officials as guides to present the captives.

When the army entered the city, the entire Royal Street was full of onlookers.

All members of the Jie Jie team wore armor, showing might and majesty. Fu Jinchuan and Xue Zong rode side by side, feeling the admiration from the people on both sides.

After seeing Fu Sanlang, some common people greeted loudly.

"Mr. Sanlang, Mr. Fu Sanlang."

"Lang Jun, I heard that the people of Qingtang are very vicious, each of them is ten feet tall and looks like a bear. But is it true?"

The horse was traveling very slowly, and Fu Jinchuan answered with a smile after hearing this question while sitting on the horse.

"Is it vicious? It's not very vicious from the front, but most of what I see is from the back."

"Hahahaha, Mr. Lang is so powerful that he killed the Qingtang people and fled." Soon someone heard the meaning.

The people on both sides said in unison. "Your Majesty is mighty, Your Majesty is mighty."

"It looks quite upright, but it's darker, not as handsome as Prince Qing's son." A young lady looked at Fu Jinchuan who was on the horse and didn't say anything majestic, but commented on his appearance.

"Son of the Prince of Yan? It's just as beautiful as gold and jade, so how can you tell me about such an embroidered pillow? I, Aye, said that Fu Sanlang has the style of an ancient famous general." The other girl next to him retorted.

"I don't care about famous generals, I just know that Prince Yan's son is good-looking."


"Lang Jun, when I grow up, I want to fight barbarians with you."

A few-year-old child riding on his father's neck made everyone laugh with his clear voice.

Immediately Fu Jinchuan heard the childish voice very kindly at this time, "Okay, come to me when you grow as tall as a spear." "Okay."

That childish boy was very excited, he could talk to Mr. Fu's family, and next time he was playing a war game with his friends, he should be able to play the role of the Jin army. Maybe the little brother next door could lend him his bamboo horse. He rides it.

One must know that in the past, he could only pretend to be a Qingtang man and a barbarian from the north, and then he was beaten to death by the Jin army.

There is no way, even if the children are playing, the Jin army can only win.

As if it was only right and proper.

For the people of Shangjing, Zhongyi Saburo is different from others. In his early years, he ran rampant in the market and conquered all the big men in the world. Although he has a reputation of being stubborn, the people of Shangjing actually have no ill feeling towards this gentleman.

Firstly, he did not oppress goodness, and secondly, he did not exploit small merchants and peddlers.

Loyalty Saburo set rules for all the gangs in the Jianghu market in Shangjing. Some places can collect protection fees, some places can't, and even how much they charge, who will collect it, all have to follow the rules.

And after collecting the money, you have to take care of any problems in the markets in these places. If there are rogues who refuse to pay the bills, they have to help solve them. affect business
Therefore, in the eyes of the people of Shangjing, this young man who had a reputation for being naughty in the past has now become a famous general in the Jin Dynasty.

And Fu Balang followed Shichiro Goro and ran with the team on the street, yelling "Third brother, third brother."

Fu Jinchuan had seen it a long time ago and waved to them.

Hachiro followed the people on the street and said, "Did you see that, that's my third brother?"

Prince Yan's son, Wu Yaoshi, and the princess of the fourth county, Wu Mingda, sat on the second floor of a tea house and looked at the master who presented the victory.

"This is the strange man in the world,"

Wu Mingda smiled and said, "Sooner or later you can."

Yaoshi Wu smiled and shook his head, as if to say that I have this self-knowledge.

Before the army returned, the ceremony to tell heaven and earth, ancestral temples, Sheji, Yuedu, mountains and rivers, palaces and shrines within ten miles of Beijing had already been held, and preserved wine was used as a gift.

Prisoner offering ceremony today.It is to take the captured enemy chieftains to the Taimiao and Taishe to make a symbolic salute in Bailian, and then to present the captives at Xuandemen.

Set tent seats in the middle of the couplets in front of the gatehouse, civil and military officials and prisoner generals stand in the left and right classes downstairs, and a prisoner's seat is set a little south of the front of the building.

After all the officials arrived, the courtiers lifted the Banqi card upstairs with a red silk rope bag and reported it to the prince.

The general took the prisoner to the prisoner's place.The courtiers announced the victory over the enemy in public.

Afterwards, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment reported that the prisoner in a certain place should be offered, and please hand it over to the director for disposal.At this time, Prince Zhao Yuantan replaced Emperor Daojun and announced the pardon of King Yuezhen and a group of people, and named him the Marquis of Disobedience.

The captured King Yuezhen and a group of nobles in the palace will shout long live three times.

Then came the rewards for Xue Cong, Fu Jinchuan and others.

Xue Cong's Ping Xibo.

Marquis Wu'an of Fu Jinchuan.

Master Jia trained as General Xuanwei from the fourth rank.

Shi Wannian and Guo Daifeng were conferred the titles of General Mingwei under the fourth rank, and Japu Huali was named General Guide Zhonglang under the fourth rank.

And each has a reward.

After everyone gave thanks, there was a celebration banquet.

On the other side, after receiving the news, the Embroidered Guard quickly brought the four Tiqi back to the Imperial Prison.Later, he sent another person to protect Gao Yushi.

They also passed the news to Zhao Yuanshu, who was in a daze at the mansion, and waited for the next instructions from His Highness.

Even through the screen, Hu Lanqing kept his head down and spoke, and he was extremely disturbed at this moment.

"First, he was missing for half a year, and was 'rescued'. I heard that there were banquets all day long in Yangzhou, so it should be settled. Why did someone want to do something to him again? Could it be that he wasn't fed enough? It shouldn't be, Yangzhou Those salt merchants have always been lavish. Unless it's interesting. This is really interesting. Go out of the city and see if Gao Yushi can wake up, and then let your people take a good look at these few tiki , dig out everything that can be dug out, and find out when they betrayed and who is behind it. You embroidered clothes guards should also check it out. Tell Tian Yangxin, I said this."

"I will understand at the end."

Hu Lanqing bowed and retreated immediately after receiving the instruction.

Zhao Yuanshu, who was behind the screen, was rarely wearing women's clothes and half leaning on the couch, looking at Qingtao, the maid beside him, and said, "Do you think his luck is good or bad? If Sanlang was not at the inn yesterday, this Gao is dead." Just want to impeach Saburo, I think it is unnecessary for Saburo to save him."

Qingtao, the maidservant in Tsing Yi, didn't reply when she heard the question, but lowered her head holding back a smile.

Having said that as a joke, Zhao Yuanshu's expression became a little serious, and he muttered in bits and pieces.

"The person surnamed Shen seems to be telling the truth. The people who made them disappear for half a year should not be the work of those Yangzhou salt merchants. This is not like their way. They like to use money to solve problems. Only money can't solve the problem. People, it seems that other than the imperial court and the salt merchants, there are people who want to muddy the water. This time, it seems that the salt merchants have done it. Would not risk doing such a thing near Shangjing”

"Your Highness, Mr. Fu Lang has already entered the city and made a victory outside the Xuande Gate. He must be at the celebration banquet by now."

When Zhao Yuanshu heard the news from Fu Jinchuan, his expression didn't change, but his smart eyes turned around, not knowing what he was thinking.

The celebration banquet on the other side was actually extremely short, a symbolic three rounds of wine, and then it ended due to the cold weather.

Fu Jinchuan met his grandfather Yang Jixun, the Duke of Fuguo, and greeted all relatives and elders before returning home with his elder brother.

"Aniang misses you very much. These days, I have to go to your yard every day to see what needs to be added."

Listening to his elder brother's words, a warm current flowed through Fu Jinchuan's heart under the cold winter.The two rode on horses and walked to the British government in Lurenfang side by side.

Knowing that the two lords of his family came out of Miyagi, immediately a young servant ran back home and informed the family.

When Fu Jinchuan arrived in front of the mansion on horseback, the middle door was wide open. As the mistress, Mrs. Guo Gong, third uncle Fu Maoren, and fifth uncle Fu Maoxin led their family to wait at the gate of the mansion.

Fu Jinchuan immediately got off his horse, strode up to his mother, and made a big salute.

"Son Fu Jinchuan pays homage to Auntie. Greetings to two uncles"

Mrs. Yang, the Duke's wife, is dignified and bright, and has the majesty of being the head of the house.Originally, I still complained about my son taking too many risks in the war, but this meeting has all been thrown out of the blue.But his mouth is still unforgiving.

"Yo, General Fu, you still know how to come back."

"My son misses Auntie day and night in Hexi, and he just wants to make meritorious service and be promoted back to the capital to see Auntie."

"Oh, that's enough, I will believe your nonsense? Hurry up and get up, let others think that I am treating the hero of your country harshly, Lord Wu'an."

"Who dares? I'll chop him." Fu Jinchuan stood up from the ground and said with a playful smile.

Yang carefully looked at San Lang's face, which was much darker than in memory, and realized that San Lang had really grown up. When he was guarding the border with his father a few years ago, he was still a half-grown child.

"Third Uncle, Fifth Uncle."

"Good boy, what you do is really good for our parents Fu."

After Fu Jinchuan met the elders, the younger siblings and nephews all came out to greet him one by one.

"Third brother, you are back. I have been looking forward to it since I was in Shangjing."

Fu Jinchuan smiled and pinched Hachiro's face, "Hachiro, I've heard your fourth brother and your sixth brother tell you about your heroic deeds in Hexi. It's so amazing that even the master of the Imperial College dared to tease you."

"It's not worth mentioning, let me tell you third brother"

Hachiro's face was full of pride, he really regarded him as the third brother who praised him.The elder brother who didn't pay attention at all had an ugly expression at this moment.
After greeting his mother and family at the door, Fu Jinchuan entered the ancestral hall in the backyard of the Duke's Mansion as the first stop after entering the mansion.

Worship ancestors.

In the ancestral hall, the ranks of the princes and elders of the past dynasties are well arranged.

In the center is a portrait of a mighty general, with the letter "Da Jin Te Jin Zhong Shu Ling Taiwei Daizhou Metropolitan Governor Beidi Zhongwu King Fu Gong Taboo Huanshan Portrait" is the first British Duke, who was posthumously named Beidi Zhongwu after his death Portrait of Wang Fu Huanshan.

Below are also the big guns and iron maces used by Fu Huanshan, as well as armor saddles.

On both sides of the main hall of the ancestral hall, there are also armored weapons worn by the ancestors of the past dynasties. The long soldiers are all spears, and the short soldiers are all kinds. There are swords, whips, maces and bones. At first glance, it looks like a small arsenal. .

After offering incense, kneel down three times and kowtow nine times.

At this moment, he finally felt that no matter what the title of title, with this trip to Hexi, he finally did not shame his ancestors.

Raising his head, Fu Jinchuan heaved a sigh of relief as he looked at the spirit tablets of the ancestors one by one.Then the eyes stayed on, "The Grand Master of the Great Jin Dynasty, the Great General Beidi Wuyi Wang Fugong Taboo Sunda Statue."

"Aon, I'm back."

 One more chapter, maybe later

(End of this chapter)

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