After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 213 Forbidden Curse Burying Demon 【Subscription】

Chapter 213 Forbidden Curse Burying Demon 【Subscription】

[The conditions of use are so harsh, no wonder it is still in the pile of classics and no one cares about it! ]
Great library.

"Shui Zhengyin Xin" looked at the old parchment in front of him, but his eyes were extraordinarily hot.

In Daybreak World, there are many ancient books.

Under normal circumstances, as long as players look at it, it will basically be automatically translated into Chinese.

And this also provides great convenience for players to play games!
of course.

There are also some books that are exceptions!

As for these books that have not been translated or cannot be interpreted, players will basically ignore them.

Only a small number of "Xiao scholars" who are obsessed with completing the plot background will touch it!
But the parchment in his hand, even the "Xiao Scholar" would avoid it.


This parchment scroll uses ancient characters that are almost discarded in the Pagri Continent!
If you want to compare, the status is a bit like "Oracle".

However, in order to stand out, "Shui Zhengyinxin" has struggled all the way from the server launch to the present, and even with the help of artificial intelligence, it was able to translate it.

What's more, in order to successfully translate, he also specially studied the current language of Dawn City, and then compared the ancient and modern with the help of various versions of the dictionary. After consulting many scholars, he finally saw a glimmer of light.

"Shui Zhengyinxin" has always been a genius, and his learning ability is beyond doubt.

But this time he learned a new language from scratch, and then used various tools to compare and translate repeatedly, which still made him a little autistic.

Fortunately, the earth's artificial intelligence is very developed, which has provided him with great help.

The reason why he is so persistent is because of "Shui Zhengyin Xin"'s extreme desire for strength.

He has always been at the top of the industry, he doesn't want to upgrade step by step, and then disappear from everyone.

Even so, he still wanted to give up several times.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't find another way, he probably wouldn't be able to persist until now.


After his research, he found that in the game "Breaking Dawn", if you want to get ahead step by step, the possibility is too low.

At present, "Double Carp", which has the strongest single output, seems to be following a very normal "strategy flow", but in essence it has brought the "back door" to the extreme.

Take the lead in building a good relationship with Rosalind of the Adventurers Association, and obtained a magic book "Thunder and Lightning" early.

And the follow-up magic book has become the signature of "Double Carp".

She played cards unreasonably, captured Anna, and then jumped to her current combat power and status!
Also, currently known as the "No. [-] Assassin", the "Backstab of Justice" that assassinated the boss twice in a row.

The key to his counterattack was that he got stuck in a bug and got the inheritance of Olina Knight.

After thirteen rounds of the flame chrysanthemum sealing method, the strength of "Justice's Backstab" ushered in a leapfrog growth, and the follow-up snowball became bigger and bigger.

What many people don't know is that "Backstab of Justice" has already backstabbed a teammate first before successfully getting stuck in the bug, and then obtained the crucial magic book "Space Movement".


He collected all these details bit by bit!

As for "Long Sky", it seems that the path he took is the least problematic, and it is the most domineering path.

In fact, compared with several other "hanging walls", "Long Sky" relied on its strength to seize the opportunity from the very beginning.

the first great achievement;
The first player to let the trainee knight Irene remember, and then always pay attention to follow players;

The first honorary knight to become a regular;

the first elf;

The first player to develop the high-level usage of the Ode of the Three Realms.
It is no exaggeration to say that the path traveled by "Long Sky" is almost impossible to replicate.

He has been ahead of everyone from beginning to end, and he is a well-deserved waver.

Either in the soup, or on the way to the soup.

As a player who entered the pit from the second test, he lost the opportunity from the very beginning!
And the reason why he was so persistent in translating ancient books was actually inspired by the "backstab of justice".

In addition to the normal upgrade system, gaining power similar to spells will naturally be stronger than others.

Facts have proved that not only the "backstab of justice", but also the strongest players today have more or less power outside the normal system.

"Xiao Woting" is the biggest beneficiary of the battle against the boss tailor.

The actual installation of the dimensional stomach bag officially let him out of the circle!

"Dawei Tianlong" is a little bit close, but he insists on playing shield all the time, playing support very well, and has a chance to squeeze into the head circle.

To really get out of the circle completely, I still participated in the battle with "Double Carp" and "Long Sky" in the battle of Shura Armor.

Because his position is not in competition with the top output players!
As for "Evening Breeze Keeps People Drunk" and "Quishang Weimeng", both of them are the beneficiaries of the world quest "Vahari's Eternal Feast" at the same time.

The follow-up luck factor was better, "Qu Shang Wei Meng" bumped into the almost fainted tailor head-on, and sewed up the mermaid's half body.

And this is also the key opportunity for the rise of "Late Breeze Keeping People Drunk"!

In other words, this is also the key to the emergence of the player "Xiao Woting".

"Xiao Woting" got the blood of the Cerberus because he saw the acting of "The Night Breeze Keeps People Drunk" and cut off his beard in advance.

And this is the key to his follow-up to bring "The Dimensional Stomach of the Gluttonous Bug" to the fullest!
And all of this fully demonstrates one point - there is no way out if you follow the steps!

As for the ancient forbidden curse he translated, it was called "The Curse of Burial".

The core is to chant 36 mantras, using essence, blood, flesh, and soul as guides, and then instantly hit an output that cuts everything.

In other words, this is a forbidden technique that a normal person can only use once in a lifetime.

Even for players, this is probably a curse that will kill them and go home immediately after one move.

Even so, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" is still very satisfied.

Although it is extremely troublesome to die and go home directly after using it, it is also the best thing he can get so far.

It is the only way for him to get out of the circle!
And when there is no better way, the only way is the best way!

outside the city.

No man's land.

"Shui Zheng Yin Xin" started the experiment.





"Shui Zhengyin Xin" paused every word, and began to recite according to the records in the ancient books.

After chanting, however, nothing happened.

In this regard, he was not frustrated, but changed his rhythm and continued to read.

As early as when he deciphered it with the help of artificial intelligence, he knew that this kind of spell, even if the pronunciation was correct, the speed at which the spell was recited might cause the forbidden spell to fail.

And his artificial intelligence also helped him sum up the most likely ways of singing early on.

The big deal is to test again and again!

Even so, he still underestimated the difficulty of the experiment!

time flies.

"Shui Zheng Yin Xin" has experienced failure after failure!
And the capital of dawn, even in the wild, does not have an absolutely empty and no-man's land.

His weird behavior also aroused the curiosity and imitation of many players!

Players' patience is limited after all!

Curious players come and go, one crop after another.

The clock is ticking.

"Shui Zhengyinxin" even forgot how many pots of water he drank, even so, his mouth was still parched.

Even he tried to the point of despair!

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that the HP gauge was instantly emptied.

At the same time, he felt unprecedented power!
"Water Zhengyinxin" looked bright and laughed loudly.

After taking out the bow and arrow, he shot an arrow towards a forest.


Accompanied by a huge fireball leaping up, a large number of trees and rocks were directly engulfed by the big fireball.

Seeing this dazzling fireball, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" couldn't help but get wet.

Although he was in a game, he couldn't describe his mood at all.

The process is really too difficult. I don't know how much effort was spent and how many difficulties were overcome.

But also because of this, the big fireball jumping up is so beautiful in his eyes!
However, before he could be happy in the future, the next moment, it suddenly turned into a large number of colored bubbles and dissipated.

When "Water Zhengyinxin" came back to his senses again, he had already returned to the capital of dawn.

Immediately, I started laughing like crazy!
Many people around looked at him suspiciously.

Especially the aborigines, who are used to seeing the rewards for various strange behaviors of players, still feel a little incomprehensible at this time.


Not everyone can understand!
At least, Rhodes understood.

The 100th floor of the Tower of the Sun.

Rhode's line of sight fell on "Water Zhengyin Heart" through layers of obstacles.

His eyes flickered, and then, in the eyes of the gods, there appeared in the eyes of the gods. From the start of the server to the present, "Water Zhengyinxin" went from investigating and establishing a project to overcoming various difficulties and obstacles, and restored it bit by bit. Finally, it successfully detonated the forbidden curse "Buying the Demon". "Curse" bit by bit.

Rhodes was surprised, even a little dumbfounded.

Should it be said that people like "Shui Zhengyinxin" deserve to be successful?
This talent, this talent, this perseverance believes that no matter what industry he is in, he will definitely achieve something!
The professional player with the most commercial value in "Oath"?

No wonder!
This is a real genius Rhodes remember him!

Moreover, this "Burial Curse" is indeed very valuable.

Now that the "Shui Zhengyin Heart" has recovered, it also means that he has fully grasped it.

In just an instant, countless usages of "The Burial Curse" appeared in Rhodes' mind.

In other words, the imminent Sacrifice gameplay!
It is indeed very suitable for players' tactics, which will help a lot!

at the same time.

However, the electromechanical sound of the system sounded in the mind of "Shui Zhengyinxin".

【Faith will move mountains to open.Congratulations to the player "Water Zhengyinxin" for successfully restoring the ancient forbidden curse "Burial Curse" and completing the great cause "Knowledge Keeper". 】

[Referring to the difficulty of hell and the mental effort required to restore the ancient forbidden curse, a silver-level weapon 'Magic Hunting Bow' is specially rewarded. 】

[Obtain the permanent title 'Knowledge Keeper' and reward 30 Saint Quartz. 】

Hearing the rewards and feedback given by the system, "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" was ecstatic immediately.

Hard work pays off, and it's finally worth the huge sacrifices he has made since the server was launched.


The silver-level bow and arrow magic hunter, the reward of 30 holy crystals, is still far beyond his imagination.

Because, among his known great achievements rewards, they are basically refining-level transitional weapons.

As for the reward of Saint Quartz, there are generally 5 pieces.

His great achievement reward this time made history!

At this moment, the heart of "Shui Zhengyinxin" was filled with unprecedented pride.

Unprecedented cool!

But at this moment, an electronic mechanical sound sounded again in the mind of "Shui Zhengyinxin".

[Considering the ancient forbidden spell "Burying Demons", which has great significance to war, do you choose to teach it? 】

[Option [-], do not teach. 】

[Privilege: A version of personal exclusive. 】

[Option [-], choose to teach. 】

[Privilege: For every player who learns it, you will be rewarded with 10 gold coins. 】

[Taboo: Do ​​not teach it to the aborigines. 】

"Shui Zhengyinxin" was stunned.

Does this work too?
He never expected that there would be an exclusive patent in the game!

Who doesn't know the importance of gold coins these days?
Especially for brushing, the gold coin is the ticket.

There is a tiankeng, a bottomless pit, no matter how many gold coins you earn, it will not be enough to spend!
Many people are already calling the dungeons in Breaking Dawn a nefarious gold recovery scheme these days!
Don’t you see how those players who frantically do tasks to make money every day in order to save money and earn money, and then live a hard life in various ways come here.

"Shui Zhengyin Heart", who has been more and more fond of "Breaking Dawn", now sees that the ancient forbidden spell he restored can be divided into patents, and his heart almost melts.


Must share!

"Choose to teach."

The moment "Water Zhengyinxin" made a choice, the entire "Breaking Dawn" server sounded the broadcast at the same time.

[Congratulations to the player "Shui Zhengyinxin" who has gone through untold hardships to restore the ancient forbidden curse "Buying Curse". After negotiation, the player "Water Zhengyinxin" is willing to share this forbidden curse with all players. 】

[From now on, the Forbidden Curse Burial Demon will be available in the system store. Players are welcome to buy it enthusiastically. For every copy sold, the player "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" will get a share of 10 gold coins. 】

Hearing this system announcement, in an instant, the entire world of "Breaking Dawn" immediately boiled.

All the players were stunned.

patent share
Fuck, is there such a way to play?
See you soon!

At this moment, "Water Zhengyinxin" has become a well-known "university scholar" and "big winner" in the whole server.

"The ID is so familiar, is it the "Shui Zhengyin Xin" I thought it was? "

"Gollum, it might be that one!"

"Worshiping the boss, it's so terrifying!"

"Worship the boss!"


Then, players from all walks of life lined up to "worship the boss".

As for the cute new "Master of Unrestraint", he was a little dumbfounded at this time.

It's only been a few days since the second test was launched?
The boss of "Shui Zhengyinxin" is directly famous in the whole server?
Should I say, is the boss worthy of being a boss?
As for "Long Sky", he directly sent a private message to "Shui Zhengyin Xin" with a clasped fist and worshiping emoji.

Seeing this, "Shui Zhengyinxin" immediately smiled comfortably.

He fought all the way in "The Oath" and became famous early on, but perhaps because he has achieved too much, honor has become less important to him.


At this moment, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" is rare to find. When I played "The Oath", I was excited and proud when I won the highest honor for the first time.

"Breaking Dawn" is indeed a top-notch black technology, and it is really well-crafted in all aspects.

As long as he is still alive, he will be able to play this game forever!

"Shui Zheng Yin Xin" happily opened the system store, and sure enough, the ancient forbidden curse "Buried Magic Curse" was already on the shelves.

The selling price is written on the price: 1000.

And his share of .10!

Edison, the big capitalist, probably cried when he saw it!
You bastard, give him all the emotion he just had!
(End of this chapter)

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