Chapter 203 Guess 【Subscription】


Double sky.

With the end of the war, many players gathered together unconsciously.

A bonfire burned blazingly, bringing light and warmth.

Above the fire, some ingredients were being boiled in the portable cooking pot.

The aroma of the food became stronger and stronger.

However, the vast majority of players do not have much appetite.

It is true that they kill on the battlefield, but when the climax and excitement pass, what is left is a deeper emptiness.

In other words, the vast majority of players at this moment have not yet come out of the aftermath of the previous battle.

Especially after accepting the world quest, the image of the Thirteen Hellfire Guards could not be restrained in their minds.

The demon-drinking knife that turns into wood, the Shura armor that transforms into a blood giant, the boning knife that constantly sacrifices one's own bones, and the heart-burning pendant that burns one's own soul and then injures the enemy
To be honest, players have a somewhat subverted impression of them.

Before killing them, the player has more or less personal grievances towards them.

In fact, every boss in the Thirteen Guards of Hellfire beat them up ruthlessly.

Like "Double Carp", she is basically Kai Wushuang on the battlefield.

And Fen Xinzhui directly taught her how to be a human being, not to mention that she passed out directly, but also felt the beauty pain of "Xizi holding her heart".

It's like the soul stick, and it's more like "Long Sky", "Xiao Woting", "Dawei Tianlong", and "Internet Tyrant" who want to torture them to death.

As for the Shura armor, although it was beaten to death by the players in the end.

But in the process, it was the "evil" existence that often photographed the players into mosaics.

The transformed blood giant, that is even a slap in the face of a child.

Only when you have been beaten, you will know how miserable it was!
As for the Demon-Drinking Knife, the 40-meter rain of knives that fell that day directly abused the audience, sending [-]% of the players home in one wave, and almost hitting many players who doubted their lives.

I vaguely remember how many players felt that this battle was completely hopeless.

If it weren't for the support of the great magic of the deputy head of Martina at the critical moment, this battle can basically be played GG!
But what the players never expected was that after they killed these bosses, the impression of these bosses brought them a 180° reversal.

They are weapons, but weapons that actively sacrifice themselves.

Not only humans can use it, but even monsters can use it.

They have slaughtered monsters, but it is human beings who have slaughtered more!

And the ultimate goal is just to steal a little bit of energy.

The silent players are more or less tired and do not want to talk more and more. At this time, it may be most suitable to go offline, and then sleep to recover their energy.


Let them go offline, they are not willing!

I don't know when, players would rather be in a daze in the dawn world than return to reality prematurely.

This may not be in line with the principle of balance between the real and virtual worlds, and even more seriously violates the principles of healthy living advocated by health experts.

But the players just couldn't help it!
Compared with reality, they in the world of Daybreak have a more "alive" feeling.

Fortunately, their health has been good, and it's even getting better!

Just like the problem of obesity, more and more players have discovered that their appetite is getting better and better, and they eat more and more, but it seems that they don't need to worry about gaining weight.

For example, the wealthy "Double Carp" and Li Dashao even had a physical examination for the sudden increase in food intake.

But the results of the physical examination brought them good news that couldn't be better.

Not sure, but they are increasingly convinced of the magic of Breaking Dawn.

This kind of "gossip" has even begun to spread on a small scale!

Thus, such a strange scene appeared.

The listless players gathered around the fire, lazily or yawning, letting the flames flicker on their faces and bodies.

No one is playing with various idea devices, as if they have returned to ancient times with one move.

Indescribably strange!
You know, people living in modern society, who is not moderately dependent on electronic equipment?
However, people are still very different. After resting for a while, some players came back to life soon.

""Crouching Dragon and Phoenix", what do you think of the new world mission? "

After saying that, all the players subconsciously looked at "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix".

This person's combat effectiveness may not be the strongest, but his ability to analyze the plot is quite excellent.

Now, many players regard "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub" as a Xiaojiao.

"Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young", who was thinking about reasoning, thought for a while, but said subconsciously, "The overall plot is actually very simple. It should be the eve of the fall of Dawn City. A seed, and then found thirteen young girls, and then used them as raw materials to forge thirteen magic soldiers."

"These magic soldiers are practical, loyal, and most importantly, they can be used by monsters. More importantly, they can be easily imitated, and even mass-produced."

"As for the purpose, it is to use this method to secretly transmit energy to the hidden 'Land of Miracles'!"

The players nodded.

This is not a complicated thing, they really want to know if "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Child" can be interpreted from some unexpected angles.

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick": "The simplest point is that these thirteen demon soldiers are standard weapons, loyal to the Lord, and can be used by humans and monsters."

The players were taken aback for a moment, but then suddenly realized.

Yes, people can use it, and monsters can also use it. Doesn't that mean that players can also use it? !

In an instant.

All the players looked at each other with burning eyes.

If they could capture any one of the thirteen demon soldiers, wouldn't they have to walk sideways in the future?
The thirteen guards of Hellfire, every boss has a big magic at the bottom of the box, don't be too exaggerated!

Afterwards, everyone heard the denial of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young".

"It shouldn't be as simple as we imagined. In the cutscenes, we remember that the original versions of the thirteen demon soldiers almost all fell into the hands of the Earl of Darkness, and then he carried out mass imitations."

"He may have set some restrictions, and the purpose of the big boss is only to steal energy, and it is unlikely that the restrictions will not be able to be reformed."

"Think about it, if you can't plug the defect that whoever grabs it can use it, the Earl of Darkness will definitely not be able to mass-produce it with confidence!"

All the players nodded one after another. Although it feels a bit pity, the speculation of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix" is undoubtedly closer to reality.

From this point of view, that guy named "Big Boss" is really calculating.

It is very clear to calculate people's hearts!

of course.

This trick is not a conspiracy, but a naked conspiracy!

If you want to quickly improve your strength, you must mass-produce "Thirteen Guards".

What's more, the defect of the thirteen guards was preset by the elders in advance. Perhaps as long as there is a little knowledge of refining weapons, it can be modified.

What's more, this is specially reserved for the Earl of Darkness!
At this moment, everyone also heard "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" speak again.

"Maybe it's not that easy for the thirteen guards to recognize their masters, but in the process of doing the mission, maybe we can get some partners to help us pass the level. Maybe we can look forward to it!"

The eyes of all the players lit up.

In other words, for the next mission, there may be guides and helpers, even if they can't be completely subdued, they won't be tortured by the thirteen guards of the prison fire every time!
(End of this chapter)

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