Daming heir

Chapter 605 The Savior of the Tatars

Zhu Gaochi, who was holding a bowl of mutton soup and eating on the side, silently moved his butt towards the other side.

This man is really too flattering.

Especially when Zhu Gaochi knew that the new Shun'an King of the Ming Dynasty, Abbu, who was looking so flattering in front of him, had killed his own father with his own hands.

The Ming Dynasty can naturally be interpreted as the extermination of relatives for righteousness, and it is the Ming Dynasty that has a bright mind.


This is always going to be frustrating in the end.

Zhu Yunxi seemed very calm, which was a common sight.

"King Shun'an has a heavy responsibility on this trip. Now that he can return safely, he is very relieved."

Abu held the mutton soup in both hands, with a simple and honest smile on his face. He raised his head and drank the hot bowl of mutton soup.

After finishing the mutton soup, Abu waved his hand and wiped his mouth boldly.

"I bear the emperor's mandate and dare not slack off. I always keep in mind His Highness's teachings. This time I went deep into the grassland and lived up to everyone's expectations. I was lucky enough to complete the tasks entrusted by Your Highness."

Zhu Yunxi raised his hand slightly: "Eat the meat first, and then eat until your stomach is full."

Abu was stunned for a moment, but in the end he nodded honestly, leaned down and quickly swept the barbecue in front of him.

Obviously the methods are the same.

But Abu will always feel that as long as the food is made by Mingren, it will always be the most delicious in the world.

When he arrived at the northern foot of Daqing Mountain, he had already learned the name of King Shun'an from the Ming army outpost stationed there.

He became King Shun'an of the Ming Dynasty.

However, on the way to this place through the Daqing Mountains, all Abu could think about was this mouthful of food made by Ming Ren.

When the imperial court completely resolves the matter on the grassland, King Shun'an himself will no longer have to run around on the grassland.


The rich and comfortable Jiangnan is my final destination!
While Abu was chewing the beef and mutton in his hand, he began to think about the days after arriving in Jiangnan.

I heard that Yingtian City, as the largest city at that time, had extremely high land prices.

But his title of King Shun'an might be able to buy him a mansion for free.

It doesn't have to be as elegant and refined as the ones built by the Ming Dynasty. As long as you don't have to live in those tattered and smelly sheepskin tents, it would be great.

After living there for a few years and getting acquainted with the noble ministers in the court, I might even be able to ask His Highness the Grand Sun to act as a matchmaker and propose a marriage for me to a noble daughter from the family of a distinguished minister of the Ming Dynasty.

Abu was thinking about things beautifully and started eating faster and faster.

After a while.

Abu clapped his hands and then explored the grass at his feet.

I grabbed a handful of grass and rubbed it back and forth between my hands, thus cleaning my hands.

"Your Highness, countless herdsmen are waiting for Master Wang to arrive."

Abu's eyes shone brightly and he said excitedly.

Zhu Gaochi, who was hiding away from the side, couldn't help turning his neck and looked sideways, with a curious look on his face.

From the corner of his eye, Zhu Yunxi glanced at the curious little fat man, and motioned to Ab to continue talking.

Abu nodded: "The news that His Highness is building this Daqing City for all herdsmen has now spread to the grassland and is being passed all the way north.

This time, not only Weichen's tribal people are coming to the foot of Daqing Mountain, but there are also more than a dozen small tribes who have also sent some herdsmen to follow. "

"Do they want to take a look with their own eyes to confirm whether this Daqing City is real?" Zhu Yunxi held a slender dagger in his hand, picked up a small piece of brittle bone, and put it on the charcoal fire for roasting.

Abu hummed with a slight embarrassment on his face: "Wei Chen has just established himself. This time, only half of the people in the tribe are willing to follow Wei Chen south and settle here in Daqing City. Plus those others who are willing to follow. There are less than 3 tribal herders on the road now.”

Nearly 3 million people!

Zhu Gaochi, who was sitting on the edge with his ears pricked up and didn't say a word, couldn't help but widen his eyes after hearing this.

He couldn't help but look around.

This empty grassland now doesn't even have the foundation of Daqing City, but nearly [-] herdsmen are coming.

At this moment, Zhu Gaochi felt that he understood somewhat what Brother Xi said to him during the day.

The construction of this Daqing City is imperative.

And the sooner the better.

Zhu Gaochi finally couldn't help it and asked from the side: "Are those herdsmen really willing to come to Daqingshan?"

Abu raised his head and looked at Prince Yan not far away.

A smile appeared on his face: "It is the herdsmen who are willing to come to Daqingcheng."

Zhu Gaochi opened his mouth, nodded and said, "It's Daqing City."

Abu sighed and looked sideways at the emperor's grandson who was still tirelessly roasting the brittle bones.

"The herdsmen are living a very hard life."

"Especially in the past few years, the imperial court has used troops outside the pass every year, and every year the wind and snow in the north are heavier than before. The Tatar royal court could not go north to avoid the imperial court, so it could only urge the people below to attack ordinary herdsmen. Collect money and food, and recruit people into the army."

"The news that the imperial court is going to use the whole country to conquer the grassland this time has gradually spread from the royal court and the herdsmen tribes over there."

"People are very frightened. They are worried that they will be conquered by the imperial army. They are also worried that they will continue to be levied money and food by the Tatar court and take away their prime men."

Abu lamented from time to time while I was explaining.

It seemed that after he surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, his view of things on the grassland had changed slightly.

However, Zhu Yunxi knew a long time ago that pressure in a system is always transmitted from top to bottom, pressing down layer by layer, and finally falls on the largest number of people who also have the least say.

Ming Dynasty is now facing this problem head-on, and has actively used Hongwu's New Deal to solve this problem.

It was obvious that the Tatar royal court on the grassland did not want to change all this.

Zhu Yunxi asked with a smile: "What do the herdsmen on the grassland think now."

Abu paused for a moment before continuing: "Many tribes near the Great Wall are waiting to see Daqing City. If His Highness's promise can be fulfilled, I think they are willing to move and settle in Daqing City."

"And those tribes further away from the Ming Dynasty are still willing to believe in the Tatar royal court and continue to fight for the Immortal Sky?" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile on his face and a relaxed tone.

Abu nodded and said: "That's true. However... I think that as long as the imperial army and the Tartar royal court achieve a few victories this time, this situation will change."

Sizzle sizzle.

The brittle bones that had been roasted by Zhu Yunxi began to make a sizzling sound, and the oil and water expanded and exploded on the surface.

Zhu Yunxi glanced at it, took it back from the charcoal fire, and hung it in mid-air.

Under Daqing Mountain, the night temperature is very cold.

In a short time, Zhu Yunxi put the brittle bone with only a little bit of warmth into his mouth.

The teeth slowly chewed the brittle bone, making a clicking sound, and Zhu Yunxi showed a satisfied expression on his face.

"What are the expectations of the herdsmen who followed you south to Daqing City this time?"

Zhu Yunxi chewed the last remnants in his mouth, while his eyes silently looked at the Daqing Mountains stretching east and west to the north.

Abu said directly: "Food, endless food. A house, a house that can shelter from wind and rain. If possible, they also hope to continue grazing and raising horses under the Daqing Mountain. They are willing to use the raised horses. , and exchange the necessary things with the imperial court." Zhu Yunxi turned around and glanced at Xiaopang lightly.

Zhu Gaochi's eyes were a little confused.

In the eyes of most people of the Ming Dynasty, the people on the grasslands are extremely vicious, and they only want to go south again, occupy the south of the Central Plains, trample the Central Plains people under their feet, and reduce them to existences like two-legged sheep.

Nowadays, what the herdsmen who followed Abu Zhi'an to Daqingshan ask for are so simple.

Just enough to eat, enough to wear, and enough to continue grazing.

Zhu Yunxi smiled: "Daqing City is the Daqing City of herdsmen. Naturally, there will be food and houses for them. The Hetao Plain here is very fertile, but it cannot grow food. If it is not used for grazing, wouldn't it be a waste. Central Plains People have always had a very simple habit, that is, not to waste any inch of mountains and rivers.”

Abu also had a smile on his face, very simple and unpretentious.

"Your Highness will have the absolute loyalty of those [-] herdsmen."

Zhu Yunxi nodded silently: "How many days will it take for these [-] herdsmen from the Ming Dynasty to reach their Daqing City?"

"Three days. In three more days, they can cross Daqing Mountain and reach Daqing City!"


Three days later.

Some military reports have been sent back one after another from the front line.

The news about Liang Guogong, Song Guogong and Ying Guogong became less and less as they continued to go deeper into the grassland.

The soldiers and horses leaving the Great Wall began to come into contact with some of the Tatar herdsmen tribes who had not fled north.

The court was kind after all.

The Tatars with weapons in hand were all executed at the request of Tu Tiexuan without any negotiation.

And those herdsmen who were willing to surrender were guided in a direction.

The Daqing City at the foot of Daqing Mountain belongs to all herdsmen.

The army moved all the way north, and migrant workers, ten times the number of the army, followed behind the army and began to pave the road with stones quarried under the Great Wall.

Sites suitable for building forts and cities were selected and put into the hands of Tu Tiexuan, who finally made the selection again.

And under Daqing Mountain.

It's another scene in full swing.

Countless materials were transported here from the south.

There was a roar under Daqing Mountain all day and all night.

At that time, migrant workers were using gunpowder to quarry mountains and quarry under the supervision of Jin Yiwei and the command of officials from the Ministry of Industry.

A cement factory covering a huge area is rising from the ground.

On the north side of the Dahei River, the outline of Daqing City with a circumference of forty miles has appeared on the ground.

The square outline of the city, the grass and the land below have been shoveled away.

The exposed soil was excavated continuously by migrant workers recruited.

According to the construction requirements set by the Ministry of Works, all this layer of soil needs to be excavated until a hard stone layer or hard soil layer appears below.

And in the morning.

For the time being, it is only in the north direction of Daqing City, which is developing downwards.

On the road leading north to the cement factory at the foot of Daqing Mountain, countless court officials and soldiers gathered early.

At the front of the line.

Abu put on a very ill-fitting Ming Dynasty royal uniform.

These are the clothes I got from Dai Wangfu.

Although it doesn't fit, I can tell that Abu is very happy.

Because it's a status symbol.

Zhu Yunxi was silent and sat on a seat beside the road.

All around, flags were erected and fluttering in the wind.

Daqingcheng gave the incoming herdsmen the greatest enthusiasm and welcome.


In the direction of Daqingshan, a large group of people have appeared.

These herdsmen walking all the way from the grassland looked at the flat and fertile land of the Hetao. They did not immediately show their excitement, but hesitantly observed their surroundings.

After confirming that there were no Ming troops ambushing around, and that there was only a group in the direction of Daqing City that seemed to be waiting for their arrival, these herdsmen passed the news to other herdsmen still in the mountains.


These herdsmen began to speed up, walking out of Daqing Mountain and heading towards Daqing City.


Under the Daqing Mountain, long and long pastoral songs began to be heard.

The herdsmen seem to have chosen a very ancient pastoral song that everyone can sing.

Slowly, the herdsmen's songs began to resonate, and the long songs echoed throughout Daqing Mountain.

"Carry all the pots to the side of the road!"

Zhu Gaochi looked at the herdsmen team that was almost in front of him and immediately raised his hand to say hello.

As soon as he gave the order, soldiers from the transport camp who had been preparing for a long time immediately arrived at the roadside carrying a large iron pot filled with food.

There is a rack under the big iron pot, and the beef and mutton in the iron pot are constantly being steamed.

The characteristic noodle soup of the Ming Dynasty is also constantly steaming.

"Bring the divided rations up and put them together with the clothes."

Zhu Gaochi ordered again.

Then I saw cartloads of pre-packaged food and clothing packages piled on the roadside.

"The people from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Affairs will be ready. When the herdsmen arrive, they will lead the people to temporarily build camps in pieces according to the prior plan."

According to the plan, the nearly [-] herdsmen in front of them will disrupt their original tribal divisions and settle in Daqing City.

When herders come later, they will continue to disrupt the divisions, and this work will continue.

In the end, when the court moved the people from Shanxi, Hebei, and Henan roads, they still had to be put together with the herdsmen again, disrupting the divisions.

Zhu Gaochi continued: "When the herdsmen receive the things, they will distribute the rewards and punishment regulations, making sure that everyone can get the regulations. If there is anyone who does not understand, send someone to explain it one by one. If there is still something wrong. Listen, anyone who does not follow the rules will be reported to King Shun'an for punishment."

Orders were passed on one after another.

Before the herdsmen reached Daqing City, everyone started to get busy.


Monthly ticket recommendation ticket

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