Chapter 215 Too Real 【Subscription】

Seeing the "event" appear, all the "Breaking Dawn" players were surprised at the same time, and even felt like the sun was coming out of the west.

It is really the first time that "events", which are commonplace in other games, appear in the world of "Dawn".


The game style of "Breaking Dawn" is too "realistic", which also makes it not as dreamy and dramatic as other games.

Rare things are more expensive, and all the players were enthusiastic, and they began to check the event announcement one after another.

【Dear brave warriors:】

[Time is long, years are like sand, and history will always be blown away by rain and wind.But the world will always record the bits and pieces of the past, which may be the meaning of archaeology. 】

[Scholar 'Monroe' from the Adventurer's Association seems to have invented a camera that can see the past, let's go find him. 】

[Event rewards: past camera, dog-style flying puppet, gold coins, and holy crystals. 】

Seeing the "rewards" given by the event, all the players screamed at the same time, and then it was like a chicken blood.

In the past, the camera was nothing but a flying dog puppet.
Oh my god, "Breaking Dawn" has finally started doing personnel work?
After playing "Breaking Dawn" for so long, they knew the existence of "puppets" and "dolls" early on.


Until now, they have only seen dogs and leopard puppets used as weapons of war in videos.

Simply not too handsome!
They are greedy for these puppets, and it is not a day or two.

But there has never been a channel and opportunity to obtain it!

Unexpectedly, this time, they not only had the opportunity to obtain a puppet, but also a kind of puppet that could fly.

Flying props!
What are you waiting for?
The moment they saw the game announcement, the envious players started to act.

Soon, all the players crowded into the Adventurer's Association.

After a brief conversation with the Kanban lady, I followed the quest guide to the Tower of the Sun and found the NPC tool man "Monroe".

The reason why he is a tool man is because all the action patterns of this "Monroe" have been hinted by Rhodes.

In essence, it is actually the embodiment of Rhodes' will!

After another simple conversation, the players finally understood the gameplay of this event.

To put it simply, they will first receive a camera that can see the past.

Then, by collecting all kinds of information, clues to the "dog flying puppet" can be found.

After completing the final exploration, you can permanently get a "flying puppet" item as a reward.

It's a classic design!

In this regard, players do not have any understanding barriers.

For them, no matter how simple the design of this activity is, as long as the "dog flying puppet" they receive is interesting enough, then this is an excellent activity.

"Cat Sadist Schrödinger" is similar to many players, and he received the "Camera of the Past" very smoothly.

After getting the real thing, it feels heavy, and the texture of metal is extremely strong.

The shape looks a bit like an antique camera, and he played with it subconsciously, and it really feels like playing with an antique.

After finally following the tutorial to learn how to use this old antique camera, I shot it at the Tower of the Sun.

As a result, the display is out of area and there are no items to interact with.

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" was speechless.

However, soon the tool inventor Monroe came over and told him that there was a mysterious mysterious area submerged in history on the 54th floor of the Tower of the Sun, suggesting that he could go and have a look.

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" understands in seconds.

After completing the cutscene again, you will directly enter a portal leading to the 54th floor.

As soon as Hajime entered the portal, "Schrödinger the cat abuser" suddenly realized.

Isn't this the environment of the rumen layer?

If it wasn't for the small map showing that he was still alive, he would even suspect that he was directly transported to the rumen layer of the underworld.

Compared with the chaos and disorder of the rumen layer without any guidance, there is a very clear route guidance in this activity map.

Even so, traveling in this environment is still very unfriendly.

At this point, he has already explored the rumen layer, and has initially mastered some small skills.

If it was the first contact with Mengxin, the result would probably be even worse!

Pi Yin~~~
Accompanied by the special effects of sword skills, "Schrödinger", the cat abuser, went through a lot of twists and turns before arriving at the first interactive "archaeological point".

Looking at the pattern, it looks like half a piece of extremely severely corroded parchment.

The pits and pits on it are all potholes corroded by ink, and the handwriting is basically unreadable.

The parchment is inlaid in the petrified soil, and the vast antiquity rushes to the face, as if it is really an "antique" buried in the dust of history, and it is a "shell" in the sea of ​​time.

No matter how monotonous the previously designed gameplay was, this "archaeological" atmosphere came up all at once.

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" immediately took out the prop "Past Camera" and directly took a photo of this "archaeological site".


After a shutter sound, a photo was directly developed.

Seeing this photo, "Schrödinger, the cat abuser" soon felt his brain go into a trance, and then an image appeared in front of his eyes.

An extremely disappointed voice sounded!

"Seeing the scroll drawings drawn by Carter, I know that I will never be able to compare with him in this life, even though I have been studying scrolls for more than three years."

But it was such an endless sentence that made "Schrödinger, the cat abuser" stunned.


These words directly hit the softest part of his heart!
The "club" guild gods are everywhere, and he, an "ordinary person", is really under great pressure.

But he was even more unwilling to leave the "club" so disheartened.

Geniuses and ordinary people?
At this moment, "Schrödinger the cat abuser" can't wait to know the follow-up story.

Then, he immediately followed the task guide and rushed to the next archaeological site.

Compared with the first "archaeological site", the second archaeological site is much more difficult to reach.

This time, "Schrödinger the cat abuser" found a badly rotten box in a muddy beach.

Strange to say, not long ago, it was an extremely arid environment similar to a desert, and when it turned around, it was a tidal flat wetland.

With this turning point in the environment, it is estimated that geographers from all over the world will be slapped on the table angrily.

It's so unscientific!
"Cat Abuse Maniac Schrödinger" opened the box carefully, but there were thick sheepskin rolls inside, but most of them were rotten.

When the wind blows, it will be directly reduced to ashes.

The scared "cat abuser Schrödinger" hurriedly took pictures to complete the task.

Then, in his mind, a young man who looked a bit naive and a bit dull stood by the river and threw a wooden box into the water.

"After careful consideration, I decided to give up scroll making."

"Because I know that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to catch up with Carter. He is a real genius!"

"Siebel advised me not to give up. She said that Carter and I were completely different types, and I didn't always compare myself with him. I also have advantages."

"Perhaps Xibel didn't know. When she advised me not to compete with Carter, she subconsciously believed that I was indeed inferior to Carter."

The screen stopped abruptly.

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" suddenly froze.

The sense of sight was so strong that he couldn't hold back.

An "ordinary person" who doesn't know his name, a genius named "Carter", a girl named "Siebel"?

"Cat Sadist Schrödinger" directly made up a love triangle story about a genius, an ordinary person, and a white moonlight girl.


Things like career and love belong to geniuses!
It was too real, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

But he is still eager to see the final direction of this story.

Immediately follow the guidance and rush to the third photo spot.

But along the way, they encountered all kinds of monsters. They killed and killed them all the way, and they didn't know how many waves of monsters they had brushed before they finally reached the third photo spot.

(End of this chapter)

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