After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 17 Does His Majesty have any deep meaning in this move?

Chapter 17 Does His Majesty have any deep meaning in this move?

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour has passed since the players arrived.

"Reporting to the deputy head, all members of Andre's team, Edward's team, Semir's team, and Robert's team sacrificed heroically!"

A scout half-kneeled in front of Martina, the deputy commander, and reported the information his comrades had desperately obtained.

"How could this be?"

The trainee knight Mona couldn't help exclaiming, her eyes were moist for a moment, but she still held back her tears.

An apprentice knight is also a knight, she must be brave!
The deputy head, Martina, was silent, but seeing the flapping of her clothes, the air seemed to freeze.

Martina: "Tell me all the information you know."

"Yes. The enemy suddenly appeared in different directions in the city about half an hour ago."

"This group of monsters have the appearance of human beings, but their looks are uneven, and their beauty and ugliness are very different, but their behaviors are highly similar."

"They will not bleed when they are injured, and the wounds of swords and swords will only leave blood-red gaps. After death, they will turn into a large number of colorful bubbles and dissipate."

"The most important thing is that they can be resurrected after death!"


Not to mention the trainee knight Mona, even the vice captain Martina's beautiful eyes couldn't help shrinking.

Martina: "How many are there?"

Scout: "According to calculations, it can have a size of a thousand people, but because it can be resurrected, the destructive power may be able to catch up with an army of [-] people."

An army of ten thousand people? !

All the people in Dawn City are soldiers, even so, the scale of ten thousand people is quite a terrifying number.

Unfortunately, humanoid monsters are attacking the city today. Fortunately, humanoid monsters are attacking the city today.

The sacrificial ritual is of great importance and cannot be missed.

It is really too bad that this group of humanoid monsters of unknown origin came to attack the city at this time.

But also because of the mystery of the sacrificial ceremony, the vast majority of the citizens of the inner ring watched the ceremony around the Soletor Grand Square.

The outer ring is safe for the time being, so there is no need to worry about it in a short time.

As long as you evacuate in time, the loss should be kept under control.

Martina: "How does their strength compare to our fighters?"

The scout said in horror, "At first they were not strong, and our ordinary soldiers can kill most of them at will."

Martina: "At first?"

The scout trembled, recalling the fear of being dominated by the players again.

"Yes, after those monsters killed our compatriots, or ate the remains of our compatriots, they have become a lot stronger!"

Not to mention Mengna, even the deputy head Martina couldn't help but gasped.

Not only does it not die, but it can also kill and upgrade. It is unimaginable!
Mengna's body trembled, and she said in panic, "Master Martina, we"

Martina's eyes flickered, and she calmly said, "There is no creature in the world that is absolutely impossible to kill. Maybe it's just that the way to kill it is wrong. Even if it really can't be killed, maybe you can seal it in detail!"


The scout continued to recall various details.

As he spoke, the scout's throat choked up, and he gritted his teeth, wishing he could skin and dismantle those monsters, smash their bones into ashes.


Every piece of information here was bought with the blood of compatriots.

"From the first kill to the second appearance, there was an interval of about 5 minutes. Resurrection takes time? Or they can only be resurrected at a fixed location. Altar?"

Martina: "In the beginning, their strength was not much stronger than ordinary soldiers, and the distance they could move in a short period of time was also limited. If you reverse the battle center, you can probably calculate their resurrection point map."

Meng Na was very understanding, and immediately spread out a map of Dawn City in front of Martina.

The elemental energy surged, and in just a moment, several marks appeared on the map.

Martina: "Mengna, immediately forward the map to all the team leaders, let them look for possible altars, and destroy them immediately if they find them."


I saw Mengna put her palms together, praying devoutly, and a very small elf floated beside her.

The elf is wearing a cute dress with transparent wings on the back, and shimmering particles are scattered every moment, looking very dreamy.

As for the appearance, it is like a cute doll, exquisite, beautiful and lovely.

But facing the contracting elves, Meng Na took the lead in giving a big gift instead.

"Your safety, my lord saint, I am very sorry to disturb your rest, and I will trouble you again this time."

That's right, the elf that Mona made a contract with is the saint Hilda who once helped Dawn City regain the hearts of the people.

Because of this, Mona has an unusual respect for Hilda!

The elf was helpless.

Respect means distance.

And excessive respect is an unattainable distance.

If the distance is always so far away, how can Mengna really understand her?
If you don't really understand her, how can you truly comprehend her spirit and strength?
"It's really boring, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Being criticized by the elves, Mona slammed, a little embarrassed.

But now is not the time to be entangled in these things, so he quickly shared his memory with the elf Hilda.

The elf said solemnly, "Leave it to me!"

[Blessing of the God King, the light of wisdom without distance.In this eternal night of darkness, break through the blockade of darkness! 】

[The light shines everywhere, bright as the sun and stars. 】

[With the light of sincerity, light up the heart lamps of all compatriots—my name is Hilda. 】

Accompanied by the chanting of the elf Hilda, the light shines everywhere, and beams of light, like light arrows, instantly spread to the entire inner ring of Dawn City.

Soon, the information that Meng Na wanted to convey was received by the soldiers of Dawn City one after another.

of course.

This dense light like a light arrow was also seen by many players.

It's just that the players are not "citizens" in the eyes of the elf Hilda, so they have never received this information.

Seeing the reaction of Martina, the deputy head of the Knights Templar, Rhodes couldn't help feeling a little relieved.

As expected of the deputy leader who rose up in the last days, his fighting wisdom is not ordinary.

And that's just the beginning!
Martina: "Mona, send me an order to order the knights Mark Spencer, Theodore Joel, and Frederick to block the invading enemies and find ways to kill them as much as possible. Order the knight Olena Beatriz to lead the seal squad for follow-up support!"


Meng Na was orderly, and meticulously completed the orders of the deputy head.

What Meng Na didn't notice was that the vice-head, whom she admired so much, suddenly stiffened, and even her back was covered with cold sweat.

Martina only felt her throat trembling, and she couldn't say a word for a while.

[Who is this?Appearing beside me so silently]
Rhode looked at Martina appreciatively, and said gently, "Don't be nervous, if I really want to do something to you, you probably won't be able to resist."

Rhode's words sounded directly in Martina's mind, and Martina's beautiful eyes showed a touch of shock again.

As the deputy head of the Knights, her soul attainments are rarely matched.

But the voice of this existence echoed directly in her mind.

However, Martina quickly regained her composure.

As Rhodes said, if Rhodes really wants to do something to her, she doesn't have any capital to resist.

Since he didn't kill her directly, it means that we can still talk about it.

Martina performed a chivalrous salute very gentlemanly, and said gracefully, "I didn't know that the distinguished guest is coming, and I couldn't greet you in time, please forgive me!"

Rhodes: "There is no need to be polite, I am not a guest at all."

Martina looked puzzled, but still kept a polite smile.

Compared with the current "smile", the deputy leader actually prefers to "convince people with reason".

But unfortunately, now she can only keep smiling.

"Your Majesty, Martina Wodehouse, is the deputy head of the Knights Templar. I wonder if I would be honored to know the honorable name of this distinguished guest!"

"The deputy head is too polite, as for my identity."

After Rhodes finished speaking, a book appeared on his right hand.

The beautiful eyes of Martina, the deputy head of the Knights Templar, became exceptionally bright, and then she saw a scene she would never forget.

It can't be described, it can't be expressed, but it can be understood just by seeing it.

This is the majesty of the true God!

Martina was so excited that she couldn't help herself. If the trainee knight Mona saw it, the majestic image of the majestic deputy captain in her heart might be shattered.

"It turns out that you are the next to me."

Martina's bright eyes were moist and she spoke incoherently. Subconsciously, she was about to kneel down and pay respects.

It's a pity that she failed!

Rhodes smiled, "It's good that you know, please don't tell others for now."

"Follow His Majesty's will."

Martina was unusually devout, with a solemn face.

Rhodes: "."

time flies.

Martina finally calmed down a little bit of excitement, and then asked cautiously, "So these immortal angels are written by Your Majesty, I'm ignorant, I don't know what His Majesty's meaning is."

Rhodes smiled and said, "Relax, you are too reserved, it's just for the players to say hello to you!"

say hi?

Martina chewed on words, thinking hard.

What is the meaning of His Majesty's move?
 PS: Please recommend, please collect, please ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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