After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 77 Rankings and internal volume 【Subscription】

Chapter 77 Rankings and internal volume 【Subscription】

dawn capital.

After the players started rushing out of the fortress group, the citizens of Dawn City began to pay close attention to the changes of the ubiquitous light curtain in the city.

However, what makes the citizens more heartbroken is that the light curtain has not changed for a long time.

Of course, soon there will still be "knowledgeable" citizens conducting science popularization.

"Hunting has never been an easy task, not only to hunt the prey, but more importantly to find the prey!"

In this regard, the old hunters who have hunted have agreed.

Hunting often depends on luck!

If you're lucky, you'll meet your prey soon; if you're unlucky, you may spend several days without even seeing the prey.

"Then isn't there a way to actively attract prey? Something like magic bait!"

"Haha, what you think is simple. You were fishing at the time. There are too many magic baits. What if the prey that is seduced is too much and too strong? The most important thing is that different types of monsters have different tastes. Where is there any omnipotent bait?" Magic bait?"

The knowledgeable people in Dawn City nodded one after another.

The monsters outside the fortress group are not some lambs without the ability to resist.

Just a gluttonous rabbit, even the most experienced fighters have to be careful.

Maybe it's going to kill people, and if it's a little bit more unlucky, it's normal for the entire team to be wiped out.

That is to say, the brave adults who are not afraid of death dare to hunt with the mentality of "pick up the goods".

In addition, magic bait is too evil. In many bard stories, most of them are used by villains to do evil.

However, those brave men are players. Looking at their past behavior, some citizens can't help feeling a little hazy!
"What about elves?"

There are still people who don't give up, since there are too many uncertainties in the magic bait, it's okay to use elf skills to hunt monsters, right?
As soon as this topic came out, everyone became more interested.

For the vast majority of ordinary citizens, elf envoys are like legendary existences, and they hardly have much intersection with them, full of mystery.

Even if you are lucky enough to see it occasionally, it is the elf envoys showing their supernatural power, and this further deepens ordinary people's fantasy of elf envoys.

It seems that elves are omnipotent beings, and elves are miracles that can realize all imaginations.

"Haha, elf skills are not omnipotent, but if they are used for hunting, they can be used, such as sensing, detecting enemies, and tracking, all of which are very helpful for hunting. However, elf envoys also have several?"

Everyone nodded.

Elven envoys are too rare in the Dawn City, one in a thousand, even so, not all of the acquired elf skills are good at hunting.

"Open, open, ranking information appears on the light curtain!"

When the citizens heard the words, their eyes lit up one after another.

On the huge light curtain floating in the air, a leaderboard began to appear, and the top three players had huge heads.

Just by looking at it, it is very promising.

Unexpectedly, the number one ranking is the celebrity "Long Kong", and behind the ID of the sky is the monogram from the guild club.

The second ranked one has a fever of 105°, and there is also the monogram of the club and guild behind it.

Ranked third, it was the player brick who suggested that I pay to go to work.

Seeing this, the citizens of Dawn City all admired it.

Originally, the few people who paid for work in the sky were very famous players in Dawn City.

Especially the sky, which was recognized by Lord Irene.

Now they can rank in the top three, which is in line with their expectations!
Even so, this leaderboard still allows the players of the clubs and guilds such as Changkong to really enter the eyes of most citizens of Dawn City for the first time.

Because of this, at the back of the leaderboard, the popularity index of Sky and other club players began to soar wildly.

After the top three, the fourth player is also announced.

To everyone's surprise, this player turned out to be a lone player named Galen Chuuuuuuuuuuu.

Many citizens of Dawn City were a little confused at first, who is this?

After someone mentioned the great cause of "break the defense of the whole city with one sentence", the citizens of Dawn City suddenly realized.

It turned out to be that bastard who lacked virtue!
Although it has been so long since the server was opened, and although the players and citizens have reconciled, Galen's whispering is still a hurdle in the hearts of the citizens of Dawn City.

Many citizens even called Galen's Whispering Words a moral sewer among players, in stark contrast to the famous Twin Carps for not killing them!
The citizens never thought that this guy would rank so high!
People's first impression is often very important, because Galen's Whispers gave everyone a bad first impression, which made the citizens generally not have much favor for Galen's Whispers.

Even so, because of this ranking, the popularity index of Galen's Whispering Words is still rising crazily.

However, the gap with the top three is still very large, almost a cliff-like decline.

And the fifth place is the internet tyrant.

This is beyond the expectations of the citizens!

In the past, Internet tyrants didn't have much reputation, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe them as oblivious to everyone.

But through this ranking, it is the first time that the Internet tyrant has achieved a large-scale out of the circle.

Then came Justice's Backstab and Double Carp.
Shuang Li's popularity was already very high, but the citizens took it for granted that she was ranked sixth, and even faintly felt that it was a bit low.

After all, the first impression Shuangli gave them was too good!
But when they saw the seventh-ranked player, the citizens were shocked.


This player's name is. Pumpkin Man!
For this player, most of the citizens have actually heard of it.

After all, the image of Pumpkin Man is too subversive, and his appearance is too similar to the legendary devil!
Because of this, the citizens' first impression of Pumpkin Man was extremely bad.

But it never occurred to me that Pumpkin Man would rank seventh this time. The citizens frowned!
How could such a nondescript guy achieve such an achievement?

For those ranked eighth or later, the popularity index plummeted even more.

Compared with the first three, there is no comparison.

Even so, it was the first time for them to let most of the citizens know their names through the leaderboard!
Fort community.

The fruitful Internet tyrant and righteous backstab several players successfully transported the gluttonous rabbits they hunted to the fortress group for the first time, and completed the handover with the guarding soldiers.

Internet tyrant: "Killing the prey and handing over the prey to the NPC, the reward and points are about 3:7? Trouble!"

For cyber tyrants, fighting monsters is the real fun.

He likes the process of scouting the prey and enjoys the passion of fighting the prey. Even if he can't beat the process of walking around with the monsters, it still feels very exciting to him.

But escorting prey to the fort colony or something is really boring and boring.

But no matter how many hunts there were, if they were not escorted back immediately, the points they would gain would not be particularly high.

Righteous Backstab: "Probably this is what the authorities want to advocate. Killing monsters is not the goal. The real goal is to complete food reserves before winter arrives. After all, monsters grow so big, it takes time!"

The reason is this, but he is still upset!

He just wants to have a hearty fight!
At this moment, the players who teamed up with them shouted excitedly, "Mom, I'm outrageous for opening the door."

"Internet tyrant, the scoreboard is announced, you are ranked fifth, tyrant!"

The internet tyrant frowned, and said in surprise, "Isn't fifth. Number one?"

When my mother opened the door, I was speechless.

Although he also admitted that the Internet tyrant's technology is good, but the Internet tyrant is too arrogant!
That Changkong was the first Juju to complete a great deed, and he was the top player in Daybreak.

Who knows who your internet tyrant is?
"The first is the sky, the second is a fever of 105°, and the third is that the brick family suggested that I pay to go to work. They are all from the same guild!"

Internet tyrant: "It shouldn't be, their points are too high, a guild has won the top three at the same time!"

Backstab of Justice: "It should be because of Irene, she is known as a living encyclopedia of magic arts, she should be good at hunting and transporting!"

When my mother opened the door, my eyes lit up, "It should be like this. Hey, Irene's loli is not easy to serve. How did they get their favorability so high?"

Internet tyrant: "Irene seems to have suffered at the hands of Zhang Kong!"

Everyone was speechless.

Come on, isn't this a very typical routine of "turning an enemy into a friend"?
Conquer by force first, then make friends.

Superficial, really superficial!

Looking straight at my mother to open the door with righteous backstabs, I was outrageous, and said, "The fourth is me, right!"

The Internet tyrant frowned, and said unhappily, "Why, do you think you are better than me?"

Justice's backstab: "Isn't that natural? I'm already better than you?"

Mom opened the door and I was outrageous: "."

Are you this arrogant these days?

Did he find some strange things to form a guild together?

Does he, the president of the Justice League, lose face?
"The fourth is Garen whispering!"

The Internet tyrant frowned.

He is familiar with this guy, he used to be his goal!

Weak chicken, brainless, just a bit of shit luck!
If it wasn't for Oli's sudden appearance, he would have already calculated that guy's PK with him, and now he actually told him that this guy was ranked higher than him!

"Ollie followed Galen and whispered again?"

Mom opened the door and I was outrageous: "I'm Kangkang, yes, some players saw Da'ao and Galen playing Whisper together, and it seems that Da Ao prepared a Da'ao for Galen's Whispering."

The Internet tyrant broke the defense: "Fuck, you little boy. I'm so sore!"

"Is my ranking lower than the Internet tyrant? I still have prey to bring back, let's go first!"

Justice's back tattoo is like a ghost, and disappears after a few flashes.

The Internet tyrant sneered.

It's as if you were the only one who backstabbed the prey but didn't bring it back. A mere assassin who only knows how to backstab does not want to surpass him, a warrior who dares to face any enemy?

"I also have prey that I haven't brought back, so let's go first!"

When my mother opened the door, I looked at the two big brothers leaving, and I felt like crying for a moment.

They all belong to the same guild. As for internal strife?

Isn't it just a ranking?

As for?
This is too superficial!

My mother opened the door and I was outrageous. I kept pulling down the ranking list, and kept pulling down, and constantly pulling down.

No, no, no!
Soon, when my mother opened the door, I was outrageous and not calm.

Fuck, isn't he worthy of being the president of the Justice League?

Pumpkin Man's crooked melon and cracked dates are all on the list, so he is not as good as that pumpkin?
Isn't it just the prey that didn't come back?He said it as if he didn't have one!
All of a sudden, when my mother opened the door, I seemed to have endless strength!
(End of this chapter)

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