Chapter 247 Nianghua 【Subscription】

Irene has hundreds of clones, mixed in various guilds, and now there are also lurking into the pastures in the real world.

As a living encyclopedia of spells, she knows too many spells.

Attacking, defending, concealing, assassinating, dodging, and of course, there is also the "Desire Curse" that is immune to the mental attack of the succubus!

She has not yet advanced to a formal knight, and it is still far from enough to cast the "Desire Curse" that can resist the attack of the "Viscount" succubus.

And the only thing she can do is to take back all the little Irene one by one.

But in this case, she would have to rush frantically.

Exposing that too was predictable!

Looking at the many monsters in front of her, Irene slowly took out her knight sword.

At this moment, Irene suddenly discovered that a huge explosion suddenly occurred near the many monsters in front of her just now.

Looking from a distance, I saw a player reaching out to greet her from a distance.

The player's name is "I'm Keli killed", and there are several other players by her side.

"I'm Keli!" shouted, "Irene, you're only responsible for driving, leave everything here to us!"

Irene didn't say much, just raised the knight sword in her hand, and performed a standard knight salute.

She remembers the contributions of the players in her heart, and she also knows what she should do at this moment.

Afterwards, she directly took out the "dog flying puppet" and began to rush at the fastest speed.

It was not used before, it was for hiding.

Now that it has been exposed, let go of the use of hands and feet.

at the same time.

The location of the One-Eyed Viscount Ranch.

A little Irene, looking at the direction of the captive tribe in the pasture from a distance, was heartbroken, and as soon as she gritted her teeth, it turned into a flat black shadow and penetrated the pasture again.

The core purpose of her coming here is to detect intelligence and prepare for the players to attack the largest ranch.

Now, although the information is not fully grasped, but the partners need her, she naturally has to do her best to support.

However, just as Irene's loach-like black shadow slipped out of the pasture, she was directly stabbed in the middle by a cane.

The black shadows scattered for a while, and Irene let out a muffled groan.

Her body was forced to withdraw directly from the shadow, but just as she got out of the shadow, a crutch was in front of her head.

The little Irene who hit her head burst, died on the spot, and dissipated!

The One-Eyed Viscount frowned.


The one-eyed Viscount looked at the peaceful and peaceful appearance, and there was regret in that one eye.

As one of the few viscounts who are best at running ranches, the one-eyed viscount has a big family business, and he also played "role-playing".

When he pretended to be a god, he gained some power of faith.

This makes his wisdom more and more powerful!

One-eyed Viscount: "Come here."

Along with a few black shadows falling, several hidden excellent monsters suddenly appeared.

One-eyed Viscount: "Send a message to Viscount Anxu, my pasture has been infiltrated by the enemy, that person looks like this, she should be good at clones"

The One-eyed Viscount's one-eyed brilliance flashed in front of him, and the light and shadow intertwined, slowly imprinting the appearance of little Irene.

Accompanied by a sharp eagle cry, a plumed eagle quickly lifted into the air and disappeared.

The One-eyed Viscount looked at the peaceful pasture and said regretfully, "If the power of faith is more abundant, I may be able to touch more things at the level of laws. Follow the call of the Viscount Anxu, slaughter a third of the army first! "


at the same time.

Many little Irene who are crazily converging towards the northern line have also received news from little Irene everywhere.

Especially the one-eyed viscount's ranch terrified her even more.

That clone of hers didn't even survive for three seconds.

world channel.

"Be careful of the One-Eyed Viscount, he is very, very strong!"



"Miss Irene, be careful. If you need it, you can make it in time. You are welcome to call directly."

"Thank you."


at the same time.

Viscount Anxu also received reports about little Irene from various places.

Of course, not all monsters are as capable as Viscount Anxu, who can kill little Irene directly and print out Irene's appearance completely.


One or two can't be seen, but the collection of multiple information is enough for the Viscount secretly to analyze the key to the problem.

"Small, looks like a young girl, blond hair, knows elves, and is suspected to be good at avatar"

Viscount Anxu tapped a map in his hand, and rubbed the map directly into the air.

Pointing again, the place where the message came back, and at the same time, small red dots appeared one after another, and these small red dots kept flashing light waves.

In addition, there is a reference to the places where little Irene was found in various places. These are directly connected together, and the reference is obviously Viscount Ankuo, which is also the location of the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild.

The viscount secretly understood.

"The feathered eagle sent a message, and strangled all the short blonde girls who looked like seven or eight-year-old girls. She is a clone of a person, and she is good at various elf arts. She should know the 'Desire Curse'."

time flies.

world channel.

Soon news of the strangling of little Irene spread from all over the place, some escaped, and some players arrived in time, but were injured.

But some little Irene was not so lucky, and died heroically on the spot.

Inside the channel, all players felt the pressure.

The monsters in the real world are really powerful!
However, many players were also inspired to fight.

at the same time.

The "International Friendly Gesture Group", which had been lying in wait for a long time, finally launched a massive hunting operation.

Accompanied by arrows soaring into the sky one after another, and the colorful bubbles that were not escaping, the flying eagles were attacked one after another.

Of course, not all the attacked Lingying were successfully shot down.

Most of them just got injured and escaped!

world channel.

"Shui Zhengyinxin": "I just shot down a few feathered eagles, and found several letters. I ordered the Demon Lion Fire Department in the Southwest to rush to the old man's ranch within two hours to cooperate in the encirclement and extermination operation. Not only the feathered eagles, There are other small owls that failed to completely cut off the military order transmission!"

"Long Sky": "Got it, thank you."

"Hungry Clown": "I have rushed to the mountain pass in the southwest with all my strength, and I promise to occupy the pass before the Demon Lion Fire Department. My "Sword and Blood Oath" will never allow the Demon Lion Fire Department to cross the pass! "

"Long Sky": "Got it, thank you brother."

Inside the channel, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

All players can clearly feel the splendor of an evolutionary explosion.

Almost the entire underworld moved!
"Sky": "The time is up, we will officially attack the old man's ranch."

at the same time.

The Viscount Anxu's department, which was marching in a hurry, was once again attacked by various sporadic attacks.

From time to time on the road, they encountered "landmines" that were ambushed early, which seriously slowed down their marching speed.

Viscount Anxu was even a little used to this, but he was also disgusted!
A group of jumping clowns know all about such disgusting tricks.

An adjutant hurried over and said in a hurry, "Viscount, since half an hour ago, a team has been sniping and killing our communication Lingying frantically!"

The Viscount Anxu was startled.

"Lingying is so fast and flies so high, can they shoot accurately?"

It's not that the players haven't targeted the flying eagles before, but the speed of these monsters' short-term flight is too fast, and they can't even see the afterimage when they fly down from the sky.

What kind of sharpshooter can snipe Lingying? !
The adjutant who sent the letter was also very surprised, but still sent the news that had been detected.

""International Friendly Gesture Group", all archers?And such an extreme guild? "

Since the battle so far, the real world has a good understanding of the player guild.

The most domineering guilds generally have spears, shields, one-handed swords, two-handed swords, and archers.

Like a guild where all members are archers, that's really extreme and terrifying!
He could even imagine how this group of archers would ambush Lingying!

After ambushing, he suddenly shot all the arrows at the same time.

Ordinary archers may not be able to do it, but players are different. When they draw their bows to charge, they will automatically attach their arrows with "combat skills", and the distance is far and accurate.

Adding all enchanted weapons makes my scalp tingle just thinking about it.

Or simply rely on flying puppets to hide deep in the clouds.

Just lie in ambush on the fixed flying route of the feathered eagle.
Viscount Anxu: "It's so deep. This group of pure archers must be wiped out. Even if they can't be wiped out, they must be bitten to death, otherwise our connection with the rest of the world will be cut off!"

The adjutant felt the same way.

Since the battle so far, the underworld has basically been determined, and this group of humanoid war weapons crushed them in terms of communication.

If they are asked to cut off Lingying's communication, then they have lost contact and can only fight on their own.

Viscount Anxu: "Let Viscount Anya lead his troops to kill that bow and arrow group."


Not long after, Viscount Anxu's main force split out a force with three or four hundred monsters to encircle and suppress the "International Friendly Gesture Group".

It's not that the "International Friendly Gesture Group" is that powerful, but that the communication network cannot be damaged.

No matter how high the price is paid, the security of communication must be guaranteed.

The Angu Department and the Anya Department, seeing that nearly one-third of the main force is missing, the Viscount Anxu can't help feeling tricky.

These players are stragglers, but the more they deal with it, the more difficult it becomes.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were not too many players, the Realm Realm might really fall.

After half a month of war, the monsters on the real world did not dare to underestimate the players.

The conceit and pride of the past have all disappeared.

"What is their means of communication? How do they do it? My underworld still needs feathered eagles, owls, messenger birds, and carrier pigeons. How do you feel that this group of players can communicate in real time?"

The more Viscount Anxu thought about it, the more he felt unbelievable. It wasn't that he was stupid, but that the communication methods of the players were completely beyond his cognition.

Pi Yin~~~
At this moment, Viscount Anxu, who was deep in thought, suddenly heard an extremely subtle sound of sword chant.

Viscount Anxu almost instinctively opened the Underwater Domain, and a cold light suddenly pierced Viscount Anxu's back.

The dark water shield emerged, blocking the cold sword, and ripples rippled from the tip of the sword.

But at this moment, a flame chrysanthemum bloomed suddenly.

The sword tip that was blocked by the dark water shield suddenly passed through the dark water shield and pierced straight into Viscount Anxu's body.

Accompanied by the sound of piercing the flesh, "Justice's Backstab" successfully stabbed his cold sword into Viscount Anxu's waist.

With the tip of the sword as the center, a large number of spells spread rapidly in all directions.

But while the "Justice's Backstab" was still exerting force, his body was suddenly pierced with several large holes by the Underwater Rib.

Where the big hole was located, there was an instant burst of extreme cold.

The "Backstab of Justice" was instantly frozen into icy slag, turning into colorful bubbles that scattered in the sky.

The adjutants and guards around were about to burst into tears, and each of them looked up to the sky and howled.

If there is a monster, it will directly guard the corpse!
Unfortunately, as an assassin, "Backstab of Justice" did not rely on the "Portable Sun Lamp" to be resurrected at all.

Especially the players in the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild still have the tragic lesson of being guarded by corpses!

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Viscount Anxu spat out a mouthful of black blood, stretched out his hand, and stopped the guards who rushed over.

"There is some curse poison on his sword, which is more troublesome. I will continue on my way without any hindrance!"

The guards looked at the strands of light wandering on Viscount Anxu's face, they could see the terrifying divine power, and they didn't seem to be all right no matter what.

"What an assassin. The player group is really full of talents!"

Viscount Anxu wiped the black blood from the corner of his mouth, and said sadly, "Communication, expand the share of slaughter in the ranch from one-third to one-half, and inform the so-called players of the news!"

world channel.

"Justice's backstab": "Unfortunately, I almost failed to assassinate Viscount Anxu!"

"Just show off!"

"Show off +1"

"Show off +2"

"Show off +3"


Viscount Anxu is so powerful now, the supreme commander of the monster raid in the real world is equivalent to the commander-in-chief.

Such a boss, the average assassin can't even say assassination, even close to it.

But "Backstab of Justice" approached Viscount Anxu silently, and directly stabbed him in the waist with a sword.

And the sacred poison on the sword erodes Viscount Anxu's body from time to time.

"Backstab boss is amazing, this stab once again played the prestige of our assassin players!"

The crowd joined in.

Just as "Water Struggles with Music Heart" made bow and arrow players rise, "Backstab of Justice" also carried the banner of the assassin profession alone.

Then, all the players asked for the secret of "Backstab of Justice" assassination.

"Backstab of Justice" smiled.

To put it bluntly, the assassination was actually a concealment and an instant outburst.

Only those who can hide can get close, and those who can explode can assassinate!

Unfortunately, his outburst was still a bit short.

The elven power he contracted, coupled with the use of a weapon containing special sacred power and curse poison, combined with the thirteen rounds of flame chrysanthemums, was still not enough.

It is conceivable how powerful the viscount level monster is!

Even so, he is still proud enough.

At this moment, the World Channel suddenly broadcast one after another unsuitable pictures.

These pictures are all marked with thick mosaics!
In an instant, all the players were silent.

"The monsters said that this is a response to the assassination just now. They will increase the share of killings from one-third to one-half of all the ranches. You forced him!"

"Backstab of Justice" was silent.

All the pride just now suddenly disappeared completely.

The eye sockets are even more red!

The hand holding the dagger even trembled a little.

If he stabbed Viscount Anxu to death with a sword just now, would the ending be different?
Or in other words, if he didn't use that sword just now, wouldn't those people have to die? !
Not only "Backstab of Justice", but all players felt the oppression at the same time.

After being brave for so long, it was the first time they felt "powerless" and could do nothing!

"Fisherman" smiled wryly.

As the oldest person, to be honest, he also suffered a huge psychological impact.

To be honest, sometimes inner strength and maturity really have nothing to do with age.

"Breaking Dawn" is good in everything, but some places are too real and too cruel

At this time he must be strong!

Because, he wants to share some for his son.

Presumably that silly boy is suffering a lot at this time!
In fact, "Long Sky" was indeed hit, and some doubted whether his approach was correct.

He thought that his heart was extremely strong. As the group of professional players with the best skills, he could always figure out the planning and official ideas.

But this time, he was a little confused!
"Sky" suddenly realized.

He guessed that the official would not make a "plot" that was too cruel and seriously inconsistent with the temperament of the game, but it turned out that he was wrong!
After all, he is still a little too arrogant!

In other words, he hadn't seen any real darkness before, and he didn't really realize what the real end of the world would be like!

Just now.

Martina suddenly appeared on the World Channel.

"I know that everyone is shocked by this sudden bad news. But, this is the reality of this world. We are always losing, and there are very few people who can really catch it."

"Please don't give up the hope of embracing the light in your heart because of the cruelty and cruelty of the enemy, let alone punish yourself for it!"

"During the slow night of thousands of years in the past, in order to survive, we have been endlessly reincarnated in the curse of darkness from generation to generation. May I ask, is there any soldier in Dawn City who has not experienced life and death?"

The smiling face of Olina Knight appeared on the World Channel.

"Everyone must know my story, especially "Backstab of Justice" knows it better. Loss is always the norm. Accept the powerless self, and then become more cruel than the enemy! "

Then, there was the smiling face of Mark Spencer.

"I may be a little unfamiliar to everyone. I am neither a strong person like Martina, nor a beauty like Olina. But I am also a formal knight, and I was lucky enough to behead the elf The ruling Bruno has been trained all the way so far.”

"In order to build something, something must be destroyed."

"In this world, where is there anyone who can easily get everything he wants without going through hardships?"

"More and more it is 'knowing that you can't do it'. In the words of our Huaxia, it is 'knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, but preferring to travel to the tigers'. Oops, it has become preaching again!"

After Mark Spencer came another knight after another.

They are all encouraging the players!
All the players felt more or less better.
The sense of immersion in this game is really too strong!

Those cruel pictures brought them a huge shock.

Many elf envoys who have signed a contract, and the little elves floating around, have a faint gleam on their bodies at the same time.

the present.

Rhodes eyes are dim.

He felt more and more like a real god!
In other words, with the recovery of his cultivation, his divinity surpassed his humanity day by day.

Born as a human being, he is naturally willing to redeem all his compatriots.

If he shot, he could also save those victims.


As a true god whose divinity overwhelms humanity, he did not make a move in the end!
Because, compared with the victims of Dawn City, Rhodes needs more "knights" who can train elves to become great elves.

We need more great knights who can be happy!

And these drastic transformations require an unprecedented emotional outburst.

In addition, those "livestock" who have been raised in captivity for an unknown number of generations in the pasture have long since lost their hearts.

They have no writing, no civilization, have been raised in captivity and domesticated, and even their language ability has been seriously degraded. Now most of them are docile like pigs.

Rhodes needs blood to cleanse their beast hearts.

Just like that pig, only when it is killed will it howl a few times, will it struggle, and will it wake up.

Rhodes made a choice and voluntarily abandoned them!
Rhodes smiled wryly.

Perhaps one day, he will truly stand high in the sky and become Him!

Compassion does not hold soldiers, the simple four words are very simple to say, but it is very difficult to do.

In the end, Rhodes had a thought.

Through the small plug-ins embedded in the players, a part of his weak power of authority was secretly radiated.

This power will further stimulate the players to burst into more intense and fiery emotions, so as to better resonate with the elves.

When he makes a choice, he always has to make sacrifices and sacrifices!

Realm layer.

All the players released a faint white light at the same time.

Their emotions are even more intense than ever before!
Old man ranch.

"Sky" directly pulled out a new gold-level weapon, and a wine-red elf floated beside him.

"Experts advise me to pay to go to work", "Fever 105°", "Cat abuser Schrödinger", "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix", "Demon Six", "Fishing Guy", "Call Zisha again", "Green Hero", " I'm really sunny" and other elites drew their weapons at the same time.

And when the "Club" guild removed the disguise, the scouts and guards of the old man's ranch discovered the existence of the "Club" players for the first time.

I was so nervous all of a sudden!
In fact, it was the old man's ranch. In a short period of time, it received too many messages from Viscount Anxu.

I also know that their ranch is the main target of the players.

But unfortunately, this shoe never landed on the ground, which forced him to sleep and eat.

In order to hold down the player guild as much as possible, and to "kill the heart" as much as possible, the person in charge of the old man's ranch, that is, the old white ape, only arrested all the "livestock" according to the order, but did not kill them for the time being.

Now the shoes are finally on the ground!
The question is, can he withstand the impact?
"Long Sky" smiled cruelly and said to the wine-red elf beside him, "When we first signed the contract, we promised to climb the highest aspirations together, and now it's time to fulfill our promise Otis Knight!"

Accompanied by "Long Sky" calling out the name of the wine-red elf, this round and funny looking elf began to usher in growth and evolution.

Otis is the most powerful knight in the history of the Dawn City, who fights against the darkness and never dies.

Just now, "Long Sky" heard his name, or her voice, from the elf's voice for the first time!
I saw the burgundy elf transforming little by little, and then turned into a very small but unprecedentedly heroic female knight in heavy armor.

All the knights of Dawn City who were paying attention to this battle directly sprayed it out.

What rice?

You tell me that this heroic girl is the strongest knight, Otis?
Did something go wrong? !

(End of this chapter)

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