Chapter 293 Heart Projection 【Subscription】

After the public beta server entered version 1.2, players all over the network became excited at the same time.

Of course, the most excited ones belong to the veteran players who entered the pit as soon as they tested.

It has to be admitted that the "game" of "Breaking Dawn" is not as good as the real game in terms of fairness.

For example, the players in the first test are the "seeds" that Rhodes has chosen thousands of times. Almost any one of them is a real game master.

Personal quality plus first-mover advantage, which makes their snowball bigger and bigger.

And the mind mapping of the home system this time once again made the top players of the first test and even the second test the first to drink the head soup.

"Club" guild.

All the "Great Gods" players looked excitedly at the president of "Sky" in front of them, and they all wanted to know what "big move" they would get once the mind mapping was activated.

The core of the reason for waiting so patiently is that "Long Sky" is the president of the "Club" guild, and holds the spiritual projection power of the "Club" guild's guild building.

"Long Sky" also has its own pride, and directly performed the most proud "Water and Fire Movement".

As a "Master", how could "Sky" let his contracting spirit change his carefully designed "tower"?
In the view of "Long Kong", it is absolutely necessary to follow the version.

"Yao Qi" is okay as a screen name, but it really feels weird as a formal name.

Although "Lin Zhixue" didn't say anything, the relationship with the little girl Lin Youxue is getting better and better, and she really has the meaning of raising her as her own sister.

Just looking at the knight sword standing not far from her, one can feel the astonishing fighting spirit!
With a slight smile in his beautiful eyes, Otis said aggressively, "You are finally here!"

Basically, the first batch of aborigines who were sent back by the backbone players of the "club" all the way through wind and rain, have this treatment.

In addition, never stick to the "inherent tactics", for all kinds of new "tactics", you must choose what is good!

I saw them all wearing the unified "uniform" of the "club" guild, but there were obvious differences.

While becoming famous again, he also gained real benefits.

"Lin Zhixue" has already started preparations to see if she can help Lin Youxue make an elf contract and become the first aborigine to contract an elf in New Dawn City.

"Long Sky" nodded, "I'm here and I'm going to project my home from the outside world. Maybe your living space will be more comfortable at that time!"

Just like not long ago, "Long Sky" ordered every resident of the Viscount Land to "register all households" and encouraged all residents to name them, which won the warm support of the aborigines.

"Odis, even if you have an opinion, you must agree!"

In other words, these costumes are essentially clothes full of strong "seduction" attributes.

"Long Sky" was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but feel weird.

The reason why the "Sky" was done so beautifully is that on the one hand, it was found that Xibel continued the surname of the former Shuguang City, so that the original Shuguang City and the new Dawn City realized a cultural docking.

Seeing that Lord Viscount looked over, Xiaohe's heart suddenly felt like a deer bumped, and his pretty face couldn't help but blush.

"Long Sky" didn't hesitate, and with a thought, his usual weapon appeared directly in his hand.

Otis said lightly, "The things you said have actually been projected in, but as long as I don't agree, they can't be fully completed!"

Otis has been waiting for him for a long time?
"Long Sky" clearly felt that, unlike the outside world, Otis in the inner world was obviously more domineering and powerful.

"For me, any external object or method, as long as it can make me grasp the pulse of the new version, I will not hesitate to use it"

But what he didn't expect was that Otis broke it for him casually.

Especially looking at "Sky", the "worship" in the eyes is even more undisguised!
Returning to the real world from the real world, and gradually building various buildings in the Viscountdom, "Sky" not only won their respect for force, but also gradually gained their approval for "artistic governance".

And now, after completing the construction of the home system, "Sky" has successfully arrived at the place where Otis has been living for the first time.

Regarding the choice of the surname, after discussions between the "Long Sky" and the "Club" people, they found the Archon of Xibel, and deliberately inherited many ancient surnames from the original Dawn City.

"Because this is the strongest path I want to take, and it is also one of my most confident career sensitivities as a professional player. The most important thing is that you are my elf, not my master, and you must agree!"

The core reason why "Youxue" is so special is that this little girl is really sweet and can talk, and her learning ability is also very high, which made everyone very happy.

As for the rules of the mind world, the understanding is getting more and more thorough!

In the Viscount's mansion, all the maids who were ordered to take care of the players looked solemn, as if they were completing a difficult, great and sacred cause!

Xiaohe, Youxue and the others all looked solemn, and then made a big promise, which made all the players feel a little embarrassed.

And that's all, in the case of the "restriction" of the favorability system!

The reason why it is said to be "reluctantly" is that the core reason is that this is mainly due to all kinds of nonsense from everyone!
There was no sign of it in the first place, but if you make a fuss and I make a fuss, it's as if it really happened.

The current position is positioned as a municipal employee, but the players' "ruling" must not be so serious!

Not all the aborigines were named according to the surname style of the original Shuguang City.

"Long Sky" was a little surprised.

For a qualified player, it was perfectly normal for him to be severely beaten in the game.

The "club" guild, which was very lively just now, became very quiet in a short time.

Hiber is also very, very happy about this matter!
He even took the time to meet with many residents of the Viscounty, and explained to them the history of the surname culture and family succession in the original Dawn City.

This is the charm and value of cultural attributes!
The second is to compile the household Qimin.

"As the first Viscount in the whole server, my territory is the largest, and I can accommodate the most newcomers. The starting point can be said to be the highest, so I must make good use of everything. For this reason, I will spare no effort to attract the aborigines!"

He only knew before that Otis was the strongest knight recognized by Dawn City, but that was just a legend, and he really didn't know how strong he was.

As soon as they fought against each other, "Long Sky" suddenly changed color. Otis' power is really too strong!

As the contracting elf of "Long Sky", coupled with her status as the strongest knight in the past, she is strong in her own right, plus she has made a contract with "Long Sky", she really understands "Long Sky"'s tactics too well.

Unlike going out, she is not wearing armor on her body at this time, just a very ordinary female skirt.

Otis always believes that even without the help of the "tower", she can still be the strongest!
"Long Sky" looked solemn, but he thoroughly understood the rules of projecting the mind world.

That is to say, his mental image!

He has a different understanding of attacking His Majesty the God King than "Double Carp".


"it is good!"

Almost all the residents of New Dawn City have names and surnames and registered "hukou"!
of course.

What's more, the last time "Long Sky" faced directly was his own "arrogance", which made him particularly fond of memory.


For this point, the players of the "club" are more supportive.

For example, "Yao Liu" quietly competed with "Lin Zhixue", and obviously increased the training of Yao Qi
In addition, "Long Sky" is called "Lin Fan" in reality, which makes the surname Lin a common choice for many aborigines in Viscount Land.

In addition, the chairman "Long Sky" pursues strength far more than the pursuit of girls and Naizi. The city hall of the Viscount Land, at least in appearance, is relatively "serious".

Otis still responded calmly.

For example, "Youxue" directly decided to take the surname of the player "Lin Zhixue" and named it "Lin Youxue".

In just a few rounds, "Long Sky" made a careless move, and was directly kicked on the cheek by Otis' boots lifted up.

With the great success of "Meow Meow Planet" guild's "Strategy Stream", how could "Sky" not learn from it?

Otis looked at the stunned "Long Sky" from a close distance, and said with a bright smile, "If it's only this level, then it won't be able to bear the title of strongest!"

But seeing that Yao Qi liked the name very much, he didn't insist on it in the end.

After all, as long as there is contact, communication and communication, a name is just needed.

Otis: "My strongest is recognized by the world, and you used to rely on my strength. So how can you prove your strength? Just rely on those towers?"

the other side.

Like the swordsmanship that "Lin Zhixue" taught her, Youxue learned it seriously and assiduously, which made "Lin Zhixue" get addicted to being a master.


And now the eyes of "Long Sky" finally fell on a young girl.


Outside the Viscount's mansion, many aborigines who had obtained the profession of "guard" became more solemn and serious than ever after seeing the radiance of the dark light and returning.

His gaze is like that of a falcon, the eagle looks at the wolf, his footsteps are sonorous, and he patrols in all directions!
There is a posture of guarding the Viscount's mansion so that even a goshawk cannot fly in!

Odyssey stabbed the knight's sword on the ground, looked at her host contemptuously, and said, "Do you have a stronger method? If not, then the projection of your mind needs to be according to my preferences." Projection. I don't like the way you erect the tower!"

"Sky" took a quick look, and found Otis sitting in lotus position.

"Long Sky": "Since everyone is here, the projection of the heart world will begin. Xiaohe, Youxue, take good care of everyone!"

Short skirts, black silk, high heels, maid uniforms, and OL uniforms are very fancy!
On this point, the attitudes of male lsp players and female players who like to dress up NPCs are unexpectedly the same.

Men are a little more normal, and women's clothing is all the way to the cute and sexy level.

But anyway, the shelves are basically up.

"Sky" was also very excited. After such a long time of hard preparation, it was finally time to test the results.

"Sky" couldn't help recalling the concept of elf awakening that has long been "known to every household", and even more naturally recalled the situation when the strongest knight "Otis", who was once a monk and was still ignorant, made a contract.

It is an important step in the sense of cultural inheritance, and it is extremely beautiful!

Just like Xiao Qi, she intended to inherit the naming style of her savior "Yao Liu" and named herself "Yao Qi".

Her name is "Xiaohe", and she can barely be regarded as the "bed warming girl" of "Sky".

Afterwards, every player in the "Club" guild fell asleep on the sofa one by one.

At that time, his purpose was very clear, that is to climb the "Mount Everest" of the Pagri continent.

In addition, after the aborigines of New Dawn City won the hearts of the people, their wisdom awakened, and they also had the willingness to name themselves.

Nowadays, anyone who dares to "bully" Lin Youxue will be "beaten" by "Lin Zhixue" immediately.

At this time, they also looked at the "backbone" of the "club" guild such as "Sky Sky" with enthusiasm.

Like other partners, "Long Sky" entered the "Heart Realm" one after another, and came to a completely new world.

So what if the tower can be more "close to God"?

Afterwards, everyone "seeed" the public buildings very three-dimensionally, shrinking one after another, and then turning into seeds, which directly shot into the hearts of everyone in the "Club" guild.

"I divided the land for them, named them Qimin, and even borrowed from the "Meow Meow Planet" guild to build churches to meet the spiritual needs of the aborigines."

In addition, Xiaohe has an unusual admiration for "Long Sky", and she has reached the age of beginning to understand the relationship between men and women. She also feels a little weird to be coaxed by everyone.

And this is the bonus of "Guild Buildings" to individual players, and it is also one of the core reasons why guilds are willing to work together to build "Wonder" buildings!

"Since that's the case, then fight me. As long as you defeat me, then everything will naturally follow your rules!"

Only then did "Long Kong" discover that his heart realm was really very high!
Looking around, the white clouds are misty, and he is standing on the "mountain top".

In fact, players have been doing it all the time to name the NPC in New Dawn City.

I have to admit that the feeling of being surrounded by such beauties is really good!
Under the attention of everyone, "Sky" came to the center of the Viscount's mansion that was first erected in the Viscount's Land, and then, with the authority of the "Lord", opened the spiritual projection of all the public buildings of the "Club" guild.

"Come again!"

"Long Sky" looked at all the players in the "Club" guild, and his gaze fell on the many boys and girls outside the hall.

With the opening of the authority, a dark light began to "scan" centered on the Viscount's mansion, and the buildings, especially the "towers" were scanned one after another.

Otis is so arrogant!

"As for the erected tower and the artificial elf road in the capital of dawn, it is somewhat contradictory, but the erected tower is beneficial to 'close to the gods', and it is more convenient to realize the miracle of the unity of the three realms. I naturally want to use it, because it is the most suitable for my internal and external three realms. One means."

If the strategy of "Double Carp" is to gain favorability, then the strategy of "Long Sky" is useful!

"Long Sky" was not discouraged, and immediately used the method of integrating the inner and outer worlds into one, and his combat power jumped to a big level again in an instant.

Odis smiled momentarily.

To put it simply, it is to give the citizens a registered residence!
This is a breakthrough in the political sense. As a consul, Hiber still has this vision, and directly set the Viscounty of "Sky" as a benchmark.

This is the beginning of a big battle!

of course.

The straight kick of "Long Sky" is a bit dizzy!

I have to say that the way the aborigines chose to repay their kindness is really simple and touching!

The effect is very good!
For the first time, a large number of newly born aborigines have official names.

Overwhelming country and city, but aggressive like fire, just like the awakening of the strongest female knight!

"Because the revived heart comes from Xue Yaoqi and the others, all the residents in New Dawn City who need to be resettled are naturally close to me and the "club", so my Viscounty currently has the largest number of permanent residents."

"Long Sky" wiped the dust off his face. Although he was a little annoyed, his mentality was still stable.

When "Demon Six" heard it, he was very happy immediately, but he deliberately stopped it.

The spirit is the evidence of the heart.

And this is also the first time that "Long Sky" has truly seen the true face of Lushan Mountain in "Heart Realm"!
The last time I felt the "heart realm" was when His Majesty the God King helped all the players to open the heart realm, but at that time he and even all the players did not have a very good experience.

In the Viscount Land and the "Club" guild, Lin Youxue was considered a very special existence.

"Long Sky" was a little surprised, but he was also a straightforward person, and asked straight to the point, "Then how can it be successfully completed?"

This also determines whether they can still keep up with the times in the latest version, still stand on the top of the players, and the godhead will not fall!

This makes players in other guilds scramble to imitate!
And Hiber and the official governing body even gave many substantial rewards, and the progress was very smooth for a while.

at the same time.

In addition to "serious" occupations, players teach them some weird things every day.

The homeland is completed, but if you want to completely project it into the inner world and turn it into a "spirit technique" (ultimate move), you need the approval of the elves!
"Long Sky" also laughed, since he wants to climb to the top of the mountain, if he can't even pass the level of his own elves, then it doesn't matter if he doesn't climb the mountain!
"The purpose of erecting a tower is to 'close to the gods'. In the words of our players, it is to follow the version closely. This version is home construction and new people resettlement. I have been doing this too!"

It was also under the attraction of this strongest ambition that he made a contract with Otis who was still ignorant and could not even communicate with him.

For example, governing the territory according to the intention of the version this time, Anmin erecting the tower, in his opinion, are the keys to becoming "useful".

How could he mess up his own elves? !
"Long Sky" said with firm eyes, "Come again!"


Accompanied by the sound of metal and iron clashing, "Long Sky" with a stable mentality, gave full play to his fighting talent, and once again fought with the elf Otis.

(End of this chapter)

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