Chapter 53 Reading is Really Useful

"The internet tyrant is too much of a bully!"

Thinking of the herbal medicine that had just been cut off, Galen spoke softly, wishing he could have a PK with the Internet tyrant immediately.

Even if you pluck the wool, you can't just catch him and pluck him?
If he was squeezed any further, he would be bald!
When did he, Great Galen, suffer this grievance? !
[What exactly is the Internet tyrant doing?It always feels a little wrong, he seems to be trying to provoke me on purpose]
Galen whispered a bad thought in his heart.

There is no love and hate for no reason in this world. He and the Internet tyrant didn't know each other before, so they shouldn't be targeted like this.

Then the Internet tyrant might have a plan for him!
Thinking of this, Galen whispered and instantly opened his mind.

Because he was killed more than 100 times when he opened the server, he is currently the lowest level, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the weakest player.

But by chance, he accomplished a great cause and obtained the only three-handed sword in the whole server
[Is the Internet tyrant trying to scheme against my sword "Silence is Golden"? ]
Galen whispered that he was getting closer to the truth.

In any game, there are players called red names.

For profit, or simply seeking excitement, they often do whatever it takes!

It hasn't been long since the dawn server opened, and there are no clear red-named players yet, but this doesn't mean that such players don't exist.

for example.

The righteous backstab directly backstabs his teammates for the sake of the magic book!
Obviously, pk between players is currently allowed in the game.

And he is currently the lowest level, and has a high-quality weapon rewarded by great achievements, and has become a fat sheep in the eyes of some players!
[Is it because the cyber tyrant doesn't attack me directly because the weapon won't drop when I die? ]
[Or, he has already found a way to get the weapon?For example, PK bet? ]
Galen whispered that he was getting closer to the truth.

The Internet tyrant has repeatedly squeezed his wool, the purpose is to stimulate him, and then force him to PK and gamble. This is shit!

Galen whispered and rubbed his teeth, gnashing his teeth with hatred, he didn't even have the heart to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Dawn City.

and many more!

At this moment, Galen whispered and suddenly turned his head subconsciously.

Afterwards, Galen opened his mouth subconsciously after whispering.

[I went so big and so dazzling.]
Perhaps it is because of the difference between men and women, girls are especially taller at the same height of 1.8 meters.

From Galen's perspective, he only felt a giantess walking beside him.

What's even more unbelievable is that there are magnificent waves and raging waves!

Ah, that light!
Ah, those long legs
Cow, horns?
This super long-legged giant O sister is a monster girl? !

God, what did he find?
Why don't you hurry up and take a photo to show off?
Oli walked on the street, looking at the surrounding residents who kept her at arm's length, she couldn't help curling her lips.

It's not rare for her to be popular. All she needs is a spell and Shirley's mother!
Shirley's mother is an elf contracted by Ollie, who was once called an ominous cursed witch!
At this moment, Ollie felt a very rude look.

Ollie frowned.

Some embarrassment, some. Incredible!

What made Ollie even more incredible was that the rude guy actually walked towards her.

Galen said frantically, "Beauty, my name is Galen, can I invite you to take a photo with me?"

Beauty, beauty?
Oli's beautiful eyes widened, feeling an unprecedented shock.

She is a beautiful woman? !
Oli didn't quite understand what a group photo was, and the word "beauty" that Galen whispered echoed in her mind, and she couldn't help touching the devil's horn above her head.

Galen whispered and his eyes straightened.

The posture of this top-quality royal sister and monster girl touching her horns with both hands is too cute!

A little naive, a little stupid, a little natural

With the sound of the camera shutter, Galen whispered and successfully captured the peerless beauty of this moment!

Ollie frowned, extremely vigilant.

"You are a player, what did you just do to me?"

Because of being exposed to curses all the year round, Ollie really understands how terrifying the invisible means of killing people is.

Galen whispered a little embarrassed.

Although this monster girl is an NPC, it is indeed a bit immoral to secretly take pictures without people's consent. In the real world, she would die from a club!
Galen whispered and quickly called up the projection of the photo he had just captured.

"I'm sorry, your pose was so beautiful just now, I snapped it without your consent, I'm really sorry!"


It's another word I don't understand!
However, when she saw the photos floating in front of her, Ollie's eyes became more and more puzzled.

No matter how you look at the corners, it doesn't look very smart, does it?

Ollie pursed her lips and said incredulously, "Do you really think this is beautiful?"

It was a little strange for Galen to speak softly.

Is it his delusion?

This monster girl seems a little unconfident?
Obviously looks so superb!

However, even if Galen spoke softly, no matter how straightforward he was, he still knew what to say when faced with a beautiful woman asking him if he was beautiful.

What's more, this top-quality royal sister and monster girl really poked his xp too much!
Galen coughed softly, and read a line of Western poetry he had read.

"You walk in a beautiful splendor, like night, cloudless and starry; the most beautiful hues of light and dark appear in your countenance and glance."

Oli's beautiful eyes opened wide, and her small mouth showed an exaggerated O-shape.

Is she dreaming? !

Ollie was a little flustered, but she was still calm.

Ollie pursed her lips, and said with a dry throat, "I have a way to detect lies. Are you afraid?"

Galen whispered for a moment.

What is this unfolding?

There's something wrong with this monster girl!

However, what is he afraid of?

He is telling the truth!

"of course."

Galen accepted it calmly.

Oli was very satisfied, and with a thought, a little elf floated beside her.

Is the monster girl an elf envoy? !
Galen whispered and was greatly shocked.

There are not many elf envoys in Dawn City, and no more than 10 are known. And each of them is in a high position!


Galen whispered and suddenly became a little scared. Is it too late to hide the title of "breaking the city's defenses with one sentence"?

"Mother Shirley, please."

Shirley didn't talk nonsense, and directly circled around and landed on Galen's head whispering.

Immediately, he pressed his small hands on Galen Qingyu's head.

For a moment.

When Shirley flew back, Lao Huai said comfortingly, "Daughter, what he said is true, woo woo, mom can finally rest assured."


Ollie blushed instantly.

Galen whispered a bit strangely.

Is this elf named Shirley really Oli's mother?

And why does the tone of Oli's mother feel a bit strange?
at the same time.

Galen spoke softly, and a system notification sounded in his ear.

[Conjurer Ollie's favor towards you +100]

[Conjurer Ollie's favor towards you +100]

[Conjurer Ollie's favor towards you +100]

Galen whispered, dumbfounded.

Is this the god horse situation? !
Why did the monster girl Ollie's affection for him immediately explode?

Oli's cheeks were a little red, and she said, "That... you want to take a photo with me, right?"

Galen came back to his senses immediately after whispering.

That's right, he almost forgot the business!

"I agreed!"

"Great, Miss Ollie, thank you so much!"

"Big beauty."

Galen whispered in ecstasy, and quickly started to set up time-lapse photos.

Feeling the joy of Galen's soft words, Ollie couldn't help pursing her red lips.

"Can I stand here?"

"You can stand a little closer."

"Is it too close?"

"you dislike me?"

"No no."

When they got close, Galen could even feel Ollie's breathing and heartbeat.

Even though Galen whispered, he couldn't help but get distracted. At this moment, Galen whispered and really felt that reading is really useful!
Not far away, the Internet tyrant looked confused.

He was fed a mouthful of dog food?

One sentence breaks the whole defense. Isn't Galen the most unpopular player in Dawn City?

What is the position of this monster girl? !
Internet tyrants feel a little bad.

Only a little bit. He was able to make Galen lose his mind and agree to PK with him.
In addition, he also wants to touch the horns on the monster girl's head!

(End of this chapter)

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