After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 74 The aboriginals and the players rush to 【Subscription】

Chapter 74 The aboriginals and the players rush to 【Subscription】

Knights Templar.

Compared with the hale and hearty spirit of the past, the knights in the knight order now have big dark circles under their eyes.


They are not sleepy, but everyone is looking forward to it!
Finally, Meng Na finished collecting information and opened her eyes again.

Meng Na was very happy, and said excitedly, "Master Vice President, and all of you are actually adults, the effect of the gift is very good, all the brave men are very happy and touched, I can clearly feel their belonging to Dawn City The feeling is stronger, and it is more friendly to the citizens!"

Martina smiled and said with satisfaction, "Okay, great, everyone has worked hard!"

Knights Conference Hall.

The gathered knights and apprentice knights also showed smiles on their faces.

Presenting a gift of thanks to the brave, but their joint decision is also an action they participated in together.

Even at the expense of breaking the unspoken rules they have observed for many years!

They don't have any regrets, and after getting feedback from players, they even feel that everything they have done is worthwhile!
The players have worked tirelessly to cultivate the Raval Holy Tree, which is supposed to relieve the curse, how can they remain indifferent?
Although the players enjoyed it, and although they did not receive the oracle, they were not shameless enough to accept it with peace of mind.

Emotions also need to be cared for by both parties!

Now it seems that the expected goal has not only been achieved, but also unexpectedly good, and they are naturally very happy.

Thanks to the permission of His Majesty the God King, otherwise they would not have dared to break the rules, let alone so many high-level officials breaking the rules at the same time!
For Pagli Continent, the dark night is very dangerous!
Even the knights who are the pillars have to sigh, it feels so good to have the protection of "parents"!

Martina: "About the second act of the player's world quest "Extreme Delicacy", everyone must have obtained the oracle, and the goals of this stage of the quest are already clear, so strictly follow the plan , cooperate with a group of players, let them have fun while making recipe records and various winter reserves! "

"As ordered."

All the knights have no opinion.

For Dawn City, food reserves are always the top priority of life and death, just as important as fuel reserves.

However, unlike the past, this time they will receive a large amount of meat from various monsters that have not been stockpiled before.

And what they have to do is to complete the handover with the players as soon as possible, and then organize the manpower to process and seal it.

Martina: "The players are not very familiar with the surrounding area of ​​Dawn City. You should also plan and guide the route well, and don't let the hunting areas of the players overlap too much. The other thing is to find out as much information as possible on the periphery. Let's see if we can provide some assistance to the expeditionary force!"


When it came to the expeditionary force, all the knights looked solemn.

As for the praying priest Anna, her heart trembled even more.

[Sister, is she okay? ]
Ever since the opening of the second act of the world quest, The Ultimate Food, the players and the aborigines have simultaneously discovered that light curtains have appeared one after another out of thin air on the streets of Dawn City.

The position of the light curtain is very conspicuous, as long as you look up, you can see it.

And the most eye-catching thing above the light curtain is the ranking list.

Players immediately understood when they saw this, it was a live broadcast!

As long as the points lead, they will immediately "go on TV" and become celebrities known throughout Dawn City.

Which player can refuse this temptation? !
The players who were stimulated rushed out of the city wall of Dawn City screaming.

They want to hunt the biggest beasts, earn the most points, and then go on TV and be the most beautiful celebrities!

In the real world, they might just be ordinary people.

But in the world of Daybreak, they are omnipotent brave men who can draw their swords. As long as they are willing to work hard, they will have a chance to stand out and become famous!
Seeing the players rushing out of the city one by one, all the soldiers guarding the city were envious.

It would be great if they could also live a chic and reckless life like the players!

In other words, can they pray to His Majesty the God King and become a brave man?

Lin Fan didn't resist the temptation either, he just gave up going to the library to search for information, and ran out of the city gate immediately.

After all, the second act will last for two weeks, so it is absolutely right to choose to hunt first.

After all, prey will not regenerate in a short period of time. It is a limited and scarce resource, and it must be caught first.

However, he did not act alone, but teamed up with cat abuser Schrödinger, fever 105°, crouching dragon and phoenix again.

After all, the outer city was bitterly cold and covered with vast expanse of whiteness, which basically belonged to areas that players had never touched. Strictly speaking, it also belonged to land reclamation.

Multiple teammates, multiple cares!

After all, if you die, you have to run the map again, it will be a big loss!


Long before the opening of the guild system, they decided to start a guild together, and even thought of the name early on.

The name was chosen by Lin Fan, so it was called "Club", and everyone agreed unanimously.

For this, Lin Fan was also very grateful.

After all, the name of the club is indeed not compelling.

And he was the only one who really wanted this name.

But Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu's teammates immediately agreed, without even asking for any reason.

As for the original intention of the establishment, perhaps it is to truly establish a club that has no conflicts of interest and does not require seniority!

However, what Lin Fan and the others did not expect was that just after they arrived at the fortress group, they ran into a little Irene, and the little Irene directly asked to form a team with them.

A few people are a little confused!

Is this also ok?
After a brief moment of astonishment, there was only surprise left.

Little Irene is very cute and eye-catching, and she is an aborigine, so she is far more familiar with the surrounding area than they are.

To have such a guide to join is something we wish for.

What's even more surprising is that when little Irene joins, there are also equipped with sleds, cold-proof tents, cold-proof suits and sled dogs!
It's too human, isn't it?

Like Irene, Ollie was the one who asked to form a team.

Seeing Da'ao again, Galen was dumbfounded even after whispering.


The last time I saw Oli was the last time, he almost forgot how many days have passed!
In addition, Galen hadn't forgotten the whisper, and Da'ao let him go.

It was clearly discussed, and he wanted to use the trumpet to talk about it, but in the end he washed the trumpet for nothing, but Da Ao never appeared again.

This made Galen's soft words break the defense a bit!
Without such a thing, in the game world, he encountered a female liar who was too bullying!
It would be fine if everyone was cheated, but he was the only victim.


Seeing Galen whispering aggrieved, with a little hurt expression, Ollie felt guilty all of a sudden.

She didn't want to either!

Oli quickly bowed ninety degrees, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, you punish me, I will accept any punishment!"


Looking at the swaying peaks of Da'ao, Galen whispered and suddenly felt all anger disappeared.

In addition to being a female liar, Da Ao is a pigeon spirit, and he has been pigeonholed for more than ten days, and he seems to be a very good person!
Galen whispered and decided to forgive Dao!

After a few minutes.

Oli's beautiful eyes were bright, and she said speechlessly, "You decide to go hunting in the city? Then you have to prepare thick cotton coats, skis, and sleds in advance, otherwise when will you go?"

And this kind of operation?

Nobody told him?

Plus, he doesn't know how to ski at all!
After hearing the words, Oli smiled and said, "I'll teach you!"

Galen whispered in a daze.

The last time this female liar lied to him was the last time!
There are also a large number of players who are also guided.

for example.

Double carp.

Anna almost taught her various precautions, and Rosalind even lent her a cold-proof cotton coat with magical protection.

Of course, Qu Shang Wei Meng and Wan Feng Liu Ren Zui were also helped by Anna.

And there are more players who have not been guided and plunged into the vast snowstorm.

(End of this chapter)

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