Chapter 235
rumen layer.

small teacup.

"Meow Meow Planet" guild.

Many girls and players are starting to make various delicacies under the command of "Cats Love Fish".

Unlike the aboriginal warriors who endure hardships and stand hard work, players must not only play well but also eat well.

In other words, for players, eating well is one of the greatest pleasures.

Just like a bottle of water in a restaurant next to a gold mine has to be exchanged for gold, the "Meow Meow Planet" guild opened a restaurant on the front line, which also earned ten times the gold coins in this world with tears.

Even so, players still flocked to consume.

Nowadays, the food in the restaurant in the different world can be said to truly satisfy the various needs and fantasies of the players.

Even many aboriginal fighters came to eat one after another.

This made the "Different World Restaurant Xiaochawan Branch" opened by "Meow Meow Planet" very lively and crowded with a large number of people.

Of course, it is not just the "Meow Meow Planet" guild that seized this business opportunity.

Just like the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild, it has gradually grasped many weapons industries in its own hands.

Just like "enchanted arrows", some production players in "Golden Age Tang" have already started to make them.

They make their own and sell them cheaper than system stores.

Many players are now buying weapons from the "Golden Age Tang" guild!
I heard that they also mastered the initial scroll making.

Even wildfire bombs are being developed and reverse-engineered, and it is said that they have already begun to take shape.

Moreover, the industry controlled by the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild is not only "arms", but also clothing.

More people often means more talents!
The "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild now basically masters the design and production of various styles of clothing in the capital of the earth and the dawn.

He even cooperates with many clothing brands in the real world, selling, endorsement, and advertising, all of which are profitable.

The "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild has basically achieved a virtuous circle of funds.

Or "Meow Meow Planet" and "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" gems are in the front, and now the "Sword and Blood Oath" and "Thunder Dance" guilds have more or less begun to get involved in various industries.

However, it is still just a start, and it is far from being able to compare with "Meow Meow Planet" and "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" that have begun to mature and realize their realization.

But no matter what, this is a trend, and more and more players are starting to realize that "Breaking Dawn" is not just a game, but also a career!

In a certain tent of the restaurant, "Double Carp" is gathering with the presidents of several guilds to discuss the next attack strategy.

The reason they were able to progress so smoothly on the rumen layer was because it was an open-book exam.

But for the next big battle in the real world, it is obviously not that simple.

Other players can play casually, but they, the guild leaders, need to think carefully.

Today, they have regarded "Breaking Dawn" as a real world.

If they are really defeated, it may have a disastrous effect on Dawn Capital.

Therefore, they must win, keep winning, accumulate small victories into big victories, and move from one victory to another!
Until the final victory is achieved!

What's more, even the deputy head Martina and many other high-level officials came to participate.

"Hungry Clown", the president of "Sword and Blood Oath", said, "The biggest problem in the real world is actually the unknown!"

"Everything inside is unfamiliar to us. My suggestion is to let the players of "Sword and Blood Oath" and "Elegant Alliance" go first, and live broadcast all the way, so that everyone can get first-hand information as soon as possible ! "

The president of the "Elegant Alliance" "Pumpkin Man" immediately expressed his support.

With the arrival of the second test, the "Elegant Alliance" is currently considered to be strong.

Especially the dark system players are very comfortable in the underworld. As long as they don't take the initiative to attack, they will even be regarded as the same kind by monsters occasionally.

It is indeed no problem to suggest that the "Elegant Alliance" guild act as a scout.

"Mu Yunbai", the president of the "Thunder Dance" guild, has a different opinion.

"Can you still not understand the temper of our players? Are you sure you can restrain the players and 'silent' at the same time without attracting attention?"

"Hungry Clown": "."

How does this restrict him?

Not to mention other guilds, even if it was the "Sword and Blood Oath" guild, he couldn't guarantee that every player would be "forbidden".

Everyone admits that he is the president, it is to give him face, not really willing to be his pawn.

If the players are not happy, they will directly fire him as the president.

"Sword and Blood Oath" is currently not as rich as the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" and "Meow Planet" guilds.

It is also impossible to associate each player with interests like them.

"Hungry Clown": "Then what should we do? Everyone rushes forward? The current logistics base is in Xiaochawan, which is far away from the real world. The IQs of the monsters in "Breaking Dawn" also understand, in case there is something we don't understand Magic, if we fail, we will suffer heavy losses!"

Players are not afraid of death, but in a short period of time, the various enchanted arrows, scrolls, recovery potions, and even the weapons themselves are limited.

Once the consumption is exhausted and the city cannot be breached, the players will be passive.


Given the current economic situation in Dawn City, it is really not suitable for a war of attrition.

Compared with the Underworld, the Capital of Dawn is the real "small country with few people".

Once it becomes a war of attrition, the economy will basically collapse.

War, to put it bluntly, is actually a contest of national power!
Deputy head Martina looked at several presidents who were arguing about tactics, and couldn't help but smile.

As expected of the presidents who stand out, they are really talents.

"Long Sky": "The essence of war is actually to consume the other side and strengthen ourselves. No matter what tactics we adopt, our side in this world must first not make a loss-making business. It's like we don't understand the real world, but the real world understands us gone?"

All the presidents thought about it.

"Sky": "Right now, we are like two beasts who don't know each other. You are afraid of me and I am afraid of you, especially the three commanders are still dead for no reason. What would you think if you were the Earl of Darkness with a high IQ?" Do?"

Everyone seemed to realize something.


"Hungry Clown": "The Earl of Darkness may be very, very powerful, but he must be suspicious now. After all, the strongest water demon commander under his command is dead, so he is afraid. Maybe he is still shrinking his strength!"

"The donkey of Guizhou!"

"Mu Yunbai" said excitedly, "When facing an unknown donkey, the tiger may be very afraid, carefully observe and test, and when the tiger understands that the donkey will only kick twice, it will really go shopping."

"Maybe the Earl of Darkness is guessing right now, what cards do we have. What's more, is it true that His Majesty the God King has really returned?"

"Pumpkin Man" eyes lit up.

"We can show that we can't, we can use it to show we don't need it, we can show it is far, and we can show it is near. The more arrogant we are now, the more the Earl of Darkness may be more afraid of this, which we players are born with!"

The presidents laughed immediately.

In terms of arrogance, who else would dare to say that they are more arrogant than players?
"Long Sky" laughed, "That's it. In the early stage, we can actually make a big splash and perform in our true colors. If the Earl of Darkness sends scouts, we will beat him back hard. The harder the beating, the Earl of Darkness may be more afraid."

The crowd suddenly lit up.

This is good!
I believe that no matter which player you are, you will have a great time playing.

"Sky": "Different from the past, the Shuangtian layer is too barren and has almost nothing; the rumen layer is full of ruins and garbage; the real world layer is the real rich land of the underworld. Can't it be emptied?"

Not to mention the players, even the deputy captain Martina and the trainee knights all had eyes lit up.

Even "casual players" and "Double Carp" are also excited.

Is this going to the prosperous underworld to rob?

So excited!

"Long Sky": "As long as you can interact with each other, everyone will understand!"

Deputy head Martina said with a smirk, "We bought, even the soil of the underworld. The land of the real world is rich in the power of the sun, the sun, and the sun. If it is used to plant Laval tree, but it is perfect!"

"Long Sky": "The finances of Dawn Capital are going to be tight!"

Deputy Head Martina: "What are you afraid of? Wars cost money. As long as you can win the final victory, even if the treasury is empty, it doesn't matter, let alone, isn't His Majesty the God King covering it? "

When everyone heard this, they also laughed.

The players don't feel it deeply, but the feelings of their apprentice knights are the deepest!

It feels really great to have His Majesty the God King in everything!

When he thought that no matter what they did, His Majesty the God King was still there, and the big stone in his heart was completely let go.

Martina: "The suggestion of the "Sky" knight is really good. In the early stage, when the Earl of Darkness was afraid, he quickly spread in all directions and snatched everything that could be robbed. In this way, the Earl of Darkness must not be able to bear it. If you stop, those subordinates who suffer losses will also put pressure on him.”

"After the Dark Earl's Mansion sends troops out, let's quickly gather troops and sneak attack those demon soldiers who have left the city. Let them bleed little by little!"

All the players became excited at the same time.

Robbery, so immoral but they love it!

"Long Sky" thought, "There is no 100% reliable plan in the world. All the deduction we just made is actually based on the fact that the Earl of Darkness is very smart but somewhat indecisive. If the Earl of Darkness also has the idea we just had How to do?"

"Or, what if the Earl of Darkness gave us an old punch when he came up?"

Everyone present was stunned.

It's really possible!
Since the Earl of Darkness can step on the bones of Dawn City, he is equivalent to a self-made hero.

It's impossible if you don't have the skills and courage!
What's more, he can also control such powerful subordinates as the Water Demon Commander.

Show them strength when they come up, and give them a hard beating when they cover their heads. That's completely possible!

"Mu Yunbai": "It is really possible that offense is the best defense. That is to say, the moment we enter the real world, it is very likely that we will be the first to usher in the most powerful offensive in the Earl of Darkness."

Martina's deputy head looked solemn.

If they fail to survive the first big offensive, all the assumptions just now are just fantasy!

"Sky" couldn't help sighing, "The core is still insufficient information. We know too little about the Earl of Darkness!"

"Also, our understanding of the real world is seriously insufficient. Among other things, it would be great if we knew a few more paths to the real world!"

All the knights in Dawn City also frowned.

Easier said than done, in the final analysis, they were too weak before, and their understanding of the true world of the underworld is pitiful!
"Double Carp" laughed, "Leave this to me!"

Everyone was stunned.

here you are?
"Hungry Clown" couldn't help but said, "How do you do it? Don't you still want to capture the Earl of Darkness?"

"Mu Yunbai" said with a smirk, "Woman, you have successfully caught my attention!"

Many players at the scene laughed heartlessly at the same time.

On the contrary, the aborigines didn't get this old trick!

"Double Carp" gave everyone a blank look, "Stupid, didn't you think about going over to discuss it with Father God King?"

Martina: "."

All the aboriginal knights: "."

Presidents: "."

"Double Carp": "This war is not only a war in Dawn City, but also a war for God King Father. He naturally hopes that we all can win."

The presidents looked at "Double Carp" in astonishment.

Well you are awesome!
"Double Carp" looked at the deputy head of Martina and several other aboriginal knights, "You guys, I am too in awe of the god-king father, and I didn't think about it until I didn't contact the cathedral much. Make a sacrifice?"

Everyone: "."

Martina took a deep breath and saluted "Double Carp".

"My sister reminded us that we are too in awe of His Majesty the God King after all!"

Several guild leaders watched all this, their eyes could not help flickering.

Is this a socially obsessed person?

To be honest, they really didn't expect to ask Father God King before.

It's not that they are not smart enough, but that their thinking patterns are different.

Just like "Long Sky", he only believes in himself!

The other presidents are almost the same. As the top players, they always believe that they can overcome all difficulties with their own abilities and wisdom.

As for skipping classes!

Sorry, this is really not in their dictionary!
But "Double Carp" is different, she is good at using all contacts and networks!

At this moment, "Orange Cat Stretches" walked in.

"President, just now we saw the Great God "Wei Young", he is eating in front of the restaurant! "

"Wei Young" God?
Who is this?
"Double Carp" eyes lit up.

"You guys talk first, I'll go over and have a look!"

"Double Carp" said, and ran away in a hurry.

Several presidents looked at each other.

Martina's deputy head: "This "Wei Young" must be a busy person, and I haven't seen it for a long time, you guys chat first, I'll go and see it too! "

Martina, deputy head of the group, said and left in a hurry.

After leaving, there was Meng Na.

Everyone looked at each other, what's the situation, this "Wei Young" is awesome?
"Pumpkin Man": "Of course it's amazing, you know the candy you eat now? The sugar and perfume extracted from stinky bitter joe were given by "Wei Young" boss; you know the oil we eat? Suggestions from the boss "Weiyang"; and the stockings that are all over the street now, you know. The idea given by the boss "Weiyang". You know the stockings that will melt when you encounter slime."

All the presidents were stunned.

Is this also the idea given by "Wei Young"?
so arrogant?
"Long Sky" was a little dumbfounded.

Why hasn't he heard of such an awesome character?
"Pumpkin Man": "Although the boss "Weiyang" is not in the world, his legends are everywhere in the world, especially in the eyes of us gentlemen, the boss "Weiyang" is the eternal god! "

"Hungry Clown" was directly stunned by "Pumpkin Man"'s attitude of worshiping God.

"Then you don't want to see me?"

"Pumpkin Man": "What am I going to see? Let the cute girls like "Double Carp" go to see them, and let the great god give a few ideas, so we can have more benefits to see."

Everyone: "."

"Long Sky": "You guys talk first, I'll go over and have a look!"

After the word "Long Sky" fell, the other guild leaders moved one after another.

"Double Carp" personally came over with the latest dishes from the different world restaurant. After putting them down, he said very familiarly, "God "Weiyang", you have finally gone online after a long time. It seems that you should be busy. Come and try it. It is the specialty of our restaurant chef! "

Rhodes smiled immediately.

This "Double Carp" girl paper is really familiar, and she doesn't treat herself as an outsider at all!

Rhodes picked up a chopstick and chewed it slowly in his mouth. The taste was really good.

It was a long time to eat delicious food again, and it was also very enjoyable for him.

Seeing Rhodes eating happily, "Double Carp" quickly and obediently picked up a new dish for her, and also politely introduced various anecdotes about this dish.

"Double Carp" said expectantly, "How do you feel? If you are not satisfied, let Mao Mao improve and make sure it is perfect!"

Rhodes: "It is indeed very good, Mao Mao's cooking skills have improved a lot!"

"Double Carp" said with a smile, "Maomao must be very happy to hear that, Master, what have you been up to recently? Is it lucky to hear it, little sister?"

Rhode looked outside and said with a smile, "Since you're all here, let's all come in!"

When they got outside, the people who were in a dilemma for a while were overjoyed and walked in.

They are not as self-cooked as "Double Carp".

Really long experience!
Social bullshit is so scary!
Martina, the deputy head of the group, saluted and said, "I interrupted Your Excellency "Wei Young"'s interest in eating, sorry, sorry, but Your Excellency "Wei Young" is really a busy person, it is really not easy to see you. "

The other players were stunned.

It was the first time they had seen the deputy head Martina being so polite to a player!
Let me go, can a player still do this to this extent?
With the trumpet of "Weiyang", the purpose is to do things that are inconvenient for the big ones to come forward to do.

After all, His Majesty the God King is always great and upright!

Rhodes: "Recently, I've been a bit busy recently, but at last I've finished my work. Do you have any questions to ask? If I knew, I would know everything!"

In fact, Deputy Head Martina also felt a little strange.

As the speaker of Dawn City, she would never ask a player who doesn't go online often!


"Wei Young" made a deep impression on her. It was just a question and answer, but it completely solved the shortage of oil and sugar in Dawn City.

Nowadays, the food in Dawn City is so rich, thanks to "Wei Young"!
After deliberating for a while, Martina said, "I don't know what your Excellency thinks about the current attack on the real world layer?"

After Martina finished speaking, all the guild leaders showed strange expressions.

Deputy head Martina really trusts this "Wei Young" ah, is this so straightforward?

(End of this chapter)

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