After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 273 Petition and New Copy 【Subscription】

Chapter 273 Petition and New Copy 【Subscription】

The petition activity on the official website of "Breaking Dawn" continued to ferment, and the number of people who participated in the petition reached as high as 30 in a short period of time, and the number of petitioners continued to increase.

This is also a miracle on the Internet.

You know, the public beta server of "Breaking Dawn" has not yet opened, and there are only more than 4000 real beta players at full count.

In other words, most of the players participating in the petition are just cloud players!
Moreover, the story of the character Xibel has not yet been fully disclosed.

It can only be said that it is outrageous!
It can also be seen from this that the planning of "Breaking Dawn" was a one-shot, and it also left a very deep impression on the players.

While letting the players be afraid of being "knifeed" by being caught off guard, they also have some experience in being knives and know where they may be knives.

In this regard, the official website of "Breaking Dawn" has never responded.

Petitioning netizens felt very angry, stepped up their efforts and continued to connect, planning to rush to the official website of Shenguo Technology.

But what they didn't expect was that the official website of Shenguo Technology, which looked very "simple", could not be washed away.

Then, the netizens who connected with each other could only be incompetent and furious.

After calming down, these netizens were not particularly angry, and even got used to it a little bit.

Because, Shenguo Technology has always been so cold and indifferent!
What no one expected was that this petition triggered a chain reaction.

Many netizens whose IP addresses were displayed in foreign countries poured into the Chinese network one after another, and launched a second petition under the official website.

That is to ask Shenguo Technology not to engage in national discrimination. Among the 100 million places for the internal test, some of them, such as "foreigners", must be included.

As soon as this petition came out, those netizens who had previously petitioned became melon eaters one after another.

of course.

The opinions of netizens are unexpectedly unified!

Where to stay cool!

Our domestic netizens haven't played it yet, how could it be cheaper for you foreigners?

While agreeing to the outside world, they all felt very proud.

In the past, which of the big domestic manufacturers didn't run rampant in the country and act as fathers to players, and then turned around and acted as filial sons to foreigners on the Internet?
How will Shenguo Technology handle this time?

To be honest, domestic netizens are more or less worried!

It is really the double-standard filial behavior of some big factories in the past, which makes domestic netizens a little bit emboldened!
time flies.

Then all the netizens discovered that Shenguo Technology did not do anything to deal with it.

Netizens in China were immediately delighted, this taste is just right!
For other big manufacturers, domestic fathers are filial sons abroad, but for Shenguo Technology, your father will always be your father.

Even though the foreigners who poured in were full of voices, and the number of petitions was increasing, the official of Shenguo Technology still did not respond.

for a while.

The "foreign friends" who came into contact with Shenguo technology abroad for the first time were all angry!

How can they ignore the opinions of their players so much? !
This is not politically correct!

Then, some sharp-eyed netizens discovered on the extranet that some foreign netizens posted the bad attitude of Shenguo Technology to the extranet.

"Recently, I discovered a game called "Dawn", which tells the story of a lost civilization god who lost the sun after the war. The cultural background in it is very similar to the European Middle Ages. With a curious attitude, I learned about the entire "Dawn" in detail. The story background, development, and technology of Breaking Dawn, oh, my, god, I was completely shocked. This turned out to be a well-known black technology at the top of the layer, and it is a game that crosses the era."

"In this game, players can eat, the taste system is almost exactly like reality, and there is a technology called super sense."

"Out of curiosity and longing for black technology games, my partner Walsh Lyle and I launched a petition, with as many as [-] petitioners, but what made us angry was that the game production company 'Shenguo Technology' had Severe national discrimination, but did not give any response to all our petitioners."

"I have reason to believe that the person in charge of Shenguo Technology not only discriminates against nationalities, but also discriminates against various races"

Posted by Cecilia Jeremy.

Domestic netizens were amused when they saw the comments on the external network that some netizens picked up over the wall.

Happiness is comparable!

With Crooked Nut Kernel's incompetence and rage as an adjustment, they suddenly discovered that Shenguo Technology is still very lenient to domestic netizens.

At least, everyone is still their own!
As more and more translations of comments from the external network were sent back to the domestic network, netizens gradually discovered that this incident was really a big issue on the external network.

Even some very credible media have stood up!

While accusing Shenguo Technology of being arrogant and incorrect, it is more or less like a lemon.

In this regard, the attitude of domestic netizens is unexpectedly unanimous!
Sir, times have changed!
Do you really think that this era is still "My Qing Dynasty"?

Originally, netizens thought that this matter should be like this, but they didn't expect some foreign officials to end up.

They openly declared that technology knows no borders!
A high-tech that can benefit all mankind, such as layer top black technology, should not be controlled by a game company.

Netizens are also eye-opening!

The West is still playing this trick! It’s true that you will never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep!

Then, netizens were overjoyed at Benqing's discovery that nothing happened in China regarding these shameless behaviors in the West!

Not only did the officials not make any statement, even Shenguo Technology did not make any statement from the beginning to the end!

Netizens once again witnessed the "coldness" of Shenguo Technology.
It can only be said that holding the core technology is so arrogant, love to play or not!
Then, the person in charge of the sharp-eyed game company discovered that the netizens who had paid off all the petitions not long ago ran to the official website of Shenguo Technology to apologize.

The general idea is that they have clearly recognized the arrogance of Shen Guo's father, and they dare not dare anymore, and request that they must be selected for this public test.


For a moment, those Internet companies who were watching directly were all dumbfounded.

Isn't this. Guilty?
Regarding the disturbances on the Internet, Rhodes actually didn't take it too seriously.

Recently, he has been busy.

The core is actually to make various preparations for the upcoming public test server 1.0!
The first is the establishment of two copies.

First, the Earl of Darkness.

Rhodes directly restored him in detail and put him in the "maze".


The Earl of Darkness is so far the first boss who has truly mastered some of the laws.

To restore it in detail, the core purpose is to improve the ability of the major guilds to fight team battles.

As for the prizes, the core drop is the Miracle Source Liquid!

The most powerful effect of this thing is to activate the mind world and accelerate the development of the mind world.

Players must be given a way to farm props!

Otherwise, except for a few players who got the chance, the development of the mind world of the vast majority of players may be in a predicament of stagnation.

Rhodes couldn't accept this!
Secondly, it is to take care of the new players of the public beta server.

For the new players of the public beta server, Rhodes must give them a way to pass the main storyline of "Recapturing the Realm".

Otherwise, the game "Breaking Dawn" has almost no sense of experience for new players.

For this reason, Rhodes deliberately put the dungeon of the Earl of Darkness in the maze of the Sun Tower in Dawn City.

In order to restore this battle to a greater extent, Rhodes even specially restored the double-heaven layer, the rumen layer, and the real world layer at that time.

Of course, these are completely newbies aimed at new entrants.

The restored map has also been reduced exponentially. It is impossible for him to spend so much divine power to make such a large map!
For the old players who have participated in the whole process of this war, you can skip the plot part and directly brush the Earl of Darkness.

In order to stimulate players' desire to farm the book, Rhodes not only provided the item "Miracle Source Liquid", but also designed the Earl of Darkness as a copy that can be fixed to farm pet reins.

In the battle to recapture the real world, the players took back a large number of pack animals, pterosaurs, and feathered eagles.

These will come in handy in the future!


It is the "Racing Monument". Since it took so much effort to restore this dungeon, it must be done as better as possible to stimulate players to brush the dungeon as much as possible.

As for the second dungeon, it is the dungeon of Viscount Ankuo.

The core of this dungeon is to respond to the voices of the players!
The feeling of being in love provided by Viscount Darkly has attracted quite a few players.

And for this dungeon, the reward designed by Rhodes is "Tears of the Succubus".

After brushing this item, it will increase the mental resistance.

The core purpose is to prevent players from suddenly becoming helpless when encountering a monster with a mental attack next time!
It is absolutely impossible for the entire guild of "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" to be completely dragged down by a succubus department.

At last.

Rhodes decided to create another copy!
The core reason is that the current only "Ode to the Three Realms" puts too much emphasis on combos. For example, the single output and burst of Song of Water and Song of Fire require high-value combos in a short period of time.

For one-handed sword players, the advantage is quite obvious.

Two-handed swords are fine.

But for long-range and high-explosive bow players, it is a big discount.

In the current version mode, if there is no blessing of "Burning Demons and Forbidden Curse", the bow system will definitely become more and more marginalized, and finally become. Dogs can't play!

Rhodes thought for a while, and redesigned a copy called "The Traveler Lost in the Starry Sky".

If we say that the dungeon of Ode to the Three Realms emphasizes combo strikes and breaking shields, it is a miracle created by speed and agility.

Then the dungeon of "The Lost Traveler in the Starry Sky" emphasizes the distance and burst, which is the miracle brought about by a single burst of the bow system.

In this dungeon, what the players need to farm is the protection named after the stars.

When enough four "Starry Sky Lost Travelers" are collected, they will be blessed with the authority of "Starry Sky Guider".

The arrows shot by the players almost have their own "automatic navigation" function.

The core here is to allow bow players to shoot farther and more accurately!

It's a bit like the "waste cultivation" of bow players, which greatly reduces the game difficulty of bow players and improves the game experience of bow players.

When enough four "Wanderers Returning from the Starry Sky" are collected, they will be blessed with the authority of "Sky Master", which can make the players' arrows stronger as they get farther away.

This is very unscientific!

This is the power of the authority of the true God to make the impossible possible!
Finally, there are four "travelers whose souls have returned to their hometown". If they collect enough of this rarest protection, they will receive the protection blessing of the authority of the "lost savior".

That is to say, when the arrow is dodged by the hunting target, this set of protection will produce the most important "authority blessing".

Those "wanderers" who have lost their way in the starry sky will burst out with the most blazing desire to "return home", and then turn back from the sky to launch a second attack.

And this attack will carry all the obsessions that erupted when the wanderer returned home.

Strictly speaking, this is a "cursed arrow" with a story.

It's a bit like his set of protection gives every arrow that flies out a be ending of a wanderer lost in the starry sky and falling down on the eve of returning home
After designing the core skeleton, the next step is data calculation.

After all, bow players rely on a single arrow to conquer the world, and the upper limit must be guaranteed, at least not lower than the value of the explosion of the three realms in "Ode to the Three Realms".


Set some thresholds on the upper limit too!
The core is the distance, which has quite high requirements for the level of the "magic eye".

This also means that the most high-end show operation is still the patent of a few talented players.

Secondly, it is the threshold of investment.

If you want to rely on bows and arrows, and hit the output that directly catches up with the top three worlds, you must pursue the most extreme numerical panel.

And this is the problem of drop probability!
It can be expected that anyone who wants to achieve something in the bow system must be imprisoned in the "starry sky book".

Rhodes was immediately happy when he thought of the appearance of cursing and cursing after a bow-type player swiped a top-grade embryo and crooked it.

Finally, there is the monster design in the "Starry Sky Book".

Rhodes thought about it, and decided to restore the four commanders of earth, water, wind and fire into the starry sky book, and let them be the fixed monsters of the starry sky book.

As for the little monsters, they are the little soldiers that appeared in the "Guardian of the Earl of Darkness".

The core difficulty is the various water magic traps of the commander of the water demon, the various rock-made armors of the commander of the earth demon, the berserk transformation of the commander of the fire demon, and the repulsive wind field of the commander of the wind demon.

If you fail to kill two of the monsters within a certain period of time, various big moves will follow.

As the pages of the book of rules continued to turn, in the newly completed Tower of the Sun in Dawn City, several new dungeons gradually changed from unreal to real.

at the same time.

Players who couldn't wait frantically searched for the cliff where Xibel was trapped based on the small amount of information in the publicity pv.

For the truly fanatical players of "Breaking Dawn", those protests and petitions are very, very boring.

Find Xibel first, that's the business!
But obviously, this is almost an impossible task!

After the Sun Tower of Dawn City was lit up, the land of the two cities was connected to each other, and the current territory is almost no smaller than a province in China on Earth.

If there is no mission guidance, just looking for Xibel's location like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

With this time and energy, why not go to your own territory to see it first!


Never underestimate the wisdom and patience of the players, let alone their determination to rescue the wives in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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