Chapter 21

"Block it, stop it at all costs!"

"No, I can't stop it!"

"Johnny, Joseph bastard, I will fight with you"


Roaring, cursing, and shouts of killing can be heard endlessly. In just a short time, a large number of soldiers on the Dawn City side were killed.

The soldiers are very brave and fearless of death, especially when the battlefield is still in the capital of dawn, they cannot retreat, everyone is a trapped beast, and everyone is a mourner.

At any time, this kind of legion is the existence that can make a big earthquake three shocks by stomping its feet.

But, in the face of this group of ferocious players, courage and fearlessness are meaningless.

No matter how brave you are, you can't fight against death, and because of this, you feel wronged by being bullied!

Compared with the red-eyed, mentality and even explosive defenders of the city, although the players are still being killed continuously, they get used to dying as they die.

The painting style is still so strange, or sand sculpture.

"Fuck, kill Zhang Xiaoquan twice and you're head-grabbing again!"

"The way you use the knife is wrong."

"You're teaching me how to use a knife? I'll throw you garlic!"

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

"Another human head. Muddy horse, you are sincerely apologizing and unrepentant, right? Mark down, I, Zhang Mazi, will fight with you!"

"Sorry, sorry, there are still 91 heads left to complete the great cause of "killing a hundred people"! "


The sound waves echoed.

Flying and fighting, tearing each other down, laughing and cursing, they have nothing to do with the elite from the beginning to the end.


Cavalier Mark Spencer was completely silent, his face sinking like water.

[It's just a 'title' that makes this group of players burst out with such terrifying fighting power. How is it possible? ! ]
"My lord, let your subordinates go up, the speed of the player's monster progress is really too fast!"

Apprentice knight John felt like he had seen a ghost, and his words trembled a little.

After contracting the elves, becoming an apprentice knight, and becoming the deputy of the knight Spencer, John thought he had nothing to fear.
Until he saw the players!
Mark Spencer: "Yeah. Players progress really fast!"

Not so long ago, soldiers could crush the vast majority of players.

Under the army formation, ashes disappeared.

But now, the combat effectiveness of the players has been turned upside down, and in a short period of time, they can even catch up with the training of the soldiers for several years.

The best player among the players is almost surpassing the lieutenant in strength.

What's more, the progress is all-round.

There are fewer and fewer shortcomings in physique, strength, speed, and reaction.

Even if it is hit critically, it will not directly disappear into colored bubbles like in the beginning.

Especially the emergence of blocking combat skills has doubled the survival rate of this group of players.

As for the activation of the combat skill, the sound of special effects sounded continuously, more like a magic sound that urged one's life.



With a solemn face, John set off with the heart of death.

"For the great cause and the title? Terrible!"

Martina has commanded countless battles and is honored as the "brain of the knight order", so she also feels a headache at this moment.

The fighting spirit of the players because of a title made her feel a little terrified.

In front of the players, all the tactics that were invincible in the past basically lost their due effect.

Facing the crushing legion, the players ran away without any shame.

There is no psychological barrier to sneak attacks, but anything related to Wude is not done at all!

1000 people say it is a lot less, but it is really not much to say more.

Spreading it to a city is really not much different from finding a needle in a haystack.

For the blockade of traffic arteries, players climb walls, jump, climb trees, and walk on roofs
It seems that they have taken the proper path, and that is all disrespect for the path.

This also caused the favorable terrain of Dawn Capital to lose its original function to a large extent.

[Even goblins wouldn’t be in such a hurry, would they? ]
Martina stared at the sky speechlessly, and said after a while, "How about the sealing class?"

Meng Na looked a little ugly and said, "Except for the first few who were successfully sealed, once the subsequent players are sealed, they will immediately commit suicide by smearing their necks. Players should have a very unique way of communication, and their intelligence capabilities may be stronger than ours!"

Martina: "Where's the Resurrection Altar?"

Mona: "Master Beatrice did not find the resurrection altar. After the sealing class occupies the players' resurrection point, the players will be resurrected elsewhere!"

Martina: "."

[It doesn't have the weakness I expected, should it be said that it is the work of His Majesty the God King? ]
Meng Na suddenly looked strange and said, "Master Martina, just now Lord Beatrice sent information that the players are very interested in the elves who can seal, and several players clamored for apprenticeship!"


Martina: "How did Olena cope?"

Mona's face became even weirder, "Mistress Beataris said that if the players join them, she can consider it, but the number of places is relatively small!"

Martina understood in seconds.

This is the most common way to sow dissension, and even the stupidest goblin will not fall for it.

Obviously, Olina also said it casually.

Meng Na couldn't believe it, "One of the players stabbed a comrade to death with a single sword, and he said that there is no shortage of places now!"

Martina: "."

Meng Na was dumbfounded: "Master Martina, there are more than 20 players who have defected from Lord Beatrice. They seem to be shouting. For Lord Olina's buttocks? It's too obscene!"

Not to mention Mona, even Martina feels like I've seen her for a long time.

For Olena's butt?

Well, she admitted that Olina's hair is indeed very straight, and it is usually very eye-catching.

But as a gentleman, it is not only impolite to peek at a lady, but also very obscene and wretched!
As for speaking out loud.
Don't you feel embarrassed? !
Rao Martina already has a deep understanding of the players, and at this moment, she also feels that her brain is a bit overwhelmed.

Is there really anyone in the world who would fight to the death for a lady?
As an opponent, Martina didn't think the players' methods were unacceptable before.

After all, it is the enemy of life and death, so what means can't be used?


Rebellion in batches, without hesitation to give a sword to his companions, and chanting such embarrassing slogans over and over again, directly killed Martina, the wise deputy head of the regiment!

[The moral bottom line of the players seems a bit low, huh? Tactical fraud?Or really. Weaknesses? ]
Martina said thoughtfully, "Mengna, send a message to the knights, and you can properly consider recruiting players. However, you need to pay attention to their rebellion, and the early stage of recruiting is to submit a vote. Using players against players, Well done to award them titles?"

Martina doesn't know how to award the "title", but this does not prevent her from drawing big cakes, or that tactical fraud is also possible.

It doesn't matter if you fail anyway, what if you succeed?

Following Martina's order, the knights quickly took action.

There were no surprises, many players said on the spot that they could consider defecting.

Meng Na said with a look of admiration, "Master Vice Captain, your strategy has succeeded. The players agree to defect, and are willing to submit the vote certificate, but you need to pay more!"

Martina thought deeply, gold and silver are scarce in Dawn City, and money is not much.

However, she hadn't made up her mind yet, but there was another message from Meng Na.

"Master Vice Captain, the players said that it's okay to give weapons if you don't have money. They look good at armor and knight swords!"

Martina was annoyed.

Armor and weapons are not more expensive than money?
Even the small captain may not be able to get together a set of armor!
This is too greedy!

Is there any worthless rubbish?

Martina's eyes suddenly lit up, "Tell the players, there are no armors and weapons, but there are a few magic books and arcane tomes, do you want them?"


For Martina, instigating the rebellious players is nothing more than idle chess.

It's because the moral bottom line of the players is too low, she can't believe it at all!

Meng Na: "Many players agreed, screaming excitedly, and they started killing each other!"

Martina: "."

Is this really serious?

Seeing Martina's skeptical appearance, Rhodes, who was observing the development of the battle situation, couldn't help but smile.

He also didn't expect that Martina would come up with "garbage" such as magic books and arcane tomes to tempt the players.

The book is not a fake book, but the problem is that God War drained too much elemental energy back then, so that the release of spells requires the help of elves to transfer.

If you can't form an elf, even if you have a magic book, you can't release the spell!

Martina forgot one thing. He is the planner of this "game"!

Whether the magic book is rubbish or not, Martina doesn't care, but he does!

For a game, what is more important than positive feedback?
Since Martina dared to take out the magic book as a reward, he dared to let the magic book take effect.

 PS: It was recommended on the website, and the next step is the cruel elimination mechanism. I hope everyone can vote for it, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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