Chapter 156
"Why?" Shi Lan stared wide-eyed, not knowing why Beidou, who was talking and laughing just now, suddenly changed his attitude.

"I know you are very powerful." Beidou shook his head, "but you are too young, are you 15 years old this year?"


"Ha, going to sea at such a young age, if you dare to go to sea, I may not dare to take you out..."

The "Southern Cross" is not a sightseeing ship. It crosses the sea and conquers sea beasts. Not only are the waves rough along the way, even experienced sailors may not be able to withstand them.Although Beidou is careless, she is not a fool, how could a child be brought on board casually.

No matter how old Shi Lan was, she wouldn't mind bringing this powerful kid with her.

Beidou spread his hands: "Going out to sea is no joke, sea beasts bigger than islands, huge waves higher than mountains... These are life-threatening. You have too many comfortable days, right?"

Shi Lan frowned in confusion.

Of course he wasn't frightened by Beidou's description.

Although it was long expected that Beidou would refuse, but hearing that Beidou refused so simply, he still couldn't help but feel disappointed.

However, he never expected that Beidou would let him board the boat so easily.

Shi Lan thought for a while, then changed the subject: "The ultimate goal of the Tournament of Rebirth is to select the guards of the Southern Cross, right? "

"Well...that's right..."

"If you say..." Shi Lan raised his head and looked bravely into Beidou's eyes, "If I win the championship, does it mean that I have obtained the qualification to board the ship?"

"Oh oh oh~" Hu Tao, who was dazed beside him, suddenly said, "But Shi Lan, you are participating in the juvenile competition... The qualification to guard the "Southern Cross" is for the adult group. "

"That's why I'm looking for you to help me change my registration and transfer me to the adult group."

"Huh?" Hu Tao blinked her eyes, a little confused.


Hearing what Shi Lan said, Beidou fell silent.

There are many events in the Martial Arts Tournament, Junior Group, Adult Group, Two vs. Two or Four vs. Four, but apart from the Adult Group, other events can only be regarded as entertainment competitions, and the real competition is only for the Adult Group.

Only the champions and runners-up of the adult group are eligible for boarding.

And this qualification is not certain, assuming that you won the championship, but you are not in the eyes of Beidou, Beidou can also not take you on board, and will only replace this boarding qualification with Mora or item rewards.

(All rights of interpretation belong to Southern Cross)
Beidou is a very emotional person, she recognized the boy's courage, she could have rejected Shi Lan straightforwardly, but when she saw the boy's eyes, she suddenly felt a sense of trance.

She remembered her courage to chase seamounts when she was young, singing the lullaby she learned from her parents, riding the wind and waves, eager to cut off the seamounts.

At that time, I was only nine years old.

But now, she was asked to refuse a 13-year-old boy's request to go on a long sea trip... Instead, she hesitated...

"Why go to sea?" she asked.

Shi Lan said: "Liyue is too young."

This answer was a bit unexpected, and it was far from the answer he could give at his age.

"Liyue is not small..." Beidou looked into the distance: "From Qiaoyingzhuang in the north, to the outside of Hengshan Mountain in the south, the wide sea of ​​clouds, the deep and dark rocky abyss..."

Shi Lan asked back: "Compared to Tivat, it's still very small, isn't it?"

"Hahahaha!" Beidou patted Shi Lan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I, Beidou, recognize this kind of vision, let's fight for it, I will leave you the last chance to win the championship, you can't let me disappointment."

Shi Lan said pleasantly: "So, you agree?"

" depends on your performance."

Beidou left a vague attitude, turned around and left gracefully.

"The champion of the adult group..."

Standing on the guiding platform, Beidou murmured: "It's hard, boy..."

"But if he really wins the championship, I probably won't reject him... right..."


"Shi Lan!" After Beidou left, Hu Tao was a little unhappy: "You never told us about leaving Liyue! Why on earth? You are not even a minor! You really don't think of me as a buddy!"

Shi Lan: "..."

He pretended to be deep, looked at the sky, and said slowly: "Actually, I had this idea after I came back from Wuwangpo. It's just that I haven't had a good opportunity, so I haven't publicized it."

"What happened in that space of Wuwangpo? You even left the stinging dragon behind!"

Hu Tao felt that something must have happened to Shi Lan at that time. Outside that space, she and Chong Yun watched Shi Lan take off the bag and take down the stinging dragon, and walked into the depths of the mist.

At that time, she had a feeling of saying goodbye to Shi Lan forever.

And now Shi Lan said that his idea of ​​leaving came after he came back from Wuwangpo, which made her even more curious about Shi Lan's situation at that time.

"Don't ask about this." Shi Lan shook her head and didn't intend to explain the matter, "Don't be so nervous, whether you can go or not is still a problem. The eldest sister still hasn't really promised to take me away. Now it's just Just give me a chance."

Hu Tao sighed, "Wow... about the tournament..."

"Change it, put me in the adult group."

"Oh..." Hu Tao felt bored, looked down at the toe of her shoe, but immediately raised her head again, and said in a thief-like way: "Do you want me to give you a hand? Walk in the final or something!"

"Huh? Can this also go through the back door?"

"Why not, who told us to be the sponsor of Xiangshengtang, capital can manipulate everything!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm invincible." Shi Lan waved his hands and made an invincible voice.

He walked ahead slowly: "I think you should think about how to explain to Grandpa Hu that you will lose money to Qunyu Pavilion."

"Eh? Don't be so disappointing..." Hu Tao shook her head and followed Shi Lan, "Since you're going to the senior group, you have to get ready, you're going to fight on stage the day after tomorrow."

"Isn't it number 23?"

"The 23rd is the knockout round for the youth group! There are a lot of people in the adult group, so we will start earlier."

"That's it... I'm fine."

Two people stood on the square in front of Qunyu Pavilion and waited for the receiving platform. No one noticed Ke Qing behind the wall.

"What the hell? Shi Lan wants to run away?"

Keqing heard the whole conversation.

This impact on her was not ordinary.

She tried her best to help Shi Lan train, thinking that she could spend a long time alone with him...but it turned out to be like this!
"The purpose of his hard work...was he wanting to leave Liyue?" She said to herself, "Didn't he mean to improve his strength? Why did he end up fighting for the qualification to go to sea?"

This made it difficult for Keqing to accept, because she felt as if she was being used, or ignored?

I worked so hard to send you away?
She couldn't calm down, her head was buzzing.

"He really doesn't care about... me?"

When this idea appeared, even she was startled.

Keqing's face was reddish, and she wandered in place, her thoughts are like a mess.

The moment Shi Lan proposed to leave, Ke Qing felt at a loss...

He never told himself!
Saw it……

"Oh, what is this? When did I become like this..."

"Keqing, Keqing, you take yourself too seriously." She held her forehead and murmured to herself, "Why should someone inform you... Who are you to him..."

She can finally be sure of one thing, she has fallen in love with Shi Lan... At least this guy's position in her heart has become very important...

It's just Shi Lan, can he feel it?Even if I feel it, I'm afraid it will be ridiculous... The rich lady fell in love with the commoner boy, is this the bloody plot of the novel?
"That...Miss Keqing..." The maid looked at her and didn't know what to do, "The guiding platform is coming up soon...won't you go down with them?"

"I... just wait..."

Ke Qing looked at the two people standing on the edge of the pending case, and made a faint decision in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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