Never test the heart!

The same principle applies to true God!
When the Eternal Ruler said that the God of Time and Space and other subordinates would take action, and after his death, the subordinates of the rule authority could claim it themselves, Rhodes realized that the decisive battle was coming.

This sentence may be true, or it may be a fraud, but no matter what, it puts the lives of both on the border of death.

It takes almost no brains to think about it, and one can understand a very simple truth-the death of both Rhodes and the Eternal Master is undoubtedly the best result for the true gods who shot!

The two of them perish together, and the God of Time and Space, the God of Vulcan, the Goddess of Agriculture, and the God of Medicine bear the brunt and may become the biggest beneficiaries.

Especially the power scattered after their death is an unprecedented temptation for any true god.

For the God of Time and Space, this is simply the most fragrant and sweetest bait in history!
Rhodes didn't flee, let alone change the status quo.

Holding a sword in one hand and a book of rules in the other, he said with a smile, "Your Majesty, there is no need to act anymore. As a ruler who is about to escape, why are you willing to die with me? How about we join hands to get rid of those profiteers first? "

As soon as the words fell, the gods of time and space, the goddess of agriculture, the god of fire and other gods were all taken aback.

The Eternal Lord and Solethor, any one shot is enough for them to drink a pot. If the two shot together, how can they still have lives?
A few gods instinctively prepared to escape!
Now he turned his head and ran away without being frightened, that was enough mental quality.

Especially for Vulcan, who was seriously injured, the flames on his body were jumping like crazy at this time, which reflected the unrest in his heart!


With the words of the Eternal Master, all kinds of rules and orders are being assimilated on the Pagri Continent.

Architecture, clocks, clothing, characters, language, and even food, culture, etc. have been completely replaced and become consistent with the continent of Segran.

It's like brainwashing!

In a short period of time, the entire Pagli Continent, from the outside to the inside, is being forcibly unified in all aspects!

Although this kind of violent unification has many negative effects, it is very beneficial to the Eternal Master to eliminate all kinds of variables.


How could Rhodes let the Eternal Ruler do what he wanted?

"It's forbidden to steal and plunder."

"It is forbidden to tamper with people's hearts here."

"Deprivation of diversity is prohibited here."

The book of rules keeps turning the pages, and the Eternal Ruler who forcibly naturalizes and unifies the style of Pagli Continental, suffered a fierce backlash immediately.

The various species on the Pagli continent have also regained their diversity under Rhodes' human intervention.

Here I have to praise Rhodes foresight!

The Pagri continent, because of the existence of the players, is particularly good at integrating the earth's culture.

Not only has the ancient rhyme left over from the arcane civilization, but also shows the achievements of the earth's technological side civilization.

Not only did he introduce various florists, but he also actively absorbed various essences from other civilization circles. These preparations showed extraordinary value at this moment.

Especially in New Dawn City, the player guild's various "wonderful spectacle" has made a complete contribution here!

The imitation of the Egyptian pyramids, the Sphinx;

Refer to the Great Mosque and Cathedral built;

The antique Great Wall based on the Great Wall of China;
There are also the Colosseum and Hanging Gardens.
All of them have withstood the assimilation of the eternal master with their extremely strong characteristic civilization attributes.

Great help!

Perhaps when the players were building these "spectacles" for fun, they didn't expect that the cultural attributes behind them could give him such a big help in the decisive battle!
Like the Great Wall, when it is forcibly assimilated by the Eternal Lord, it seems that there are a lot of wolf smoke on it.

Gold and iron horses, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, defended borders and civilization time and time again.

And like the cathedral, there are scenes of devout worship of various believers, and even some scenes that look like the Crusades.

As for the pyramids and the Sphinx, the splendor of the Pharaoh's rule and the long years that have passed through the wind and sand are revealed in the fleeting images.

These are the essence of civilization, one miracle after another created by one civilization after another!
Is this something that the Eternal Master can assimilate in a short time?
Not only the eternal master who bears the brunt, but even the gods can't help but be surprised.

Who would have thought that behind a few buildings in the district, there is such a terrifying cultural significance?

There is no doubt that the lack of intelligence has caused the Eternal Master to suffer a huge loss!
Seeing this, Rhodes immediately opened the channel within the Godhead to link the two universes, and then grafted together the essence of civilization on Earth that has endured the erosion of long years and the wonders of New Dawn City.

In an instant.

All civilizations on the earth seem to have welcomed the assimilation and provocation of the eternal master.

For all earth civilizations, it can be said that they are already highly unified now!

Industry, the Internet, and the virtual world have almost occupied all civilizations.


Even with such a "highly unified" civilization, they are still very different from Pagri and Segrana!
The differences and variables were magnified to the extreme by Rhodes, going straight to the eternity of the eternal ruler!

Like a waterfall going upstream, the "eternal" law of the Eternal Ruler is in jeopardy!
The Eternal Master let out a muffled snort, and couldn't help but staggered back a step, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

The God of Time and Space, the God of Fire, the Goddess of Agriculture, and the God of Medicine were shocked at the same time.

Is His Majesty the Ruler injured? !

Even though there was only a trace of blood spilling out, it was only a step back, but for this level of divine warfare, there is no difference between taking a step back and stepping back to the edge of the universe.

Rhodes pursued the victory and wanted to expand the results of the battle.

But at the critical moment, a roulette appeared in the hands of the Eternal Master!
Under the turning of the roulette, Rhodes only felt as if he was crushed by the wheel of fate, and his body, godhood, and soul seemed to be crushed!
However, Rhodes blocked it with the Excalibur!
With a slash of the divine sword, it directly shattered all the fate of the fate roulette around him!
If the Eternal Lord had successfully assimilated the entire Pagri before, he might have been injured, but relying on the general trend of the earth's civilization, the general trend of the Eternal Lord had already been defeated.

Taking out the fate roulette at this time is a helpless move after the defeat!

"When will you wait before you make a move?"

The Eternal Ruler roared like thunder, resounding in the hearts of the gods.

The faces of the gods changed again.

Do you want to make a move?

It seems that the Eternal Master has fallen into a disadvantage, but who knows that it is not fishing?
Eternal Lord: "I issue an order in the name of the Eternal Lord, you are free to act, no matter what the result is, I will never blame the past!"

The Eternal Ruler opened his mouth, and every word was like a knife, engraved into the sea of ​​laws.

From this moment on, no one doubts the Juggernaut's determination!

What he said is true, even if it is the gods of time and space who really kill him and Solethor, that is also the general trend of history, it is the choice of fate, and no one can be blamed!

The Eternal Lord looked at Rhodes and smiled, "I am the Lord, holding the life and death, honor and disgrace of the gods in the heavens, as long as my order can be left behind, what's the matter even if my body dies and my soul perishes?"

Rhode's face was solemn, feeling an unprecedented life and death crisis.

But then, he also laughed!
Since he wants to play the game of death, he should add fire to it too!

"The Goddess of Life listened to my orders and took action against me. After I fall, you will be the new God King of Pagri, and everything about me belongs to you!"

After Rhodes finished speaking, every word and sentence was also branded into the sea of ​​laws, resounding in the hearts of every true god.

Not only that, Rhodes also used the authority of the guide of the starry sky and the authority of the origin and destination of all things to connect his everything with the unborn goddess of life.

He officially confirmed that the goddess of life is his heir in the sense of law!
Not only that, it even goes a step further than the Eternal Master!
The hearts of the gods trembled.

The Eternal Ruler couldn't help being astonished, and there was another touch of majesty in his eyes. It's unbelievable!

Compared with his verbal promises, Rhodes' actual actions are obviously better!
Pagli deep.

The goddess of life, who is still in her mother's womb, has ten thousand muddy horses roaring past her heart!

If it weren't for her voting certificate still in the hands of Rhodes, she would have almost believed it!
The heart of playing tactics is dirty!
The Eternal Master said solemnly, "You are so sure that you will not die, is it the winning side?"

Rhodes smiled, "Of course not. Aren't we now competing for courage and courage? My side may not have as many people as yours, but the Goddess of Life isn't too bad either. You must have realized it, right?"

The gods looked solemn.

Although the Goddess of Life is suspected of taking advantage of the home court advantage, she can hold back so many gods with her own power, which shows her tricks!
Now Solator has also taken the initiative to establish the right of inheritance. As long as Solator dies, all powers and inheritances will inevitably be inherited by the goddess of life.

And there might be a civil war on their side.
Under the ebb and flow, the one who wins in the end may really be the Goddess of Life who picks up the leak!
The Eternal Master raised his eyebrows and wanted to say something, but he seemed to be at a loss for words.

He came with the general trend, and wanted to use the general trend to assimilate Pagli, and then deal a fatal blow to Rhodes.

As a result, not only failed to fulfill his wish, but was also counterattacked by Rhodes with the help of various civilizations on the earth, giving him a severe blow.

Later, he wanted to use the advantage of having many subordinates to intimidate him, forcing Rhodes to separate from him, and then beat him together.
As a result, the psychological quality of this enemy is much better than he imagined!

The Eternal Ruler looked at the God of Time and Space and the other gods and said, "Your Godhead has me behind, kill us, and then reverse time and space to revive me, and I will help you release all the controls!"

The Eternal Master has a direct showdown, stop pretending!

Kill him and Rhodes together, and then help him resurrect, or everyone will die together!

Be it the god of time and space, the god of fire, the god of medicine, or the goddess of agriculture, all of them have ugly faces.

It is one thing to speculate that the Eternal Lord may have done something to them, but it is another thing to confirm it!

Especially the god of time and space, even if the divinity has the absolute upper hand, he still can't hold back.

mmp, the Eternal Ruler is really dark-hearted!
If he had acted just now and killed the Eternal Master, even if he finally grabbed the largest and most cakes, he would definitely be tortured to death by the resurrected Eternal Master.

The gods have resigned to their fate, and they are collectively ready to make a bad move!
It's better to die than to live, even if the follow-up has been controlled by the eternal ruler, this is just equivalent to maintaining the status quo!

Even if the Eternal Master liquidates afterwards, he can always live longer, can't he?

The terrifying sense of crisis made Rhodes raise his brows, and said, "Let me introduce my honor and authority again, the master of the sky, the earth and the ocean, the immortal light that dispels darkness and curses, the guider of the starry sky, and the savior of the lost , the origin and fate of life"

"The ruler of the sky, the earth and the ocean, the guide of the starry sky, the origin of life and the authority of destination, everyone must have seen it, and I am also the savior of the lost. How about we join forces and kill the eternal ruler? I swear that I will use this Authority helps you to get rid of the control of the eternal master!"

"Is it a part-time job anyway? Does it matter who you work for?"

"I can still swear that I will never liquidate you afterwards, nor will I act like the Eternal Lord on your godhead!"

The great teacher told us to make more friends and fewer enemies, and unite all forces that can be united!

Now Rhodes is trying his best to divide and win over!

In order to increase credibility, Rhodes once again stated the facts and reasoned.

"You may not know that the current Goddess of Life is my biggest enemy Pluto!"

The gods were expressionless, and it was impossible to see whether anyone was moved or not.


Rhodes obviously felt that the threat of death had dropped a lot!
I have to say that these true gods don't talk about it, but they are quite honest physically!
The Eternal Lord suddenly felt bad, and instinctively planned to cast a curse, threatening the gods to take action!

But when he thought of the authority of "the immortal light that dispels darkness and curses", it made him feel quite dreadful and disgusted.

Rhodes smiled, "Your Majesty, I admire you very much. You and I are the only ones in the world who can reach the realm of 'Master'. Why do we need to involve other gods in this duel? "

"I have a proposal. If not, let's have a life-and-death duel with the strongest posture. Just bet on whether we can come back from the dead!"

The Eternal Master frowned, his gaze becoming more and more dangerous.

Rhodes: "Your resurrection method is probably the control method left in the God of Time and Space and other gods and divinities"

"As for me, I am the immortal light that dispels darkness and curses, and naturally possesses a certain indestructible attribute. In addition, I am the origin and destination of life. For me, I may have to die once before I can truly climb to the top of the mountain. Peak!"

"Based on my guess, grafting the origin and the destination together should put me in a special state of either life or death or life or death."

As Rhodes spoke, the light on his body became brighter and brighter.

The Eternal Lord and the gods immediately felt the power of the "Immortal Light"!

In addition, the gods felt a trace of the true meaning of reincarnation at the same time!
Obviously, Rhodes did not lie, he really grafted the origin and destination together!
The Eternal Ruler locked his eyebrows and wanted to say something, but he seemed to have nothing to say.

When life can be put on the gambling table, all language and writing will appear pale and feeble!

The Eternal Lord has activated his backhands on all the mythical creatures in the heavens and even the heavenly soldiers and generals!
In an instant.

All the god-level existences felt the back hand of the eternal ruler in their bodies at the same time, and even more clearly felt their death star!
They are the followers of His Majesty the Juggernaut, and they must give everything to bring His Majesty the Juggernaut back to life!
The gods were stunned.

Especially on the Continent of Segran, the gods who had just fought against Rhodes' footprints were stunned.

I have made meritorious service to the heavens, and I have shed blood for the ruler, how can His Majesty do this? !

The Eternal Master laughed, "As you can see, my hole card and the price are the gods. You understand that the price is myself and the price is someone else. The mentality is completely different!"

Obviously, the Eternal Lord lied earlier!
The so-called "bet" and the so-called "resurrection" are all rhetoric. His real method is to die for him!

of course.

The reason why the hole card is the hole card is that it cannot be easily revealed.

As soon as the curtain was lifted, the Eternal Lord himself suffered a huge backlash—all the gods stood against him!

The Eternal Master doesn't care anymore!
As long as he can achieve eternity, truly transcend, and sacrifice his allies, what is it?
Rhodes took a breath.

Let the gods help him pay the price!

How cruel!
It's just a single husband!

But Rhodes didn't doubt that the Eternal Master paid all the gods under his command as a "price" in order to escape!
After all, when he first came to the continent of Segran, he saw the fiefdoms of all the gods in Segran, and an eternal master hung above the temple.

The desire to control the Eternal Lord is very strong, not only that, but he also truly controlled the gods under his command from the source of belief!

I have to say that the Eternal Master's move is cruel and disgusting enough!
Rhodes said solemnly, "Everyone, are you willing to be regarded as the price on the 'gambling table' by the great ruler?"

Rhodes' voice sounded in the ears of Pagri, Segran, and all the gods at the same time.


What can I do if I am not reconciled? !
The Eternal Lord's control over them is too strong. If they are given enough time, there may be a slight possibility of eradicating them, but in such a short time, it is absolutely impossible!
I saw the brightest divine light shining on the bodies of every god, like bombs that would explode at any time.

Rhodes: "Hate, hatred, and curses are all food, and the immortal light that dispels darkness and curses is my authority. How about it? Do you want to add some obstacles to His Majesty at the end? Curse, curse, curse! "

The Book of Rules and Excalibur in Rhodes' hands burst out with unprecedented light at the same time.

Not only that, but his body was also ignited with raging flames.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

Rhodes really planned to die and reborn. At this moment, he even used his god body, godhead, and authority as his trump cards.

None of this intends to run away and give up?
The Eternal Lord gritted his teeth, and there was nothing he could do. He could only continue to run wildly on the road of death!
In the end, he completely detonated the backhands among the gods and gods!
The divine bodies of god-level creatures are constantly being ignited, turning them into nourishment to pay the price for the eternal ruler.

All the gods are facing the crisis of falling at the same time!

At this threshold of death, the gods can't bear it.

The first is Vulcan who was the most injured. He cursed directly, "I curse the eternal master with flesh and blood, soul, godhead, and authority to die!"

Betrayers are often existences that attract hatred more than enemies!
Not to mention, the Eternal Lord is still the object of their allegiance for which they bleed and sacrifice!
Your Majesty, why rebel?

After Vulcan, all the gods, such as the god of life, the god of forging, the goddess of art, the sun god, the moon god, the god of time and space, etc., are burning the threshold of life one after another, hating to cast the most vicious curse on the eternal ruler.

And these curses finally gathered in the Excalibur in Rhodes' hands!

Afterwards, Rhodes and Excalibur merged into one, turning into a light that dispelled all the darkness, fiercely colliding with the supreme order released by the Eternal Lord.

In an instant, the entire universe was instantly lit up, and then the light occupied everything!
It can be seen that the artifacts of Rhodes and the Eternal Ruler are collapsing inch by inch.

Then comes the body, soul, godhead, and authority.
In this final decisive battle, Rhodes bet everything on the gambling table, while the Eternal Master on the opposite side also bet everything on himself at the cost of the gods!
He is a true solitary man, but He is not afraid of death!

Do your best, listen to the destiny, and after betting everything, it depends on luck!

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