Chapter 186 The bosses zoomed in

The commander of the fire demon gave an order, and several drummers in the Blood Knife Fort barracks raised their drumsticks at the same time.

Accompanied by the sound of passionate drums, many magic soldiers and even the cadres and leaders of the magic army received the signal of the general attack at the same time.

The "weapons" represented by the "Thirteen Guards of Prison Fire", that is, "cadres", exude an unprecedented cold aura at the same time.

Through the transmission of the internal "Nianhua" monsters, the "Thirteen Hellfire Guards" learned of the combat intention at the same time.

Capture living samples centered on "Double Carp", "Long Sky", "Pumpkin Man", Irene, etc., and then escort them to the third floor and deliver them to the Earl.

After a short internal communication, they assigned their respective tasks.

But he saw the "Drinking Demon Knife" among the thirteen guards of the Hellfire stomped his feet to the ground fiercely, and plunged straight into the soil.

In a short period of time, his feet turned into something like plant roots.

It can be seen that a large amount of elemental energy on the earth, especially the dark energy accumulated and accumulated due to the large number of war dead, is directly turned into a trickle, which is continuously swallowed by the Demon Drinking Knife.

Accompanied by the swallowing of massive energy, the body of the Demon Drinking Knife began to deform again, completely turning into a plant form below the waist and abdomen.

On the upper body, the clothes opened up like flower petals.

However, it is not a beautiful flower, but an existence similar to piranhas.

Ugly, ferocious, terrifying!
With the "man-eating flower" opening its mouth wide, the dark energy in the air once again gathered towards his body like small rivers.

Afterwards, the plant body of the Demon Drinking Knife could be seen, splitting and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a short time, the plant branches formed by the splitting of the magic-drinking knife grew into man-eating flowers one after another.

Another mass of elemental energy converged into the mouth of the plant that was split by the Demon Drinking Knife.
at the same time.

On the side of the human camp, Meng Na's complexion changed suddenly.

"Vice Captain, it's not good, I sensed the opponent's camp, and there are very strong, very strong elemental fluctuations."

After Mengna finished speaking, she accurately conveyed everything she perceived to Deputy Head Martina in a way of empathy.

Martina's complexion changed.

There is a common sense in Pagri Continent, that is, the longer it takes to prepare a great spell, the more powerful it will be.

"Send an order to Knight Mark Spencer to immediately interrupt the spellcasting of that 'Drinking Demon Knife'!"

"Message the "Golden Age Tang" guild, let them guard Mark Spencer Knight, and complete this task together! "


Mona immediately conveyed Martina's order to Knight Mark Spencer.

At the same time, on the player's world channel, she conveyed to the players an important "warning" that the opponent was about to magnify their moves.

Not only that, Mengna also, in the name of the official, issued a task to the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild to assist Knight Mark Spencer in interrupting the opponent's spellcasting.

Afterwards, Martina gave several orders one after another.

"The chanting class is preparing to chant combined magic to apply 'elemental protection' to our soldiers and braves."

The so-called "element protection" is a very common auxiliary magic.

The core is to mobilize the elemental energy between heaven and earth through chanting, and apply an elemental entanglement protection to the target object.

The core reason for letting the choir come out to sing until now is that it is too ostentatious to cast this kind of magic on all the soldiers in the audience.

Generally, after being released, the singing class will immediately reveal its whereabouts, and it is very easy to be targeted and hit hard.

If such a big spell goes on, the choir might be wiped out immediately.


Martina still used it without hesitation!
A trace of uneasiness rose in her heart, and she felt that the other party must have made a big move!


Meng Na soon conveyed back the information she perceived again!
"Master Deputy Commander, I sense that there are two strong men on the other side, cadres who should be stronger than the guards. They directly turned into a big pendulum and a huge knife and ax array, one on the left and the other on the right, and they continued to move toward each other. The core of our army is chiseled, and their shapes are very, very strange!"

Meng Na was very surprised, and for a moment she didn't know how to accurately express the "monster" she saw, so she had to empathize with the deputy head Martina again.

Soon, Deputy Captain Martina saw the monster that Mona said.

The so-called "big pendulum" was displayed under the prompt of the combat skill system, and his name was "Heartbreaking Hammer".

Can have 35 levels, HP up to an astonishing 5W.

At this time, the monster it turned into was an aggregate composed of various sledgehammers.

In terms of overall shape, it is very similar to a "magic doll".

There are six legs, each leg is composed of one or even several sledgehammers, and it even looks like a "stickman" made up of different components.

The style of painting is very simple, it seems to be the graffiti of a child who is just learning to paint!
As for his body, arms, and even his head, they were all composed of sledgehammers one after another, and his whole body exuded a cold light.

Compared with the lower body, the upper body is much more complicated, like a complex machine made of sledgehammers, very steampunk style.

It seems very mechanical, sluggish, and clumsy, but in fact it is the exact opposite.

A large number of aggregated heart-breaking hammers swung at an unbelievably fast speed, and even the most experienced players suffered losses one after another.

After all, Heartbreaker still looks like a human, but his arms can be long or short, and his wrists can be flipped up and down freely.

The jumping distance is also high. As for the legs and ankles, they can be rotated.

It can be said that the player has no idea from which direction the Heartbreaker will attack.

What's even more outrageous is that the heartbreaker's attack is different from that of a sword, it is a real shield strike and heavy blow.

When the hammer goes down, even if the player is not directly smashed to death, his body will be directly hammered away.

What's more, some players were planted by the Heartbreaker several times, and they were hammered into the soil.

The offensive is incredibly powerful!

One can imagine the psychological shadow area of ​​these players!

As for the "knife and ax array" that Meng Na mentioned, the ID displayed in the combat skill system is called "Bone-evisculating Knife", and it is also one of the "Thirteen Hellfire Guards".

The reason why he is said to be a sword and ax array is because every bone of him is a bone-eviscerating knife.

Not only that, these sharp knives can be shot out of the body by him at will.

Moreover, these sharp knives are extremely fast, just like hidden weapons and flying knives.

Many times, the players' bodies were pierced through, and only then did they perceive the killing weapon "boning knife" to release the attack on him.

And this is just single-target damage!
The knife array of the "boning knife" can completely form a circle, and at the same time, it ripples in all directions like water waves.

One sweep and it's a big piece!

Under the inappropriate and completely unexpected attack of the "Heartbreaking Hammer", coupled with the unbelievably fast knife array of the "Bone Eviscer", in just a short time, the attacking phalanx of the players was pierced through a huge gap.

It can be seen that the colorful bubbles are constantly floating towards the sky!

And this is still just the beginning, in addition to the "Heartbreaker Hammer" and "Eviscutter Knife", there are also Soul Eater Guns, Soul Wands, and Falling Bells.

These three are completely attacking the soul!
Players are relatively better, after all, they have previously received the "Moon God's Asylum" bestowed by His Majesty the God King, and can be immune to some spiritual charm methods.

Not only that, the vast majority of players have basically reached 17+ in level, and their mental power has basically been greatly sublimated.

In the face of mental attacks, basically there is still a certain degree of resistance.

For the vast majority of aboriginal fighters, the ratings can only be fixed at the seventh or eighth rank.

It wasn't long before the combat skill system was installed, and his mental strength had not reached the level of resisting mental shocks at all.

In a short period of time, a large number of aboriginal fighters passed out directly from the shock of the soul.

On the battlefield, this is basically not much different from sacrifice!

As for the players' field of vision, there was a red warning.

It has to be said that the situation on the battlefield is really changing rapidly. Not long ago, the side of the world was still very good, but the situation has become extremely unfavorable in the blink of an eye!
(End of this chapter)

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