Chapter 233 Breaking dawn is a way of life


After "Cats Love Fish" went offline, they cooked a table of dishes for their parents.

As soon as Mom and Dad came home, they were immediately salivated by the intoxicating fragrance.

"Hey, my cat is getting better at cooking. If anyone marries my cat in the future, will they die of happiness?"

It was the father who made fun of it. Ever since he learned that his daughter's ID in "Breaking Dawn" was "Maomao Loves Fish", he opened his mouth and shut up and called his daughter "Maomao".

I really wish that everyone would know that their precious little fairy is a "Breaking Dawn" player, and also the top high-level player of "Breaking Dawn".

"Cats like to eat fish" is not shy, but she also has a quiet temperament and doesn't particularly like to show off.

If it weren't for her father's ostentation, it is estimated that it would be difficult for anyone to connect her with the famous "Cats Love Fish".

That's right!

Today, "Cats Love Fish" is also a well-known player in "Breaking Dawn".

However, it is different from other players who specialize in fighting and exploring.

"Maomao loves fish" specializes in cooking.

Nowadays, "Maomao loves fish" is a recognized beauty chef in "Breaking Dawn".

Because "Cats love to eat fish" cooking is getting better and better, and this family is completely in the hands of her.

But, eating too much will inevitably lead to a risk of gaining weight!
That's okay for Dad, after all, middle-aged men will inevitably encounter a mid-life crisis in their bodies, and gradually give up body management.

But mom would be miserable!

Looking at a large table of delicious food, but can only passively "diet", especially seeing what my daughter eats is called a glutton, it is even more scratching my heart!
"Maomao, now more and more studies have proved that playing "Breaking Dawn" can indeed open your mouth and not gain weight. When do you think I will be able to play "Breaking Dawn"?"

Speaking of this, my father, who was still enjoying himself just now, suddenly became excited.

If he could eat it openly, he wouldn't have to worry about getting fat, he thought too!
"Cats like to eat fish" smiled, but also a little helpless.

"It's still early, the second test is just not long, and now I don't know whether it is the third test or the server will be launched directly. But according to the research on the Internet, the third test is the most likely."

My mother said directly, "Is it because of the food production? I read that some people on the Internet said that "Dawn" is so rigorous that it is scary. Although the second test has increased by 3000 people, but because of the appearance of the copy of the Three Realms Ode, the consumption level of many players has actually changed. going down!"

Dad couldn't help complaining.

"It's not good if the game is too rigorous. Although some time ago, the fortress community moved out and the arable land became larger, but the food production will definitely not increase significantly. Your parents really can't play this for a lifetime "breaking Dawn"?"

Mom: "Isn't His Majesty the God of God? Can't he increase food production substantially?"

"Cats like to eat fish" didn't say anything, but Dad did.

"That can't be! According to the background of "Breaking Dawn", His Majesty the God King has returned after many years of silence, and his strength must have been greatly damaged. It is definitely not the kind of omniscient and omnipotent god in the true sense that you think. How much is the price?"

"Looking at the latest plot, the power of the underworld is also very strong. What if the divine power is exhausted and an evil god pops up, what should I do?"

Mom was speechless.

""Breaking Dawn" is a game, a game, you tell me this?"

Dad got excited, "How rigorous is the game setting, listen to me and talk to you carefully."

"Cats like to eat fish" couldn't help laughing when they heard their parents arguing about "Breaking Dawn".

Is this feeling really good?

In other words, since when did they start talking about "Breaking Dawn" at their daily dinner table?
Not to mention mom, even dad, a cloud player, talks about "Breaking Dawn" in a clear way.

Time passed in this kind of discussion. After eating a small bowl, "Maomao loves fish" felt a little bit reluctant to eat it.

Mom wondered, "Why don't you eat it? You usually eat two big bowls."

"Cats love to eat fish": "It's still a bit of a shame, the vegetarian dishes are okay, but the meat lacks the juice of the Laval tree, and it always feels like something is missing"

"Double carp" home.

Unlike "Maomao loves fish", "Double Carp" has a very strict family education, so her offline time is quite strict.

Life is not much different from before.

But if there is no difference at all, then it is not all.

for example.

Mom and Dad have more time to eat with her at home!
Moreover, occasionally her father would discuss "Breaking Dawn" with her, which she never dared to imagine in the past.

My mother asked curiously, "Jingyan, I heard that your exploration of the rumen layer has come to an end. Has Shenguo Technology announced the time of the third test or any inside information recently?"

Hearing her mother's words, "Double Carp" suddenly laughed.

Mom and Dad didn't understand it at first, but now they have become "envious" and "craving".

Especially when I heard that my good friend Ji Xiaoxiao has also become a player of the "Meow Meow Planet" guild with her, my mother is even more excited.

"Mom, it's definitely too early for the third test. Now that the food outside the fortress community has just been planted, the population that Dawn City can support may be mentioned again, but the number will definitely not be too many."

Mom suddenly became unhappy.

"Is Shenguo Technology crazy? Why are the settings so strict? Don't their companies make money?"

Talking about this, Jingyan's mother complained a lot.

As a wealthy family, she seldom had things go wrong, but she wanted to play a game, but she couldn't get an invitation code anyway.


Of course, "Breaking Dawn" is actually telling all the rich people in the world-this game is happiness that money can't buy!
This alone has made countless netizens love and hate "Breaking Dawn".

Jingyan's mother smiled brightly and said, "By the way, Fangcun Huanyu Company has contacted your father. The two sides have discussed several times, and the negotiation is going smoothly. If the negotiation is successful, our company's profit this year is estimated to increase by several points. Jingyan Yan, you have done a great job!"

"Double Carp" smiled.

If this thing can be done, she will also be happy, after all, no one thinks too much money.

"Let's talk about it, but don't get confused about the bottom line, especially the Dawn City side, we can't let them suffer. And those sisters in my guild, let them drink some soup with me no matter what!"

Jing Yan's mother was a little speechless.

As for the sisters in the daughter's mouth, it doesn't matter if you let them drink some soup, anyway, it's not much.

It's just a drizzle for her family, but Dawn City's side.
Are you sure there really is this side?

Aren't they game NPCs?
Give them back that much.
"Double Carp" said seriously, "Mom, I'm not good at telling you about many things, but Dawn City will be at a loss, and this cooperation may just fall through."

Jing Yan's mother was helpless.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to your father about it later. By the way, Aunt Wang called not long ago, saying that her daughter likes your character "Double Carp" very much, and let you go and have a look."

"Double Carp" said vigilantly, "Mom, didn't you secretly arrange a blind date for me again? I didn't know until I went to the last party. How old am I?"

Jingyan's mother coughed, feeling a little embarrassed.

"It's really not for you to arrange a blind date or something. Their family is in the business of weight loss and beauty. It has nothing to do with our business, and there is not much intersection, but they are a little anxious to get angry recently."

"Double Carp" immediately understood.

With more and more studies proving that players of "Breaking Dawn" can eat with confidence and don't worry about gaining weight, the "black technology at the top of the layer" swept the entire earth again.

Especially medical institutions, they are almost going crazy.

Whoever is the first to crack this "black technology" may be able to lead the trend of a new era.

for example.

The "Oath" of the year!
Back then, "Oath" directly created a business giant. Who wouldn't want to copy the legend of Paradise Network back then?

Ironically, in today's world, technological innovation is increasingly being labeled as "archaeological innovation".

Every time the "top black technology" is commercialized, they can only reverse research and development.

When the "black technology at the top of the layer" has become "backward production capacity", their reverse engineering may have just made a breakthrough.

This also allowed the "Great God of the Layer" to improve step by step, and now he is almost becoming a god.

"Old Lin, I haven't seen you fishing for a long time? What's the matter, are you being controlled by your sister-in-law? Are you afraid to go out?"

Lin Qinian was speechless when he heard the words of his old buddies who often went fishing together.

"Go, go, who is serious about fishing these days?"

The old buddy was joking, but he was really surprised.

Especially after seeing Lin Qinian himself, he was even more surprised.

Lao Lin is really not young. Although he practiced martial arts all the year round and maintained his health well, he still lost to the years after all.

But seeing him as an old buddy this time, he suddenly felt that Lao Lin seemed to be several years younger.

It's not that he's really younger, but that his spirit looks really different.

The old man handed Lao Lin a good cigarette, and after helping the fishing friend to light it, he also smoked.

"Old Lin, don't you really stop fishing? This is not like you. I remember you used to stay away from home all day long for fishing."

When Lin Qinian heard the words, his brows were filled with joy, and he said brightly, "Guess, guess what I've been up to lately?"

The old buddies looked Lin Qinian up and down, and said speechlessly, "Look at your cheerfulness, what's the matter? There are new people out there? You're not young anymore, your son is already that old, don't be confused and lose your grip on the crotch evil"

Lin Qinian was speechless for a moment.

"Fuck you, I've become a "Breaking Dawn" player, and I've been busy with liver map leveling recently!"

This time, the fishing friend was really shocked.

"Really? Can "Breaking Dawn" want an old player like you? Don't blow your mind!"

Lin Qinian was surprised, "Do you know "Breaking Dawn"?"

The fishing friend rolled his eyes, "I'm old, it's not that I haven't been young, and I'm not a primitive person. Isn't my daughter a reporter? She will report whatever is hot. Recently, I have been racking my brains to write about "Breaking Dawn" "Manuscript"

"But you also know that this world is like this. When you all know that this matter is very hot and you can get hot, the people who get hot can basically line up for several streets. My daughter is thinking about it in order to submit the manuscript. are big”

"It was hard to write a few manuscripts, or there were already similar ones, or they were shot directly. In the end, I gave an idea"

Lin Qinian didn't believe it.

"Stop bragging about the three-year-old generation gap. If you calculate how big the generation gap is between you and your daughter, can you still give her advice?"

The old fishing friend said, "A family is as old as a treasure, why can't I advise my daughter? Don't interrupt. I said at the time, since someone has written about the general angle, then you can find another way. Is it something that everyone cares about?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Qinian: "Don't hold back, speak quickly!"

The old fishing friend clapped his hands and said, "Although the world is changing, the truth remains the same forever. Watching other people play games will never be more enjoyable than playing games by yourself. Then do a survey on how to play games by yourself!" "

Lin Qinian was deeply convinced.

Watching others play games will never be better than playing games by yourself!
Especially this game also pays attention to the immersive experience
Lately, he feels like he has a new life!
Old fishing friend: "Then my daughter did a research on the group portraits of the players of "Breaking Dawn". Guess what?"

Lin Qinian was speechless.

Is this old fishing friend crazy?

Do you really think he is a fish?
Throw a bait and let him bite.
They're all fishermen, who doesn't know who?
"I do not guess you guess guess?"

Old fishing friend: "."

"I'm really convinced by you, you old man. My daughter found through investigation that the selection of players in "Breaking Dawn" seems random, but in fact they are all talents from various fields. The anchors, game masters, cooks, musicians "

"The core is actually those games that play well. To put it simply, "Breaking Dawn" currently hardly supports idlers!"

Speaking of this, the old fishing friend glanced at Lin Qinian, and the meaning was self-evident.

They are all talents, what about you old clapper?

Lin Qinian felt offended.

He's just getting old and getting into fishing, but do you really think he's trash?
"I'm a master of martial arts. Once my level and practice are enough, I will naturally be a peerless master."

The old fishing friend curled his lips, crazily tearing things apart.

But it is undeniable that they chatted really happily!

It's really hard to imagine that at their age, they would sit together and discuss a game!

The old fishing friend suddenly remembered something, and asked curiously, "Since you play "Breaking Dawn", do you know "Long Sky"? "

When Lin Qinian heard this, the corners of his mouth immediately curved up, very proud.

"Hey, is the current top player in "Breaking Dawn"? I still don't know? Just wait, when my level and practice level increase, believe it or not, I beat him like I beat my son!"

The old fishing friend was speechless.

This old man really has no bottom line when he brags!

"Come on, beat him like you beat your son. Don't call him grandpa when you get beaten. Don't brag about it. I read on the Internet that the upgrade of "Breaking Dawn" is like a sublimation of life. Is it true or not?"

Speaking of this point, Lin Qinian suddenly regained his spirits.

"Then where is the sublimation of life? It's almost like a real leveling from scratch, and then step by step to depict the extraordinary. If there is cultivation, extraordinary, and magic in the world, maybe it will be like "Dawn"."

Similar scenes happened in every corner of the earth.

Although there are still not many players in "Breaking Dawn", the popularity of "Breaking Dawn" on the Internet has always remained high like a "speculation concept".

In particular, the new round of "black technology at the top of the layer" is coming, but it is making "Dawn" more and more a new way of life in the world.

Nowadays, there have even begun to be "masters of cake painting", who have begun to imagine freely, relying on the seed of "Breaking Dawn" to create a complete ecology.

This world can not only have a "Pagley" continent with a fantasy and magical background, but human beings should also have more and better other fantasy worlds.

At that time, although human beings still did not find other habitable planets in the universe, it was equivalent to finding countless "livable worlds".

Not to mention, this concept is really getting more and more popular!

of course.

Behind this topic, there is still a purpose and a trend of thought-the black technology at the top of the layer is the wealth of all mankind, and it should not be monopolized by a certain company!

When the benefits are large enough, the scenes that happened in the past will still happen repeatedly.

With the end of the first stage of exploration of the "rumen layer", the popularity of "Breaking Dawn" has once again climbed to a peak.

It has successively topped the list of hot searches in many countries!
"Carter" seems to have become one of the most searched names.

The mystery of Carter's life and death has also received more and more attention and speculation.

And one of the hottest questions is - how do players attack the Dark Counties!

After finishing the story of the nine pictures of the rumen layer, more and more human beings around the world began to personally take the standpoint of the present world and human beings.

Although I don't want to admit it, the gap between players and the underworld is still quite large!

Not to mention anything else, the commander of the light water demon almost single-handedly wiped out all the masters among the players.

This shows that in terms of peak strength, the players are far inferior to the Dark Earl.

At least not as good as the Earl of Darkness!

Second, is the quantity.

From a glance, it can also be seen that the Dark Earl has a vast territory, many monsters, and the level of civilization is not low.

Players want to break through the Earl of Darkness in a short time, which is almost equivalent to an impossible task.

The Pagri Continent is a magical world, and no one knows how far those great magics can achieve.

I still remember the shock brought by the 40-meter sword dropped from the sky by the boss of the Thirteen Guards.
It was also that time that completely refreshed the player's understanding of the upper limit of magic.

Then, how strong can the Earl of Darkness, who is so powerful and nearly invincible as the commander of the water demon, reach?
You must know that when the Dawn City was destroyed, the Earl of Darkness hardly made a move.
The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is an almost impossible boss to defeat.

Is His Majesty the God King going to end? !

As soon as this statement came out, the entire network was buzzing.

What would that look like?
Today, the rigor of "Breaking Dawn" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

More and more people on Earth began to regard the Pagri Continent as a real world.

Because it is real, it is unpredictable.

God, what should it look like in the fantasy of reality to the extreme?
(End of this chapter)

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