Chapter 148 Rising Tide 【Subscription】

Under the impassioned killing of the players and the aboriginal fighters, all the sober bone demons and corpse demons were frightened at the same time, and could only run, run, and run again.

Huigu is such a frightened bone demon, he can only watch his companions beside him being hacked to death, burned, or swallowed one by one.

Huigu didn't want to die, so he could only run desperately, so desperately that he didn't know it, because of the extremely strong desire to survive, the soul fire in his eyes was completely ignited.

As a result, a large amount of black ashes were constantly being sprayed out from his soul fire, making his soul fire more and more pure.

And this change, along with his gray bones, began to become more and more silvery.

And this is a sign of the evolution of the bone demon clan!

Started from soul fire, benefited from soul fire.

When the soul fire becomes more pure, it will feed back to the possessed bone body.

When the gray on his body fades and most of it turns into silver, the ashes have a chance to evolve into silver bones.

Its strength is roughly equivalent to that of an elf envoy in the human race, and it can release some elemental skills.

It's like being a winemaker!

of course.

The evolution of gray bones has just begun, and there is still a long way to go.

Even so, he still surpassed 90.00% of the bone demons!
As a result, Huigu ran faster and faster, gradually throwing away the companions around him little by little.


As for these changes in the body, Huigu is completely unaware.

The only thing he knows is that no matter how fast he runs, the same kind around him will die one by one.

Gray Bones is completely terrifying!
Why are humans so cruel?
Who told them that human beings are weak and vulnerable?
Hui Gu wanted to dismantle those bastards who spread rumors, all their skeletons!

It's over, it's over, it's over!

The more Huigu ran away, the more frightened he felt.

Because, the companions around him are getting fewer and fewer, and there are only hundreds of them left.

No matter how fast Huigu ran, he gradually became hopeless.

At this moment, Huigu suddenly heard a rumbling sound.

Afterwards, his eyes saw a black-gray sky, which began to rise, lengthen, and grow gradually.

At first it looked like just a line, but slowly this black line became a wall and a piece of sky!

Seeing the "a piece of sky" approaching, Hui Gu felt a little scared, but was more ecstatic.

Especially when he felt the "wetness" on his body, he was extremely excited.

In just an instant, the weakening of the sun lamp installed on the player's body has been reduced by several levels.

On the originally gray skeleton, a faint light began to slowly emerge.

The ashes erupted first, and the speed climbed again by a large margin.

The other bone demons and corpse demons also glowed with great vitality, and their speed soared. In just a few breaths, they successfully opened the distance between them and the players and the aboriginal fighters.

Although the "tide crest" of the rising tide is also very dangerous, at least there is still a glimmer of life.

If it falls into the hands of humans, not only will his soul fire be gone, but his ashes will also be thrown away.

Seeking benevolence and benevolence, the bone demon and corpse demon that rushed into the wave were immediately sucked into the big wave, washed up in pieces, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The players were stunned for a moment, and then almost at the same time they noticed that the range of the sun lamp's glow began to shrink sharply.

In the beginning, it was able to illuminate a distance of about ten meters, but now the area illuminated is only about three meters.

Lin Fan (Xavier) said at the same time, "The tide is rising, hurry up, go back to the inside of the canyon!"

Everyone was startled at the same time, and before they had time to think about it, they immediately started running back.

During this process, both the players and the aborigines felt the cold wave coming at the same time, and their clothes became heavier.

It was as if the clothes were wet from the rain and stuck to the body, not only heavy but also clammy, very uncomfortable.

Even so, they still feel the "mountain tide" that is almost overwhelming.

Like a tiger chasing after them by biting their tails, everyone felt a burning sensation in their butts at the same time.

run away!
How heroic they looked when they chased and killed the bone demon and corpse demon before, how embarrassing they were when they ran away now.

Zizizi! ! !
Some players didn't know enough about high tides, and they didn't try hard enough to escape, so they were directly involved in the tides.

The first is the slapping of the "tide head", like a head-on and a big pussy, they hit their eyes with golden flowers, and their HP dropped a lot.

Then, it was the sweeping and impact of Mountain Dew.

Players caught in the wave cannot control their bodies and can only drift with the tide.

And in the tide, it is not completely "clean".

There is also a lot of debris such as sediment and gravel in the tide, like a mixer, the body is mixed in, and it can't help but "stir" with these debris in all directions.

In just a moment, the player who became a member of the "sauce" immediately vomited enough, feeling uncomfortable all over his body.

You know, this is still a body after the pain has been greatly weakened.

In the end, the players discovered that he seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar.

An extremely terrifying cold air swept over, and the body was even more uncontrollable, as if frozen, and the limbs seemed to be "rusted to death".

Although they will not die immediately, and there is no situation of drowning or being unable to breathe, their HP is still dropping crazily.

And this is after being protected by the light of the sun lamp. If there is no sun lamp to drive out the cold, their bodies will be frozen into frozen meat.


It's like lighting a fire in the open snow. Although the fire can keep you warm, the extreme cold of the surrounding environment is still "strict and pressing" in all directions.

I saw the dark core in the center of the sun lamp, and the energy decayed sharply.

The speed of the rising tide was too fast, and the slow-running aboriginal fighters were about to be swallowed up.

Lin Fan immediately gritted his teeth, turned around, turned around, the elf came out, and slashed down with his sword.

A terrifying huge shock wave swept out, immediately delaying the surging tide for a few seconds, and even forcing a part of it back.

It has to be said that elves have surpassed the human category in some aspects.

But it was only a few seconds, and the majesty of nature was fully displayed at this moment.

Even if it is an elf envoy, it still looks extremely small in front of the mighty power of nature.

After more than ten seconds, the huge waves blocked by Lin Fan doubled back.


Lin Fan's body was engulfed and swept away by the huge wave, and there was no more wave!

Lin Fan's blocking was not ineffective. The ten or so seconds he bought bought crucial time for the fleeing players and aborigines.

After dozens of seconds.

The players and the aboriginal fighters returned safely to Trumpet Valley.

Trumpet Valley is worthy of being a natural tidal haven, standing still under the slap of the huge tide.

Not only that, but the terrifying wave began to become docile and peaceful under the layer-by-layer weakening of the Laba Valley's figure-eight structure.

Entrance to Trumpet Valley.

Many players and aboriginal fighters raised their heads together, and saw the waves sweeping across, as if covering the sky with a flowing black sky.

And this made the underworld, which was already very dim, even more dark.

Only on their bodies, the solar lamps assembled, still have sporadic light.

But compared to the previous brightness, the sun lamp at this time is like an incandescent lamp that has been used for a long time and has been seriously aged.

The overall light has become dizzy!

"Is this the rising tide of the double sky?"

Both the players and the aborigines murmured at the same time.

Just now they were still carnival for chasing and killing the bone demon and corpse demon, but in a blink of an eye they were taught a lesson severely by the rising tide.

This high tide environment is really too unfriendly to the living beings!

Even if they have read some information about the "high tide" of the double sky layer, the cold text information and seeing and experiencing it with their own eyes are two completely different experiences.

time flies.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the tide that has just risen crazily has ushered in the first "ebb tide".

Compared with the surging tide during the first high tide, the ebb tide is relatively softer.

As the tide level recedes slowly, the line of sight becomes wider, the sense of oppression leaves little by little, and the sense of security returns little by little.

It seems that the mood has become more stable because of this!

At this moment, everyone saw at the same time that following the tide receding, there seemed to be a large number of "earth hills", "trees" and "houses".

Even more weird, there seems to be a "lake"!
Obviously they are all "water", but everyone discovered the difference in the first place!

Although this Wang "huhu" didn't say anything, he couldn't say anything.


Everyone still felt the wailing of "her" at the same time!
"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" frowned, and couldn't help but ask, "The mountain, the tree, and the lake are all from this world?"

Xavier took a deep breath and said, "Yes. Between high tide and low tide, a large amount of matter has been drawn into the underworld in this world. It's like eating slowly in small bites. Although each bite is small, it's still the same in this world after all. One bite at a time was eaten away!"

Xavier suddenly felt a little cold in his blood.

Even the previously ignited blood seemed to be frozen again!

All the aborigines were silent, and their previously burning souls were also cooling down a little bit.

If you can't stop the "small bites and slow eating" in the underworld, maybe sooner or later you will be eaten up like eating bread in this world.


Let them stop it, what will they do to stop it?
At this moment, the aboriginal warriors in Dawn City suddenly remembered the description in the handbook about the ancestors of the expeditionary army.

Most of the heroes who were lucky enough to return to the present world did not say a word!

Even for close relatives, they seldom tell what they have seen and heard about the underworld.

In the past, they thought they had lost the battle, so they were ashamed to say it!

Now, they somewhat understand the reason why their ancestors kept silent!

The ignorant are fearless, perhaps the only way to protect the dreams of the younger generations is to keep silent!
And many players have once again experienced the world of Daybreak and the darkness of the worldview.


Compared with the aborigines, players have a completely different understanding of darkness.

What is the dark afraid of?
Which player who can stand here has not hacked tens of thousands of bosses?

"Fever 105°": "What are you afraid of in the dark? What we players destroy is the darkness. We should go back and study how to kill the Earl of Darkness and take back the land from the mouth of the underworld!"

"Cat abuser Schrödinger": "That's right, eat mine and spit it out, sooner or later the rumen of the underworld will be cut!"

"Press q to turn into a Thor shooter": "That's right, the Earl of Darkness will blow his two heads off sooner or later, but judging from today's battle situation, without the strength of an elf envoy, it may be possible in the follow-up battles." Very bad"


Players, you talk to each other, and many aborigines who have just been depressed can't help but open their mouths.

They suddenly felt that although the rising tide of the double sky was dark, it still couldn't hide the brilliance of the brave men!
Be it Xavier or the other fighters, the flames were rekindled in their hearts.

Tower of the Sun stronghold.

Under the glow of the temporary sun tower, the chill on everyone's bodies was dispelled one after another.

Especially when the broth was boiled, the seasonings were added, and the aroma was completely diffused into everyone's mouths and noses, everyone suddenly felt that hope had returned.

"'Justice's backstab', your previous assassination was really cool, can you teach me the thirteen-round flame chrysanthemum sealing technique?I can buy it with gold coins! "

All the players looked at "Justice's Backstab" one after another, their eyes burning.

The moment the "Thirteen Rounds of Flame Chrysanthemum Sealing Technique" was released, the improvement was really too obvious.

What's even more frightening is that it can even devour soul fire to replenish energy!

While releasing, swallowing at the same time, this simply completes the inner loop.

"Backstab of Justice" immediately vomited bitterness.

"You only saw me eating meat, but you didn't see me being beaten. Thirteen rounds of the flame chrysanthemum sealing technique is good, but the gluttonous insect is really too good to eat. I don't earn as much as it eats!"

Thinking of the "Backstab of Justice" who was eating all the time, many players shuddered at the same time.

Can't afford it, can't afford it!

Compared with raising a gluttonous insect, they want to raise elves more. It would be great if they could raise elves as "wife"!
"Internet tyrant": "Backstab, here I have a photo of you being made into candied haws by a winemaker and inserted upside down in the sand. You don't have to thank me for your appreciation!"

In an instant.

"Backstab of Justice" blushed.

He has been playing virtual reality games for several years, and he has killed tens of thousands of various bosses.

As for being counter-killed by the boss in various fancy ways, there seem to be countless.

In this regard, he has never had any discomfort!

He never thought that one day, he would be strangled by a little boss, and with his head, half of his body would be thrust into the sand.

To make matters worse, the boss named winemaker even used scarlet wine pulp to make him into glistening candied haws!
And this is not the worst part, the worst part is that he was made into a candied haws and was directly photographed by the players.

"Justice's backstab" can be imagined, and soon he will become a new round of emoticons.

Maybe it will be made into a funny video by bloggers.
Don't care, the more you care about the "Internet Tyrant", the more proud you will be!
He endured, he endured, he endured again!
Can't bear it, no need to bear it anymore!

Then, "Justice's Backstab" went straight to its old rival, the cyber tyrant.

Many players applauded!

Not long after, a similar sound sounded at the scene.

"Kick the crotch, kick the crotch, pee pee pee!"

"Hey, can you do "Backstab of Justice"?Are you not full? "


The "Internet Tyrant" and the old enemy "Justice's Backstab" were having a lively fight.

And the aboriginal fighters also watched the excitement one after another, calling for the brave men they supported.

For fighters, fighting is undoubtedly one of the best entertainments besides dirty jokes.

"Xavier, if I remember correctly, the elves you contracted with are ice-type, right? Why did the ice and freeze you cast all ignite flames?"

It was Lin Fan who asked the question.

Seeing that he had returned from death, everyone's eyes lit up.

In the previous battle, Lin Fan liberated the elves, and the release of elf skills was really cool. They had too many questions to ask.

Seeing Lin Fan ask Xavier about the elf envoy, everyone became curious.

This question has actually been asked before.

But because the elf envoy was not the one who asked the question, Xavier didn't answer directly.

Now that "Long Sky" asked a big question, everyone became even more curious.

Xavier looked at the curious crowd, thought for a while, and said, "It's not that I'm hiding something, I really don't know what to say about this, what's more, I don't even know whether the evolution route of my elves appears or not. Something went wrong!"

Everyone was curious.

I saw Xavier suddenly showing a respectful expression, "Lusha, please come out for a while!"

Xavier said nothing, but saw an ice blue elf floating beside Xavier.

The moment they saw this elf, everyone's eyes lit up.

Lusa looks so beautiful!

In an instant, all the players were conquered.

This is what an elf should look like!
But why, Xavier didn't know if he went the wrong way?

(End of this chapter)

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