Chapter 155 Banknote Ability 【Subscription】

Tailor and guards are fantastic!

The continuous use of various enchanted arrows to bombard them made them think that they were not fighting the people of Dawn Capital.

The people of Dawn City have always given them the feeling of "picking". Not to mention the arrogant use of enchanted weapons, it is just a bottle of magic potion that burns lifespan desperately, it is all picking and picking.

Often, in order to save a bottle of potion, people died in the end, and the potion became their spoils of war.

The tailor's eyes were a little distracted, "If something goes wrong, there must be a reason for the people of the Dawn City to be nailed here. They may have a big conspiracy, and this is the key of the key!"

The guard looked dimly.

"I don't know the art of war, but I still understand a simple truth, that is, what the enemy wants to do, try to make it impossible for them to do it!"

The tailor laughed immediately, every mouth on the body was laughing, more and more permeating.

"Brother Guard is wise, the more they want to do it, the more we will make it impossible for them!"

Guard: "Attack, attack at all costs, let King Crab send his heirs to attack!"


With the tailor's order, under the tide, a ghost crab the size of a villa immediately began to swallow ghost energy.

When he opened his mouth and spit out, there were blisters all over the sky.

At the same time, the line above one of the tailor's mouths began to twitch, and then unlocked.

The mouth opened to inhale violently, and the tailor's body swelled rapidly, like a meat balloon.

After inhaling, take a sharp breath, and immediately a strong wind blows above the tide.

Under the blowing of the strong wind, the large number of water bubbles spit out by King Crab just now quickly drifted towards the fortifications built by Dawn Capital.

Just a few breaths, and these blisters are floating everywhere.

"This is?"

The player and the aboriginal warrior were shocked at the same time, and the keen player directly used the enchanted arrow to shoot at the blister.

Accompanied by an explosion of water bubbles, an explosion exploded directly on the head.

A wave of air swept directly towards the crowd.

Several players and aboriginal fighters were caught off guard and were directly blown away by the shock wave generated by the bubbles.

And in the ruptured blisters, the water of the netherworld poured down.

Each ghost crab grows at a speed visible to the naked eye. It only takes a few breaths to grow to the size of a horse.




After growing up, the Nether Crab is still very fast, and its big pincers suddenly protrude out, directly clamping a player.

The player wanted to exert strength, but his body was directly lifted up by the crab's big pincers, and he could only bounce around in the air with his two legs.

HP even dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Fuck, I was caught by a crab?!"

The player "I'm so mysterious" was a little confused. He never expected that one day he would be caught in the air by a big crab with a pair of pincers. There was nothing he could do except to bounce his legs in the air.

"Yo, "Panda doesn't have dark circles" You were caught by a crab too? "

This player was a little confused just now, but when he saw this big crab and the other big pliers picked up "Panda has no dark circles", he was immediately happy.

Especially when "Panda has no dark circles" is clamped by the crab's claws, "I am so mysterious" is even more cheerful.

"Boss, my name is "I'm so mysterious", ape dung, add a friend later! "

"Panda doesn't have dark circles under the eyes" suddenly black lines appeared on his face.

Is it an honor to be pinched left and right by the same big crab?

"Panda doesn't have dark circles": "I'll talk about it after adding friends. Is there a way to break this big pliers? Damn it, my head is caught, and my skull hurts, so I can't exert force!"

"I, Kangkang, wait, Emma, ​​I'm going to be eaten by crabs. Come on, brother crab, can you eat "Panda has no dark circles" first?"He is my brother, dear relatives and friends. Fuck! "

"Panda has no dark circles" with black lines on his face.

Who intends to block "I'm so mysterious" after being resurrected?
At this moment, "Panda has no dark circles" felt his body moving.

"Come on, I'm sure I'm going to be buried in the same crab's stomach as "I'm so mysterious", right?It's okay to change to another girl, oh, my-god! "

"Panda has no dark circles" is just a kick.

Then, it was sent to the edge of the mouth by the big crab, it was crispy.

A lot of colored bubbles escape.

The big crab looked puzzled at the colorful bubbles in the sky.

It is indeed eaten but it seems to be tasteless?

The big crab looked disgusted.

It's not delicious!

Not only "Panda has no dark circles", but in a short period of time, a large number of players died in situ.

For a moment, colorful bubbles filled the sky.

It has to be said that the Nether Crab's move came very suddenly.

The water bubbles that were blown over directly crossed the fortification line, and the water bubbles could explode.

The players basically blow up one piece at a time!
Before waking up from the state of being bombed and forced, the Nether Crab caught off guard and killed it.

I have to say that this kind of crab that can be as big as a horse is still very scary.

Sometimes, big is justice!

The players didn't really care too much about belching farts in the blink of an eye.

Land reclamation is like this, there is no information about the boss, it is normal to die several times!
But I have to admit that this move of the Nether Crab really broke the players' attacking rhythm!
But the game is like this, it's not interesting to keep crushing one-sidedly.

The water bubbles that get in will explode, and giant crabs will be born, but it brings a huge sense of freshness and excitement to the players!
The players felt the adrenaline rush, nervous, exciting, and extremely excited for a while.

Apart from being caught off guard at the beginning, many players later gained experience.

Seeing the water bubbles floating over, the first thing to do was to snipe from a long distance and burst the water bubbles.

Then, directly activate Combat Skill A for melee combat!

But is it effective emmmmmmm!

The effect is very unsatisfactory. The combat skills of the players are basically unable to break through the defense of the ghost crab at first.

A corner of the battlefield.

"Dawei Tianlong" stopped drinking, and the big shield in his hand burst into dazzling light instantly. With a loud bang, it directly bounced the huge crab back.

"Qu Shang Wei Meng" and "Round Face Fat Chicken" behind "Dawei Tianlong" are now out of danger!

There was another sound of a battle technique being launched, "Evening Wind Keeps People Drunk" Youhu appeared on the back of the big crab, and the battle sword in his hand plunged into the back of the ghost crab, directly piercing the ghost crab's brain.


The Nether Crab was still alive, and stretched out its big pincers, intending to give "Evening Breeze to Keep People Drunk" ruthless.

But at this moment, the "Dawei Tianlong" holding a huge shield fell from the sky again, and a shield was inserted into the back of the big crab, directly expanding the wound left by "Evening Wind Keeping People Drunk" several times.

The huge crab was also smashed and fell to the ground directly, and there were dense cracks like spider webs on the ground.

"Round-faced fat chicken" laughed, ""Dawei Tianlong", your shield is becoming more and more professional, full of sense of security! "

"Dawei Tianlong" suddenly smiled.

He is the man who will become the first shield assistant!
"Evening wind keeps people drunk": "The crab can control the water mist, and it's hard to hurt its body if it doesn't break the water mist."

"Dawei Tianlong": "Good job, report the information to the president!"

"it is good!"

"Evening wind keeps people drunk" without hesitation.

For the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild, everything depends on contribution.

With this information alone, her contribution value can earn her enough pocket money for a month!

"Li Xianzhuo" Young Master Li frowned.

The crab is still covered with a layer of water mist?
Explosive arrows don't work well?
"Try it with the sap of the Laval tree!"

With an order from First Young Master Li, a small team of the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild immediately began to experiment with Laval juice.

Just like ice and snow meeting sunlight, the water mist shield on the ghost crab's body instantly shattered.

This information was immediately fed back to Young Master Li!
"Li Xianzhuo" was overjoyed.

"All members will be reimbursed by the guild with the sap from the Tree of Laval!"


Hearing the word "reimbursement", all the players screamed excitedly.

The president has been reimbursed, so what else is there to save?

Seeing the Nether Crab approaching, the quick-sighted player threw a few bottles of Laval Tree juice over there!

Accompanied by the sound of cold water splashing into a frying pan, the ghost crab screamed a few times, and the water mist shield lingering around its body shattered.

A burst of special effect lights from the activation of combat skills sounded, and the figures of the players flickered and shuttled.

The ghost crabs that lost the protection of the "water armor" directly became lambs to be slaughtered.

In just a short quarter of an hour, all the ghost crabs that entered the defense fortification by soaking in water were cleaned up.

"Come here a few people, cleanly take away the big claws of the ghost crab, this is all meat!"

All the aborigines soldiers booed for a while, and then there were aborigines who helped the ghost crab "cut the pincers" everywhere.

at the same time.

The archers among the players continued to bombard with enchanted weapons.

Mark Spencer, John Keppel, and Gillian, who watched all this, twitched at the same time!

Is this the power of banknotes?
The sap of the Laval tree is now available in all major stores in Dawn City, and the salt is much more expensive.

After all, it is only a must for eating meat. Seasoning!
And the juice used by the players is the extracted essence, which is often used as a life-saving medicine and recovery medicine.

Each bottle is worth at least 1500 solers, and the exchange ratio between solers and gold coins is 100:1. This bottle is worth 15 gold coins!

How arrogant, how arrogant!

To be honest, the aborigines of Dawn City have never fought such a battle!
Not only have they never fought, but their ancestors have never fought like this!


Seeing the players fighting like this, Knight Mark Spencer has some ideas in his heart!
at the same time.

The tailor and the guard have completely strengthened their minds!
This fortification must be the most important part of the Dawn Capital military operation, otherwise they would not have bombarded with enchanted weapons and various potions.

There is nothing to say, if the enemy wants to do it, let them not do it at all costs!
With one order, a large number of bone demons, corpse demons, crab offspring, and demon shrimp soldiers attacked regardless of sacrifice or cost.

The high attack intensity made the players a little unexpected!

A lot of colored bubbles escape.

The first fort fell, the second fort fell, the third fort fell
In a short period of time, a large number of fortifications and fortresses were occupied by the enemy.

At the same time, players are almost starting to deplete their enchanted weapons.

Aboriginal fighters also began to suffer heavy casualties.
The situation of the battle began to be overwhelmingly unfavorable!

(End of this chapter)

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