After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 281 It's all rolled up 【Subscription】

Chapter 281 It's all rolled up 【Subscription】

Seeing the dejected look of "Great God" and "Gu Shiyi", "Chenmeng" smiled, stretched out his hand and swiped down in front of his face, and directly brought up the UI panel.

Then, "Dust Dream" uploaded the design draft stored in his private cloud space to the internal account of "Breaking Dawn".

These can almost be said to be a one-time explosion of all his architectural knowledge accumulation.

As early as when the ghosts in "Breaking Dawn" came out, and there might be a home system, "Dust Dream" began to design and prepare.

And the popularity of the demographic data post later completely stimulated his desire to create.

Later, as soon as the version of the construction flow gameplay came out, "Dust Dream" was overwhelmed with inspiration and began to design frantically.

He may not have been a player of "Breaking Dawn" before, but he has been playing "Breaking Dawn" for real!
Upload, Authenticate, Authenticate.
This process is very short and completed in one go.

This made "Gu Shiyi" couldn't help feeling again, "Chenmeng" is definitely the most special cutie he has ever seen.

Not to mention him as the second test player, it is estimated that even many lucky ones who were selected at the beginning of the server may not have such a thorough understanding of "Dawn" as "Dust Dream".

Thinking about how he was ignorant of the whole game when he was a newbie, "Gu Shiyi" couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Gu Shiyi" is getting more and more premonition that "Dust Dream" may really be able to keep up with the wave of the latest version, and become the top group of high-level players!
"Chenmeng" smiled and said, "Don't be envious, it's better to be ignorant than to be ignorant. Do you still remember the excitement and joy when you first logged into "Breaking Dawn"?"

"Gu Shiyi" nodded, and couldn't help but fell into the memory again.

He still remembers how excited he was when he was lucky enough to be the second tester.

After "Breaking Dawn" became popular, he had indeed learned about "Breaking Dawn" through various channels, and even checked various strategies in advance.


It is undeniable that he doesn't know much, so that he is actually a bit on the same level in all aspects up to now.

Of course, it cannot be said that "Gu Shiyi" is not developing well in "Breaking Dawn" now!
Since the launch of the second test server, he has become an elf envoy all the way through strategies and personal efforts, directly surpassing [-]% of the second test players.

But it is also a fact that I have come all the way ignorantly!

So much so that all kinds of things and knowledge are very novel, it seems to have opened the door to a new world.

Even now, whenever he thinks about the past, he can't help but smile.

The enjoyment and shock of tasting food in "Breaking Dawn" for the first time; the joy of pulling out the knife light for the first time; the sense of accomplishment of defeating the boss for the first time
The memory is still fresh, as in yesterday!
Seeing this, "Chenmeng" immediately smiled and said, "You are smiling, there is light in your smile, and this may be the true meaning of playing games, so why should you envy my gameplay?"

"I have studied too much, and when I was not yet an official player of "Breaking Dawn", the entire game world was in front of me, and there were almost no secrets. Secrets are often the source of novelty, and the greatest joy of a game!"

"Gu Shiyi" couldn't help being stunned, and then looked at "Chen Meng" and his eyes couldn't help but change.

In the past, he had heard all kinds of legends about "She Niu" on the Internet, and the various rumors about the first She Niu "Double Carp" in "Breaking Dawn" were even talked about by the majority of players.

Today, he saw a new generation of social cows!
Just now "Chenmeng" was just a simple sentence, but "Gu Shiyi" listened to it very well
More importantly, he also felt that what "Chenmeng" said was very reasonable!

Novelty is the greatest charm of a game, and what he liked most at the time was also the sense of strangeness in "Breaking Dawn" that allowed him to open the door to a new world.
This may be the so-called "great god", who always sees the problem so sharply!

But at this moment, "Gu Shiyi" heard the sound of "gold coins exploded".

Afterwards, "Gu Shiyi" heard the name of "Chenmeng" from the full server announcement.

[Congratulations to the player "Dust Dream", who has obtained 30 architectural blueprint certifications at one time, and has become the player with the most one-time certification blueprints since the server was opened. He has completed the great cause of "designer", rewarded 20 Saint Quartz, two-handed swords of refining level Take one bite and get the permanent title of 'Roll King'. 】

What the hell!

This full server announcement is like splashing cold water into hot oil.

Let "Dust Dream" show its face directly in front of the players of the whole server, and become famous in the design field of the whole server.

This time, everyone, both laymen and insiders, was shocked.

What is the concept of 30 architectural drawings that have been recognized by the system?
It's just off the charts!
If architectural drawings want to obtain system certification, there is an innovation threshold. This is like checking for plagiarism in papers. It’s okay to publish first, at least it can seize an opportunity.

This has also led to many high-scoring buildings in "Breaking Dawn" today, which are all appropriations of famous buildings in the real world.

Like the "cat" building registered by "Meow Planet", it is actually "bionic" in essence.

After their blueprints were successfully certified, a large number of "bionic buildings" immediately emerged.

Animals, flowers, and the natural scenery of the earth have all been registered one after another.

And after these have been squatted, if you want to get the new blueprint certification, you have to make more fuss about creativity.

And that's all, in the world of "Breaking Dawn", the design of blueprints also requires basic principles.

The design of drawings must at least conform to the basic objective laws.

To be more specific, today's blueprint certification is to be able to complete new buildings directly on the basis of blueprints!
And how far has this gotten involved?
There are already more and more players who can't find inspiration in the real world, and have to borrow crazily from the architectural elements of Dawn City, Dawn City, and even the previous Dark City.

As a result, the emerging architectural drawings are more and more culturally integrated.

In other words, the proportion of cultural attributes of new buildings is getting heavier!
Temples, tents, water villages, stilted buildings, water cities, and desert capitals have sprung up like mushrooms after rain!
What's more, there are already players who like to build, and they have bet their attention on the extraordinary power of the world of "Dawn".

He even plans to create a new track from the super port!

This is the status quo of involution!

What's more, the vast majority of players lie flat and choose to buy from existing blueprints.

"Gu Shishi" said dryly, "Master, how did you manage to certify so many blueprints at once?"

"The core is actually because. Like it, the core of the drawing is actually to use existing materials to combine different artistic conceptions, completely pursuing novelty, and essentially deviate from the original intention of the design!"

"Gu Shiyi": "."

"Chenmeng" smiled, "When I was very young, I liked to build various buildings, and I also learned this in school. Oh, there are a lot of gold coins. Add a friend, I will transfer [-] gold coins to you , right as a thank you, Great God, for leading me all the way!"

"Gu Shiyi" immediately felt the inhumanity of the master player!
The total amount of gold coins earned on the first day of server opening even exceeded the total amount he earned in one version.

And this "tip" casually given by the master made him even more open-minded.

"Gu Shiyi" suddenly felt tears streaming down his face.

He is ashamed of "bringing cute New Territories"!

However, bringing "Meng Xin" this time can definitely be regarded as his most novel game experience in "Breaking Dawn"!

"Gu Shiyi" has no doubts, as long as he is willing to share this experience on the Internet, it will definitely become a meme that players talk about.

"It's okay to add friends, but one thousand gold coins will be free. If the god "Dust Dream" doesn't mind, please give me a set of blueprints as a gift! "

"Dust Dream" laughed immediately upon hearing this.

To him, a set of blueprints is precious and precious, simple and simple!
But asking for a blueprint in the world of "Breaking Dawn" is a great trust.


The construction cost of the buildings in the world of "Breaking Dawn" is too high. Once you make up your mind to build them, they will basically be projected into your mind.

Basically, it is equivalent to teaching him the "elf technique", which is the ultimate move, to design!
If something goes wrong, it may seriously affect your own development, and the account will become a veritable "pain account".

"it is good."

"Dust Dream" readily agreed.

He has always been confident in blueprint design, and he has reason to believe that the buildings built based on his blueprints can also become powerful elf techniques when projected into the inner world.

"Gu Shiyi" laughed immediately, he believed in the eyes of the great god!

In fact, "Gu Shiyi" was also a little surprised.

He had only met "Chenmeng" once, but in this short period of time, the various abilities displayed by the great god "Chenmeng" completely convinced him!
So much so that he was willing to take a risk in the construction of his home.

This is a gamble, but it is an angel investment!

"Dust Dream": "Do you have any requirements for the drawings?"

"Gu Shiyi" immediately said, "I'm a second-test one-handed sword player, and I've completed the contract with the elves, not to mention lagging behind, but I feel quite satisfactory in all aspects, and I haven't learned the water and fire yet."

"Dust Dream" thoughtfully.

If you can't learn the great movement of water and fire, then there is basically no hope for the higher and deeper integration of the inner and outer three realms.

In other words, it is difficult for "Gu Shiyi" to reach a higher level in the field of one-handed swords.

"Dust Dream": "So what? Are you going to change the track?"

"Gu Shiyi" nodded immediately, hastily expressing his thoughts.

"As early as not long ago, an insider broke the news that the starry sky set protection suitable for bow players will be launched. I checked it today. The one-time explosion of the starry sky set is indeed very amazing. Adding the 'Devil Burying Curse', A single output would certainly be amazing."

"Dust Dream" listened thoughtfully.

Obviously, "Gu Shiyi" is also very thoughtful, and even plans to use the one-handed sword profession to control the starry sky set, and then cooperate with the magic burial curse to deal explosive damage at once.

Not impossible, but this kind of gameplay is indeed very, very extreme!
After one blow, if the enemy is not killed, then he is the one who is embarrassed!
"Chenmeng" said thoughtfully, "If I remember correctly, the starry sky set seems to damage more the farther the distance is. If you use this set of protection with a one-handed sword, maybe the benefits are not as high as you imagined!"

"Gu Shiyi" was a little embarrassed.

This is indeed a problem!


The protection of the Ode of the Three Realms is indeed not suitable for him!
He didn't say that he habitually rolls his face on the keyboard, but he definitely has nothing to do with "Xiu'er".

"Gu Shiyi": "It's true that it's not suitable, but if you continue to be mediocre, you can only gain more mediocrity. The great master "Water Zhengyinxin" just played the sword to the extreme, and then broke the game this time and came from behind. .”

"Dust Dream" nodded.

Such is the case with the game Breaking Dawn!

It is absolutely okay to play in a regular manner, but if you want to stand out from a certain field, you must find another way.

For example, "Long Sky", basically abandons elemental control, and directly digs repeatedly in speed and combo.

Now, he is the best one to discover the protection of "Ode to the Three Realms"!
Therefore, "Long Sky" is definitely the fastest one-handed sword in "Breaking Dawn" at present!

And like "Double Carp", because of the special elf she contracted with, she has been the best in the development of the heart world, and has dominated the list for a long time.


"Gu Shiyi" has also studied it, and feels that "Double Carp" is definitely the one that is most likely to fall from T0.

One generation of versions, one generation of gods, the public beta server 1.0 seems to be a version of home construction, but in essence it is the development of the inner world.

In other words, the personal advantages of "Double Carp" are being eliminated by the version!
As for "Shui Zhengyinxin", it is said that the "spectacle" he is currently creating is Houyi, the sharpshooter in Chinese mythology.

For this, "Gu Shiyi" is actually very curious, and I don't know how he will be in the future.

In the world of "Breaking Dawn", where all kinds of growth depend on the tower of the sun, I don't know what attitude the people have towards "Shooting the Sun"!

"Dust Dream" thoughtfully.

The request of "Gu Shiyi" seemed simple, but it did pose a problem for him.

The current version seems to be a construction, but in essence it is developed by the mind world and elves.

And the building combination set can also synthesize "elf magic"!
"Gu Shiyi" asked him to help design a set of architectural blueprints, essentially asking him to design a "big move" that could explode extreme damage.

And this also requires not to be restricted by the "protection", or to exploit the loopholes of the protection to achieve a miracle once!


In the world of "Breaking Dawn", the only "miracle" known so far is the unity of the three realms!

That is to say, the buildings he designed should be able to facilitate the realization of this set of miracles, otherwise it is basically impossible to achieve the "one-knife style" outbreak.

"Dust Dream" feels dizzy the more he thinks about it.

But his heart was unstoppably excited!

Perhaps, designing architectural drawings that can complete the integration of the three worlds is the creative pursuit he should have in the game "Dawn".

"Chenmeng" laughed, "Your request seems simple, but it is no less difficult than the 'not high request' that the blind date girl said. I am not too sure, if you are willing to take a gamble, then Wait for me for a month!"

"Gu Shishi" couldn't help being surprised.

The great master who completed 30 blueprint certifications in one go, even told him to wait a month for "Gu Shiyi" to realize the super high requirements of his blueprints!
There are too many things that can happen in one month.

One month behind, it may be several versions behind, no wonder the "Dust Dream" master said to take a gamble!

of course!

Even this kind of great master needs a month to try, which also shows that it is not easy to go from mediocrity to legend!
And this may be his only chance to counterattack in the world of "Breaking Dawn"!

"Then please God, if there is any request, I promise to be there on call!"

"Dust Dream" suddenly laughed.

Of course he believed in his own ability, but "Gu Shiyi" was willing to gamble with him just by meeting him once. This courage alone is quite astonishing!
"Dust Dream": "Where are we going next?"

"I suggest you visit New Dawn City."

"Gu Shiyi" was a little confused, "If you need it, you can go to Xibel to get a piece of knowledge. She is currently the only confirmed NPC who can get a piece of knowledge blueprint at the lowest cost."

"Dust Dream" nodded.

He is also well aware of "Gu Shiyi"'s entanglements.

The more knowledge the players receive, the sooner Xibel may be killed
"Chenmeng" said thoughtfully, "There are too many new players, so it's impossible for everyone not to receive blueprints, right? No matter how famous the proposal is, the ending is destined not to change!"

"Gu Eleven" nodded.

Perhaps, this is the most helpless thing for players!

Although they clearly knew that Xibel would inevitably be stabbed once he completed his mission, but there were too many people, and this "knife" could not be diverted by the will of a few players.

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity!

Before that proposal came out, too many players had benefited from Xibel and no one could stop it!
"Dust Dream": "Then let's go to Dawn City to see!"

"Good Le!"

As soon as Shi Shi arrived in Dawn City, the two were shocked by the scene in front of them, and even thought it was very funny.

"Little friend, it's better to let the big brother do these chores, you can rest at the side first!"

An NPC kid, looking at his empty hands, began to doubt his life for a while.

Who are these people?
Why did you want to grab her ax when you came up? !
She also wants to make money to support her family!

"Brother, can we complete the task of moving bricks together? There are so many people, so much strength!"

"Go, go, don't interfere with my moving bricks. I have been robbing for a long time for this task of moving bricks!"

The player who was full of expectations and planned to obtain the task of moving bricks through negotiations was suddenly discouraged.

What the hell, it's unreasonable, isn't the game "Breaking Dawn" too complicated?
No one wants him to move bricks!
How can I be unemployed when I start the server?
Not fun, not fun at all!
But at this moment, a recruitment message came quickly.

"Need a lumberjack, who will?"

The players who were disgusted with not being fun just now swarmed up.

"Me, me, me, logging is my favorite!"

"Use me, use me, use me, I was born to log!"

"Use me, my wages can be reduced by one gold coin!"

"I only want one gold coin!"

"I don't want money, I just want to upgrade experience!"


It's too curly!
Everyone was dumbfounded.

And as for the aborigines, they were trembling with their hoes in their hands!

(End of this chapter)

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