After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 59 Killing a pig【Seeking tickets for collection】

Chapter 59 Killing a pig【Seeking tickets for collection】

Death and war.
With Daniel's narration, players have a better understanding of the ecology of Dawn City this time.

When Pagri Continent really enters winter, the temperature around Dawn City will drop precipitously again.

Slightly away from the range of the Sun Tower of Dawn City, the temperature will drop to more than minus 40 degrees, and the temperature in colder areas will even drop to minus 70 degrees.

At that time, even the monsters would not be able to bear the terrifying extreme cold.


They will migrate to warmer places in groups!

And at this time, Dawn City will usher in wave after wave of demons.

As the outermost line of defense of Dawn Capital, the fortress group naturally bears the brunt.

Several players were stunned, and once again had a clearer understanding of the dangerous living environment in Dawn City.

They even thought it was a miracle that Dawn City could hold on!

With a fever of 105°, he wondered, "We just went out to cut wood, and we saw that the surroundings were covered with white snow. Even now, those monsters should have nothing to eat, right?"

Daniel said sadly, "Perhaps this is the original sin and curse that all of us in the Pagri Continent are born to bear!"


Several people are more puzzled.

Fortunately, Daniel didn't mean to let them guess, and soon explained the reason.

It turns out that the Pagri Continent is composed of the spirit world, the present world, and the underworld.

After the sun goes out, human beings continue to use the solar tower to extract the energy of the earth's veins in order to survive.

And this has also led to the weakening of the world and the spiritual world, and the extinction of a large number of species.

With more deaths, the underworld will also grow stronger.

The energy of the underworld even began to erode the world in turn, which is also the root cause of the birth of many monsters.

What's more, many monsters were originally transformed from animals, plants, elves, and even human beings who had passed away.

Cat abuser Schrödinger: "I probably understand that although monsters live in this world, most of them have the ability to absorb energy from the underworld, so they can survive and reproduce even if they don't eat or drink. But after all, they live in this world. There is still a threshold of patience, once this threshold is passed, they will migrate to warmer places!"

Daniel nodded.

That's probably what it means!
Fever 105 ° thoughtful, but have a different opinion.

"Could it be that the monsters are not actually afraid of the cold, but simply launch the magic tide periodically to harvest life?"

The eyes of several players brightened. Although they are not "Xiaojia" who like to dig deep into the settings, they still have this basic brain hole.

This guess is undoubtedly even more conspiracy theory!
A lonely yin does not grow and a lonely yang does not grow. In this world, since the three realms coexist, it is obvious that the three realms also constitute a relatively balanced system.

Once the world completely collapses, it may not be a good thing for the underworld.

Therefore, it is very necessary to maintain a fragile world!

Death is the best nourishment for the underworld.

Then harvesting life on a regular basis is undoubtedly more in line with the interests of the underworld!

Well, sustainability drains the water!

Daniel and the other patrolling soldiers were silent.

Will it be so?
If this is the case, the future they are facing will undoubtedly be even darker!
However, when they thought of His Majesty the God King who had returned, their hearts were ignited again.

Cat abuser Schrödinger: "So, the essence of hunting monsters and taking the dark core as energy is actually taking the energy of the underworld to feed back to the world?"

Daniel nodded.

This is not a new theory, it is considered one of the "common sense" in Dawn City.

His eyes lit up when he had a fever of 105°, and he said excitedly, "Can we build a solar tower to directly extract energy from the underworld?"

Daniel and several aborigines shook their heads helplessly at the same time. It's not that they haven't thought about it, and even some sages have tried it, but they all ended in failure.

The current towers of the sun are all left over from thousands of years ago. Apart from tinkering, they can't even build new towers of the sun.


His Majesty the God King has returned! ! !

If a tower of the sun that can directly extract the energy of the underworld can be really built, then the world may grow stronger again at that time.

In an instant, Daniel and a group of soldiers seemed to see new towers of the sun lit up one after another on the Pagri Continent.

At that time, it was no longer covered with white snow as soon as you left the city, but green farmland after another;
At that time, they could have enough to eat, and the children could play, sing and study in the fields without any worries.
At that time, people can really live to the end, instead of dying in battle early.

Can they really see that day?

Before His Majesty the God King returned, they didn't even dare to dream about this dream.

But now, they have dared to think about it, but they still don't dare to think about how long it will take to realize it!
At this moment, a rough voice sounded again, and it was Gavin's voice.

"Master Brave and Irene are back. Open the door!"

Sky is back?
Several players' eyes lit up.

I just don’t know if Changkongda brought back the big wild boar or the golden goat!
Soon, everyone knew the answer.

At the gate, Lin Fan walked in with a big wild boar on his shoulders.

The big wild boar's eyes were red, and hot air was blowing from its mouth and nose.

Obviously, Lin Fan not only completed the task of catching the big wild boar alone, but also brought the big wild boar back alive.

Should it be said that he really deserves to be the boss of the sky?
Really will not let them down!

At the same time, Irene's hands were not empty, but she was dragging a strange fish covered in black and full of lameness with a rope.

This strange fish is really too big, it can be several meters long, and it forms a strong contrast with the small size of the blond double-tailed little Lori Irene.

So much so that the cat abuser Schrödinger and other players recalled the horror of being dominated by this blond double ponytail loli.

"It's a snow squid, what is Master Irene doing after catching it?"

"Is it the suggestion of the brave man? Could it be that the sap of the Raval tree can also make the poisonous snow fish edible?"

The camp was full of disturbances, and the soldiers were full of expectations.

The snow mangy fish is a kind of magical beast that lives in the ice and snow layer. Its meat is poisonous. After people eat it, their skin will fester, and they will cry for many days before dying.

Even the foodies in Dawn City can only look away from it obsessively.

If it can really detoxify, then you won't have to worry about running out of meat in a short time.

In the future, maybe we can domesticate the snow squid!

Lin Fan: "If you have a fever of 105°, you can record it, and we will start the experiment next."

Fever 105°: "Good."

Since the players "exhausted the mechanism" information sharing and received system rewards, players have paid more and more attention to the collection of experimental records and various data.

Lin Fan: "Please trouble Daniel to prepare some hot water."

Daniel: "It's on me."

The fire was raging, precious firewood was continuously added to the stove, and the water temperature rose little by little.

"First step, bloodletting!"

Lin Fan didn't know the process of killing pigs in Dawn City, but according to Huaxia's experience, bloodletting is a very important process for killing pigs, which can effectively remove the fishy smell.

And in this way, it may be possible to reduce the curse poison in the big wild boar.

Seeing the operations of several players in Lin Fan, the soldiers in the camp were also very interesting.

In the era of lack of entertainment, even if it is just watching people kill pigs, it is a pleasure worth talking about.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand, and the sword of toughness appeared in his hand.

At this moment, he unexpectedly discovered that the vitals of the big wild boar appeared in front of his eyes, especially the position of the heart.

Lin Fan understood.

Immediately following the instructions, he stabbed the big wild boar's heart quickly and ruthlessly from the neck.

A large amount of pig blood flowed into the wooden basin prepared earlier.
Pig blood should not be wasted. There is a dish called "pig blood flourishing" among the pig-killing dishes, which is also a rare delicacy.

at the same time.

Lin Fan also saw the system prompting him to kill the monster Big Wild Boar, and gained 100 game experience and 3 gold coins.


No matter what game, fighting monsters is always the fastest way to upgrade and make money.

Later, Lin Fan saw the system prompting that the toxicity of the big wild boar had been removed by 3%.
Seeing this, a smile appeared on Lin Fan's face.

After all, the game is still a game, and there is no real hardcore to give any hints.

Judging from the information he has collected so far, all kinds of mushrooms and Yanyi masks are essentially reminders, which are very important reference indicators.

However, bloodletting is indeed effective, but the toxins removed are still too small, only 3%, so it should still be completely inedible!

How can I get rid of the remaining 97% of the poison?

Next, Lin Fan began to process the wild boar bit by bit according to the method of killing pigs he found on the Internet.

Blow air, scald with boiling water to remove the hair, and then remove the internal organs in turn.
Effective is effective, but the toxicity of wild boar is still as high as 90%!

Now everyone will inevitably encounter difficulties, and in the end they can only focus on the sap of the summer dead tree.

(End of this chapter)

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