After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 81 Weak, Helpless and Poor 【Subscription】

Chapter 81 Weak, Helpless and Poor 【Subscription】

After calculating the fact that the purchasing power of points is actually very low, Double Carp is not so keen on hunting by itself.

Especially when he thought that in the future, if players wanted to eat meat themselves, they would have to spend money to buy it again, Shuang Li had a new plan.

She's going to fund a restaurant!
Compared to hunting and working hard, of course, being the boss is more interesting!
Who stipulates that players cannot start a business in the game?

Who stipulates that players cannot pluck the player's wool?

Who stipulates that players can't reverse the wool of the aborigines?

It is a business game!

In a large open world, how can there be no players who specialize in business?
After hearing what Shuang Li was thinking, Anna's mouth opened into a big O.

I have to say that this friend of hers has all kinds of strange ideas, and every once in a while, she has a different idea.


Seeing what Shuang Li is doing in three minutes, can she really accomplish such a big thing?

Anna is skeptical.

In Anna's opinion, Shuang Li didn't actually have the good qualities to be a qualified knight!

Too many and complicated ideas, and unwillingness to endure hardships, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you can accomplish great things!
Seemingly understanding Anna's thoughts, Shuang Li smiled and said, "Isn't there still Anna and you? The restaurant I plan to open will bring together the flavors of the two worlds of Earth and Pugli. A bond of communication and connection”

Shuangli Balabala said a lot, and was stunned by what Anna said.

It's just a restaurant, is it so significant?
In addition, it is obvious that Shuang Li wants to open a restaurant, why should she come out to help the platform? !
Anna couldn't help but have some bad thoughts in her mind, feeling as if she was about to be pitted by the double carps again.

Shuang Li: "Of course it's important, Anna, think about it carefully, His Majesty the God King is so powerful and powerful, why did he summon players from the earth instead of directly picking the warriors from Dawn City?"

Why is it?

Anna thought about it.

In fact, regarding this issue, the high-level executives of Dawn City actually raised it long ago!

With the supreme means of the true god, it is not impossible for His Majesty the God King to transform the aborigines into brave players like players!


His Majesty the God King chose players from another world!
Anna was a little uncertain, "Can the collision of civilizations in different worlds produce more brilliant sparks?"

This is not only Anna's idea, but also the idea of ​​many high-level knights.

Among them are the inspirations they got from this world mission prompt!

There is even more high-level speculation that this is the true meaning of His Majesty the God King calling the players to be brave, and the purpose is to make up for the lack of lost civilization in Pagri Continent.

for example.

The player group generally has a higher level of education, but less than ten percent of the citizens of Dawn City are literate, and less than one in a thousand can be called scholars.

Clap clap clap!

Shuang Li immediately slapped her hands cooperatively, and said appreciatively, "That's right, that's why I plan to open a restaurant. It's a bridge to strengthen the connection between the two worlds."

"Emotions, it's all from the relationship. You see, the reason why our relationship is far better than ordinary people is because we often eat together, work together, and occasionally take a bath together?"

Anna heard this and nodded.

This is true!
After getting along for a long time, although she gradually discovered many bad things about Shuang Li.

for example.

I have no patience, and I am passionate about doing things for 3 minutes; I can't bear hardships, and I am picky; I am not reliable in doing things, and I always want to take shortcuts.

But it is undeniable that her relationship with Shuang Li is indeed the best!

Anna: "So what are you going to do?"

Shuang Li's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said, "Look, I don't open the restaurant solely for myself. It's a restaurant, it's more about strengthening mutual understanding. It's a platform that serves our interests. I'm in charge of recruiting players, knights." If the regiment gives me some policy support, or simply takes a stake, how about a cooperation between the two parties?"

Shuang Li talked eloquently, expressing her ideas.

All kinds of new ideas and ideas emerge in an endless stream!
for example.

The Knights provided policy support, provided a place of business, approved a house where she could open a restaurant, and gave her a certain quota of ingredients.

And here she is responsible for recruiting chefs and building restaurant culture.

As for the shares, she represents the player and the idea proposer, and she can make concessions in terms of equity, as long as she wants 70%.

Anna frowned.

It feels like they are selling houses and giving policy support, so they only get 30% of the shares, which is really too little.

After some bargaining, Shuangli made a concession, and the equity ratio dropped from 70% to 51%.

Anna felt a little satisfied.

With the success of this negotiation, she has helped Dawn City win a lot of substantial benefits!

Really good!

She is also quite business-minded!
However, it was not so easy for Shuang Li to make these concessions. Anna agreed that she could go to the restaurant to sit on the table occasionally to support the scene.

When necessary, you can also take the deputy head Martina, Xiao Meng and Da Ao to go together!

In this regard, Anna has no opinion.

It's just a matter of exerting strength. As female knights, they have plenty of strength!

Anna has already made up her mind, and she will go to report to deputy head Martina in the evening.

On the other side, Shuang Li smiled like a flower!

The game of Lixiao is really interesting, Miss Anna is really too patient!
Anna: "It's still early, what shall we do next?"

Shuang Li: "Let's go back to Dawn City first, the preparation of the restaurant in another world is not a trivial matter."


Anna had no objection to this.

It is also her wish to build this communication platform connecting the two worlds early!

time flies.

It was soon approaching [-]:[-] p.m., and experienced players returned to the nearest supply point early to wait to go offline.

And players who missed the time and couldn't catch up, simply died and returned to the city.

The only trouble is that I will continue to run the map tomorrow!

Because of this, players are calling for teleportation arrays or mounts more and more!

As for the players who have let themselves go, they completely ignore them. They also want to see what will happen if they don't take the initiative to go back to the city and go offline!

Perhaps, can a bug be stuck?
And Shuangli didn't even wait until seven o'clock in the afternoon, and went offline early.

As soon as she went offline, she excitedly ran to the forum under the official website of Poxiao and launched a fundraising announcement.

"I want to see Miss Anna or other beautiful knights in maid outfits—"

"Want to see Miss Anna wearing a maid outfit and shouting 'Master, welcome home'? Do you want to enjoy the thoughtful service of Martina, the deputy head of the group? I am a double carp, and I am interested in opening a maid restaurant in the dawn world, gentlemen If you want, you can provide me with some financial support!"

Then, Shuang Li showed her plan and vision in detail.

And made it clear that she has already obtained the approval of Miss Anna, and the possibility of approval is very high.

And she will continue to update in the follow-up to report the progress of the restaurant preparations.

At the same time, Double Carp also made it clear that it is very difficult to open such a restaurant in another world, and it requires too much investment in the early stage.

Relying on her strength alone is obviously not enough!

At last.

Double Carp opened a fundraising channel, calling on all gentlemen to contribute to love together.

Not only that, Shuangli also found a fever of 105°, and asked him to help promote it in "Fever Diary".

After saying a few words about the little brother and the fever master, Shuang Li immediately praised the fever of 105°, and immediately agreed to help promote it in the next issue of "Fever Diary".

Not only that, but the fever of 105° also expresses the expectation of Anna Dao Xiaomeng's maid costume!
Shuang Li covered her mouth and smiled.

It's fun!
Sure enough, the soul of a gentleman has no end!
Or it might be because of the great appeal of Breaking Dawn. Apart from the [-] beta players, there are actually a large number of cloud players who are attracted by tap water players and videos. They are also eager to see Anna and the others in maid outfits.

The open fundraising channels have really harvested some donations one after another.

Some wealthy gentlemen among them donated thousands of yuan directly.

Rao Shuangli, who didn't have much expectation for the donation, still couldn't help being excited about it.

Spending other people's money to do your own business, and spending your own money to do your own business, the sense of accomplishment is still completely different.

Not only that, Double Carp also decided to create a guild to recruit more like-minded players to contribute money to do things together!
As for the final gap, he could only rely on his own pocket money.

Afraid that it would not be enough, Shuang Li counted it, and frowned when he learned that the pocket money was only a few million less.

She's been extravagant this month, and she only has so much pocket money. She's weak, helpless and pitiful!
(End of this chapter)

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