After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 9 The Arrival of Players 【Please recommend and collect】

Chapter 9 The Arrival of Players 【Please recommend and collect】

After completing the registration, Lin Fan still couldn't calm down for a long time.

He is eager to save Miss Anna, but also is shocked that the number of registered users has exceeded 30 in a short period of time.

This speed is ridiculously fast!
Although Lin Fan admits that "Breaking Dawn" is excellent, it will take some fermentation time to spread it.

Could it be that 29 are Yin soldiers?

But no matter what, when he learned that the first batch of beta testers had only a handful of 1000 players, his heart was completely disturbed.


He is a professional player who has been trained for a long time, and he has practiced martial arts all year round, so how can he be so emotional?
"Lin Fan, Lin Fan, you are an e-sports god who wants to be famous all over the world, calm down, calm down, calm down!"

After silently saying "If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked" several times in his heart, Lin Fan finally let go of Anna and Li Xiao.

Ten seconds later.

Dozens of floating screens appeared around Lin Fan, and it was the forum on the official website of the game Breaking Dawn.

It's only been a quarter of an hour since the Breaking Dawn promotional video appeared, but the comment area has already exploded.

As far as the eye can see, words such as "blow", "explode", "funding explosion", "Anna's wife" are everywhere.

And the most tidy one is "the lackeys of the Great God at the top of the layer come to report"!
Seeing this, Lin Fan was not surprised. Even he once claimed to be the "running dog" of the top god, and he still doesn't change his ambition.

Even so, Lin Fan still felt unsatisfied, and carefully read various comments.

"Before I read it, I thought it was a trick to sell dog meat, but after watching it, I am convinced that this is the top black technology!"

"Mr. Lu Xun is sincere, the boss at the top is like water in a sponge, as long as you squeeze, there will always be new eggs!"

"Lu Xun: I'm not! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense! This is what Zhou Shuren said!"

"As expected of top-level black technology, my scalp is numb, and my whole body is covered with goosebumps!"

"Goose bumps +1"






"Word Mom, after watching the promotional video, I smashed the computer in my home. When will the server be opened? I can't wait to save Miss Anna!"

"Calm down upstairs. It's Pugli Continent that needs to be saved, not Miss Anna. When I think of Anna's wife still suffering, I can't sleep at night!"

"You bastards, you know how to hit my wife every day, draw your sword!"

Clang, clang, clang!

Downstairs is full of various sound effects of drawing swords, various dog heads, and random killings.

Lin Fan smiled knowingly, feeling like he had found an organization that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Although the official website is full of swords and swords, it is unexpectedly full of joy.

After learning that the closed beta of the game will not be deleted on August [-]st, everyone is gearing up and can't wait.

The only regret is that the number of places for the closed beta is really too small.

Not only Lin Fan, but the entire comment area has been ridiculed by various complaints.

Some people have even started to launch a blood letter from ten thousand people, requesting the official to increase the number of beta testing places.

But unfortunately, apart from an official website, they did not find out the operating company of Lixiao, and this inevitably aroused doubts from netizens!

It’s really that Lixiao’s pv is so good, and the announcement is so powerful and exaggerated, it’s hard to believe that it wasn’t the work of a big manufacturer.

"Is Lixiao really an easter egg left by the boss at the top?"

As soon as this topic came up, countless experts in textual research immediately exploded.

Accompanied by all kinds of quotations, the people who eat melons are stunned.

Is this the evidence boss?
The Dust Man trembled and dared not speak!

The truth became clearer and clearer, and the evidence became more and more. Everyone was surprised to find that this "dawn" might really be an easter egg left by the top boss.

It directly caused a major earthquake in the virtual world for a while, and the speed of breaking out of the circle at dawn increased exponentially, and soon became the headline of Blue Star.

But a new question arises—how does Lixiao operate?
Could it be another new top-level black technology? !
Pagli Continent.

What Rhodes didn't even expect was that the publicity effect on the top of the ancient layer was far better than he imagined.

I have to say, the top of the layer is really easy to use!

Netizens will make up their own brains for the phrase "black technology at the top".

Don't worry. After the publicity, Rhodes began to check for omissions and make up for the vacancies, making final preparations for the "closed test".

First of all, it is the protection of the zodiac.

Rhodes specially designed a trial secret realm for each protection, ensuring fun while taking into account the difficulty.

The more difficult the trial, the better. A qualified plan must allow players to find fun while ensuring the difficulty.

Secondly, using this time, Rhodes used the game cabin to carefully create a thousand bodies.

Because he is the first batch of players to open the server, Rhodes is very careful about these bodies.

Not only in talent, but also in appearance.

I just don't know how much of these perfect bodies will be left after the player pinches his face.

After all, what players are best at doing is making the ugly beautiful and the beautiful ugly.

I only hope that those players who judge ugliness can be pinched like human beings by then!
Finally, there is the combat assist system.

Rhodes carefully tested the special effects of various martial arts to ensure the sense of impact while taking into account the aesthetics.

Increase the sensitivity as much as possible to increase the sensitivity and upper limit of this system.

of course.

This is only for ordinary players. Considering the existence of high players and great gods, the upper limit of this system is set extremely high.

time flies.

Various topics about Lixiao continue to ferment, and Lixiao is as popular as the top layer has as much influence.

Even the oath circle was alarmed!
Paradise Network, the operating company of the oath, is also a variety of operating companies looking for Daybreak, hoping to include it under its command.

For Paradise Network, the most ideal state is to include Breaking Dawn under its command, and then postpone its release, and release Breaking Dawn after the influence of the oath declines.

Unfortunately, they are doomed to be disappointed!
Even with all his strength, he still couldn't find any clues about the company behind Lixiao.

Is it the black technology of the top, or is it deliberately using the name of the top to do mysterious marketing?

There is no answer!

And this made Tiantang Network even more anxious, and became more and more vigilant about Lixiao's every move.

If it was an ordinary producer, the rhythm of dawn would probably be detonated at this moment.

But the dawn appeared in the form of an easter egg left on the top of the layer, so even if they wanted to take the rhythm for a while, they didn't know how to do it!
I have to say, the top of the layer is really easy to use!

dawn capital.

Anna's decision to sacrifice herself to the sky was finally announced.

Although the higher-ups had already known about this decision, it still caused an uproar in Dawn Capital.

All the students who had listened to Anna's lectures, the cathedral and the Knights were directly swept away!

As for Bishop Boyle who made this decision, he was the first to be pushed to the forefront.

A question from a soul resounded throughout the entire Dawn City.

If someone had to sacrifice, why didn't the bishop himself sacrifice?

Bishop Boyle, who was overwhelmed by doubts, never showed up, which once again intensified the anger in the hearts of the people.

But what Rhodes didn't expect was that in the end, Anna personally came forward to calm the conflict.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was August [-]st.

Priest Anna, who fasted and bathed early, put on a holy priest's robe, and under the witness of many people in Dawn City, she came to Solator Square in front of the Tower of the Sun step by step.

After that, there were various preparation ceremonies for the sacrificial ritual.

Psalms, dances, sacraments.
Solemn and sacred, orderly!
at the same time.

Blue Star has already detonated the Internet's "Breaking Dawn", but it has already reached the official release time.

is the day.

Lin Fan waited early beside the virtual device.

Ever since he was lucky enough to be one of the thousand beta testers, the excitement in Lin Fan's heart has never subsided.

As of the day when the selected list was announced, the number of pre-registered players had reached an astonishing 200 million. One can imagine how lucky he was.

In a way, even harder than winning the lottery!
As a result, many players who regretted being defeated ridiculed them. The list was announced in the morning, people left in the afternoon, and dinners were eaten in the evening.

And what has been denounced by countless capable people is - the qualifications for sealing and testing cannot be bought or sold!
It's not that those who don't have the money ability can get the invitation code by their own ability, but even if this kind of invitation code has never been activated, it is still bound to the lucky ones who are drawn.

I still haven't figured out how it all happened!
And this has further confirmed the existence of "black technology at the top of the layer", and once again added a layer of mystery to the dawn of the server that is about to open.

The clock is ticking.

When it officially arrived at ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Fan, who had already put on all the equipment, gave the link command without any hesitation.

 PS: The new book season is not easy, and we urgently need support and encouragement. I hope that friends who have read the book can vote for it!

(End of this chapter)

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