After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 198 World Mission: The Dawn Brought by 3 Demon Soldiers

Chapter 198 World Mission: The Dawn Brought by Thirteen Demon Soldiers

"Boss, what do you need me to do?"

"Give yourself up."

"for what?"

"Give up your body, your emotions, your soul."

"In this way, can the City of Dawn be saved from sinking?"

"No, this move will completely sink Dawn City, but it may be possible to keep a seed in the end."

"Then I will do it!"

"If you give up everything, you still have to bear boundless sins?"

"What sin?"

"Kill relatives, friends, and the world!"

".Does it have to be like this?"


".I agreed!"

"Double Carp" clutched her forehead, but a memory that did not belong to her reappeared in her mind.

In the memory picture, there are two men, one old and one young.

The old one is the old man who is called "big old man".

As for the boy, he was the one who was willing to give up everything to save Dawn City during the conversation.

From the perspective of "Double Carp", the old man was really old, with gray hair and beard, loose skin, and age spots everywhere.

As for that boy, he was unusually young.

Said to be a teenager, but more like a child!

But it was such a child who shouldered the burden early on that did not belong to his age.

Accompanied by another stabbing pain in the chest, a large number of memory fragments resurfaced in the mind of "Double Carp".

I saw that, in a kind of magic and secret ritual, the young man just now withered his flesh and blood first, and then his soul withered.

Just in the blink of an eye, the once handsome and handsome young man has turned into a picture of neither human nor ghost.

There was no scream from him throughout the whole process, but "Double Carp" still felt the pain of scraping bones and killing souls.

The boy asked with the last trace of clarity, "Boss, is this enough?"

The old man said kindly, "Son, go to sleep, you won't suffer any more after you fall asleep!"

The old man did not answer the boy's question directly.


The young man more or less understood what the old man meant!
Even if you achieve this level, you may not necessarily be able to succeed!
Boy: "Then is there a day when I will know the exact answer?"

The old man looked at the inhuman young man in front of him with pity, and said after a long time, "Many times, knowing too much is the root of pain!"

An unusually penetrating smile appeared on the boy's pale face.

"It's nothing more than bearing some more."

"As you wish, all the crimes of the child are committed by the old man. If you wake up in the future, choose to forgive yourself!"

The picture in memory disappears.

At the same time, "Double Carp" saw that a large number of revolving scenes began to emerge in the mind world.

The young man who was neither human nor ghost, completely lost the last trace of clarity.

Then all his flesh, bones, and soul became the raw materials for forging.

And in this process, many treasures of heaven and earth, and many kinds of sacrifices were added.

The once beautiful boy, but he can no longer see the slightest human appearance.

In the end, he became a string of bone pendants!
The bone pendant was tossed and passed through multiple owners.


No matter which master it is in, it is always killing.

Accompanied by its figure, there is always a sea of ​​corpses and flames.

I don't know how many masters he passed, but he revealed it to the hands of the Earl of Darkness.

There are a large number of others of the same kind who entered the warehouse together with him.

There are knives, swords, hammers, and halberds.
In the hands of the Earl of Darkness, they have gone through several dismantling and recasting, even more imitation.

Not to mention, they were really successfully imitated!

Then, the entire territory of the Earl of Darkness began to mass-produce such weapons.

They have a total of thirteen styles!

of course.

Even if there are thirteen styles, their levels are also high and low.
And he himself is the most outstanding batch of "standard weapons" of the same kind!
One day, he became the personal guard of the Fire Demon Commander!

The screen is broken.

The beautiful eyes of "Double Carp" showed unprecedented surprise.

This man named "Burning Heart Pendant" in front of him is related to the former Dawn City, and he is also a young man with countless burdens?

In the heart realm, the man transformed by the Fenxin Pendant also covered his head at the same time.

"Just now, was that... a memory of my past?"

Fenxinzhui felt his three views burst.

He is a weapon belonging to the commander of the fire demon!
No emotion, no fear.
Fen Xinzhuo suddenly looked ferociously at "Double Carp"—it was this woman, this witch, who was trying to tamper with his memory!

Fen Xinzhuo made a violent move, and killed "Double Carp" with a whimper.

The speed is so fast that it seems like you can travel through space.

It's a pity that this is the heart realm of "Double Carp". Although Fen Xinzhuo specializes in soul attacks, "Double Carp" has the home court advantage.

Anna didn't even need "Double Carp" to make a move, Anna directly mobilized the phantom of the Laval Sacred Tree planted here.

Accompanied by the crazy growth of a large number of sacred tree roots and vines, the Burning Heart Pendant was bound layer by layer in the blink of an eye.

Burning Heart Pendant struggled.


The strength of the struggle became weaker and weaker, and soon, it was like giving up the treatment!
Immediately, the body of "Double Carp" became extremely uncomfortable.

Anna was startled, and quickly flew to "Double Carp", grabbed her arm, and asked with concern, "Jingyan, what's wrong with you?"

"Double Carp" covered his heart and said, "The ability of the Burning Heart Pendant is very strange, it is almost bound to me, he was traumatized and my body was also traumatized!"

Anna was taken aback.

Hastily loosened some of the restraints on Fen Xin Chuan Soul's body again.

However, Fen Xin Pendant no longer struggled this time.

Accompanied by the vast elemental power of the heart world, and the almost endless sacred power of the Laval Sacred Tree, the large amount of black mist above the Burning Heart and Falling Soul body has started a great purification again.


A large number of extremely small and broken pictures continue to emerge!

But the pictures are almost the same, basically killing.

Adults, children, civilians, warriors, not only that, but also a large number of hell monsters from the underworld.

It can be seen that every time the Fenxin Pendant kills a life, everything about this life will eventually be turned into nourishment for the Fenxin Pendant to nourish the magic patterns.

It can be seen that the Burning Heart Pendant is getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, it was like an oven inside, but it was burning with raging flames.

With the perspective of the flame, you can see the firewood, skull, and soul inside.

With more and more flashbacks, the pain shared by Fen Xin Zhuo and "Double Carp" also increased.

"It's not me. It's not me not me."


Accompanied by Fen Xinzhuo's scream, all the black mist above his body was removed in an instant.

Not only that, but a large amount of holy light above the holy tree of Laval was absorbed by the countless shrinking figure little by little.

Afterwards, the phantom became more and more solid.

It was the boy that "Double Carp" had seen in his memory before!

Or because the young man regained his clarity, the pain suffered by "Double Carp" finally got some relief.

The boy looked at "Double Carp", then at Anna, and finally his eyes fell on the heart realm in front of him.

The more you look, the more surprise you have ever seen in your eyes!
"The abundant and pure elemental power, and the pure sacred power of this tree, I never imagined that there is such a place in the world!"

Anna is wary.

Sensing Anna's vigilance, the young man smiled and said, "I won't hurt you any more. I have committed countless sins, and I don't want to do it again!"

As the boy said, he was about to withdraw the spell cast on "Double Carp".

"and many more!"

"Double Carp" stopped immediately.

Through empathy with this young man, she has already thoroughly understood the effect of the last great magic of Fen Xin Pendant!

That is to kill oneself and then kill!
Previously, he directly "assaulted" the "Double Carp" by burning his own heart.

The "Double Carp" has not died and returned home until now, partly because of the heart realm, and most importantly, Fen Xinzhuo wants to capture it alive as a specimen.

There is room for his skills themselves!
This is also the reason why he can still survive after casting the last great magic.


Once he takes back this great magic, then he may die completely!

Through empathy, Fen Xinzhui also learned about "Double Carp"'s intentions.

He suddenly laughed!
It is enough to know that "Double Carp" is a human being, and that she is qualified to wake herself up!

"Double carp" can wake him up, that is the opportunity that the explainer Tate once said, maybe it has arrived!
The Burning Heart Pendant retracted the spell cast on "Double Carp".

"Double Carp" is very light both physically and mentally.

On top of Fen Xinzhuo's body, a raging flame was burning.

"Double Carp" was startled, and was about to say something, but heard Fen Xinzhuan say, "Find the Thirteen Hellfire Guards, or their prototype, and kill them just like you killed me!"

After Fen Xinzhuo said these words, he suddenly burned the last bit of soul.

The heart world became clean again, and there was nothing left.

That boy named Fen Xin Zhuo seemed to have never existed.

"Double Carp" and Anna suffered quite a shock in their hearts.

Especially "Double Carp", all the pictures she saw through empathy before told her that there was an astonishing tragedy behind this boy.
Perhaps because of the empathy, this young man undoubtedly became a bit of a "double carp" with difficulty.

of course.

She also remembered the boy's last words!

At this moment, an electronic mechanical sound suddenly sounded in the mind of "Double Carp".


[World Mission: Do you choose to accept the dawn brought by the thirteen magic soldiers? 】

A look of surprise appeared in the beautiful eyes of "Double Carp".

Is there hope and dawn hidden behind the magic soldiers?
After that, she chose to accept without hesitation!
So, it's time to draw an end to this battle!

(End of this chapter)

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