Chapter 230 Straw 【Subscription】

Everything happened so fast, no one thought that "Long Sky" could break through the dark water shield of the leader of the water demon so easily.

However, the commander of the water demon must not be so easy to kill.

After a simple fight, the commander's demeanor of a "peerless powerhouse" completely stood still.

Accompanied by the sound of rolling water, the body of the water demon commander suddenly shattered and turned into that puddle of water.

However, the trick of the water demon commander has already been used, and it belongs to "public information".

"Long Sky" didn't let the water flow go, but suddenly swung his sword.

One sword, two swords, three swords.
After counting the swords, the ensemble movement of the song of water and the song of chords was played naturally.

The water flow scattered on the ground was suddenly shattered into a large number of pieces.

But these Broken Qiong split into smaller water demon leaders one after another in the blink of an eye.

The figures of these water demon commanders gradually solidified, becoming more real from the flow of water.

Then they activated their magic power at the same time, and one after another water swords shot out from different directions in all directions at the same time.

"Long sky" is suddenly a water sword, flipping in the air, switching the song of water to the song of fire and the chord song.

The speed soared countless again!

I saw a raging fire, constantly "burning" and "blooming", shuttling back and forth between the thousands of "water swords".

Time seems to slow down!
In the blink of an eye, the two fought against each other for dozens of rounds.

All the clones of the water demon commander were cut off one by one.

Of course, "Long Sky" was not intact, and its HP was unknowingly cut by a third.

All the players were stunned, especially the revived "Double Carp", their beautiful eyes were also shining.

She sort of understands what it means to really know how to fight!

time flies.

"Sky" brought its own advantages to the fullest, sometimes turning into a water dragon and sometimes turning into a raging fire, and when the hymn of the Three Realms was played at the same time, and when the highest level of water and fire was played, its strength simply entered another dimension.

In the past, they only knew that the water and fire movement was awesome and the upper limit was high, but they never thought that the upper limit was so high.

"Dawei Tianlong" was shocked.

The strength of "Long Sky" has improved faster than he imagined!

The burgundy elf he made a contract with didn't seem to add any elemental power to "Long Sky", but just the improvement of those all-round attributes made every attack of "Long Sky" a "physical" attack, but it was just water and fire. The effect of the big movement is already enough.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the other top players were also indescribably shocked.

In the past, they all seemed to be similar to "Long Sky", but only when they faced a master of the level of the Water Demon Commander, did they realize that the gap between them and "Long Sky" was even greater than imagined.

The leader of the water demon turns into a water dragon, and "Sky" breaks it with the song of water.

The hymn of the three realms of "Sky" was played in unison, and the leader of the water demon broke it with dark water.

The leader of the water demon, Mingshui, danced wildly, and "Sky" broke it with endless impact.
time flies.

The players were dazzled, but they seemed to be enjoying an unprecedented feast.

They have never been so confident and longing for the water and fire movement in the hymn of the Three Realms.

This is the pinnacle field that every high player wants to reach!

Accompanied by the sound of crystal shattering, the "long sky" that was rushing to attack suddenly shattered, turning into colorful bubbles and disappearing.

The players were stunned, unimaginable.

"Sky" was killed?
how come?
The commander of the water demon, who was so embarrassed to the extreme, couldn't help panting heavily, his body was covered with blood, and he was a little surprised to see his right hand with several broken fingers.

Unbelievable, but also swallowed by joy.

""Long Sky" should be the strongest among you humanoid war weapons, haha, he is defeated, and he is also defeated. Even at the end of my strength, one after another of you strongmen can't defeat in continuous wheel battles."

"You guys can't do it in this world, you can't do it before, and you won't do it in the future!"

The voice of the commander of the water demon was very weak, and it was obvious that he was really dying.


His voice resounded throughout the small teacup!
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the players won this battle.

But facing such a powerful water demon commander, they felt that they had lost very, very thoroughly!

Underworld, is every great commander so strong?
Thinking about it now, the death of Commander Feng Mo and Commander Huo Mo is really aggrieved!
The commander of the water demon panted heavily, and shouted loudly, "Underworld, the Earl of Darkness, the commander of the water demon, Dark Fitzgerald, came to lead the death, who... came to take the head of a certain leader?"

The voice was weak countless times, but it resounded in everyone's heart.

The players feel that since they started playing "Breaking Dawn", there has never been a boss who shouted louder and more deeply into the hearts of the people than the water demon leader in front of him.

If there is a peerless powerhouse, then he may be like the Great Commander of Changshui Demon!
"Is there no one in 'The Brave'?"

"The "Club" guild, "Schrödinger the cat abuser" joins in. "

The commander of the water demon glanced at "Schrödinger, the cat abuser", panting heavily, "Abusing cats? You can not love them, but why do you want to abuse them? This name is not good, let's change it!"

"Cat Sadist Schrödinger" didn't speak, but directly revealed the big elf.

The commander of the water demon was surprised, and his expression became unprecedentedly solemn.


"Brave, it's really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I thought that "Double Carp" was the strongest, but I never thought that there was another "Sky" who was good at fighting. You at the level of a great elf."

"Someone, come and lead the death!"

The voice of the commander of the water demon was so strong and desolate that the players all felt that his true hero had come to an end.


No player dares to look down on him!
It is no exaggeration to say that the commander of the water demon has changed the player's perception and cognition of the entire underworld.

After seeing this great commander, the players really realized that the fall of Dawn City was not wronged, and it was not wronged at all to be suppressed so miserably in this world!

"Cat abuser Schrödinger": "Are all the commanders as strong as you?"

The commander of the water demon has noticed the honorific speech of "Schrödinger, the cat abuser"!

I wanted to talk nonsense, but I changed my mind after all.

"How is it possible? How can those bastards compare to my water demon commander?"

The players couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief after hearing the boast of the Water Demon Commander.

If every Grand Commander is as strong as the Water Demon Grand Commander, then it would be extremely difficult for the underworld to attack!

As if he understood the thoughts of the players, the commander of the water demon laughed, "Although the other commanders are useless, the Earl is countless better than me. You human beings in this world are doomed to defeat. You will never be able to defeat me in the underworld." Never possible!"

The commander of the water demon was a little hysterical, and he acted very crazy.


But it didn't affect his lofty status in the hearts of the players at all!
3 minute later.

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" died in battle.

5 minute later.

"Fever 105°" died in battle.

6 minute later.

"Experts advised me to pay to work" died in battle.

9 minute later.

"Press q to become a Thor Hunter" died in battle.

15 minute later.

"Dawei Tianlong" died in battle.

23 minute later.

"Xiao Woting" died in battle.

Three 10 minutes later.

The "Jinjiang thief" died in battle.

Four 10 minutes later.

"Nai He Wu Dian Wei Xiang Hu" died in battle.

Five 10 minutes later.

"Master of Non-discipline" died in battle.

after an hour.

The commander of the water demon "Dark Fitzgerald" died in battle!

The battle of the small tea bowl came to an end.

All the players looked at the direction where the water demon commander disappeared, but at the same time showed a touch of respect.

Some people are dead, they are still alive; and some people are alive, they are dead.

The leader of the water demon died in the battle, but he will always live in the hearts of all the dawn players.

But all players who have participated in this battle may never forget this great commander called "Dark Fitzgerald".

What's more, the Grand Commander may become his exclusive pronoun in the future!

Also because of this great commander, the players know for the first time what the high-end power of the underworld is like!

"Great Commander, go all the way!"

I don't know who was the first to yell out such a sentence, and then the players all opened their mouths to see off the commander who almost killed all the players all the way.

"Great Commander, go all the way!"

"Great Commander, go all the way!"

"Great Commander, go all the way!"


Amidst the voices of seeing off the Grand Commander, the players couldn't help but feel a little excited.

With such a great commander, Dawn City really deserved its loss back then.

It's no wonder that he will be the first to break through Dawn City first!

After the death of the leader of the water demon, An Fitzgerald, all the elites of the underworld in the small tea bowl were completely annihilated.

Players can finally continue to follow the drama unimpeded!


The vast majority of players are still immersed in the heroic spirit of the Grand Commander, and it is difficult to extricate themselves for a while.

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick": "Coincidentally, what a coincidence. The plan is to keep Dawn City alive, but the aura is extremely wide open."

"You said, in the days when His Majesty the God King has not returned, can a strong man like Deputy Head Martina alone be able to resist the attack of these strong men led by the Water Demon Commander?"

Not to mention the players, even Anna couldn't help but think more deeply about this issue.

It's really a miracle!

Even Anna has to admit that even under the light of the tower of the sun in this world, the monsters in the underworld will be weakened to a considerable extent, but with a few more powerful men like the Water Demon Commander, the fall of Dawn City may be It's a given.

They don't know how strong Martina's deputy head is, but she is definitely not much stronger than the water demon commander.

And above this great commander, there is an even more unfathomable Dark Earl.

It is really a fluke that the world can survive until now!

Anna said with lingering fear, "I'm really scared, maybe your previous speculation was right, they deliberately reserved Dawn City for regular harvesting."

The players were in a trance for a while.

I remembered a conjecture I once made, that in this world, the three worlds are in the most harmonious state.

And the underworld has grown bigger and bigger, and even eroded the world in turn, making the underworld's Taiming source power unprecedentedly strong.

But the high level of the underworld also needs the power of the sun in this world and the power of Tailing in the spirit world to reconcile their own state.

Therefore, this last dawn capital in this world is very likely to be the last regularly harvested pasture deliberately left behind!
The players are silent.

In the game "Breaking Dawn", sometimes the deeper you dig into the background, the darker it becomes, and the more chills you feel down your spine.

"Double Carp" comforted Anna and said, "Don't worry, everything has changed. You have our players and His Majesty the God King. Everything will get better and better!"

Anna nodded heavily.

She wants to become stronger, stronger and stronger, and she must protect "Double Carp", protect everyone, and protect the entire Dawn City!
Sensing Anna's heart, "Double Carp" smiled, "If you protect me, I will definitely protect you too!"


All the players saw together that Anna's body was bathed in endless radiance, and purple thunderbolts jumped up.

And behind her, an unprecedentedly huge phantom of the holy tree emerged!
Afterwards, Anna was promoted to the Great Elf in full view.

And the upper limit of "Double Carp" is open to level 60.

Players: "."

What the hell, is there any reason for this?
It's all fighting monsters and upgrading, why do elves sublimate after you fight monsters?

Is it really necessary to name a pair of koi like "Double Carp", and then double the luck?
Then they changed their names to "four carp", "six carp" and "eight carp".
They are so sour!
"Double Carp" couldn't help being surprised, and kissed the little Anna while holding it.

It was really a surprise and a surprise!

"Xavier once said that elves are the evidence of the heart. I agree with this. Anna wants to protect me, and I want to protect Anna. We have felt each other's hearts more than once."

"If you want to cultivate elves into big elves, you must find a way to perceive your little elves' minds, and it is best to be able to communicate with each other!"

Players: "."

They all looked at "Schrödinger, the cat abuser", are you doing the same?

"Cat abuser Schrödinger": "It's not the same, how can I be the same as the master "Double Carp"?She and Miss Anna share the same mind, and both have a strong desire to protect each other. "

"In essence, I seem to see myself clearly. The core is to understand the limits of my abilities. I admit that I am ordinary, which is a bit like admitting ordinary but unwilling to be ordinary."

"My enlightenment is more like recognizing myself and arousing a strong sympathy from the contracting elves!"

Many players thought about it.

It seems that the elf contracted by "Schrödinger the cat abuser" may also be an ordinary but unwilling existence in the elf family.

After a strong emotional resonance, it sublimates!
Spirit sublimation seems a bit complicated, but it seems to be quite interesting!

"Long Sky" was thoughtful, and couldn't help but think of the situation when he made the contract with the elf.

Are you connected with each other, or do you recognize yourself?
He should probably be able to grow his elves into great elves soon too!

After the event "Picking Shells from the Wild Sea", players all know the photo spot at the end of the small tea bowl, and the "antique" is a tea tray.

More than 30 years ago, the young Carter was officially crowned as the youngest elder in the history of Dawn City with a feather on his head representing the position of elder.

High spirits!

Then, the three giants held a tea ceremony meeting here.

Doge, a boy who felt that he would never be able to catch up with Carter, couldn't help but reveal his heart and asked Carter what else in the world he couldn't do.

The young Carter once said that he could not stop the world from sinking, and he could not read Heibel's heart
To put it bluntly, it is still a teenager's troubles, career and love!
So, what about 30 years from now?
What will they talk about in this tea ceremony talk?
If I remember correctly, Carter has already left the stage, and Hiber is almost reaching the end of his design life.

With the sound of the camera shutter sounding again and again, one picture after another appeared in the minds of the players.

"Old thief, what else do you do besides chanting the slogan of never giving up?"

The opening chapter bursts with big melons.

The new boss Doge was assassinated!
There are more and more opponents who are dissatisfied with his governance methods, think that he is just chanting slogans, and even begin to miss the former boss Carter.

Tea ceremony talks, the Big Three meet again.

His clothes were still stained with blood, and he was a very exhausted Daoge;
Still exquisite, but his eyes can hardly see much emotion, and even a little dazed Xibel;

There is also the eye hanging in front of Xibel, it is the eye of the former boss Carter!
Doge put a cup of tea in front of Xibel, and a cup in front of the Carter's Eye, and said tiredly, "I didn't know that the entire Dawn City was full of your shadow until you were gone."

"You have been giving up all these years, but I never seem to give up, picking up again and again. But I can't accomplish anything, I can't protect anything"

No one answered.

The Carter's Eye hanging on Xibel's chest was still silent.

Xibel himself is more and more in line with the posture that a doll should have.

Doug laughed to himself.

He picked up the tea bowl and drank it in one gulp.

"Tomb of Civilization, Corridor of Ember, Thunder of Scourge, Abyss of Empty Tranquility, Wankou Basin. Carter, you have made many, many arrangements, the more you know, the more you know that I will never be as good as you"

No one answered.

Old Duoge picked up the tea bowl and drank it down again.

He was obviously drinking tea alone, but he was a little drunk.

Tea is not intoxicating, everyone is intoxicated!
The exhausted old Doge looked at the still exquisite Xibel in front of him, and couldn't help asking again, "Xibel, am I still one of your wings?"


Old Dog laughed at himself.

How much he should have failed as a big boss, made those people below start to miss the "former court" one after another.

Now, Carter's reputation has begun to reverse.

Carter, who was once scolded bloody, has slowly gained a "virtuous name" now.

How ridiculous!

After drinking tea and getting drunk, old Doge looks like a puddle of mud.

And at this moment, Xibel's exquisite eyes, as if they were returning to the light, resurfaced with a little color.

"It's Dog. Yes. Wing Carter. Yes."

After saying this, Xibel's eyes were completely dimmed, and he came to the end.

The drunk old Doge jumped up when he heard the words, and stared at the Xibel doll in front of him, completely stunned.

Finally, the picture freezes.

Everyone saw the old Doug holding the puppet of Xibel and crying.

After watching the new version of the "episode", the players didn't know what to say for a while.

The opposition party, which single-handedly helped Doge to the position of elder, began to dislike Doge for his mediocrity.

Carter, who was scolded for being a bloody sprinkler back then, began to gain a good name.

Is this a court comedy?

Players always feel that this story is so familiar!


Just like the White Lotus Sect, the Song Dynasty turned against the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty "anti-Yuan and restored Song", the Ming Dynasty "anti-Ming", and the Qing Dynasty "anti-Qing and restored Ming".
Just like King Huai of Chu, when he was in power, he was repeatedly deceived by Zhang Yi, and after Qu Yuan was wronged, he was even scolded in the opposite direction.

When he wanted to oppose Qin and set up a banner, his grandson was also called King Huai of Chu.
Sure enough, there is nothing new under the sun!
The more the end of the world, the more it feels that the superiors have no wisdom, full of carnivores, and it seems that changing dogs can do better than them.

Obviously, after the old Doge came to power, in just a few years, he was completely robbed of all energy by the constraints of the Manchu Dynasty.

And it was at this time that he began to fully understand how difficult it was for Carter to maintain the situation for so many years.

Elderly Dogg is once again worthless by Carterby's!
He felt that he still lost more than [-] chips to Carter in the matter of being the boss.

Terrible capitalization!

However, what really caught the players' attention was the message revealed by the old Doge.

Tomb of Civilization, Ember Corridor, Thunder of Scourge, Abyss of Empty Tranquility, Wankou Basin... Are these all left by Carter?
If true.
What the hell!

Doesn't that mean that the Commander of the Wind Demon, the Commander of the Fire Demon, and the Commander of the Water Demon were all murdered by Carter?
What the hell!

real or fake?

That guy can calculate so far?

In the end what happened?
This is a shocking reversal!
Many players were in a hurry, but rushed to the last shooting point.

Just like in the activity of "Picking Shells in the Wild Sea", what is left here is an extremely crude but relatively complete puppet mechanical dog.




The players couldn't wait, and they grabbed the past cameras one after another and took a quick shot.

Then, the first thing that catches the eye is a complete puppet mechanical dog floating in the endless night.

The background is endless flames, like a spaceship exploding in space.

But Dawn City fell and was swallowed by endless flames.

Through the firelight, the players saw a lot of glimpses, but a large number of monsters rushed into Dawn City, and a large number of people died under the monster's butcher's knife one after another.

Under the destruction, all living beings are in various states.

Many tyrannical military leaders directly led their subordinates to kneel in front of the city gate to welcome the entry of the great commander.

Then, they were all wiped out.

That is the commander of Feng Mo, he dislikes these soft bones kneeling here and blocks the way!

As for the one who set the fire, it was the commander of the fire demon.

Flame is his toy!
As for the commander of the water demon, as soon as the endless dark water came out, everything was swallowed by the flood
As for the old dog, he and the endless dog-like puppets behind him rushed towards many monsters in a mighty way.

Of course, there are still a large number of loyal people who are willing to follow Doge.

After all, Doge, the big boss, didn't fail like he did!

Kill, kill, kill!

Elderly multi-grid means come out together, puppets, dolls, scrolls, arrays, elves come out together
Take away batch after batch of monsters!
In the end, he was still no match for two fists and four hands, and was killed by many great commanders in front of the old man's mansion!

Afterwards, the entire Dawn City fell completely.

The Tower of the Sun was destroyed, the cathedral was burned, the library was swallowed up, and all warehouses were evacuated one by one.
Just when all the players thought this was the end of destruction, with a loud bang, Dawn City suddenly exploded like an isolated island floating in the universe.

Then it was like drinking milk tea and sucking pearls, being sucked into the straw little by little by an open bloody mouth
The players saw that the huge Aurora City was swallowed up little by little and turned into a long and narrow shape in a straw.
(End of this chapter)

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