After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 176 Mengna: Vice President, public funds cannot be embezzled!

Chapter 176 Mengna: Vice President, public funds cannot be embezzled!

The Three Realms Carol Secret Realm.

After consuming 10 gold coins, Martina was automatically teleported to the gate of the Ode of the Three Realms secret realm.

Martina, who is a great knight, was automatically judged to be in the third gear by the secret dungeon.

Compared with the first level and the second level, the difficulty is undoubtedly higher, but the rewards are naturally more generous.

After listening to the players explaining the protection book for so long, Martina has a thorough understanding of the concepts of "protection", "cleaning the book", "going to jail", and "graduation".

Therefore, when I saw the drop list in front of me, I couldn't help being very excited.


Bearing the brunt of the five-star protection, it exudes a sparkling light, and its texture is far better than four-star and three-star.

Seeing that the five-star protection would drop, Martina was very happy.

Because, nowadays all players are pursuing this, but basically no one has obtained it, it is very, very rare and precious.

[My Lord, your most devout lamb, ask for your grace! ]
After praying in her heart, Martina immediately pressed the [Start Challenge] mechanism representing interaction.

Afterwards, it was a very simple bookkeeping link.

For the experienced deputy captain Martina, these little monsters are basically not worth mentioning.

As for the teaching of breaking the shield, in the opinion of deputy head Martina, these are the foundations of the foundation.

Soon, the time was fixed at 50 seconds.

Just 50 seconds?

Martina heard from the players that their brushing record has been stuck to about 1 minute, and with the improvement of proficiency, this time can be shortened.

[The growth of the players is really terrifying! ]
Rao Martina couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Maybe after a while, players will begin to surpass the Knights Templar in all aspects in terms of level training.

Martina suddenly felt a sense of urgency!

She suddenly began to have a personal experience of Irene Mona's anxiety recently.

If she can't keep up with the pace of the players, she may be eliminated by the new wind blowing up by the players soon!

[My lord, I ask for your favor! ]
Looking at the statue in front of her, Martina prayed devoutly.

After the interaction, streaks of light flowed from the book of rules above the statue.

Afterwards, Martina saw several guardians floating in front of her.

The core and the most dazzling thing is a pottery drum made of non-copper and non-iron that occupies the most central position.

And the moment she saw this pottery drum, Martina instinctively wanted it!

It seems that as long as this protection is "assembled", life can be completed and become more complete.

It really deserves to be a treasure bestowed by God!

No wonder every player wants to get five-star protection so much!

Once, Martina deduced from common sense, she thought she understood.

But now, Martina knows that she didn't understand at all before, and she didn't really understand the players' true thoughts at all!
Now, she really began to understand!
Martina directly recalled the "common sense of brushing" told by the players earlier.

This "ceramic drum", named "Flying Tao Drum", is one of the four components of Song of Water, and the component with the highest drop probability.

The main entry is "big life", which is the most intuitive life bonus.

There is actually nothing to say about this, the real key is the following adverb.

Possible percentage health, charge efficiency, elemental mastery, attack, attack percentage, and noble double burst!

Especially the noble double explosion, the highest income after adding up.

[My lord, please bless me for a double explosion? ]
Martina prayed sincerely.

Seeing this, Rhodes, who heard the sound of prayer, couldn't help laughing.

An "NPC" is just like a player, so piously asking him to bless and withdraw money, I have to say it's a bit funny and funny!

Rhodes thought for a while, and then took these pictures.

By sharing these pictures on the Internet on the other side of the earth, maybe the popularity of deputy head Martina will skyrocket overnight?

Contrast, big contrast!
You must know that in the hearts of most players today, Martina's deputy head is still that cold and cold deputy head.

In all kinds of community secondary creations, and even small butter, the deputy head is an absolute attack. Maybe the character set will collapse!

After finishing her prayer, Martina immediately clicked on the five-star blessing of Feiliu Taogu in a similar way to opening a blind box.

The moment she saw the protection, Martina's deputy leader suddenly turned pale, and couldn't help complaining, "Don't say it's double explosion, it has nothing to do with double explosion, the attack is also a small attack, added by elemental proficiency not too high”

Martina was a little dissatisfied.


Emotionally, I'm not particularly excited, and I'm completely stable!

"Assembly first?"

On this point, Martina also heard the players talk about the strategy.

If there is protection, use it first, and the overall quality of all aspects will be improved, and it will be easier to brush the book below.

With a thought in her mind, the five-star protection "Tao Drum of Feiliu" turned into a stream of light and penetrated directly into her body.

In an instant, Martina felt the glow flowing above her body, and her spiritual feeling was even more intuitive.

At her level, it is actually very difficult to make progress.

But once progress has been made, it is really a step forward.

Martina felt extremely intuitively that her spirit seemed to have opened a "gate of elements".

The elemental power between heaven and earth, like her child, has become extremely docile.

Open your mouth and swallow, that is the purest elemental energy.

Martina's beautiful eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

"My lord, this is protection? This is simply a supreme gift!"

And this is just a change in elemental proficiency. As for the increase in the upper limit of life, Martina feels that her power is expanding, as if she is full of food.

As a great knight, Martina's control over her body is unimaginable to ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that she even feels that her body, hands and feet are a little uncoordinated, and she needs a considerable degree of adaptation training to adapt to the soaring strength.

"This is a miracle!"

Martina was extremely shocked, and her beautiful eyes were filled with unprecedented shock.

Even the best actors can't reach Martina's current level in handling the expression of shock.


Martina is a politician who has been in a high position for a long time and has a calm and reserved personality. It is very difficult for her to "break the defense" and "out of control" with direct expression management.

But because of this, it is very contrasting and funny.

Rhodes even felt that the players' shocked emoticons were about to be updated.

Like that very typical black question mark.

You may not know who the black brother is, but you have definitely seen or used his emoticons!

Martina was shocked, and couldn't imagine, "This is such a treasure, why do players still dislike it? I can't understand!"

Thinking of this, Martina's expression twisted into an exaggerated emoticon again.

"These players still have to beat and beat, it's because they don't know what to do!"

Martina shook her head angrily, feeling that the players were a little clueless.

Then, I started to look at other four-star guardians.

Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods.

In this comparison, Martina immediately saw the huge gap between the five-star protection and the four-star protection!

After fitting, Martina once again felt a huge boost.

Have to say, quite top!
But the only pity is that she didn't come up with a complete set of water songs!
Martina thought about it.

"This is what the player said. Improper person?"

Thinking about it carefully, it's really a bit inappropriate.

The shipping rate is really too low!
"I still have 290 gold coins on me, and I can swipe 29 more times. I should be able to swipe a set of suitable protection!"



three times.

Martina was a little confused.

"Why can't you make up a set of five-star water songs?"

four times.

Five times.

Six times.

"Extreme embryos, it's a pity that it seems that Song of Fire has to continue to brush up, and finally a complete set of hymns of the Three Realms can be created!"

seven times.

eight times.

nine times.

ten times
Martina is a little numb.

"Why is there a best product with four stars, but not a single one with five stars?"

She was ecstatic when she saw the double explosion just now, but when she saw that it was a four star, her heart went cold for the most part!

time flies.

When Martina came back to her senses again, the gold coins on her body had already been exhausted.


She still doesn't have a complete set of protection!
Knights Templar.

Martina asked in disbelief, "Is my savings only so small?"

She did the math, and it wasn't enough for her to swipe a hundred times. Then when will she be able to collect a whole set of usable protection?
In other words, when will she truly "graduate"?

In addition, it also needs money to pull the protection full!
Martina: "I remember you mentioned yesterday that there is a fund, right?"

Mona suddenly turned pale with fright.

"Master Deputy Head, that money is public funds and cannot be embezzled!"


Martina laughed dumbfounded.

Is she on top? !
It's really poisonous to brush the book!

What Martina didn't know was that some unscrupulous screen-snooping gods secretly photographed her changes before and after she read the book, and sent them to the earth's network silently.

In a short period of time, Martina's expression pack exploded!
Especially the sentence "Master Deputy Head, public funds cannot be embezzled", it is full of joy!

(End of this chapter)

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