After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 79 Don't let go of any boss 【Subscription】

Chapter 79 Don't let go of any boss 【Subscription】

Little Irene stood with a sword in front of her, constantly conducting elemental induction.

after a few seconds.

Little Irene opened her beautiful big eyes and said, "At three o'clock, about 300 meters away from you, there is a color-changing poisonous lizard disguised as a stone."


On the club guild channel, Lin Fan responded directly to little Irene.

After a few simple exchanges with the cat abuser Schrödinger and the others, they quickly gathered towards the poisonous lizard from different directions.

After a few breaths, the battle began.

In about 3 minutes, everyone in the club guild fought the poisonous lizard.

About 5 minutes.

Knowing that he was invincible, the poisonous lizard ran away decisively, but bumped into the muzzle of the brick family who had been ambushing for a long time and suggested that I pay to work, and was restrained.

In about 10 minutes, the poisonous lizard was successfully knocked down.

With a few drops of the sap of the Laval tree dripping, the poison of the thigh with a fever of 105° was eliminated.

Little Irene watched all this from a distance, but her beautiful big eyes became brighter and brighter.

What a beautiful fight!
This club guild has truly reached the level of an apprentice knight.

In addition, they bought protection from the mall, and the strength improvement was quite terrifying.

Especially Zhang Kong, the president of the club guild, was so different from his first confrontation half a month ago!

The growth potential of the players is really terrifying!
After little Irene came over, she directly cast the healing elf spell "Healing Spring", and the wound with a fever of 105° gradually healed.

Afterwards, she used the space elf technique "space pocket" to store the body of the monster lizard.

Today is different from the past, with the sap of the Laval tree, these meats are all high-quality ingredients, so naturally they cannot be wasted.

After another few minutes.

After completing the investigation, little Irene once again directed a direction, where there is a hidden ice and snow white jade scorpion, even she almost failed to discover the existence of the white jade scorpion!

Obviously, this ice-snow white jade scorpion is very powerful, and it may have discovered her detection and known their existence.

Little Irene looked solemn, "Are you still deciding to hunt that white jade scorpion now? My suggestion is to retreat first!"

The players in the club guild all looked at Lin Fan. The longer they formed a team, the more they believed in Lin Fan's judgment.

Even Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cubs would be ashamed of themselves at this point!
Wolongfengchu is good at intelligence analysis, but Lin Fan is really good at fighting.

It's as if he was born for fighting, and his fighting intelligence and adaptability are all outstanding.

Lin Fan looked solemn, "Even Lord Irene is so cautious, it seems that the ice and snow white jade scorpion is really strong!"

"That's natural!"

Little Irene raised her head proudly, and said as a matter of course, "I've always liked to reason. If I want to make the truth reasonable, I must have rich knowledge and excellent judgment!"

"The ice and snow white jade scorpion is good at hiding. The tail needle is very poisonous. Even a knight can't bear the pain after one injection. There was once a knight who was accidentally hit and howled in pain for three days and three nights. It was useless to knock him unconscious. , I will wake up from the pain in a moment, if I am not bound by heavy chains, I would have committed suicide."

"If so, this experience still left a huge psychological shadow on that knight!"

"Its double pincers are so sharp that they can cut even steel; the speed is unbelievably fast, like lightning."

People with a fever of 105° become more and more serious.

Then this is a proper big boss level monster in the wild map. Just relying on the members of their guild, it is really unlikely that they will be able to successfully attack it.

Through hunting during this period, they also had a general understanding of the monsters in Pagri Continent.

The more powerful the monster, the easier it is to mobilize more elemental energy.

With the blessing of these elemental energies, speed, defense, attack, induction, etc. have all been improved unprecedentedly.

To complete the hunt, the difficulty is not so high!
Of course, relative to the risk, it is a huge benefit!

Not to mention experience, money, etc., maybe you can drop some good things.

Every player knows this!

Lin Fan licked his lips and said excitedly, "Understood, then please go back to the fortress colony, Lord Irene. We will wait a quarter of an hour after you leave before doing anything. Of course, before Lord Irene leaves, please Tell us as much information about the Ice and Snow White Jade Scorpion as possible!"

Little Irene took a serious look at Lin Fan, feeling as if she was meeting him for the first time.

During the recent cooperation, the Lin Fan she knew was strong, rational and shrewd.

Always be able to rationally judge when to do something.

He can always block the most powerful enemy at the critical moment, and finally turn the tide.
In Little Aileen's view, Lin Fan is a player who truly has the qualifications to become a knight.

Combat methods, combat wisdom, and overall concepts are all available!
To a certain extent, she was willing to hand over her back to Lin Fan.

This is also the reason why she has been willing to help Lin Fan hunt, it is help, investigation and even screening!
If it is possible, she is even willing to guarantee it with her own body, suggesting that Martina, the deputy captain, grant Lin Fan the title of Honorary Knight.

But now, Lin Fan's image in her heart has collapsed.
Little Irene looked at Lin Fan seriously, and said a little puzzled, "This is not like the guy I know!"

"The current rankings are at best to make us more famous, but in fact there is no additional blessing"

Lin Fan glanced at little Irene, then looked at a few teammates, and said with a smile, "Will you all be indifferent when you encounter a suspected lord-level wild boss?"

I had a fever of 105°, the brick family suggested that I pay to go to work, and the cat abuser Schrödinger laughed.

"Indifferent? Are you kidding me?"

"Wouldn't it be more fulfilling to defeat the suspected lord-level boss than hunting ordinary monsters now?"


Little Erin was silent.

"What's the reason? Now our priority should be to hunt down more ingredients and accumulate more points!"

Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu smiled.

"Master Irene, you like to reason, so I will explain it to you too. For us players, we must not let any wild boss go. This is our biggest reason, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is faith! "

"Faith. What's the point?"

Little Irene frowned, feeling that the player's reasoning was very unreasonable!

Putting a monster that is temporarily unbeatable is blocking your eyes?
What's more, this ice and snow white jade scorpion has no signs of migrating or besieging the fortress group. It can basically be judged as harmless and it makes sense to put it down for the time being!
Lin Fan smiled and said, "How boring is it to always follow the steps? Master Irene, this principle is adventure and challenge. Just like you desire a valuable opponent, we also desire to defeat a strong enemy!"

Little Irene was silent, and suddenly understood, and was even a little envious. I envy players who want to take risks if they want to take risks!

Unlike her, even if she wants to take risks, she has to think about the gains and losses in it.

Before I knew it, there were many shackles on my body.

Little Irene: "Sure enough, it makes sense. I admit that my space pocket contains a large number of monster corpses that you hunted. I must bring them back to the fortress community, and I will not accompany you on adventures!"

Several people laughed immediately.

Fever 105°: "Master Irene is really reasonable, haha, maybe we will die before you and go back to the city. After we go back, I will treat you to a barbecue!"

It's also fun to pay to work.

"I also agree. You can choose whichever shop Master Irene likes!"

Little Irene smiled suddenly, with a slightly sly smile.

"Okay, this is what you promised!"

After saying that, little Irene didn't give a few people a chance to regret it, and ran away in a hurry.

In just a few blinks, it disappeared without a trace.

Lin Fan and the others felt bad.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick were taken aback and said, "Damn it, shouldn't we invite all the little Irene to eat barbecue?"


Several people looked at each other, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

A quarter of an hour later.

Sure enough, the club guild was wiped out without accident, and they died neatly!

(End of this chapter)

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