Chapter 245 For Humanity 【Subscription】

world channel.

"Hello everyone, I am "Long Sky", the president of the "Club" guild, and we will take the initiative to attack this ranch named 'Old Man' in the next half an hour."

"Long Sky" published the coordinates of the old man's ranch on the world channel.

All the players on the server received the message from "Long Sky" immediately.

All the players looked solemn.

The "True Realm" strategy has been launched for half a month, and all players know the power of the real world monsters.

The monsters in the real world are too individualistic.

And the degree of organization is very high, basically there are no such stragglers.

Even the monster settlements scattered outside have their own organizations, and there is basically no distinction between civilians, men, women, and children.

Basically everyone is a fighter!
On top of that, the number of players is too small to really outnumber them.

Up to now, there is still no one who has successfully used the pet bridle to capture the feathered eagle as a pet.

The flying speed of this magical creature is really too fast!
In a short distance, completely crush the flying golem.

On the contrary, it was "Pterosaur" and "Pack Beast", which players tamed one after another.

However, pack animals are currently of little value to players.

Even if it is obtained in the present world, it is of little value.

There is no other reason, this thing is so fucking edible!
After a short period of domestication, the players had no choice but to kill it and eat it.

As for the "Pterosaur", this one is even more edible.

But because he is quite handsome and breathes dragon breath, players are reluctant to kill and eat meat.

But the practicality is not high, and it is mainly used for pretense at present.

It is also quite tangled for the player who captured the pterosaur.

Because the goal of this thing is too big!
Many players appealed under the official website, asking for a "summoning whistle" item.

The pterosaur is needed, blow the whistle, and the pterosaur will automatically fly over to help.

No need, the pterosaurs will go for food by themselves.

To translate, I want to be a dragon knight, but I don't want to raise a dragon!
dreaming too!
When Rhodes saw this feedback, he laughed directly.

He has always been the only one who cuts the player's leeks, and the player wants to turn his majesty's wool into his majesty?

In this world, supplies are in short supply, and players don't work hard to raise dragons, but they still expect to be prostitutes for nothing?
After seeing all kinds of information about the "Old Man's Ranch" sent by "Long Sky", the players repeatedly studied it.

This "old man's ranch" is not far from the rumen layer.

The difficulty of successfully escorting to the rumen layer is not too high.

But the key point is that there are several "sweeping armies" on the road, and the communication methods in the underworld are not bad. Once they are delayed, it will really affect the whole body.

The most important thing is that one purpose of the players' trip will be exposed - to save the compatriots!

of course.

This is also the "secret" that all the monsters in the real world know. Maybe they have been waiting, and the players will start from that pasture first.

Once the battle started, it was almost a big battle, which would trigger a series of chain reactions.

Later, those ranchers might take the initiative to kill the "livestock" inside.

Moreover, there is a high probability that some large ranches will deliberately release news of the massacre, forcing the players to fight with them.

Once they start the battle to save their compatriots, they completely lose their tactical initiative and flexibility.

Especially those big pastures, maybe they will be the first to be preset into a big formation.

To this day, there is no player who is not afraid of "array".

However, as soon as "Long Sky" made a proposal, all the presidents immediately expressed their willingness to support "Long Sky" in this action.

It's not about the face of "Sky", the most powerful player, but this week, the major guilds rely on their own actions to find out more and more news about the ranch.

As human beings, they absolutely do not allow the existence of such things as "grazing land".

Rabbits die and foxes are sad, and things hurt their species!
Born to be human, to plow all pastures!
"Mu Yunbai": "Our "Thunder Dance" guild is relatively far away, and will attack a stronghold first, forcing them to divide their troops! "

"Hungry Clown": "We will rush to your southwest within an hour, and we will never let any monsters from the southwest interfere with your rescue!"

"Li Xianzhuo": "Our guild will launch another surprise attack in the direction of the dark capital to help you attract firepower."

As soon as Young Master Li finished speaking, all the players on World Channel looked at each other with admiration.

Nowadays, players don't have the ability to toughen up the "regular army" of the capital of darkness.

This kind of head-on confrontation, the effort put in, is not comparable to ordinary sneak attacks.

I still remember the last time, when the players of "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" were full of arrogance, [-]% of the players were killed and guarded their corpses, and the most able-bodied players were guarded for three days and three nights.

In the middle, many players were guarded and collapsed, and they took the initiative not to continue filling the exclusive prop "portable sun lamp" with new dark cores, and then returned to the city.

At the same time, players from other guilds were blooming everywhere, looting wantonly, earning a lot of money.

If it wasn't for the fact that the monsters were not strong enough and had to give up guarding the corpse, then this tug-of-war for guarding the corpse might continue.

This tug-of-war is a huge test of the mental strength of the players.

The most important thing is economic loss.

For three days and three nights, players from other guilds had looted too much wealth.

This time, Young Master Li once again proposed to launch a frontal war. One can imagine how much courage and sacrifice is required.

"Internet Tyrant": "President Li is doing a great job, I admire him!"

"Backstab of justice": "President Li Niu Ben, I will try to assassinate the commander of the regular bureau "Viscount Anxu"! "

After the word "backstab of justice" fell, other players who specialized in assassination expressed their opinions one after another.

It means that they will cooperate with the actions of "Prosperous Tang Dynasty"!

"Li Xianzhuo" said with a smile, "Thank you for your help, brothers. I am not reckless in attacking. Drawing on the experience and lessons from last time, our guild has preset several Resurrection Sun Tower strongholds in advance. The dark core filled in the portable sun lamp , the maximum duration is half a day later, everyone can rely on the preset hidden Sun Tower stronghold to revive and rest!"

The players were stunned.

This is also a way!

Just as the monsters have been collecting their information, the players are also trying to adapt to the battlefield and make various changes according to the battlefield.

"Double Carp": "Little sister has a special mission, so it's inconvenient to take action. For this operation, our "Meow Planet" guild will be directed by "Xiao Xiao". If necessary, the president of "Long Sky" can send a message to ask for our support." ! "

"Long Sky": "Thank you."

"Double Carp": "As a human being, things like ranches shouldn't exist!"

"Long Sky": "For human beings!"

"Pumpkin Man": "Our "Elegant Alliance" also has its own plan at present. It is inconvenient for the main force to show up, so as not to be exposed too early. Those players who are not particularly obvious about pinching their faces can take action. I will build a small group in a while, the president of "Long Sky" If necessary, you can join the group to pull people at any time! "

"Long Sky": "Thank you."

"Pumpkin Man": "For human beings!"

"Shui Zhengyinxin": "I also created a new guild called "International Friendship Gesture Group".

"Long Sky": "Thank you, the Great God can help, this time the action is more confident."

"Shui Zhengyinxin": "The great god is joking, and the small guilds are making small troubles."

The crowd laughed immediately.

Perhaps this is the friendship between great gods!
After that, some players expressed their willingness to cooperate with the rescue operation of "Long Sky".

"Long Sky" announced three action routes he planned, and other players expressed their acceptance.

"Long Sky": "The most important goal of our guild in this operation is to help the humans in the ranch and rebuild their self-confidence by killing these monsters along the way. To help them regain their confidence, we have to break something first. For example, fear."

Everyone understands.

Understand the meaning of "long sky"!

If you kneel for a long time, you won't be able to stand up!
In the ranch, the human beings in it don't have human hearts, let alone the pride of being human!

And these monsters that can determine their life and death at any time are the indelible nightmare in their hearts.

Only by killing all the way in front of them and letting them know the strength of human beings can they break the impression that these monsters are invincible in their hearts.

Re-inspire their courage to resist!
World Channel unanimously agrees.

"Long Sky" is too thoughtful.

"Sky": "As a secondary target, we will give up some of the same kind who are completely unable to communicate and have no will to resist. We will directly use the scroll to seal them away."

"In such a situation, we will release the news on the World Channel. At that time, we will invite the brothers who are good at lurking to come and help, and leave alone with the scroll."

As soon as this remark came out, World Channel became very dull for a while.

This topic is quite serious!

You don't need to think about it, there must be some of the same kind who have been kept in captivity for a long time and have completely lost their hearts. Even if they work hard, it will not help them regain their hearts.

"Sky": "The worst case is that no one with the courage to resist has encountered such a situation. We will pack them up directly. The intensity of the war should be very low by then."

A person who has the courage to resist can't do it, right?

Even if it is killing a pig, the pig knows how to escape and resist!

It's a rabbit, it bites people when it's in a hurry!
The clock is ticking.

As "Long Sky" announced its plan to attack "Old Man's Ranch", all the guilds began to dispatch troops one after another.

With such a big movement, it is impossible for the monsters in the real world to not react.

Moreover, the war has continued until now, and with the continuous accumulation of the curse of the blood moon seal, the blood on the players has become more and more intense, and even if they die and resurrect, they cannot wash away this blood.

It seems that the blood moon in the sky has already remembered the aura of the players. As soon as they are resurrected, they will immediately re-enter their seats.

This makes it harder and harder for players to hide!
The first one to be discovered was naturally the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild.

There is no other reason. The "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild is the largest guild group with the largest number of people. It is not so easy to hide.

Even if it is subdivided into several "companies", "platoons" and "squads", it is still not easy to hide.

What's more, the direction of their gathering troops is still towards the capital of darkness.

For a while, Viscount Anxu, the commander-in-chief who presided over the sweep in the direction of the dark capital, couldn't help but be very surprised.

How cunning are the war weapons who call themselves players?

Except for the initial frontal field battle, there will be no more frontal confrontation afterwards.

Viscount Anxu immediately realized that this group of war weapons might be about to make a big move.

Maybe it's time to attack a certain ranch!
This is actually not difficult to guess, or it is already a consensus within the Dark City.

As a human being, it is natural not to see our compatriots being enslaved and suffering!
Even inside the Dark City, they have been waiting for the weapons of war to take the initiative to attack the ranch.

Just as the players think these monsters are powerful, the monsters on the real world are completely disgusted by the players' various tactics.

Fight if you win, run if you can't.

Don't chase after him, he wreaks havoc everywhere, scraping the ground without leaving a blade of grass.

Go after them, there might be a large number of ambushes somewhere.

A good troop is thrown out, and then there is no going back
Later, they also learned a lesson, the number of magic soldiers was reduced, and they definitely would not chase far away.

As a result, if you stop chasing her, they turn around and flirt with you.

for example.

Control the flying puppet and lay eggs crazily on top of your head.

Or, control the flying puppet and shoot you an arrow from afar.
Just relying on not dying, it directly turned into colorful bubbles in the sky, and then their camp was directly bombed.

You chase out angrily, and the players have already run away.

When you were about to rest again, those disgusting players came to harass you again.
Nowadays, "laying eggs" has become the most hated word in the real world.

Not only that, but now these wildfire bombs have also been improved into "landmines".

Even if they walk, it becomes unsafe!

One accidentally stepped on one, and immediately burst into flames.

Even the dark water is hard to extinguish that terrifying wildfire.

Those with strong strength still have the opportunity to protect themselves with the shield of dark water.

For those who are weak, the dark water shield will be directly shattered, and the wildfire will directly ignite the flesh, which is really ineffective every day.

Often it was pack animals delivering supplies, or the earth dragon going out for convenience, and with an explosion, the earth dragon was blown away along with its own huge poop.

Just three days ago, an earth dragon was enraged and chased after the player who planted landmines in its convenient place.

As a result, a ground dragon chased it out and couldn't come back.

It was bombed all the way, and then slaughtered by the players.

Even the dragon's horns, claws, and skin were pulled out, and the dragon's blood was even cleaned up!

If they hadn't chased them so quickly, there probably wouldn't even be any keel and dragon meat left.

In just half a month, the loss of troops in the real world has exceeded the sum of the losses in the past ten years.

They were forced to study how to detect "landmines" with magic, and how to open the "underworld energy shield" in the camp at all times.

This kind of measure did indeed protect the safety of the camp, but the consumption of energy was also extremely terrifying.

The dark flint they have in stock is rapidly being consumed.

"Dark Flint" is the core energy crystallization of the Realm layer.

After all, the dark core is the gathering of the source energy of the dark in their bodies, and they can't use it as the source energy.

And "Dark Flint" perfectly replaced the position of "Gloomy Core"!

This is a kind of mineral, the energy density is not as high as the dark core, but it can be obtained through mining.

The reason why it is called this name is because this kind of ore gathers the source energy of Taiming and the sun, and its practical value is very high.

Such consumption for a long time, they can't stand it!

What's even more tragic is that the players seem to have calculated that they will dig mines and go back to research.

I made a timed one, and when they brought it back to the camp and put it in front of the researcher, it exploded directly.

Several researchers were sent away on the spot!
Nowadays, the entire Realm layer, except for the ranch, and the overall security of the Dark City, is now almost turning pale when talking about players.

What a swarm of locusts, fleas, flies, mosquitos, bedbugs!
As a commander, the pressure on him is actually increasing.

Now, it is finally good news that the players are going to attack the ranch.

An Xu suddenly became proud.

The players are cunning, the only thing that needs to be determined now is which ranch the players will attack first.

They also had to send troops to deal with the frontal battlefield called the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild.

As the current commander-in-chief of the front line, he has to consider not only war, but also politics.

Those in the Dark City are already quite dissatisfied with him. If these "pests" are allowed to kill the Dark City, then he will give up completely.

"I just don't know if the blood moon curse kill can completely wipe out these players"

Looking secretly at the blood moon in the sky, the blood eyes could not help revealing a touch of expectation and worry.

This round of blood moon is the greatest foundation and the most powerful weapon in the real world!

In fact, during this period of time, all the demons in the real world have been waiting for the Holy Judgment from Blood Moon.

Different from their general killings, this round of Blood Moon's Holy Judgment is a higher level of killing power, which involves the level of law.

"The accumulation of killing and blood energy has almost reached the threshold. It should definitely be able to kill the group of war weapons that claim to be players!"

To be honest, the war has progressed to this point, which is also a huge blow to An Xu.

When it comes to the authority of death, Pluto is the one with the highest authority.

The underworld is the final destination of all spirits!

But now, this group of monsters who call themselves "players" are strongly challenging their beliefs.

It seems that this group of players is the perfect embodiment of the power of death.

Resurrected over and over again, it seems that there is no sequelae.
But no matter what, Viscount Anxu believes that the underworld will definitely win this war!

They are in the underworld, but they are only one step away from being able to completely swallow the entire world and the spiritual world, and truly realize the unity of the three worlds.

Strong winds and waves are coming, how can it capsize in the gutter?
"send troops!"

Viscount Anxu immediately issued orders and began to dispatch a large number of troops to strangle the players of the "Golden Age Tang" guild.

Even though he knew that this might be deliberately inducing him to divide his troops, the Viscount Anxu still made such a move.

Fighting against each other is like playing chess, where each other makes moves.

Light and shade, yin and yang, and Zhengqi are all means, and it depends on who is better!
(End of this chapter)

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