Chapter 133 Monument 【Subscription】

Inheritance, burden, redemption, hope and curse
After comparing the process of receiving the sun lamp by himself and the process of receiving the sun lamp by "Nai He Wu Dian Wei Xianghu", Wu Qi obviously felt the difference.

But the same thing is that in the end, due to the return of the god king and the arrival of the players, the happy-end ushered in. Although it is very old-fashioned, it is indeed very heart-warming.

At least a sense of participation and a sense of accomplishment!

Perhaps, this is the real way to open the game!

I have to say that planning is a dog's job, but it does understand players very well!
In addition, Wu Qi suddenly thought of a very scary thing-the story of the "sun in the palm" scene of each player is not the same, right?
According to the underlying logic of Daybreak World, this is really possible.

After all, every NPC in the dawn world is different, and each has its own growth trajectory and character arc!
But if it is true, it would be too insane!

This is the main line, the main line!

Thousands of players, thousands of stories. What the hell?
Which game dared to play like this before? !
With great curiosity, Wu Qi opened the second player's contribution.

At first glance, I was very surprised.

Because, this player is still a celebrity, his name is "Black and White Wings", and he stands out in the third act of "Vahari's Eternal Feast".

Compared with "Nai He Wu Dian Wei Xiang Hu", the process of "Black and White Feather Wings" obtaining a portable sun lamp is very simple, but it is particularly shocking.


"Black and White Wings" joined the army, so the process of receiving the sun lamp was at the military supply department.

The first thing that catches the eyes of "Black and White Wings" is a dazzling array of sun lamps.

The storage room where the sun lamps are placed is not a simple storage room in essence, but a mourning hall dedicated to the spirits of many comrades-in-arms.

That's right!

The dazzling array of sun lamps here are the "tablets" of comrades-in-arms in the military camp.

And the most eye-catching position of the mourning hall is impressively engraved with the most conspicuous characters—Fight for the continuation of mankind!

After that, it was the process of "Black and White Wings" selecting the sun lamp.

Although what he joined was only a squad in one of the legions, although the number of this squad was not large, the total number of people in this small squad exceeded [-].

That's right!

This is a team of heroes. Although the name of the team has always been the "Iron Banner" team, the members of the team have changed one after another.

Every solar lamp placed here has experienced generations of masters.

And the sun lamp chosen by "Black and White Wings" is even engraved with a full 120 names.

Not that this sun lamp is old enough, strictly speaking, this sun lamp is even very, very young.

It has only experienced four owners before and after!

But none of the masters lived for more than three months.

And every death is also the death of one team by one team!
In just a few days, the 120 young people above the sun lamp all died heroically!

With in-depth understanding, Wu Qi finally realized that these brave soldiers all died in a battle to defend the city.

Their opponent looked like a tortoise and crawled slowly, as if there was no threat.


Its size is really too big!

It can be as high as several floors, and with every step, the ground trembles.

What's even more frightening is that this huge demonic turtle came step by step towards the direction of the city wall, and the moat had no effect in front of it.

It would be fine if there was only one demonic tortoise in this battle. At the same time, there was also a demonic eagle flying in the sky and an alligator rampaging on the ground.

And an extremely huge direwolf, and there is a mysterious driver on the direwolf.

In that battle, the people of Dawn City even thought that it was the final moment of decisive death!

After all, the City of Dawn is the last city where the Tower of the Sun is still bright. If it falls, where else can humans migrate?


Not to mention ordinary people like them who are not even elf envoys, even elf envoys are no match for this huge monster.

In that battle, after being coordinated by the Templar Knights, the most threatening magic eagle must be killed first, and the driver of the magic wolf must be beheaded.

As for the alligator, its speed is very fast, and the moat can't stop it, so it can only be the first to dispatch the knights to kill it.

As for this slow-moving turtle, ordinary soldiers can only be arranged to block it first.

In order to stop the sluggish turtle, the soldiers set up three lines of defense one after another with the help of favorable terrain.

And Kevin, the first owner of this sun lamp, was a captain of the team in charge of this blocking battle.

And the only weapons he could use were the Ice Rune Arrow and the Armor-Piercing Crossbow that slowed the turtle's progress.

The effect is indeed there. The super-long enchanted arrow shot by the armor-piercing crossbow has indeed successfully caused considerable trouble to the turtle, and once stimulated the turtle to deviate from the "route".


The price was extremely heavy. After being stimulated, the originally sluggish tortoise quickened its pace and rushed towards them at an incredible speed.

In just a few minutes, the team was wiped out.

Kevin is dead!

After the war, the sun lamp was found, but it was permanently engraved with the names of Kevin and his 29 comrades in arms.

Later, the sun lamp was enshrined in the mourning hall, and later was taken away by Kevin's classmate Tony.

But Tony and his team encountered an ominous monster during a reconnaissance mission.

The whole team was played like a cat and a mouse by this monster all night. Seeing that they were only a few miles away from Dawn City, they brutally killed the last few survivors of the team.

The sun lamp was found again later, and was enshrined in the mourning hall again, but there were [-] more names on it.

After about two or three years, the sun lamp was taken away by a soldier named Harry.

Unfortunately, Harry and his team were wiped out in a mission not long after!

So far, ninety names have been engraved on this sun lamp, one name, one life, one heroic soul!
Even so, this sun lamp, which symbolizes the destruction of the group, still keeps the soldiers secret.

Many people even think that this sun lamp has been infected with the curse of "Tuan Mie", which is an ominous symbol.

In the end, the sun lamp was received by Claire.

Unlike the previous three masters, Claire is an apprentice knight, very talented, cheerful, and sunny.

She believes that the legacy of the Iron Banner team should be inherited, and the nightmare of the Iron Banner team should also be ended by her!
In this regard, people are still happy to hear and see, and they are also very optimistic about the talented girl Claire!

She is an elf envoy, the pillar of Dawn City!

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. In the third month after Claire became the owner of the sun lamp, during a night patrol, Claire accidentally discovered that a team of double-knife demons had stolen the city.

At that time, the situation was extremely critical, and Claire had to take the risk of slowing down the pace of the Demon of Two Swords.

If they are allowed to open the city gate, then Dawn City will be really dangerous!

The efforts of Claire and her comrades in arms are worthwhile, and the city gate is guarded.


Claire and all her comrades-in-arms were not spared!

What makes Dawn Capital particularly regretful is that the commander of the two-knife demon who killed Claire's female knight pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger. After killing Claire, he even fled with Claire's head.

This incident was regarded as a great shame by Dawn Capital and the most regrettable incident of the Iron Banner team!

Claire is sunny and talented. She became an elf envoy at a young age. As long as she is given time, Claire will definitely become an official knight.


She was so caught off guard that she was ambushed to death by the commander of the two-knife demon, and even her head was taken back by him to receive the reward!
So far, there are 120 names on this sun lamp, including the name of Claire, the elf envoy.

Therefore, this sun lamp is also regarded as the lamp of doom, the black sun, and the cursed eye of the devil!

Also because it is too ominous, this lamp has been enshrined in the mourning hall until the "Black and White Wing" took it.

For this reason, the captain of the Iron Banner team even gave a stern warning to him to choose another sun lamp again.


"Black and White Wings" refused.

The curse, let him break it!
Unlike his three-generation inheritance, the redemption of "Nai He Wu Dian Wei Xiang Hu", the story of "Black and White Wings" does not have a happy-end, but only expectations and determinations!

Wu Qi, who is professionally sensitive, even speculated that this sun lamp may have a follow-up story.

Even so, he is still shocked and saddened by this story!
One name, one life, even elves. How tragic!
Later, Wu Qi read the contributions of several other fans.

Looking at it, Wu Qi was completely silent.

These stories are really too realistic. Although most of them are happy-end, he is still a little depressed.

Wu Qi made two decisions:
First, he will take the time to collect all the stories of the thousand receiving sun lamps;

Second, this battle must be won!

He is not fighting alone, but carrying the entire Dawn City, fighting with the will of countless generations!
This is not just a battle for living space, but also a blood oath battle in response to the will of countless generations of ancestors!

After thinking about it, Wu Qi couldn't help but start writing at his desk again.

After "Fever Diary", he will open a new topic!
After thinking for a while, Wu Qi wrote a title - Monument!

The names on those sun lamps, and their stories, should not be forgotten!
Although this is a game, it is not a joke!
(End of this chapter)

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