Chapter 121 XP and Strength 【Subscription】

Lin Fan was a little confused.

Can you believe that there are no elves in the spirit world?
He shouldn't have contracted a loneliness, right?
Thinking of this, Lin Fan couldn't help feeling extremely bad.

The bad card drawing experience in other games directly occupied his whole mind.

The matter of contracting elves is quite new in Daybreak, but in many games, it is a very old-fashioned "drawing cards".

Dozens of twitches are lonely, which is very normal.


Those are limited UP pools. Even if you don't get the UP character you want, you can at least get some three-star and four-star companions.

And this is empty!

Thinking of this, Lin Fan suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

It's not because of his poor mental quality, but because resources like Saint Quartz are too precious.

Currently, the only channels to obtain it are "Weiye", "Main Tasks", "Maintenance Compensation" and "Instance Leaderboard Rewards".

Not to mention Albert, currently there are no more than ten Alberts in the entire server.

Even "Fever 105°" was dubbed a "vegetable chicken blogger" because he failed to achieve a great career, and he was persecuted every day.

There are very few main missions, about ten in one scene.

That is to say, in the game of Lixiao, it is impossible to have a "grand event" of more than a dozen draws or dozens of draws at a time.

It is very difficult to save enough "one draw" in a month or two.

If this draws, then draws a loneliness, no matter who it is, the mentality will explode!
But thinking about how difficult it was for the children of Dawn City to make a contract with the elves when the server opened, that's understandable.

In addition, one person can probably only contract one elf, so there should be no need for so much travel expenses.

[Shouldn't be such a trick, if it's really done like this, then what's the fun in this game of "drawing cards"? ]
Lin Fan frowned, looking at everything in front of him, but suddenly his heart moved.

Everything in front of me. Could it be elves? !
Thinking of this, Lin Fan suddenly became enlightened, and immediately began to observe carefully.

With the deepening of his observation, he began to have some different feelings.

Slowly, Lin Fan felt that everything in front of him was different again.

Like the luminous little fish closest to him, it seems that it is not just a fish, but a life form filled with infinite water vapor.

At this point it seems to be singing!
Every time it swims, endless water mist is rolled up.

And like that flying mushroom, with a light flap of its wings, it is a soft emerald green mist.

Where the mist pervades, there seems to be a large number of mushroom spores flying and falling.

As for the most conspicuous, it is the flowing Milky Way.

These galaxies are also life in essence, and every grain of silver sand inside is conveying its own thoughts outward.

[That's true. These are elves! ]
The luminous fish is probably the water system, the flying mushroom is the wood system, and the silver sand is the soil system?

[Should not be so simple and rough division]
Lin Fan thought briefly, but shook his head.

Lin Fan also has a basic understanding of the philosophical system of the dawn world through the "Two Worlds' Great Formation of Suppressing Darkness and Protecting Earth".

In this world, people believe that the world is composed of the four basic elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, and the three basic sources of the sun, Taiming, and Tailing.

The sun is the core source that constitutes the present world. It is essentially the force of good fortune and belongs to the force of positive creation.

for example.

Earth + water + the original force of the sun can give birth to life.

For example, everything grows.

The same reason.

Taiming is the core source that constitutes the underworld. It is essentially the power of death and silence, and it belongs to the power of reverse destruction.

The Tailing constitutes the core source of the spiritual world, and is essentially the power of harmony. Harmonizing Yin and Yang is the key to maintaining the balance of the three realms!
Therefore, in ancient times, the real great sages were at least those who possessed one kind of original power.

With the original power as fuel, the basic elemental power will directly usher in a qualitative change.

And the real big magic is a precise combination of multiple elements.

However, the path of elf envoy simplifies the path of this element combination countless times.

Because the "supernatural power" released by elves is all released by elves, which can basically be regarded as the innate ability of elves!
The growth of an elf envoy is also the cultivation of a contracting elf.

The advantages and disadvantages of this path are very obvious. The most typical disadvantage is that it is too dependent on elves, which limits the elves to a certain field.

It is very difficult to be born again like the broad and profound "sage" in ancient times.

Like John Keppel, his ability is almost limited to the field of sound waves and sound killing.

This should be related to the fact that Old Tim was a scout in his lifetime and was very good at listening and detecting.

It can barely be regarded as the talent of old Tim!

And Irene's ability is essentially a redevelopment of the core elf technique.

With this in mind, Lin Fan's mind was further broadened.

[In other words, the key to making a contract is to have a clear mind and know what route you want to take. And this is also a wish! ]
Lin Fan was stunned.

This may be the root of the career system in the game of Breaking Dawn.

Because the contracting elves are single, it is obviously more suitable to take the specialization route.

[I chose a one-handed sword, which also has the foundation of martial arts. For a swordsman, what is most needed is strength, speed and reaction! ]
[So, I need a contracted elf, preferably one that can provide me with bonuses in strength, speed, and reaction! ]
Lin Fan recognized his heart.

After that, he saw all kinds of shimmering particles in front of him, but they began to gather and disperse, separate and reunite, and finally paved a bright "star road".

Lin Fan walked along the star road, and finally came to a brand new area.

Here, the first thing that catches the eye is a galloping "swordfish".

"So fast!"

Lin Fan was startled.

Just in the blink of an eye, the swordfish had already circled four or five times in front of him.

Not only that, but Lin Fan was keenly aware that this swordfish was constantly conveying kind thoughts to him.

[Sure enough, it's different! ]
Lin Fan is happy.

It seems that the elves in this area have sensed his wish and are trying to respond to his wish.

However, Lin Fan did not make a decision rashly.

After all, a person can only contract one elf at a time, and once selected, there is no way to change it.

Immediately, he began to observe more elves.

Then, a small bird came into his sight.

This is a flaming little bird, the place where it passes is full of flames, and the speed is extremely fast.

The fiery red bird is also conveying kind thoughts to him!

Lin Fan still didn't make up his mind rashly.

Whether it's a swordfish or a fiery red bird, the one who specializes in it should be speed.

Basically, it meets his wishes, but Swordfish and Little Bird obviously don't meet his expectations for "power".

It stands to reason that the faster the speed, the stronger the power will naturally be.


Lin Fan still wants to continue to pick and choose!

Afterwards, Lin Fan saw the goshawk above the sky, the deer running above the earth, and the white horse galloping forward with hoofs.
Lin Fan walked all the way, still not making up his mind.

These animal-like elves should all be native elves in the spirit world.

So what about the artificial elves who sacrifice themselves year after year in Dawn City to hang high in the sky?

Is the original elf better, or the artificial elf better?
To be honest, he was a little embarrassed!

In this aspect, it is a complete blind spot of knowledge for him!

Lin Fan is a standard strength party.

As long as the strength reaches a certain level, it is not a problem for him to change his orientation!


Of those who have played card games, who is not an XP party?
Draw a card ≈ choose a wife!

The best thing is to combine strength and xp!

Lin Fan thought for a while, and immediately began to express his desire to meet the artificial elves to this world.

Light and shadow flow.

Just for a moment, Lin Fan felt that the world was turned upside down, and then he came to a brand new world.

The moment he arrived at this area, Lin Fan couldn't help frowning.

There is no harm without comparison. Compared with the previous area, this world seems too barren.

[Could it be that artificial elves are excluded and isolated objects in the spirit world? ]
Lin Fan couldn't help being slightly startled.

If this is the case, then these seniors who sacrificed themselves to hang high in the sky really paid too much for Dawn City.

Lin Fan walked along the star road composed of shimmering particles.

Along the way, his only feeling was deserted.

Unlike the prosperity and liveliness of the previous days, there are hardly too many emotional fluctuations here.

Only a few stars can be seen in the sky!
In Lin Fan's perception, even these few stars are mostly dim.

Or it was because Lin Fan's wish was to be with an elf who would help him with his speed, strength, and reaction, but the light of three or four stars was much brighter.

Following the guidance of the starlight, Lin Fan came to the first shining star.

This is a very, very old old man, his eyes are closed tightly, and his breath of life is very weak.

This made Lin Fan suspicious!
Can the old man meet his expectations?

After Lin Fan stopped for a few seconds, he rushed to the second star again.

And this one is a big man with explosive muscles. On his body, you can still see a lot of wounds.

And on his body, even blood-stained armor can be seen, but the style is rather old.

Lin Fan frowned.

Although as long as the intensity is high enough, he doesn't care about xp, but this is too unsightly.

In addition, this big man also closed his eyes tightly, but he didn't know his identity, nor his achievements and great achievements during his lifetime.

Lin Fan couldn't help feeling a little regretful about this!
He hates less when the book is used, if only he knew more about the history of Dawn City
Lin Fan rushed to the third star.

Sleeping in this star is a woman.

The shape is similar to that of King Kong Barbie, with delicate features and strong back!
Lin Fan swore.

He doesn't show any disrespect to the ancestors of Dawn City, but who can stand up to this look?

Lin Fan even suspected that if this woman punched her down, he would cry for a long time!
Lin Fan immediately rushed to the fourth shining star.

As far as the eye can see, it is a man with wine red hair, a body of tendons, and a height of about [-] meters.

Seeing the man in the star, Lin Fan fell silent again.

When he thought of such a tall and burly man floating beside him all the time, he suddenly felt shuddering.

Although he just said that the orientation can be changed for the sake of strength, but this also.
When it's time to go hungry, he might turn out to be this guy's emergency food!
Lin Fan thought about it, and decided to take another look and choose again.

At this moment, the world turned upside down.

When he came back to his senses again, he had already returned to the Palace of God.

Lin Fan looked at the familiar surroundings, but suddenly panicked.

It's been 10 minutes?

What the hell?

He didn't choose anything yet? !
(End of this chapter)

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