Chapter 130 Spreading Fire 【Subscription】

Seeing that Old Vic was satisfied, the entire vortex of the underworld even brightened for a few minutes, and "fever 105°" suddenly felt a little warm in his heart.

One generation has the responsibility of one generation, and the catastrophe of fate ends in the generation of Grand Vic. It feels so good!

Especially thinking of the credit of the "brave" among them, "Fever 105°" also feels proud.

Perhaps in the generation of Little Vic, they will be able to really travel lightly.

Old Vic looked in the direction of Lina and the others, the glowing portable sun lamp, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Vic, that sun lamp. Was it the one I used back then? Did you find it back?"

Old Vic was a little overjoyed. For the people of Dawn City who lost the sun, light is always a precious thing that they strive for.

A portable sun lamp is a treasure among treasures.

In the city of dawn, portable sun lamps are necessary for patrols and vigils.

Owning a portable sun lamp, one must be a member of the patrol and night watchman.

And this represents blood and glory!

Because of this, the people of Dawn City have always liked to pass on the portable sun lamps to future generations, and it has the reputation of "the sun in the palm of your hand"!

The more names on the sun lamp, the more generations of inheritance, the older the family, the more prosperous the population, and the better the luck.

The situation on the battlefield is changing, there are too many uncertainties, and no one knows what will happen.

The fact that the solar lamp can be completely passed on to the younger generations basically means that the person is still alive.

Even if he died in battle, the sun lamp can be handed over to the younger generation, at least it means victory in the war and the return of the body.

No matter how bad luck is, it means that a relic has returned.

The juniors still have a thought anyway!
Old Vic's sun lamp, but he specially went to the military supply office to get it.

It is also one of his biggest regrets that his father's sun lamp failed to pass on to him!

He planned to leave this portable sun lamp to his son back then, but unfortunately he died in battle, so the situation of the sun lamp is unknown.

Now it seems that it has been handed over to the son very well.

This made Old Vic extremely happy, and felt that another wish had been fulfilled.

Warren winked, and quickly presented the sun lamp.

Big Vic handed the sun lamp to his father, and the old Vic touched it with his hand. The scratches on the name carved on the sun lamp back then have become much shallower, with more mottled and vicissitudes of time.


Old Vic was in a trance for a while, as if he had returned to the moment when he received the sun lamp for the first time.

He was definitely the prettiest boy at that time, and the envious eyes of his friends and younger sisters are still vivid in his memory, everything is still like yesterday.

Old Vic was even more pleased when he saw the engraved "Vickson" on the sun lamp.

"Sen" means "son".

"Vickson," that is, his son of old Vic.

Old Vic had some feelings in his heart, but he felt that his soul had been sublimated again.

Perhaps, this is the meaning of blood inheritance from generation to generation!

Although the body is dead, some things are eternal!
Big Vic smiled, "Father, I'm already planning to pass this sun lamp on to Little Vic, and soon Little Vic will be able to leave his name on this sun lamp!"

Old Vic looked at his grandson, slightly surprised.

In the capital of dawn, the inheritance of the sun lamp itself has a special meaning.

Because he is an indispensable equipment on the battlefield!

The sun lamp is passed to little Vic, which means that little Vic is going to the battlefield!
"Little Vic this year?"

Big Vic: "Twelve years old."


Old Vic was slightly silent.

Is the situation in Dawn City so bad that 12-year-olds need to go to war?

Didn't it mean that His Majesty the God King has returned, and there are brave adults who control the golden light to come?
Big Vic didn't understand what his father wanted to say, so he said in embarrassment and shame, "I forgot to tell you, Dad, besides the big grandson Little Vic, you also have a little grandson and two little granddaughters, the youngest of which is My granddaughter is only three months old!"

Old Vic understood in seconds, and said distressedly, " have suffered, I am not a qualified father!"

In the capital of dawn, daring to fight is the mission, fighting to the death is glory, and fighting timidly is shame!

His son Vic raised two sons and two daughters and did not go to the battlefield, so he must bear endless controversy and accusations.

And this might crush him!

All talk makes money, accumulation destroys bones, gossip and gossip are not just for fun!
Big Vic laughed and said, "Don't worry, Dad. Little Vic is still young, and with the brave adults, he should not be warned for the time being. In a few years, he will definitely become a qualified fighter!"

Old Vic laughed too.


He's already dead, so why worry so much?
With the return of His Majesty the God King, the catastrophe of fate can also end in the son's generation, and the grandson's generation must have a brighter future than theirs!
When he heard that the brave men were about to counterattack the underworld, Old Vic was taken aback for a moment, but then laughed.

He was so lucky to wake up this time!
Not only was he fortunate to know that His Majesty the God King had returned, but he was also fortunate to know that the catastrophe of fate would end, and now he was even more aware of the grand plan to counterattack the underworld.

What kind of favor does His Majesty the God King treat him?
"This is."

"Fever 105°" looked at Old Vic's glowing soul, but he was extremely surprised.

At this time, Old Vic's soul was pure and innocent, and after sweeping away the coldness before, he had a kind of power to warm people's hearts.

It's almost like the saints described in religious classics!

One wish after another has been fulfilled, has Old Vic's soul sublimated?
"Fever 105°" thoughtfully.

Thinking about the significance of this incident, the other is that the latest issue of "Fever Diary" may have material to write.

At this moment, "Fever 105°" found that Old Vic was looking at him, and gave him a very formal gift.

"Master Brave, thank you and your companions for your assistance. With you here, I can safely return to the arms of His Majesty the God King!"

"Fever 105°" was slightly taken aback.

But they never expected that Old Vic would give him such a big gift so unexpectedly.

In Daybreak World, etiquette is a very important part of daily life!
Different occasions and different etiquette regulations have different meanings.

Old Vic's gift is too heavy.

It's like three worships and nine knocks in ancient China!

"Fever 105°" hurriedly went to the country to do as the Romans did, and Old Vic smiled contentedly.

With just a return gift, he got the "answer" he wanted.

The brave ones know the salute and return the salute, which means that the brave are willing to follow the rules of Dawn City!
What could be better news than this?
He is completely relieved!

In an instant.

Everyone saw that the old Vic's soul was bright and blazing again, becoming more and more spotless.

At the same time, the sun lamp inherited from Old Vic suddenly became more sacred.

Big Vic and Little Vic were startled at the same time, but then they were ecstatic.

Father's soul is so bright and flawless, doesn't that mean that father's soul can return to His Majesty's Divine Kingdom?
He is also satisfied!
At this moment, Big Vic, Little Vic, "Fever 105°", Lena and others saw a huge and sacred portal not far from Old Vic at the same time.

A large number of envoys appeared, and even more sacred songs were played.

Under the witness of everyone, Old Vic was led step by step to the gate of the Kingdom of God.

Not to mention a few aborigines, even the "fever of 105°" was very shocking.

Does man have a soul?
Where does the soul go after death?
This has always been a question that human beings are tirelessly pursuing!

But now, in the game of Breaking Dawn, he seems to have found the answer.

To be honest, I am very shocked and envious!
At the gate of the Kingdom of God, Old Vic took one last look at Big Vic and said, "You did a great job, better than me. Dad is proud of you!"

Big Vic's heart agitated.

Hearing his father's words, his heart was completely warmed, no matter how many criticisms and accusations he encountered in the future, he could face it calmly.

Old Vic looked at young Vic and said, "Grandson, grandpa is very happy to see you so healthy and strong. Also, don't blame your father, he is a good father!"

Little Vic's eyes turned red when he heard his grandfather's words.

He always knew Dad was a good dad!
Even if he ran out of the city willfully today, he hoped to tell his classmates that his father was not a coward!
Facts have proved that his father is not only not a coward, but also a great hero!
Little Vic said with firm eyes, "Grandpa, I know, Dad has always been a good dad!"

Old Vic was completely relieved!

Immediately, under the guidance of the envoy, he entered the Kingdom of God.

The light dissipated, the Kingdom of God disappeared, and everyone still hasn't recovered for a long time.

And here, there is a pile of white ashes!

With the shaking of the world, the vortex of the underworld disappeared, and everyone successfully returned to the big world.

Warren, Lena, Hugo, and Paul came to Big Vic and Little Vic at the same time.

"Uncle Vic, I'm sorry, we misunderstood you, we shouldn't spread rumors and ruin your reputation!"

The four of them lowered their heads, feeling ashamed.

If it wasn't for Uncle Vic to save them, they might all be reduced to the rations of monsters now!
What's more, Uncle Vic had paid too much to save them this time, and he was more than ten years old!
If the final result was not good, and Grandpa Vic had entered His Majesty's Kingdom of God, they might never have survived today's hurdle.

Big Vic said with a smile, "Let him get over what happened in the past. As for saving you, that's what I should do. After all, I'm an adult!"

My lord, kid!
When they heard such words before, they were very angry and felt underestimated.

But now, when they heard such words again, they were filled with joy and felt a deep joy of being cared for.

After this calamity, they all grew up.

I have a clearer understanding of the boundaries of my abilities, as well as my responsibilities and missions!
Then, the four sincerely apologized to Vic.

Little Vic also happily accepted, but so far the estrangement between the few friends has been eliminated, and they are reconciled as before.

Several people laughed.

The feeling of reconciliation between friends is really great!

Big Vic laughed too.

The son's troubles are finally gone, and his old father can be relieved!

Then, under the witness of all, the portable sun and so on were passed to little Vic.

Little Vic himself carved his name on the sun lamp with a gun blade!

This process is unprecedented. Holy!

Even "fever 105°" is deeply touching. This kind of power passed down from generation to generation is really moving.

What "Fever 105°" didn't expect was that little Vic, who finished writing his name, delivered a portable sun lamp to him.

"Brother Brave, I have discussed it with my father, and I will leave this solar lamp to you!"

"Fever 105°" froze.

This is the treasure of the Vic family, which has been passed down for three generations!

Before the Vortex of the Underworld, he accepted it without any hesitation, but now...
"Fever 105°" refused again.
Playing a game, he actually rejected a key item that was at his fingertips.

He feels he is crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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