Daming heir

Chapter 551 Good One Clean

Chapter 551 What a clean one
In the city of Taiyuan, a huge flame illuminated the entire snowy night, and the reflected light illuminated the entire city. Outside the city, it was even more visible that a column of fire and thick smoke swept the heavy snow all over the sky.

Located in the city are the governor's yamen of Shanxi Road, Taiyuan government office, and Yangqu county government office.

Looking at it from a distance, it seemed that the three government offices were covered by the huge sea of ​​flames.

The snow that had been falling all day around was constantly melting due to the hot flames, and the snow on the road began to melt.

The melted snow water flowed around and entered the canals on both sides of the street, clanging along with the crackling sound from the sea of ​​fire.

In the sky, not only white goose feathers and heavy snow fell, but also gray-black dust began to fall.

The dust, carrying sparks, fell on the snow around the three government offices, and immediately melted into a dot, and then a large circle of snow water around it was stained black and gray.

Some of the night guards in the official government office were dressed thickly, and some were only wearing single clothes when hiding in the house to warm up the fire. After a while, a large group of people gathered on the street outside the office.

From time to time, there was a roar, coming from inside the government office.

After every roar, there will be sparks all over the sky, as well as the air waves caused by the collapse of the house, and the blown small firewood will be swept into the air.

After losing power, they will flutter and fall to the surroundings.

The people who came out of the government office were completely dumbfounded.

"Yes... yes... it's Jia Ge Ku!"

"It's the water in the rack cabinet!"

A guard who was inside rushed out with a gray face, his face was full of horror, and he shouted at the people outside.

Shelf cabinet.

It is a place where everything in the world gathers.

One should involve the local population, acres of land, taxes, corvee, soldiers, government accounts, etc. All conceivable or unexpected things will be recorded in the book and then archived in the treasury.

It can be said that the things stored in the shelf warehouse are representative of a place.

If you want to know a place, you must know the documents and books archived in the shelf library.

Today, the Jiage Treasury in the Si Yamen of Shanxi Province, and the Jiage Treasury in Taiyuan Prefecture and Yangqu County have all been engulfed by the fire.

This means that all kinds of detailed records and archives of Taiyuan Prefecture and the entire Shanxi Road have disappeared with this fire.

When someone rushed out from inside, it was said that the water was drained from the shelf.Among the crowd outside the government office, many people immediately fell to the ground in response.

The destruction of the Jiage library is a major event.

But now, the emperor's grandson is just outside Taiyuan City, surrounded by two guards from the Beijing army, as well as guards from Jin Yiwei and Habayashi guards.

That's the bigger deal.

Someone woke up with a start, walked through the crowd, and ran in front of everyone.

"Where is the chief envoy? What about the government and county officials?"

"Now go and gather people, and save as many as you can save from Jiageku. We also need to prevent this fire from setting the Yamen on fire, and everyone must move!"

The shelf library is gone. In a sense, this is equivalent to the disappearance of Shanxi Road.

At this time, someone finally calmed down and began to give orders.

At the beginning, the clerks of the yamen led the servants and rushed into the sea of ​​flames, trying to put out the fire.

Someone stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Today, the grandson came to Taiyuan City. Although he has not entered the city, the lords of all the yamen are at Wangfen Tower..."

The eyes of those who just found out the whereabouts of the officials and masters of the various divisions couldn't help shrinking.

Wangfen Tower is the property of the Li family, and there are countless girls who have been trained to serve others since childhood, and there are endless rare delicacies and endless pleasures.

Since Wangfen Tower was taken over by the Li family, it has become the most popular place for officials in Taiyuan City to visit.

The person who stood up first turned cold and said, "Go! Even if you try your best to be reprimanded, you must call all the superiors back!"


The few people in front of them suddenly fell into trouble.

They are just clerks in various yamen, they don't even have official status, otherwise, it is impossible to stay in the yamen so late at night.

Asking them to go and have fun all night, at this time, the designated superiors who are already asleep in the lap of drunken beauties are called up, isn't it just asking for trouble?

The man snorted coldly: "The destruction of the Jiage library is a big deal, and the emperor's grandson is outside the city at this time. Such a big fire, you can't see it when you are outside the city? Wait until the city gate is opened tomorrow. Believe it or not, His Royal Highness will send people into the city to inquire about the matter? By then, the superiors have not yet returned, and they don’t know what happened before, so it will be really troublesome.”

This man was talking, and seeing that the group of idiots in front of him hadn't reacted, he stomped his feet angrily, and said in a low voice: "I won't go, I'll go! Some of you over there, follow me to Fen Tower!"

After ordering a few servants, the Zao Li from the Chief Envoy's Yamen led his people towards the direction of Wangfen Tower.

The people left behind couldn't advance or retreat, and in the end they could only rush to the fire scene.

Now that the two shelf warehouses have been burned, if the three yamen are also burned, then Shanxi Road will really be over.

There were no bandits, no great chaos, no foreign enemies in Taiyuan City, and the official government office was destroyed by a fire, and the entire Shanxi Road would lose face if it was said.

All of a sudden, the people from the three yamen began to call the officers from all walks of life to fight the fire.

The city of Taiyuan was full of noise for a while, and on this snowy night, the movement here seemed particularly eye-catching and eye-catching.

The private house between the Li Mansion compound and Jin Wang Mansion in the north of the city.

Standing behind the door, Zhu Yunqi looked at the raging fire in the south, with a smile on his face.

Those people finally did it.

"Sure enough, it's pretty much what I thought."

Zhu Yunxuan muttered in a low voice, and looked up to see a small piece of firewood that was constantly surging inside floated in front of his eyes from there, and landed lightly in his yard.

A squeak.

The moment the firewood fell to the ground, the piece of snow was melted, and when the firewood was soaked in snow water, the carbon ash inside was absorbed instead, and a small piece of snow was blackened in the blink of an eye.

"The fire burned the shelf and warehouse, and the ground was ashes like dust and smoke."

Zhu Yunxuan muttered in a low voice, and looked back at the back room where there had been no more movement, and felt a little relieved.

He stepped out of the door, turned around and closed the door gently.

Then he walked to the cellar in three or two steps, took a big broom next to him, and swept away the snow on the cellar with a few strokes.

Lifting the cover, Zhu Yunwen carefully walked down to the cellar, set up a torch and candles from the side wall, opened the torch and blew twice to light the candles, and finally dropped the cover.

Now there are two more stools in the cellar.

Zhu Yunwen went into the cellar and saw no one, and he didn't show anything, he just moved the stool and placed it opposite the dark tunnel, then sat down on his knees, quietly watching the tunnel exit.

In Taiyuan City tonight, many people will not be able to sleep.

Looking at the dark tunnel exit, Zhu Yunqi couldn't help but think of the words he said to Qiuniang outside the city during the day.

He quietly watched the exit of the tunnel. Although there was no movement inside yet, he believed that it would not be long before either Zhang Hui or someone else would appear in front of him.

After all, Taiyuan City is destined to be sleepless tonight.

Jinwang Mansion is not too far from Zhu Yunqi's small courtyard.

Because of its regulations and corresponding to the construction of Tianhuang City, a huge pile of rammed earth was built under the main hall, so that the height of the palace hall remained at the highest position in the entire Taiyuan City.

In front of Jinwang Palace at this time.

Jin Wang Zhu Yan was wearing a solid color cloak, looking at the fire in the south of the palace.

Beside him is his second child, Zhu Jiye.

Zhu Xun clasped his hands in front of his body, and in the middle he was holding a gold and copper stove for warming hands.The light from the big fire in the south traveled all the way to the Prince Jin's mansion through the dark snowy night, leaving only a weak light shining on Zhu Yan's face.

He whispered: "Is that the location of the Taoist government office?"

Zhu Jiye was wearing a variegated cloak, wrapped his hands around the hem, nodded and said: "The governor's office, the Taiyuan government office, and the Yangqu county office are the locations of these three offices."

"It's a good snow day, why did the water go away?"

Zhu Yan asked curiously, but also felt a little regretful.

Zhu Jiye looked sideways at his father's back, with a smile on his face: "I guess it's because of the heavy snow that chilled the servants in the yamen, and maybe they forgot to light the brazier, so they were attracted by the yamen."

Zhu Yan sighed: "It's going to cost a lot of money and food to repair the house."

Zhu Jiye asked curiously, "Isn't my father curious about where the water will leak?"

"Wouldn't you know when it's dawn?" Zhu Yan turned his head sideways, with a trace of mystery on his face, looking at Zhu Jiye: "No matter where the water leaks, the fire can be regarded as burning."

Zhu Jiye asked: "What should our Prince Jin's Mansion do?"

"A lesson learned from the past. Naturally, I want to tell my servants not to be greedy for heating and set our palace on fire. Tomorrow, we will buy more large water tanks in the city and bring them back to the palace, and they will all be filled with water."

"My son understands."


"Your Highness, there is water in Taiyuan City."

Outside the northern city, Sun Cheng and Tian Mai, both dressed in bright red cloaks, rushed outside the tent of the Chinese Army, and spoke in a low voice.

In the originally dark tent of the Chinese army, lights were lit up after a while.


Zhu Yunxi's voice came from inside the tent.

Sun Cheng and Tian Mai bowed their heads and walked into the Chinese army tent.

When the two entered the tent, they found that the grandson of the emperor was sitting on the white tiger chair in front of the large tent of the Chinese army, and he was still wearing the clothes he was wearing today.

Obviously, the grandson of the emperor did not lie down to rest tonight.

Sun Cheng and Tian Mai looked at each other, then bowed and cupped their fists and said, "Your Highness."

On the table in front of Zhu Yunqi was a topographical map of the Nine Sides of Ming Dynasty. Hearing the two speak, he slowly raised his head to look at them.

"An accident happened in Taiyuan City?"

Tian Mai nodded and said: "There was a sudden fire in the city, so it seems that this location should be the location of the government office in the city, but our people have never entered the city, so we don't know what happened."

Zhu Yunxi's eyes were dim, and he leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees, and crossing his hands under his chin.

He whispered: "Where do you think the fire will start?"

Sun Cheng said: "Your Highness said in front of the officials of Shanxi Province today that he wanted to check the accounts. There is no such a coincidence in the world, so I think that something happened to the government treasury in Taiyuan City."

Zhu Yunxi nodded: "It's a good fire to burn it clean, and everything will be dead by tomorrow."

In the big tent of the Chinese army, the atmosphere was a bit dignified and gloomy.

Zhu Yunxi stood up, with a murderous look on his brows, and murderous intent in his eyes.

"What a clean one!"

He sneered and looked at the two in front of him.

Tian Mai took a step forward and said in a low voice, "Your Highness wants to enter the city?"

"Go and see."

Zhu Yunxi whispered, and walked towards a dark hole in the corner of the tent.

Sun Cheng hurried forward: "Your Highness, there are still hundreds of Jinyiwei Zhang Hui in the city, what is the situation in Taiyuan City at this time, if you want to come to investigate clearly, he will definitely go out of the city through this tunnel and report to Your Highness."

Tian Mai also dissuaded him: "If His Highness does not enter the city now, the people in Taiyuan City will have no chance to do anything. Once His Highness enters Taiyuan City and is discovered, something may happen. In a few days it will be King Jin's birthday, then At that time, the three guards of Prince Jin's Mansion will also rush back.

When His Highness entered the city at that time, those people in Taiyuan City would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble.At that time, there were two guards under Jing Chuanhou's command, and three guards from Jin Wangfu, a total of more than 6000 soldiers and horses.

No matter what kind of accidents occur in Taiyuan City, the ministers can deal with them calmly. "

Zhu Yunxi looked at the two of them with a smile: "Could it be that you Jinyiwei and Darkguard are not capable of protecting Gu's safety?"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Cheng and Tian Mai immediately bowed their hands together and lowered their proud heads.

"I dare not wait."

"His Royal Highness, Rong Chen, please summon the Jinyi Guards to guard His Highness into the city."

Seeing that the two had no choice but to agree to his request to enter the city, Zhu Yunxi nodded and said, "Take some more gunpowder. If anything happens, we'll get into the tunnel and blow it down, and nothing will happen then."

In the time it takes to make a cup of tea, Sun Cheng has ordered a team of Jinyiwei officers and soldiers.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, the officers and soldiers of Jinyiwei who were about to guard the emperor's grandson sneaked into Taiyuan City through the tunnel, everyone's face was solemn.

There are only 30 people here, and there are thousands of thieves who are going to enter Taiyuan City, waiting for the emperor's grandson to enter Taiyuan City.

Zhu Yunxi always looked calm.

Seeing that Sun Cheng and Tian Mai were ready, they nodded to indicate that it was time to start.

Sun Cheng took the lead and jumped into the tunnel.

In a short while, there was light shining from the tunnel.

After that, another twenty Jinyiwei officers and soldiers jumped into the tunnel, and after that, Tian Mai followed Zhu Yunxie and jumped down the tunnel.

The last ten Jinyiwei officers and soldiers followed behind to hold the formation.

The tunnel dug by Zhang Hui and the others kept getting wider, even if Zhu Yunqi asked them to widen it, but in order to ensure the safety of the tunnel, Zhang Hui and the others did not dare to widen the tunnel too much.

The entire tunnel can only allow two people to move side by side.

Being underground, Zhu Yunxi felt the earthy smell in the tunnel, but he didn't know how long the tunnel was and how long he had walked.

In front is the back of Jin Yiwei's people, and behind him are Jin Yiwei's people.

After a long, long time.

The person in front stopped.

Zhu Yunxi looked up.

Between the shoulders of the crowd in front, there was already light shining through the tunnel.


Monthly ticket recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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