After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 124 The Annoying Adult and the Hairless Kid

Chapter 124 The Annoying Adult and the Hairless Kid

Could it be that little Warren's courage stimulated little Vic?
"Fever 105°" is guessed, and it feels very possible.

Youthful spirit, most likes to compare.

If little Warren, a friend, has a strong desire to go to the battlefield, it will inevitably affect little Vic!

In order to verify the guess, "Fever 105°" deliberately led the topic again.


After a little introduction to the topic, "Fever 105°" got what he wanted.

Not only Little Warren, but the entire youth battalion are very eager to go to the battlefield.

Counting from the day they entered the youth camp, their daily life and training were all aimed at hunting monsters on the battlefield.

"Fever 105°" frowned slightly.

It feels that the education received by the children of the dawn world is somewhat incompatible with the education he received when he was a child.

However, this is nothing to criticize.

After all, the "national conditions" of the two worlds are completely different, one is peaceful and prosperous, and the other is in danger.

If possible, the children here also want to study in a classroom with bright and clean windows.

This can be seen when Vic and Warren Jr. talked about Anna's sister's "story lesson" happily!

This bright and clean classroom is a "luxury" for the children of Dawn City.

If the children don't learn the skills of hunting monsters, they may not have any ability to survive when monsters invade in the future.

After a few more simple greetings, "fever 105°" felt the strong hatred and resentment of little Warren again.

The passing of his father made him brood.

For so many years of training day and night, the purpose is to be able to go to the battlefield, but now those hateful adults refuse because they are too young.

And laughed at them, calling them little brats!

It's really irritating!
"Fever 105°" suddenly didn't know what to say.

Seeing the angry appearance of little Warren, it should be impossible to change their minds simply by persuading them!
The most difficult thing to change is a person's thinking!

Pale truth, without any convincing.

"Fever 105°" can even have a premonition that if he speaks from the perspective of an adult, it is estimated that Warren Jr. will immediately consider him a "traitor".

At that time, the favorability is estimated to drop wildly!

In the children's world, either a good guy or a bad guy!

Taking advantage of little Warren's departure, "Fever 105°" couldn't help asking, "Mother Warren, little Warren is planning to go to the battlefield, don't you plan to persuade him?"

Warren's mother laughed immediately, and said a little narrowly, "Let him make trouble, I haven't been recruited yet, so it's not Warren's turn!"

"Fever 105°" immediately understood.

Routine, these are all routines!
But this routine made him very heart-warming!
It is impossible for them to let children go on adventures before the adults are dead!

Safe, heavy, admirable!
"Fever 105°" also feels a little relieved.

Just now he was still worrying about how to change Little Warren's idea of ​​wanting to go to the battlefield, but now it seems that there is no need!

at the same time.

He thought again of Big Vic's answer.

He was so sincere and serious, he believed it. Now it seems that he was fooled?
Compared with Warren's mother, Big Vic is more scheming.

"Fever 105°" looked at the large number of shoes and socks in the room, and couldn't help asking, "Is there not enough shoes and socks? I think Vic's mother is also rushing to make!"

Warren's mother: "There should be enough clothes for the expedition, but after all, you are going out to fight, and the clothes and shoes must be useless. Let's rush to make a few more pairs. You can have replacements when you come back."

"Fever 105°": "Is this a mission sent by the Knights?"

Warren's mother looked at "105°Fever" strangely: "Why should they assign tasks? Isn't it easy to see these tasks at a glance?"

"Fever 105°" was deeply touched.

This ideological awareness is too high, and it once made him feel a little bit out of play!

Because human nature is inherently lazy.


When I thought of X Feng who did good deeds without leaving a name, and the predecessors in history, "fever 105°" suddenly lost all thoughts.

He admitted that he was too small!

He admitted that his ideological awareness was not high enough!
Perhaps, this is the human heart in different social backgrounds!
People have a blind obedience mentality. When a habit lasts long enough, it will naturally become a "custom".

"Fever 105°" feels like I have a deeper understanding of Dawn City!

After saying goodbye to little Warren's mother and child, "Fever 105°" followed the guidance of the task and found the third child.

When seeing this child, "fever 105°" was very surprised.

Because he was excluded!
No one beat him, but he could only stand aside alone, and no children wanted to play with him.

To be honest, this is the first time "Fever 105°" has discovered such "incorrect" and "disunited" citizens in Dawn City.

So much so that "fever 105°" feels fresher than ever!
"Fever 105°" did not rush forward, but patiently waited for the opportunity.

When the time was right, he took the lead in finding a few gregarious children.

What made "Fever 105°" unexpected again was that these children did not welcome his arrival as expected.

This is the rare occasion for him, a brave man, to be treated coldly!

And one of them was very lively and very good at talking, a girl named Lina, who talked about him many times, or changed the subject cleverly or abruptly.

This also made "Fever 105°" keenly aware that there may be something hidden in it.

"Fever 105°" is not impatient, but very patient.

Taking a good opportunity, he naturally asked the question of the isolated boy.

The children were flustered suddenly, and it was Lina who "saved" the scene forcefully.

Under her gag, "fever 105°" did not know that the isolated child was called "Martin" and was a coward.

None of them wanted to play with him!

After saying these words, several children scattered.

"Fever 105°" touched his nose, and went to look for Martin Jr. again.

It took a long time this time. If there was no task guide, he really didn't expect Martin to be so good at hiding.

"Master Brave. How do you know I'm here?"

Seeing the sudden "fever of 105°", Martin Jr. was very surprised, and then became extremely cramped.

This is his secret base.
The sudden appearance of Mr. Brave made him a little at a loss.

In addition to his red eyes, little Martin suddenly became flustered!
Although it was just the first meeting, and I didn't even have time to talk to him, but "Fever 105°" was keenly aware that Martin Jr. had a soft personality.

His eyes were red, maybe he even cried!
It's somewhat in line with Lina's evaluation of "cowards"!

"Fever 105°" immediately decided to cheat.

"Lena and the others have told me about you, you."

"Fever 105°" deliberately said half and left half, and the interpretation of "Despicable Adults" is very good.

Little Martin's eyes turned red when he heard this.

Or he was afraid that Mr. Brave would think him cowardly, so he immediately explained again and again, "I'm not a coward. I, I just don't want everyone to take risks"

"Fever 105°" surprised.


Don't those little devils of Lina plan to go on an expedition with them quietly?
What the hell!

"Fever 105°" suddenly felt a little headache.

The little devils who hate people like dogs can definitely do this kind of thing, and this kind of situation is often an unstable factor, and it might kill people!
"Fever 105°": "...This is a bit different from what Lina said!"

Little Martin's head was in a mess.

Lena, what did she say?

Little Martin said with red eyes, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't be smart, if I hadn't talked nonsense, Lena and the others wouldn't have planned to sneak into the underworld."

Perhaps because of the opening of the chatterbox, Martin Jr. also began to talk endlessly.

"Fever 105°" It was only then that I suddenly realized the cause and effect of the incident.

Little Martin is the kind of soft and quiet kid, but he is also good at thinking.

For this sudden expedition, the children in the youth camp were very excited and clamored to follow the expedition.

In this regard, the teachers kept silent, did not object, did not encourage, did not refuse, and let them discuss happily.

So much so that the children in the youth camp thought that the teacher agreed, and even specially designed flags and slogans!
Then, he spoke the "truth" out of mouth.

Looking at the past history, it is almost impossible for these children to go directly to the battlefield, and it is even more impossible to go to the underworld!

Then, the few kid kings who were happily discussing the details of the various expeditions were squeezed out of power
When someone said he was a coward and didn't play with him, none of the other children would play with him.

Stimulated by him, several children went to the military camp in twos and threes to sign up for the expedition as soon as they had a discussion.

Then, they were all rejected without any accident, and not only that, they were also dubbed brats by the hateful adults!
This made the top students in the youth camp feel humiliated, and planned to follow them quietly.

They must prove to those annoying grown-ups that they are not little brats!
"Fever 105°": "."

Things are far more complicated and troublesome than he imagined!

What "fever 105°" didn't expect is that there is another secret involved in it.

When they were planning to join the army, they accidentally heard little Vic's father kneeling down and begging him not to go out for the time being!
Is there such an inside story?

This is really a "surprise" frequently!

(End of this chapter)

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