Genshin Impact: The Liyuemen of Tivat

Chapter 119 The Return of the Soul

Chapter 119 The Return of the Soul
Shi Lan had a dream, this dream was very short, but very long.

He saw many people walking in front of him, and he was like an empty soul, he could only watch everything silently, unable to be watched by others.

He turned around and found himself on the street of Liyue.

A breeze blows by, and he sees Xingqiu being hunted down by his brother.Holding a stack of martial arts books in his arms, he was unwilling to throw them away no matter what.

Then, Xin Yan rushed out from the corner of the street in a hurry and almost knocked down a woman, before he had time to apologize, he ran into the Wanmin Hall without looking back.Afterwards, two Qianyan soldiers arrived late.They lost Xin Yan again.

Shi Lan just shook his head and smiled, thinking it was funny.

He stepped into the Wanmin Hall.

People's voices in Wanmin Hall were noisy, and the seats were already full.The new diners rubbed their stomachs and walked helplessly to the side to wait for a table.The stools were already full, so they had no choice but to stand, sniffing the fragrance wafting through the room, tightening their belts, and watching eagerly.

"The daily set menu for table 21 is here!" Xiangling held the plate in both hands, wrapped in a cute little apron, skillfully bypassed the crowd, and delivered the food.

"Xiangling!" Shi Lan wanted to say hello to her, but she was already in the state of a soul, so she couldn't notice her at all.

Seeing that the little cook was so busy, he had no choice but to leave first and look elsewhere.

Xin Yan found Xiangling and asked her to let him hide in the kitchen.

Xiangling suddenly noticed something, agreed to Xin Yan casually, and chased out the door anxiously.

She rubbed her eyes and looked out into the street.

But apart from the pedestrians all over the street, there was no sign of that person.

"Didn't Shi Lan already go to Wuwangpo... eh... look at my busy eyes are blurry..."

Xiang Ling patted her face to cheer herself up.The energetic little cook is a waiter today, not in charge of the kitchen.

After leaving Wanmintang, Shi Lan planned to go home and have a look.

"Stinky boy! Don't forget to leave me a bunch of shitty things to do when you go out for a while!"

Shi Shan is repairing the tables and benches broken by Shi Lan in the yard, complaining non-stop.

"You brat left so early, didn't take any medicine, didn't bring any clothes...why did you go to Wuwangpo..."

Shi Lan stood at the door, listening to Shi Shan complaining about herself, but there was also worry and concern in her words.

He wanted to take a closer look at Stone Mountain.

There are wrinkles on the face, and there are many white hairs on the head.

"When did Dad start to grow old too..."

It was only then that Shi Lan realized that he had never looked at his father seriously. In his impression, he was still the herb picker who could walk all over Tianheng Mountain, but since he broke his leg, he seemed to have suddenly become old. Same.

Shi Shan knocked on the table leg, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, looked towards the door of the house, his eyes were full of worry: "I don't know when that kid will come back... Hey... he should still be angry with me... ..."

Shi Lan's nose was sour, and she didn't dare to look at him.Sucking his nose, he turned and ran away.

He ran all over Liyue Port in a little time.

Keqing worked hard to practice swords.

Because Yunlai's swordsmanship combined with the element of thunder is too powerful, she caught a thunder slime to help her practice sword.

"Shi Lan! Shi Lan! Shi Lan!" Ke Qing swung his sword heavily, "Let you run around with other girls all day long!"

Ray Slime: "Σ(д|||)"

She threw a sword, and the long sword came through the air, directly passed through Shi Lan's chest and nailed it to the wooden stake.

Shi Lan was shocked into a cold sweat. Looking back, there was actually a photo of herself stuck on the head of the wooden post, which was a close-up of her head.

"When did you take this girl?" Shi Lan was dumbfounded.

In the photo, she was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, and it looked like she was secretly photographed while she was sleeping. Shi Lan reckoned that it was probably taken on the way to the rocky abyss or when she was unconscious when she got out of the abyss.

Does Keqing hate me so much now?Still playing this trick?
Ke Qing wiped the sweat off her forehead, walked over to get the sword, saw Shi Lan's big head, pouted her lips and muttered softly: "It's so ugly..."

After hesitating for a moment, she took down the photo and put it away carefully, making sure not to make any wrinkles.

Her face was slightly red, and her voice was like a mosquito: "It's just this one... If it's broken, it'll be gone... I'll let you off this time..."

Shi Lan was in a mess, with a bad thought in his mind.

"This girl...does she really want to kill me?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Stupid, I'm already dead... Hahahaha..."

Shi Lan was in a good mood, humming a ditty and left Ke Qing's house.

In fact, he didn't know why he came to her house.

Afterwards, Shi Lan traveled all over Liyue.

Ports, docks, Yujing Terrace...

Except for the Qunyu Pavilion hanging high above his head, he has walked through it all.

"Unreasonable! I'm already a soul, why can't I fly up to see it!"

Shi Lan put his hands on his hips and sulked, the Qunyu Pavilion in the sky made him want to see it.

Thinking about it, I also have a lot of regrets, not being able to see Lord Yan, not being able to climb up the Qunyu Pavilion, not being able to watch a play by Yunjin... Hey!Yunjin!
Shi Lan's eyes lit up, she jumped off the Yujing Terrace, and ran towards Fei Yunpo's Yunhan Society.

Fortunately, he caught up with Yunhan Club's last scene in the morning, which was Yunjin's "Walking in the Snow".

This time he didn't need to buy a ticket, he walked directly through the crowd, came to the private seat at the front, watched Yun Jin's performance on the stage, and sat down casually.


Zhongli's hand holding the tea bowl trembled, feeling something fell on his lap...

He watched intently, and it turned out to be Shi Lan.

"Shi Lan?" Zhong Li frowned.

I haven't seen you for two days, why did this kid hang up?

Die so fast?

Thinking that he went to Wuwangpo, the wise Lord Yan immediately understood what was going on, his eyes were full of admiration, he nodded slightly,

"I underestimated you."

He naturally knew why Shi Lan existed. Now that Shi Lan's soul has returned to his hometown, it is conceivable what he has experienced.

Knowing that it was a dead end, he still sent those heroic spirits back to the past, and ended their regrets.

"You're lucky."

Zhong Li smiled slightly, put down the tea bowl, got up and left.

As a big hit in the circle, Zhongli is also the entertainment vane of all middle-aged and elderly people. When he saw him leave the stage, he thought it was the little girl on stage who couldn't sing well, so he left with him.

Several heavyweight audience members left the stage, causing Yun Jin's heart to tremble, and she immediately sang a different tune, failing to keep up with the gongs and drums, and a large number of audience members booed.

"Hey hey hey! What are you doing! What are you yelling about!?"

Seeing Yun Jin panicked, Shi Lan couldn't help but want to scold the booing audience.

But no matter how loud he yelled, it didn't help, no one heard his voice at all.


He clapped desperately, trying to give her a little applause and encouragement.

Yun Jin on the stage was slightly startled, as if she heard something.

A figure flashed in his mind.

She smiled slightly, and ignored the uproar in the audience.

There seemed to be a board in her heart, she found her board, opened her mouth again, and everyone applauded.

And at this moment, Shi Lan suddenly felt like he was floating a little, his feet had left the ground, and his whole body flew to the beam of the house.

"Wait... wait a minute!"

He seemed to know something.

"Let me hear it! Let me hear it..."

Shi Lan wanted to grab the beam of the house, but her hand went straight through, and her grasp was empty.

And he also passed through the roof and flew out, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The whole scarlet cloud was broken into a panoramic view, the building was reduced and smaller, and the people on the ground were walking around like ants.

But he had no time to take care of this scene, he just stretched out his hands and grabbed desperately, trying to grab something.

"Let me take another look! Let me take another look at Liyue! Let me...listen..."

His eyes were red but he couldn't shed tears, he just struggled feebly, watching the prosperous Liyue disappear in his eyes, and he could no longer hear those noises.

"I can't see... I can't see anything..."

He knew that he was about to come to the end of his life, and he would completely disappear into the sky.

Liyue is disappearing, the mountain is gone, there is no light at all...?

Unknown, a golden light suddenly appeared.

The golden light turned into a matrix and suddenly enveloped him.

Shi Lan felt that her light soul had gained weight, and she was falling rapidly, like a falling meteor, piercing the sky and landing on a piece of grass.


He woke up suddenly.

What caught my eye was a clear blue sky, and I was lying on a grassy hillside.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the hard-to-eat rice crust from his face, paused for a moment, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

The pungent taste filled his mouth, and he sneezed several times.

The continuous sneezing woke him up from the dream again.

I am in a pond, everything in front of me suddenly seems like a dream.

Shi Lan panted heavily, and finally woke up.

"What a real dream..."

He rubbed his eyes, feeling something on his head again.

He reached out and grabbed a lump of flesh.

It turned out to be a small finch.

The brown sparrow chirped and looked at Shi Lan with its head tilted, as if it didn't quite understand why this man suddenly grabbed him.

Shi Lan raised his hand to let it fly away.

The little tug sparrow was very polite and left a bunch of bangs as a gift


"Just resurrected, I'm in a good mood, I don't care about you."

After washing her hands, Shi Lan walked up from the pond, and when she bent down to pick up her clothes, a delicate little thing fell from her head and landed on the clothes.

"This is……!!"

Shi Lan's breathing suddenly became short.

This is the eye of God.

(End of this chapter)

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