After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 260 The War Between the True God and the Players 【Subscription】

Chapter 260 The War Between the True God and the Players 【Subscription】


Realm layer.

Rhodes glanced at all the players and said, "On this floor, what the god has to do has been done, and the rest will be left to you!"

After speaking, all the avatars and phantoms of this class are all integrated into one.

Then, Rhode stepped forward, and a rainbow bridge lit up directly under his feet, suddenly piercing through the boundary wall from the real world layer to the seamless layer.

The aura belonging to the seamless layer rushed over in an instant.

Just like a flood bursting a bank, human beings face natural dangers.

It was an indescribable shock, helplessness, and despair!
Fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly, but it was the endless torrent, which disappeared little by little after coming to His Majesty the God King, like ice and snow meeting the sun.

Then he became obedient like a child!
"Bold, how dare you trespass into the seamless layer. Ga."

The reprimanding voice stopped abruptly, became trembling, and suddenly fell from the sky. I don't know if I sensed the identity of the true god and dared not offend again, so I shut up wisely in fright, or died directly.

Others may not know the identity of this person, but the Earl of Darkness does.

He is the Grand Duke of Blood and Fire!
In this life, he is the most iron-blooded, with a fierce reputation in the Infernal Layer, and his jurisdiction spans hundreds of thousands of miles.

But for the players, the feeling is completely different.

His Majesty the God King's compulsion is simply too high!
In the past, His Majesty the God King they had in mind was the true God who had just recovered.

Not to say weak, but at least not too strong!
Otherwise, it would not be so cautious.

You see, who mentioned His Majesty the God King in the past, the mystery is mysterious, and the handsome is handsome, but how many people have connected him with the strong man who suppressed the world?
Through that small passage, the players could vaguely see a scene belonging to the seamless layer.

It is indescribably desolate and rough, and the overall appearance is like mountains, with a lot of poisonous fog flowing in the mountains.

It's a bit like the hell version of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"!

The color is generally faint and confusing, like a rusty brownish red.

But seeing Rhode stepping out in one step, the Hongqiao under his feet directly runs through the entire seamless layer, and directly arrives at the central hell of the seamless layer.

Rhodes asked lightly, "Is there a big demon willing to fight with me?"

Rhodes didn't deliberately release his aura, but he didn't hide anything either.

Even so, all the powerful and incomparable demons on the ground of the Inferior Layer of the Underworld were still trembling with fear.

He even trembled instinctively!
I also slowly recalled in my mind the legend belonging to the "True God".

Do not look directly!

Can't say!

Rhodes has an authority called "Master of the Sky, Earth and Ocean", and another authority called "Origin and Destination of Life".

He stood in the sky of the underworld, and the sky sang praises for him; he looked at the earth of the underworld, and the earth began to play music for him.

Even the authority of the destination of all souls echoes from afar.

Therefore, the aura on the body of the God King Solator became more and more astonishing, and the emperor's crown that belonged to the ruler of the three realms gradually began to condense on his head.

On top of his body, there are also gradually the clothes that belong to the emperor taking shape.

Obviously, Rhodes is plundering the authority of the underworld world!

All the big demons with knowledge sensed it at the same time, and it was even horrifying like never before, but none of the monsters dared to show their heads.

I just kept calling for the divine presence of His Majesty Pluto from the bottom of my heart!

In the hearts of the players, it is another concept.

The players realized that once in this world, the aura of His Majesty the God King was actually hidden all the time!
Not to mention other things, just this one, His Majesty the God King is... kind!
Rhodes looked at many lands in the seamless layer, and all the dark fog above the land dispersed one after another.

And the crown uniform on Rhodes' body became more and more realistic.

The more you look at it, the more pity he will be!

This vast land cannot be used for farming!

The land of the endless layer is really vast and boundless, but it is a pity that it has been completely invaded by the power of the law of the underworld.

Unlike the "young" land in the real world, which was transformed after eating Dawn City, the land in the uninterrupted layer is "old soil" accumulated over the years in the underworld.

If it falls in this world, the earth of this world will be completely polluted.

Humans living in reality will even be transformed into monsters a little bit!

He can spend a huge price to remove the evil spirits in the land bit by bit, but the cost performance is too low, the gain outweighs the gain!

After Rhodes read it, the more he read it, the more he felt that this layer was lacking in resources.

Get rid of the dark core in the monster's body!

Rhodes shook his head.

I feel that these can at most help to light up more "Phantom Core Technology" in the present world. It is useful, but the upper limit is not high!

The divine rainbow spread under its feet, piercing through the passage leading to the fifth floor again.

Regarding this layer, they don't know if there are any big cows who have explored this layer in ancient times.


The era of arcane arts in this world has come to an end, and after entering the era of elves, absolutely no one has ever reached this level.

Don't even know the name of this layer!

After the god king Solator pierced through the passage of this layer, the extremely terrifying high temperature surged up from below in an instant.

In an instant, the seamless layer seemed to be engulfed by endless fire.

For a moment, the entire seamless layer came one after another the painful roars of monsters.

Not to mention the seamless layer, the extremely scorching breath even spread to the third true world layer.

Even the players felt the incredible heat wave in an instant.

Between the mouth and nose, he even smelled the strong smell of sulfur.

Did it enter the center of the earth?
If we talk about this unknown fifth floor, the climate is really bad enough.

What kind of terrifying monster should it be that can live on this level?


All the players once again heard His Majesty's domineering greeting—who wants to fight me?
No answer!

Without any accident, His Majesty the Divine King drove Shenhong into a deeper floor.

It's just that after reaching this floor, even with the help of tools, the players could no longer see the figure of His Majesty the God King.

In the eyes, there are only a few footprints left by the god kings when they walked by.

But it was these few footprints that made all the monsters on the fourth, fifth, and even deeper floors not dare to slack off in the slightest!
Looking at these few footprints, every player's eyes were extremely hot, and they expressed envy and pride!

This is His Majesty the God King who belongs to their side!

Unlike the player side, the morale of the monster side was unprecedentedly low.

The appearance of His Majesty the God King made every monster in the real world realize that there might be nothing left for them to lose in this battle.

Only gods can fight against gods, if His Majesty Pluto loses.
Your Majesty Pluto!

Thinking of this, the eyes of more and more monsters began to brighten up a little.

They remembered that God King Solator said before leaving that this is not his battlefield!

In other words, the God King left them to the players in front of him!
More and more monsters have rekindled their fighting spirit!
It has nothing to do with the battle of gods that they can't see and are not qualified to see, but what they think in their hearts is that maybe it's not bad to die in a vigorous battle!
The defense formation of the Dark City burst open, and more and more monsters left the city directly.

for a while.

The howls dedicated to the battle are endless, and the whole world is filled with the sound of the battle.

Also ignited this idea, and the Earl of Darkness!

The Earl of Darkness summoned his servants and ordered them to bathe and change clothes for him.

at the same time.

All the players saw at the same time, on the UI panel in front of them, the almost full-screen voice of begging for battle.

All players realized at the same time that their war has begun!

In this regard, the players have nothing to fear!

As more and more puppet cores were consumed and activated, a large number of thirteen guards were combined into thirteen guard giants under the final procedure.

One player with one Gundam, the army formed is amazing!

Even if this army is scattered, only a few guilds have strong organizational skills, but once they encounter monsters who are dedicated to fighting, they are almost invincible.

As the players became more and more familiar with the manipulation of the Thirteen Guards giants, the fighting power they displayed became more and more astonishing.

A group of top players such as "Long Sky" can even unleash various sword skills and even water and fire grand movements while releasing the thirteen guards' unique skills.

All the players were stunned for a moment!


There is still an endless stream of monsters who actively release powerful auras to challenge and die in battle!
This made the players feel more and more complicated while harvesting the lives of the monsters.

The appearance of His Majesty the God King, for these monsters, may mean the collapse of faith and the end of the world!

In the face of the doomsday, they did not shrink back, but fought bloody to the end at all costs!
No matter how fearless the players are, they can't help saying a song of generosity at this time!

This is also an intelligent race, and it also has their beliefs and culture.

It's a pity that, as human beings and brave men, the players must not allow this kind of demon clan that raises human beings in captivity to survive!
In the beginning, there were some stragglers, and later they were organized magic soldiers.

Infantry, cavalry, archers, swords and shields
It is not weak!
If it weren't for the players owning the Thirteen Guardian Giants, there might not be any good way to take them.

Especially when these established magic soldiers also possess a large number of elemental magic bottles.

At the end of the world, if these precious magic items cannot be used on the players, they can only be left to the enemies!

Players are taught to be human again and again by elemental bottles, magic scrolls, and various enchanted weapons!

Even if there were thirteen guard giants, they were still beaten many times and suffered battle damage.

So much so that some players were fighting, they found helplessly that the thirteen giants had burned out, and they could only rely on their own flesh and blood again.

This made many players who were addicted to driving Gundam helplessly "destroyed and killed"!
One, two, three.
As more and more players lost their Gundams, players had to think about saving and protecting their Gundams, which once limited the combat effectiveness of the thirteen giants.

It was also at this time that those thirteen guards who hadn't found their hosts and couldn't merge into one giant became cannon fodder one after another.

He began to sacrifice himself in a suicide style, frantically helping the players consume all kinds of magic props and weapons in the hands of the monsters.

Magic scrolls they go to block;

The extreme element of the element magic bottle impacts them to rush;
They will pick up the enchanted arrows of the mooring crossbow;

The moat, and even the bloody mouths of all kinds of crocodiles raised in the moat. They went to fill it;

Even all kinds of "cannonballs" shot out of the city are consumed by them.
In a short period of time, outside the entire Dark City, the number of wreckage of the thirteen guards was even greater than the number of dead monsters themselves.

From this we can also see how strong the former Dark City was.

Not to mention anything else, just this group of thirteen guards who are completely fearless and even more daredevil than the Death Squad is extremely tricky!
It is no exaggeration to say that if it hadn't been for Mr. Carter's tactic, the Dark City would lose more than half of its combat power, and even turn back.

If they want to completely break through the Dark City, the price they have to pay will definitely be thousands of times higher!
It can only be said that Carter is awesome!
At last.

It is the moat formation of the capital of darkness!
Even though layers of loopholes have appeared, and even more than [-]% of the formation hosts are missing, it still brings considerable trouble to the players.

When the light curtain of the moat is swept away, a large number of players will be harvested.

In the end, it was relying on "Mo Hancheng" and a group of sixth-year-olds who sneaked into the city ahead of time, and quietly dug out a foundation, which completely allowed the players to seize the loophole and break into the city.

Even so, the players still entered the intense street fighting session.

At this point, the war has entered a new stage.

It's not just the soldiers who are fighting the players, there are also a large number of monsters similar to civilians!

This has brought considerable psychological pressure to the players!
Fortunately, there are still thirteen guards!

Many players are unwilling to cause killings, and the thirteen guards directly help them.

This also caused the hatred of the thirteen guards in the inner city to be even higher than that of the players.

for a while.

The city was already covered with the remains of the thirteen guards, but a large number of thirteen guards fell one after another!

The scene looked shocking, almost every dozens of steps, you can see the wreckage of the thirteen guards emitting a lot of black smoke, and even burning with magic fire.

Many of them even died together with the thirteen guards and the monsters!

It's really hard to imagine how many thirteen guards have been mass-produced in the Dark City over the years.

Regarding this question, in fact, the dark capital, and even many high-level officials in the seamless layer, actually don't know about it.

The only thing they know is that, relying on the absolute secrecy of this number and sealing up a large number of them, the thirteen guards, who exist as the foundation, have completely defended the rule of the Earl of Darkness in the real world.

Let him even have the qualifications to talk, communicate, and trade with princes of the Wujian layer!


How useful the Thirteen Guards were before, how deadly they are now!
The thirteen guards who activated the final program and turned into a ruthless killing machine even made many monsters who participated in the battle of the fall of Dawn City that year couldn't help recalling all the things that happened when Dawn City fell.

They used to look down on the entire Dawn City, treating all the creatures in Dawn City as livestock, and allowed their subordinates to kill and eat people at will.

How awesome!

These monsters never imagined that the day when the Dark City fell would be even more humiliating and unbearable than Dawn City!

That's all for the true god, after all, it is an existence that they can't even understand.

To be plotted by him is a worthy death!
However, Carter, who had been dead for hundreds of years, calculated this so far, which made every monster in the Dark City who participated in the battle of destroying the city that year miserable.

Is this a cycle? !
Looking at the thirteen guards who were still wantonly killing, these demon soldiers couldn't help admiring while resenting them.

Carter, you are ruthless!

"Ansui, he was conferred the title of Viscount for beheading the big boss Doge's guards in the battle against Dawn City that year, and I request a battle!"

A viscount in armor holding a dark iron gun and wearing armor in the style of Dawn City asked for a fight.

After the players saw it, they didn't hesitate at all.

5 minute later.

Viscount Ansui died in battle.

"Viscount Anfu, in the battle to destroy the city, he used his identity as a spy to confuse a large number of surrender factions, and he was awarded the title of Viscount for his great achievements. Please fight!"

Viscount Dark Fu is a snake woman who looks fickle.

In just a few seconds of showing up, dozens of faces have been changed, and each face is a human face.

Obviously, this should be the face of the important person in Dawn City back then.

Either be bewitched by her to instigate rebellion, or be taken away by her.

Now show them all on her face!

It can be expected that Anfu, the snake girl, is just as she said, good at lurking, bewitching and instigating rebellion, not particularly good at frontal combat.


On this occasion of perishing, she still chose the most unsuitable fighting method for her!
Maybe it's because I want to change the way of death, or maybe it's because my heart is dead and I don't want to struggle anymore.

But no matter what, her role in the battle of destroying Dawn City may not be much worse than that of several great commanders.

After a few minutes.

Viscount Anfu was seriously injured and dying, and most of his body began to be reduced to ashes.

Looking at the giant thirteen guards on the players and the thirteen guards following the players, a self-deprecating look appeared on his face.

"I thought Dawn City was a loser, but I didn't expect the Dark City to lose even more. Is the unification of the three realms with the underworld at its core going to fail in the end?"

Viscount Anfu was completely reduced to ashes.

I don't know when, the dark city slowly sounded a sad tune.

And accompanied by the sad tune, there are more and more burning flames.

Most of the fire was not intentionally set by the players!

Or the aftermath of the battle, or simply because some monsters didn't want to leave their things to the players and the world, so they simply ignited everything that belonged to them.

The fire burned more and more vigorously, and burned into the hearts of the players.

And what got into the hearts of the players was the increasingly sad tune, full of the sadness of the country's destruction and family destruction.

"Viscount Dark Lantern, he had the most beheads in the battle of destroying the city, and he beheaded thousands of people, begging to die in battle!"

Viscount Dark Lamp died in battle.

As the players continued to advance, more and more viscounts died in battle, and even the baron began to ask for battle frequently.

". Viscount An Kuo, in the battle to destroy the city, one song caused civil strife, and one dance caused the army to kill each other and asked to die in battle!"

This is the end.

Only then did the players realize that, amidst the raging flames, a woman with a graceful figure and a harp in her arms came out in tears while playing a desolate tune.

The players are complicated.

It doesn't matter if the players are visual animals, or they can't walk when they see beautiful women, the feeling Viscount Darkness gives them is more or less different.

A quarter of an hour later.

Viscount Ankuo died in battle!

(End of this chapter)

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