Chapter 143 Listen to me thank you 【Subscribe】

"It's coming so fast!"

Daniel, Gavin and other aborigines fighters looked at the densely packed monsters from afar, with beads of sweat dripping from their foreheads.

There are more than ten thousand people, and there are no boundaries.

This sentence is also very appropriate to describe the monsters at this time.

Although they were mentally prepared to sacrifice their lives for mankind before they set out on the expedition, and although most of the monsters here are very low-level bone demons, there is a great horror between life and death. The army trembled.

"Is it finally here?"

Players shouted excitedly while gnawing on the leg of lamb.

That's right!

The group of black goats in the canyon are all sacrificed to the five internal organs temple of the players.

Just eating can't satisfy them at all, or if they are full, they want to have a good fight.

"My broadsword is thirsty!"

"Listen to me, thank you, because of you, I will rise to level 20 immediately!"


Hearing the words of the players, Daniel, Gavin and other aboriginal fighters also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Are the brave men all so belligerent?

This is not the previous sweep of the black pine forest, which was almost always defeated one by one.

Many of them still sneaked up on sneak attacks, but what they encountered now was an organized army of monsters like a tide!

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" said, "Most of the monsters around are ordinary monsters, with levels between 5 and 10. But those with bone necklaces on their necks are generally high-level monsters, with levels at 14." , Around level 15, there are two of the highest level, the bone color of one body is extremely bright, almost turning into bright silver, it should be the silver diamond bone demon, and the other one is sitting on the bone, and it looks like a bone flute in his hand? "

"Fever 105°." With the help of the camera lens, he zoomed in and took a look, and said, "It's the bone flute, it's the most special, maybe it's a demon priest!"

The demon priest is a high-level boss who can release spells. It is difficult to kill, but the rewards are also the most abundant!
The eyes of "Backstab of Justice" stared straight at this "demon priest".

He is best at assassination, if he can take the opportunity to approach and sneak attack... he will be on fire!
"Pumpkin Man", "Master of Discipline", and "Dragon King with Crooked Mouth" are even more active in thinking.

Ever since they came to this underworld, they have also fully understood how special these face pinching players are!

Especially "Pumpkin Man", as long as he doesn't make a move, these monsters might treat him as an "ally". Can they approach him quietly, and then give the demon priest a hard time?
The demon priest, that is, the "musician", suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

what happened?

Is it high tide?

He looked up at the sky and it seemed that it was still early before the high tide?
However, he was too lazy to wait any longer!

Putting the bone flute to his mouth, he whimpered and began to blow it.

In an instant.

The sound waves filled the air, and many low-level bone demons were all stimulated by the sound waves. The soul fires in their eye sockets all turned blood red, and then rushed towards the entrance of Trumpet Valley screaming.

Although the "musician" is confident, but at his level, his intelligence has not lost to humans.

Naturally, I also understand that self-confidence does not mean arrogance.

When the two armies are facing each other, it is the best policy to be the first to destroy the opposing army.

As for playing and looking for musical instrument materials, it's not too late to enjoy it slowly until the opponent's fighting spirit is completely defeated!

Although those ordinary bone demons are very low-level, but there are too many people gathered, and if they act together, it will be overwhelming, and the whole earth will tremble.

This time, not to mention the aboriginal fighters, even the players felt a huge shock at the same time.

Different from the virtual reality games they played in the past, this game of Lixiao is so realistic that the strength of the army is vividly displayed.

So much so that players really have the feeling of being on the battlefield for the first time!

Shocking, terrifying and oppressive!

"Honorary Knight, do we want to start the layered defense strategy we have set up immediately?"

It was Xavier who spoke, nominally Lin Fan's deputy.

He is much older than Lin Fan, and he is also an elf envoy!
Previously, he hadn't said much, because the order given to him by the deputy captain before departure was to obey the order of the honorary knight.

But at this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore!
It's really this army of undead coming in like a tide, the sense of oppression is too strong, too strong, and it is inevitable that he will feel fear in his heart!
He is not afraid of death, but death is valuable. Before the tide ebbs, that is, before dawn tomorrow, they must hold this stronghold!

Lin Fan's eyes were serious.


His eyes were on fire too!

As expected of Breaking Dawn, he will never let him down!
This large-scale war book is really well done, he completely ignited it!
Lin Fan: "No, all the aboriginal fighters, according to the previous arrangement, relying on favorable terrain and fortifications, defend layer by layer, ambush layer by layer, and kill enemies layer by layer. Once the monsters enter the passage or are unable to defend, Just resolutely abandon the fortifications and retreat, as long as you don’t suffer heavy casualties, you are the greatest support for us!”

Lin Fan's words made all the players excited at the same time.

The life and death of the aboriginal fighters is related to their extra reward share. How can they "sacrifice heroically"?
The players persuaded one after another.

"Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. You must obey the orders of Lord Honor Knight. Killing the enemy is second, and you must protect yourself first!"

"That's right. The great man said it well. Only by preserving yourself can you better destroy the enemy. Only by destroying the enemy can you better preserve yourself. Don't think about it, and make heroic sacrifices at every turn!"

"Yes, yes, only by being alive can we output. Our pioneer battalion does not want to make heroic sacrifices. You all have to live well and don't make trouble for us!"

"well said!"

Xavier: "."

Daniel: "."

All the aboriginal fighters: "."

Honestly, their minds were blown away!

In the past, the education given to them by the chief was almost all about not being afraid of hardships or tiredness, not afraid of death and being brave enough to sacrifice.

As a result, the brave men
If you die, is it just to cause trouble for the brave adults? !

Although their thoughts have been greatly impacted, their hearts are still touched and warm!


All the aboriginal fighters answered in unison.

"Make sure to complete the task, live well, and don't make trouble for the brave adults!"

All the players laughed at the same time.

What is needed is this consciousness!

Lin Fan also laughed, and looked at the players, "As for all our players, let's kill them to our heart's content, hahaha!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, many players burst into laughter.

Although this kind of operation is a bit silly, it is cool enough!
Xavier was startled, and hurriedly said, "Honorary Knight, why did you make such a reckless decision?"

Lin Fan pulled out his battle sword "Yuebai" and said with a smile, "Did you forget that we players can be resurrected? As long as we don't die completely once, our players' front army and rear army will continue to rotate. 200 people can even be resurrected." It has the effect of thousands of people!"

Lin Fan held up the battle sword in his hand and said loudly, "All players, follow my orders and charge freely with the guild as a unit!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he immediately took the lead in charging.

The speed is very fast, like an arrow leaving the string.

That's it, he still kept it, because he was afraid of scaring the two elite bosses away!

And many players of the "club" followed immediately.

The "Justice League" guild, the "Elegant League" guild, the "Thunder Dance" guild, and the "Sword and Blood Oath" guild followed closely behind.

At the same time, a passionate BGM similar to "victory" sounded in the ears of all players at the same time.

The special battlefield environment, the unprecedented exciting BGM, the adrenaline of all players soared, and it seemed that they had inexhaustible power.

In the body, there seems to be a bloody beast awakened, just like the transformed Hulk, who seems to be able to resist nuclear explosions physically and has the power to destroy everything.

Near, near, near.
Accompanied by the rapid charge, many players began to unleash their combat skills together.

Pi Yin~~~
Accompanied by the sound of special effects starting to activate the combat skills, the charging team of the players instantly became radiant and splendid, just like the blooming fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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