Chapter 299 Dreams and Misty Fog

Ai Lian was quite relieved that her younger sister Anna was fine.


The fact that she agreed to self-sacrifice so easily still made Eileen completely unable to let go
She kept thinking, what part of her education went wrong?
So that my sister despises her own life so much? !
Didn't she know that she might die at any time while she was away on an expedition, and the Gustav family completely cut off the bloodline inheritance at that time?
What's even more outrageous is that she was abducted by that player named "Double Carp" so easily.
What went wrong?
And all these lead to, when the other members of the expedition team had already started to enjoy the family reunion and relax with Hemeimei, Ai Lian came to the Knights of the Round Table mansion alone.

After having a frenzy with Martina in the name of "discussion", Ai Lian felt even more depressed!

She didn't suffer a loss, but Ailian could clearly feel that Martina had made incredible progress compared to a year ago.

In the "discussion" just now, he was always at ease, taking over all kinds of attacks from her with ease.

In other words, she's seriously behind!
Have to say, this is a sad story!
After making a cup of black tea for Ailian herself, Martina said earnestly, "I also agreed to Anna's sacrifice at that time. I owe your family my life. If there is an assignment in the future, I will go through fire and water!"

Looking at the earnest Martina, Ellen couldn't help but secretly sighed.

She knew that Martina was serious, these words were not vowed, but they were better than vows!


What can she say?

Forgive them, and generously say that she doesn't mind?

How can it be? !
Ailian also knows that all the mistakes are the fault of the times. If there is no other way, she believes that Martina will never be so short-sighted as to sacrifice a young genius.

Presumably at that time, the journey of the elf envoy was almost at the end, even if it was drinking poison to quench thirst, he could only focus on the present first.

Ai Lian was depressed and just hated her own incompetence. She couldn't protect anything!

Martina can understand Ellen's mood very well, and in her position, she cannot be weak in the slightest.

"Such things will never happen again in the future. While we are still young, let's quickly become stronger and expand the future road for the children as much as possible!"


Eileen looked at Martina with bright eyes.

Martina didn't play tricks, and immediately introduced her to the "combat skill system" from the beginning to the end. Doing tasks and earning experience can make her stronger.

Ailian's beautiful eyes are getting brighter and brighter!

"Is this why you have become so strong?"

Martina smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's not only me, our Knights Templar, the Cathedral, and even the Adventurer's Association are sparing no effort to allow more people to obtain the title of His Majesty the God-King." Give it a seal, and then do your best to become stronger and stronger."

Ellen's heart was surging, and she nodded.

She agrees with Martina's decision!
Asking for others is better than asking for yourself!

Although she didn't have much contact with the players, Ailian felt that the players were not dignified enough and not qualified fighters.

In her opinion, the so-called fighters, order and prohibition are the most basic!
Ai Lian: "The deputy captain also thinks the players are unreliable?"

Martina suddenly smiled.

"Reliable! Why is it unreliable? Almost all players and His Majesty the God King took back the real world layer. In that big battle, our soldiers of Dawn City were always on the second line."

Eileen was slightly taken aback.

Those loose guys?
Can they really take on such a big task?
Seeing Ailian's questioning appearance, Martina was immediately happy, as if seeing herself a year ago!
At that time, she also always had doubts about the existence of the players, but the players have thoroughly proved to her the mighty power of the "fourth natural disaster" through actions again and again!

Martina was very patient, explaining her initial impression of the players bit by bit, and then how to change the impression bit by bit.

So now, how she firmly believes that the players will create more and greater miracles.
Ai Lian was stunned for a moment.

Have players who are so disrespectful and rude in her eyes become synonymous with "miracles"?

However, Eileen was even more incomprehensible.

"What is the decision of the deputy head and the knights?"

Martina laughed, "As they call themselves 'players', our place is their playground after all, and they will leave one day."

"As long as you know more about them, you will find that novel 'toys' are what they are diligently pursuing, just like a curious cat. After the novelty wears off, it is inevitable to pursue something newer and more interesting. stimulus"

"As for our Knights and even all the aborigines, what we need to do is to seize every opportunity, become stronger, and then protect our own homeland."

"Of course, it is also the rear area where all players rest!"

Eileen nodded, and then the focus fell on Martina's strength.

In this regard, Martina smiled and said nothing, calm and introverted with flying and self-confidence.

Ai Lian immediately understood that the deputy leader should have made a major breakthrough.

As the dependent of His Majesty the God King, the United Kingdom is currently the No. [-] ruler in name, and it seems that His Majesty the God King has also given her a considerable degree of guidance in her cultivation.

Martina smiled and said, "Ailian, as the general manager of this expedition, you have made great contributions, and I will personally ask His Majesty the God King for your credit, and I believe you will be bestowed by His Majesty soon! "

Allen suddenly became excited!
In this world, the more you experience, the more you yearn for strength!

Then, the topic naturally fell on the expedition of the expedition team.

Martina said with a solemn expression, "Ailian, I see that everyone in your expedition team is overthinking, almost to the point of running out of fuel. What's going on?"

Eileen immediately felt ashamed.

"I'm not very clear about the details. It always feels like I've had one dream after another, and the dreams are still quite scattered."

With Ailian's explanation, Martina gradually learned about the past of the expedition team.

In this expedition, they continued to explore safe routes time and time again as before.

of course.

It is said that it is a safe route, which is only relative in essence.

Their initial harvest was actually quite good, and they even accidentally found a relic of ancient civilization.

From it, I got some ancient potions, ancient books, and even some energy devices stored in ancient times, and some residual energy blocks.

But the accident happened unexpectedly, a strange fog hit them, and they were directly drawn into the unknown place.

Afterwards, it was an incredible journey!
Martina listened quietly.

However, they still focused on the two keywords of "relics of civilization" and "strange fog"!

Ai Lian said solemnly, "We have traveled to many places and seen countless wonders, most of which are very strange, in which we have gone through one after another quite fantastic adventures, sometimes fighting against giant dragons, sometimes He was impassioned in the debate competition, and sometimes risked his life to fight against various epic natural disasters. He died and died along the way, mentally exhausted and exhausted!"

Martina frowned.


In her perception, it is basically impossible for Pagli to exist in such an environment in this world.

If it exists, it must be a space similar to a dream!

Eileen nodded.

"Yes, our expedition team almost believes that these experiences are probably illusions, but we can hardly escape at all!"

Martina was surprised.

You know it's a dream, but you still can't escape?
This is quite abnormal!
Ordinary dream space, as long as you know you are dreaming, you will basically fall into a "dream startled" state, and then you can break free from the dream.

Martina asked solemnly, "A high-level fantasy involving laws?"

"should be!"

Ailian nodded seriously, and focused on the scene of the crusade against the dragon.

Thinking that the giant dragon was a dream, Ai Lian and everyone in the expedition team were not afraid, and naturally they became more and more courageous as they fought.

Later, the dragon was successfully eliminated!


The weird realism of the crusade against the giant dragon still made them countless vigilant.

Afterwards, they did not escape from the illusion, and again made them think that they had missed any key intelligence or information.

Soon after, they came to a large desert.

What followed was various attacks from sandstorms and natural disasters.

Naturally, they fought hard!
After all, even if they knew that these were illusions, they were too unknown, and they couldn't be sure if they died here, whether they really died!

They can only struggle to survive from the sandstorm!
In this regard, Martina also nodded.

If it were her, she would probably have made a similar judgment at that time!

After all, there is not enough information, and no one knows what will happen after death.

But now, judging from the state of everyone in the expedition team, after dying in the fantasy, they will not really die, but their mental state will become worse than ever.


Martina learned more.

After the desert, there was an endless flood, and they were forced to start the flood to survive.
After finally escaping from the flood, he came to a city.

I thought I was freed from this, but who knew that the rules of this city are study, defense, and competition!
If you win, you can climb to a higher tower and enjoy better resources and life.

If you lose, you can only fall into a deeper abyss.

Then you can only do all kinds of hard labor with your life!
Eileen smiled wryly.

Martina couldn't help but mourn in silence for the expedition team.

The Land of Dawn doesn't mean to underestimate knowledge, but it has never been a place where the academic style is at its peak.

As for the competition, except for knights such as Eileen Lilith, it is basically difficult to climb to a higher level.

Besides, Martina could understand with just a little thought.

That kind of fantasy must be someone else's territory, and outsiders who are accidentally involved, can't they just follow the rules set by others?
Suffering is inevitable!

The soldiers of the expedition team must have all fallen to the bottom of the tower in the end, and did hard labor in the dream for an unknown period of time.

Martina: "Thank you!"

Ellen shook her head.

"Expedition? There is no one who has not experienced danger. Everyone is lucky to come back alive this time!"

Martina nodded.

Then, she learned more.

Like that tower city, it still does a good job in terms of rules!
Even Ailian didn't feel the obvious injustice, but the upper limit of strength was very high.

Like Ai Lian, she only hit the middle and lower floors of the tower, and then she could only stand still.

Martina's complexion suddenly became serious.

Eileen's strength is not bad!

Qualified to lead an expedition, even in the Knights Templar, she is a leader, but she can only go up to the middle and lower floors
That power level is quite high!
Martina: "And then?"

Ai Lian: "The later life was quite boring. I could even feel my own fatigue and weakness in the martial arts competition almost every day. Just when we thought we were going to die. We successfully escaped from the illusion."

Martina frowned.

Speaking of this, she understood that the expedition team was in a passive state for almost the whole process of this expedition!
From the beginning to the end, he didn't get too much information, and he didn't figure out what was going on with Huanmeng.

Martina made a little assessment.

If it's just a dream, it's actually the best way to ignore it.

After all, there is no need to consume too much manpower and material resources!

Nowadays, New Dawn City, the capital of dawn, has His Majesty the God King in charge. What is more needed is to develop step by step and store more grain to prepare for war.

After all, Martina has not forgotten that there is still Pluto sitting in the underworld!

And there is also the Dungeon War of Faith that will open soon. This is the key to future strategy!

The strange fog reflected by Ai Lian also had to guard against it.

In Martina's view, this kind of mist involved the expedition team, and there must be some conspiracy!

In other words, they got what they wanted in that dream.

Mental strength?

Martina thought of these first!
Nowadays, with the development of the mind world by players at a higher and higher level, there are more and more theories about the unity of the three worlds and the unity of the inner and outer worlds.

Especially the return of the new Dawn City, and the original Dawn City's practice of "standing towers", it has increasingly proved that the unity of the three worlds is a miracle in itself.

Like the hymn of the Three Realms that she holds now, after she broke through the realm, she became more and more aware of its greatness.

This is the real law song!

And what is seized through fantasy dreams is very likely to be the power of the heart world.

If the unknown existence has tasted the sweetness from Ailian and the others, it may not come here to plot the capital of dawn and the city of new dawn.

Martina suddenly felt a little bad!
But when he thought that His Majesty the God King had the bottom line, most of the big stones in his heart dropped immediately.

But at this moment, the voice of His Majesty the God King suddenly came from Martina's ears.

"Come to see me at God's Palace."

Not only Martina, but all the senior members of the Knights Templar heard the will of His Majesty the God King, even the newly returned Red Lotus Knight Ailian was no exception.

Eileen just felt like a dream!
She has just returned, and she is lucky enough to meet His Majesty the God King?
In an instant, Eileen's heart was surging.

But soon, she became a little apprehensive again!
She is not a stupid person, through the brief listening just now, she already has a rough understanding of His Majesty's handling style.

From her point of view, His Majesty the God King is almost as if he is not there!

Yes, that's because everyone knows that His Majesty the God King is there, He is like a pillar of heaven, as long as His Majesty the God King is there, even if the sky falls, His Majesty the God King will always be there.

The fact that it is not there is reflected in the fact that His Majesty the God King is usually high above the others, and he hardly interferes with the affairs of the "world".

As for this mode, everyone in Dawn City is already used to it.

I am very happy and fortunate!
But at the same time, once His Majesty the God King summons, there must be a big change
Shouldn't it be attracted by them? !

And in the Palace of the Gods, the first oracle Ailian heard was the arrival of the strange fog!

The consciousness in Ailian's brain exploded instantly.

She actually attracted Wei Wu, she deserves death!

But in the next moment, Ai Lian heard His Majesty the God King say that the Misty Fog has already been pinned down by Him, don't worry
In an instant, Ai Lian only felt dizzy in her head.

Looking at the normal faces of other "colleagues", Ai Lian realized for the first time that times have really changed!
They are also protected by their parents. What a joy!

Afterwards, Ai Lian was in a dizzy state, listening to His Majesty the God King talk about the arrangements for exploring the strange fog.

for a while.

I just feel unprecedented. Peace of mind!

She likes this feeling!
At the same time, sharp-eyed players have already discovered the existence of the mist, and all of them rushed away excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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