After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 283 Difficult to express 【Subscription】

Chapter 283 Difficult to express 【Subscription】

Looking at the gleaming Xibel in front of him, "Dust Dream" fully understood why so many netizens spontaneously participated in the virtual network on the earth, and repeatedly promoted it, so that players should not receive "knowledge" from Xibel.

Perhaps, this is simply a kind of cherishing of "beautiful"!

It has nothing to do with love, nothing to do with possession, it's just that you don't want the "beauty" itself to dissipate!

this damn knife
"Dust Dream" suddenly resented the dog plan again.

But facing Xibel, he still smiled, "Thank you, Your Excellency, Xibel. Since you know my name, you should also know that I uploaded 30 drawings today. I still have some confidence in the knowledge reserve!"

Hiber nodded with a smile.

"It is precisely because I know this that I am pleasantly surprised to meet you so soon. I have a draft of the Shuguang City's god sacrifice here, which contains the hard work of the sages and great sages of the Dawn City. They tried to use various magic circles, Architecture, so that you can be more 'close to God', so that you can watch the sky, pray, sacrifice, and practice more efficiently."

"In the post-sage era, there are even many elf envoys who use this method to store elemental elf power outside their bodies, and use this external method to forcibly break through to the level of sages, a bit like the artificial elves of Dawn City .It can be regarded as a secret method to forcibly continue the path of the elf envoy!"

Not only "Gu Shiyi", even "Chen Meng" was shocked.

What's happening here?
It is equivalent to the first day he entered the pit, someone gave him a practice path to a sage.

The most intuitive manifestation of this point is actually in the "Double Carp".

Through the method of strategy, she got Anna to sign a contract with her, and almost directly took an upgrade route that others could hardly replicate.

And now, Hibel told him another upgrade route that can "stand above a million people".

"Dust Dream" suddenly realized that he couldn't refuse.

Because Xibel gave too much!
"Dust Dream" suddenly not only hated the dog scheme, but even himself began to hate it.

If Xibel had a knife on him, he was also the one who handed it over!

Thousands of mistakes are the fault of time!

"Dust Dream": "Why me? I'm just a newbie who just entered the pit today!"

Xi Beier said seriously, "It is my mission and wish to spread all kinds of knowledge about Aurora City until now, and please don't have any psychological burden on Your Excellency "Chenmeng"! "

"The reason why I chose you is because you are the only one who has the talent and ability to certify 30 architectural design drawings at one time."

"If I don't pass on this knowledge to you, after I die, maybe no one in the world will know what efforts the sages of Dawn City have made to save the country!"

"Your Excellency "Chenmeng", you are so talented that you will surely become the envied 'big boss', 'great god' and 'high play' in the players' mouths in the future. I hope that the cultivation method of the 'Stand Tower' can be reproduced in your hands. It is very different from artificial elves, but it also contains endless wisdom, please! "

Looking at the "giant" Xibel who solemnly bowed to him in front of him, "Dust Dream" suddenly felt a little heavy on his shoulders.

Perhaps, "Breaking Dawn" is such a world!
Even if the arrival of the players has brought countless light, laughter and joy to this world, they cannot completely wash away the apocalyptic background behind this joy!

On the first day of entering the world of "Breaking Dawn", "Dust Dream" stabbed his favorite "Siebel's Wife" with his own hands, and gained an insight into the sad and gloomy truth of this world!

"Dust Dream": "I see, thank you Lord Xibel for the gift, I will definitely understand the cultivation methods of the towers in Dawn City as soon as possible, and then spread them. I believe many players will be very happy to see the new system and the new game The coming of Tao!"

Hibel was instantly relieved and smiled very happily.

"Great, thank you very, very much, Your Excellency "Chenmeng", you are willing to accept my inheritance of knowledge, it is really a great help! "

Hiber bowed again and again, and his smile became brighter.

Especially when "Dust Dream" received this "Artwork Inheritance", Xibel's body became much lighter again.

It seems to be able to float at any time!

Do not stir up dust, do not eat human fireworks!
"Dust Dream" couldn't help but said, "Your Excellency Xibel, I will thoroughly understand these architectural drawings as soon as possible, and I will let New Dawn City erect the first cultivation tower as soon as possible, and please come to me when the time comes." The training tower is a guest!"


Xibel agreed without hesitation, smiling like the sun!

In an instant, not only "Dust Dream" and "Gu Shiyi", but also the surrounding players and aborigines were startled, feeling unprecedented warmth.

Once, "Chenmeng" thought that beauties were all kinds of "ceilings" he saw on the Internet.

And only now did he know that the beauty's name is Xibel!
A truly happy smile, sparkling and containing heat, can warm the hearts of others anytime and anywhere!
And at this moment, to everyone's surprise, a group of girls wearing a lot of cat elements suddenly appeared.

The leader even picked up Xibel directly, and then shouted loudly, "Snatch the bride, Xibel's wife will be a member of our "Meow Planet" guild from now on, quack quack! "

After the man finished speaking, he carried Hibel on his shoulders and ran away.

Everyone was stunned.

"Dust Dream" was just about to take action when a girl from the "Meow Meow Planet" guild suddenly came over and said, "Our guild's "Xiao Xiao" has done a data analysis. The body will become more agile, and now it is almost at the limit, if you continue to give it, it may be time to dissipate. Brother, we are here to save the life of Xibel's wife! "

Whether it's "Chenmeng", "Gu Shishi", or other players, a few girls from the "Meow Planet" guild are directly blocked in front of them.

It has to be said that today, the "Meow Meow Planet" guild is also "strong and strong", and can easily pull out such a large "snatching" team.

The scene, that is quite amazing!

Of course, it's also very funny!
Who would have thought that on the first day of the opening of the public beta server of "Breaking Dawn", everyone's dream lover, Xibel, would be "robbed" by a group of sisters from the "Meow Meow Planet" guild in broad daylight?

Under normal circumstances, the players might not really be happy.

But on the contrary, everyone is a little happy to see the success of "Meow Meow Planet" this time.

First of all, the purpose of snatching the marriage was to save Xibel's wife, prevent her from completely completing her mission, and then disappear.

For this starting point, no matter the new or old players, at least they agree in their hearts.

After all, Xibel's wife is currently one of the most popular girls in "Breaking Dawn". She is so good-looking that she naturally won the hearts of players one after another!
Secondly, the tragic color naturally contained in Xibel's body is even more pitiful, regardless of gender.

What's more, often in many cases, women are more able to appreciate the beauty of women!

This made Xibel's wife not only have a lot of fans among male players, but even girls like her very much!
As for the last point, it is because the "Meow Meow Planet" guild is the guild with the most girls at present, and the high-level girls are almost all girls.

If they snatch a marriage, male players generally accept it more!

It has to be said that the news of the "Planet Meow" guild openly "grabbing marriage" directly shocked the players for a whole year, and within a short period of time, it directly became one of the most talked about anecdotes in the "Dawn Circle".

But I have to admit that this "snatching marriage" is indeed a very interesting and effective ghost idea.

Open beta server, the number of players is too many, there is really no way to control the players not to get knowledge and blueprints from Xibel.

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity!

Why do old players occupy so many resources and advantages, and they can openly receive a knowledge inheritance from Xibel's wife, and their new players don't believe it?

Isn't this a hooligan? !
To this day, even if the "proposal letter" was once popular all over the Internet, there is no way to prevent new players from getting "gifts from wives".

Just like "Dream of Dust", he also read the proposal, and after seeing Mrs. Hibel herself, he was completely "captured" by her beauty!
He really did not want to accept the inheritance of knowledge, so as to make a small effort to save Xibel's wife.


Xibel really gave too much!

Even a player like him who considers himself a boss and has a kind of "proud" in his bones can't resist the temptation of knowledge given by Hiber, let alone others?
What's more, knowing that Xibel's wife may be stabbed at any time, those players who have not yet received gifts from their wives will race against time and do everything possible to obtain the gift of knowledge given by Xibel.

This is human nature!
Seeing Xibel's wife dying little by little, and more and more players stepping on the accelerator, the "Meow Planet" guild gave a crooked idea.

Grab a kiss!

Regardless of whether Xibel's wife is willing or not, snatch her away first, and directly physically isolate her from other players.

In this way, the possibility of Xibel continuing to generously send out knowledge is greatly reduced!

This is simply a stroke of genius!

"Dust Dream" smiled, and the haze in his heart disappeared. Xibel's wife should have no problems in the near future.

"If you don't mind, why don't you find a suitable place to look at the god-sacrificing artwork that Xibel gave me?"

"Gu Shiyi"'s eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly said, "Let's go to the capital of dawn, the inn I rented, the proprietress is a very nice person, and her cooking is also delicious!"

"Dust Dream" nodded immediately.

After half an hour.

"Dust Dream" has gone through a lot of research, and I can't help but admire it.

He suddenly understood Xibel, why even if he disappeared, he still wanted to keep the practice method of "standing tower".

As a very experienced "cloud player", "Dust Dream" has a considerable understanding of the Big Three of Dawn and the former Dawn City.

In Dawn City, the most acclaimed "Hex Technology" has two items—scrolls and dolls!
Especially the puppet technology, that is even more outstanding.

Like the elder Carter, it is the crystallization of high wisdom such as the creation of Thirteen Guards and Xibel.

Especially the thirteen guards, who tell you clearly that there is a problem with it, but the dark earl of the underworld just can't do without him.

And like the Xibel doll, it is the energy transmitted through the back door of the thirteen guards, floating in the subspace for hundreds of years and being immortal.

It is just like Carter conceived hundreds of years ago, a little bit of the achievements of Dawn City's previous civilization as a seed, and re-sowed down.

Facts have proved that the efforts of the Dawning Big Three have succeeded!

And this unique way of practice once again brought a deep shock to "Dust Dream".

Just as he once guessed, "Dawn" is a world that contains supernatural power.

That extraordinary power will naturally permeate into every aspect of life.

This is equivalent to being on the earth, even if there is a time difference between military technology and civilian technology, after a certain period of time, the barrier between the two will be opened.

Therefore, "Dust Dream" guessed that the building itself may also constitute a large-scale magic!
After all, Carter used the natural environment of the entire rumen layer to design that shocking sword.

And now his idea has been verified in this draft.

This method of practice called "Standing the Tower" is essentially a solution to solve the "difficulty of making the path of the elves go narrower and narrower".

of course.

Perhaps it was because when Dawn City was established, the power of the world and the spirit world was stronger, and the solution given by Dawn City was not as extreme as Dawn City, and even reached the point where sacrifices by strong men and geniuses were required.

The answer given by Dawn City is to bring itself closer to the sky!

Of course, this is not only reflected in the "high", but a bit imitating the Tower of the Sun, artificially creating an environment where the three realms are one.

Going down, connects the earth veins; going up, pulls the spirit world.

The role of the tower is to mobilize as much elemental spirit power as possible, which is a bit like a created "magic power source".

"Dust Dream" looks more and more surprised.

He unexpectedly found that not long ago he was still having a headache about how to design architectural drawings for "Gu Shiyi", but now these "sacrificial drawings" gave him one set of plans after another.

It turns out that the sages of Dawn City have actually done countless researches on the point of the unity of the three realms.

They have overcome obstacles on this road, and they have traveled a long way, even no less than the artificial elf road in Dawn City.

The reason why it ended in failure was because the spiritual world in the present world was weakened, the power of the earth veins continued to decline, and even the tower of the sun began to lack energy.

In order to "save energy", they have to give up, they have already gone a long way on this road, and turned to study the more energy-efficient and economical scroll road and puppet road.

"Dust Dream" was speechless.

The "hex technology" of the scroll doll is actually a new road that has emerged after the replacement of the new track in Dawn City!

It's really hard to imagine how splendid the former Dawn City was!

It is even more unimaginable how many romantic figures have been buried in the dust of history. "Dust Dream" was once again overwhelmed by the desolate background and gloomy story background of "Breaking Dawn"!

"Dust Dream" feels that there is one more reason to like the game "Breaking Dawn"!
In other words, after playing "Breaking Dawn", there will be a sense of contempt of "this is it" when playing other games!
It's not that the players are rebellious, but that the details of "Breaking Dawn" are truly shocking.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

The more "Dust Dream" studies the various parameters of these "sacrificial artworks", the more he feels that these ancient buildings and the practice system that has been annihilated in this world really existed.

Take the set of "towers" similar to "prisms" as an example. It was built by a great knight named "Ansdale".

His elf is a "light-type" elf, which can increase his speed and enchantment temperature to the limit. Therefore, he is honored as "Ansdoll of Glory", and he was the most likely to break through to become a sage at that time.

Then, with the official support of Dawn City, he started erecting the tower.

In the map seen by "Dust Dream", Ansdoll's practice achievements, characteristics, requirements for the tower, and the possible situation after the tower is completed are recorded in detail.

Especially considering that the high-intensity consumption of the power of the leylines by the tower may seriously affect the efficiency of the Sun Tower in Dawn City.

In order to make some compensation for this aspect, at the beginning of the design of this tower, it was considered how to "return to the present world".

Not only that, some of the parameters also recorded in detail the concentration of the elemental spirit power in the air and the temperature difference between different time periods when the tower was erected.

What's more, various detailed parameters of the tower erection process are preserved.

This is amazing too!

Is this really a game?
"Dust Dream" even feels that the "sacrificial artwork" given to him by Sibel is simply part of the history of Dawn City.

"Dust Dream" quickly used various tools to start building a data model.

With the review and input of more and more data, "Dust Dream" feels more and more that this design is simply flawless!

Many of the whimsical ideas are genius-like designs!

Especially for these underlying designs, he can even copy and restore them in network software.

What's even more outrageous is that it also strictly takes into account the possible impact of the continued weakening of the present world and the continued withering of the spiritual world.

Even the collapse of the "Prism Tower" may have taken into account the tidal storm of elf power generated around it.

For this reason, several sets of matching magic array maps were specially designed, and the houses were strictly used as the key eyes of the big array.

While complementing each other, it also reduces the destructive power of the spiritual tide as much as possible!

Genius design!

"Dust Dream" was a little stunned.

"Breaking Dawn" is just a game, isn't it?

Is this an attempt to grab the jobs of "design experts"?
of course.

There are many designs in it that "Dust Dream" can't understand at all, and even feel that many designs completely violate various laws.

But thinking of the previous rigor, "Dust Dream" guessed that it should be caused by magic.

But obviously, he missed some classes in this respect!
The more "Dust Dream" researched, the more his heart was surging, and he was a little bit out of breath, and his strong desire to express filled his heart in an instant.

"Suddenly understood that the dog planned, and Xibel's death may be her final fate! "

"Dust Dream" was full of inspiration, typing one word after another quickly.

"First plead guilty. On the first day of server opening, I obtained a knowledge manuscript from Xibel's wife. If Xibel's wife is stabbed, I will also be one of the most sinful murderers."

"However, after in-depth research on the knowledge manuscripts given to me by Xibel's wife, I have to find sadly that the death of Xibel's wife may be the destination she should have. Pictures, pictures, pictures."

"It's really hard to imagine how much effort has been put into the details of the game "Breaking Dawn". The game master who designed these architectural drawings is definitely a talented architectural designer who was delayed by making games."

"Dust Dream" describes the "professionalism" and "creativity" of these architectural drawings from various angles in detail, as well as some of their whimsical ideas.

Just like a literati would always praise a certain "sweet song through the ages", "Chenmeng", as an expert in the construction industry, also instinctively praised the "magnificence" of these blueprints.

The following content is full of pictures and texts. "Dust Dream" describes in detail why these buildings are designed in this way, and whether the data is accurate.

of course.

For those parts that he did not understand, "Dust Dream" did not hide them, but laid them out openly, and then invited those experts who had a thorough understanding of the "array" and "magic" to study together.

After finishing the highly professional copywriting in an eloquent manner, "Dust Dream" finally ends with a few words.

"After reading this, I suddenly understand why Xibel is so persistent in passing on this knowledge!"

"As Xibel's wife said, if she dies, no one in this world will know what a splendid civilization the Dawn City once created. Therefore, she must pass on this knowledge and civilization before she dies. !"

"I understand the duty and mission of Xibel's wife, but I will never forgive the dog's evil intentions of deliberately throwing knives!"

Write it, check it, upload it!
The heart of "Dust Dream" is still unprecedented. It's hard to calm down!
(End of this chapter)

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