Chapter 275 Hibel's wife is the cutest
Looking at the scenes in the eyes of the scroll, Xibel's heart stopped for an unknown number of years, and finally there was a ripple again.

Through the eyes of the scroll, she saw with her own eyes how the players searched for a needle in a haystack and found her location bit by bit.

The process is extremely difficult!

At first, when these players called Huahua her "wife" and even threatened to "duel", Xibel felt very uncomfortable.

What's more, so the first impression of the players is a bit bad!

After all, she is not the kind of ignorant girl who can be easily deceived by knight novels!


As he watched more and learned more, these bad first impressions in Xibel's mind were slowly reversed!


Xibel gradually understood the meaning of "wife" in the player's mouth!
Maybe it's a bit possessive, and it's also meant to reflect lovers, but it's more about expressing love!

Even the so-called "duel" was essentially just talking, not a life-and-death battle between knights as she understood.

In addition to being moved, Xibel was even a little apprehensive, how could she be worthy of the love of the players?

Most importantly, she doesn't have anything to give back to the players.

On the contrary, in order to rebuild Dawn City, she will trouble these players again and again. She is really ashamed!

time flies.

Xibel clearly felt that the enthusiasm of a large number of players looking for her was slowly diminishing.

But there are still dozens of players who are still tirelessly looking for her, and they are getting closer and closer to her location.

For example, this player named "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" has been looking for her location in an orderly manner.

For this reason, it seems that a special algorithm has been developed with artificial intelligence, and the investigation efficiency is very high.

Now her position is basically determined!
This made Xibel inevitably nervous while looking forward to it.

She was even thinking, if the players broke through the cliff and rescued her, what words of thanks would she need to say!
Xibel found that she had read so many books, but when she really came to use them, it was still not enough.

Sometimes, language is indeed scarce!

And the player closest to her is "Mo Hancheng"!
A very cold name!
Through her observation during this period, unlike other players who like to gather and form teams, "Mo Hancheng" is a solo player.

This made Xibel inevitably feel a little curious!
Xibel discovered that, unlike the "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" who is thoughtful and good at using tools, "Mo Hancheng" who fights alone is better at discovering details.

Through repeated and in-depth digging of details, more and more useful intelligence can be obtained.

What shocked Xibel was that "Mohan City" even calculated the wind direction through the angle of the rain in the PV, and thus restored the terrain direction in turn.


On the body of "Mo Hancheng", Hiber even saw a shadow of the young Carter back then.

of course.

Not only "Mo Hancheng", through the eyes of the scroll, she has actually remembered the names of all the players who are tirelessly looking for her.

Near, near, near.
Then, Xibel saw through the eyes of the scroll, "Mo Hancheng" took pictures one after another, repeatedly comparing them with the cliff in front of him.

Immediately, his eyes became brighter and brighter!
[Are you about to be rescued? ]
Hiber didn't know how to describe his mood for a moment.

But no matter what, I am still excited and happy!

Recently, through the eyes of the scroll, Xibel has discovered that everything that was once related to Dawn City has been reduced to dust and dirt.

But the tower of the sun that rose again planted a new seed for New Dawn City.

Now is the time for her to contribute her own strength!
She looked expectantly at the cliff in front of her, expecting it to be crushed by the "warrior" in front of her!
at the same time.

"Mo Hancheng" also had unprecedented pride in his heart.

After a lot of hard work, he finally found the place where Xibel was suspected to be trapped!
"Mo Hancheng" knocked here and there, and after confirming that the stone wall was hollow, his confidence doubled.

"Your Excellency Xibel, are you inside? If you hear it, please respond to me!"

Hiber was slightly surprised.

This "Your Excellency" was really unexpectedly polite, she remembered that "Mo Hancheng" also called her wife in private!
"I'm here!"

Hiber said loudly, enthusiastically responding to the warrior's shout.

Hearing Xi Beier's response, "Mo Hancheng" was overjoyed immediately, and immediately said enthusiastically, "Please wait a moment, I will rescue you right away!"

"Thank you."

Hearing these two simple words, "Mo Hancheng" was immediately encouraged.

On the palm, the light of elements immediately emerged.

Hiber was a little nervous.

However, what surprised her even more was that the fist wrapped in the elemental light in the hand of "Mo Hancheng" used unexpectedly small hitting force.

Hiber understood.

"Mo Hancheng" didn't want to use too much force, let the rocks and cliffs splash, and then hurt her, it's really gentle!

Following this punch, "Mo Hancheng" suddenly discovered that a black-gray blood streak appeared on the cliff before Ming.

"Mo Hancheng" was overjoyed immediately.

The appearance of the blood groove means that the cliff in front of him can be broken, not because the version has not been updated yet, and it is completely impossible to interact.

One punch, two punches, three punches.
After several punches, "Mo Hancheng" successfully broke through the cliff in front of him, and then a cave emerged.

The Xibel they have been looking for for a long time is in it!
at the same time.

The whole server received an announcement at the same time.

[Congratulations to the player "Mo Hancheng" for successfully finding Xibel trapped in the cliff, completing the great cause "Famous Detective", obtaining the permanent title "Famous Detective", and rewarding 10 Saint Quartz. 】

[Because Xibel has been rescued, the whole server officially opened the "construction blueprint" exchange channel. 】

Seeing this server-wide announcement, many players shouted in unison.

I don't know how many players have called "Awesome" and "worship the boss" in their hearts.

There is really no comparison between people!
For the same publicity pv, they only saw Xibel's lonely and pitiful wandering alone for hundreds of years, but such big bosses as "Mo Hancheng" really accurately analyzed Xibel's exact situation through this little information. Location.


Of course, more players are still calling outrageous!

It seems that the current version has not been updated, not even the mission guide, they thought that the place where Xibel was trapped would not be open
Unexpectedly, "Mo Hancheng" actually rescued the person!

A large number of players called out that they were fooled, and felt that they were once again set up by the officials.

As for those players who were also tireless, and even almost found Xibel, at this moment, they could only beat their chests and say it was a pity.

Just a little bit, they were just a little bit closer!

It's just a little bit short, they are the ones who accomplished the great cause and showed the limelight in front of Xibel's wife!
At this moment, "Mo Hancheng" was directly engulfed by endless joy and joy.

He succeeded, and became famous!
Not only that, after smashing the cliff, he received another mission - to settle Xibel and lead her to familiarize herself with the new world!

This is an exclusive mission in the true sense!


"Mo Hancheng" found that a task box appeared in front of him again.

[Would you choose to rescue Xibel live to the whole server, and then take her to visit the historic moment of the new world?Complete rewards for mysterious construction blueprints! 】

Mysterious blueprint rewards?

"Mo Hancheng"'s eyes lit up.


Desiring for any reward, "Mo Hancheng" directly chose "Yes" without thinking too much.

Then, all the players on the server discovered at the same time that there was an extra "push" in front of them.

Click on it, and it is the picture of the location of "Mohan City".

I saw "Mo Hancheng" standing in the sun on the cliff in front of the cliff, and the light shone from behind him.

in the cave.

Sibel leaned back on the rock wall, still wearing the "battle-damaged suit" announced in the PV, in the dark shadows, looking a little "very pitiful".


It can still be seen that the light outside the cave has already shone into the cave, and what's more, it almost shines on Xibel's bare feet.

Xibel's bare feet looked a little dirty and covered in dirt, but they still had an indescribable beauty.

What's more, there is a kind of fairy who unfortunately falls into the mortal world, and people can't help feeling pity.

Through the live broadcast, watching the scene in front of them quietly, almost all the players on the server understood what this "mirror movement" meant.

As long as there are thousands of "Mohan City" lending a helping hand, Xibel, who is in the dark, can be redeemed and return to the sun.

For this scene, all the players have an infinite sense of substitution in their hearts.

This is their player!

Monsters can be slashed, cities can be destroyed, and of course the princess can also be saved!

But at this moment, "Mo Hancheng" felt a little stage frightened.

He found that he seemed...not particularly adapted to the camera!

Especially this kind of big scene where the whole server is live broadcasting!
You know, he doesn't like to socialize, but he usually pursues a solo strategy!
He doesn't even bother to deal with any guilds unless absolutely necessary!
Seeing this scene, not only all the players, but also many aborigines who also received the push and watched the live broadcast in real time couldn't help laughing at the same time.

Especially in the shots, the "special effects" in the anime are even "intimately" added.

I saw the "brave" who was handsome and messed up just now, now there are various "sweats" on his forehead, and there are even special subtitles showing "Mo Hancheng", "nervous", "stage fright", and "forgotten words".

The longer the time dragged on, the people who ate melons couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Who would have thought that the "famous detective" who was still so famous just now would "die" in front of the players of the whole server in the blink of an eye?
of course.

This stage fright made the players laugh and laugh, but it also felt real!

It even felt that the cold-faced master who was unattainable just now, suddenly there was no barrier between them.

Many girls suddenly feel that this "Mo Hancheng" is super cute!
time flies.

After taking several deep breaths and cheering himself up repeatedly, "Mo Hancheng" finally overcame the fear in his heart.


At the end of the sentence, "Mo Hancheng" seemed to have forgotten the words again.

Everyone burst out laughing!

Live streaming.

"Mo Hancheng" mustered up his courage again, and said, "Your Excellency Xibel, if you don't mind, please allow me to take you out!"

Hibel smiled and said, "Don't you call me wife?"

"Mo Hancheng" was taken aback.

Immediately, her cheeks felt hot.

It's fine for him to call Xibel his wife in private, but being pointed out by Xibel on the spot is another matter!

Super embarrassing!
The camera cuts to Sibel's face.

A bright smile appeared on her extremely delicate face.

Just at this time, the sun shone on Xibel's face, making all the players feel that the smile is so beautiful, so beautiful!

Only then did the players realize that during the period of "Mo Hancheng"'s stage fright just now, Xibel has been waiting quietly.

There is always a smile on his face, and there is no disappointment or frustration in his beautiful eyes from beginning to end.

Regardless of whether Xibel is a puppet or not, everyone has a feeling of love at this moment!

The most important thing is that Xibel is the first one in the whole server who is willing to publicly admit the existence of their wives!

At this moment, I don't know how many players beat their chests and feet, and the intestines of regret are green.

Especially "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young", at this time almost turned into the supreme treasure of professional confession.

"Once upon a time, there was a sincere love in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. There is nothing more painful than this in the world."

"If God could give me another chance, I would say three words to that girl: 'I love you'."

"If I have to add a time limit to this love, I hope it will be 1 years!"

It’s okay to say that the three views of the players follow the five senses, or it’s okay to say that the players are “greedy and cheap”.
At this moment, the players were really moved by Xibel's phrase "don't you call me wife"!

It can only be said that Xibel's wife is the cutest in the world!


It is a scene that makes many players extremely "discomfortable", because "Mo Hancheng" betrayed Xibel's wife at the risk of the world.

The mentality of all the players exploded!
Beast, put down his wife quickly!


At this moment, all the players on the whole network seem to be transformed into members of the FFF regiment, and then "judgment" "Mo Hancheng" who "betrayed the revolution".

What's even more shameful is that "Mo Hancheng" can directly use the dog-style flying puppet to fly Xibel's wife into the sky.


However, "Mo Hancheng" has been walking with Xibel's wife on his back like this.

Players all over the network are furious!

Looking at the kid just now, he seems to be very stage fright, shy, and shy.

In the end, he turned out to be so scheming in the blink of an eye!

Ah ah ah ah ah!
Starting today, "Mo Hancheng" is the public enemy of the entire network!

All the players picked up the big lemon at the same time.

It's just that what the players on the whole network didn't expect was that "Mo Hancheng" had just carried Xibel's back about a few hundred meters away, and directly bumped into "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" and other players in the "Club".

Everyone's eyes brightened at the same time.

It's not that friends don't get together, "Mo Hancheng", a bastard who "betrayed the revolution", is finally about to usher in the trial of the "club" master players?
Everyone's eyes flickered at the same time.

While gloating, everyone is looking forward to fighting as soon as possible!
At this moment, everyone was surprised to see that on the back of "Mo Hancheng", Xi Beier, who had some difficulty in moving, came to "Mo Hancheng" and said a few words in the ear.

Afterwards, "Mo Hancheng" let Hibel down.

Xibel walked slowly in front of the "club" and other players, and performed an ancient ceremony of Dawn City very seriously.

""Crouching dragon and phoenix chick", "Curse Zisha again", "Young hero"."

Xibel spoke clearly, and with a graceful voice like a nightingale, he called out the names of the players in the "Club" guild one by one.

The players in the "Club" were stunned.

In fact, even the players watching the live broadcast couldn't help being stunned.

Xibel thanked very devoutly, "You have worked so hard to save me, I know all the hard work, thank you all!"

After finishing speaking, Hiber smiled sweetly.

In an instant, everyone was healed by this smile at the same time!

This smile is guarded by me!
(End of this chapter)

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