Chapter 162 Concentration
Three days later, in the backyard of Yelan's house.

"Are you feeling better?" Ke Qing looked around Shi Lan twice, amazed.

After Shi Lan limped out of the game that day, she was very worried, and after that, she couldn't come to training for two consecutive days.

Early this morning, seeing that Shi Lan arrived earlier than himself was even a little pleasantly surprised.

In the streets and alleys, people were discussing about Shi Lan's comeback from injury and sweeping away the three of them, and some even started gambling, guessing how far this kid who dared to participate in the adult competition at the age of 13 could go.

I thought he would be arrogant because of this, but today, it seems that Ke Qing is really thinking too much.

It seems that he is not complacent about achieving a little result.

Shi Lan became famous again, Ke Qing was happy for him but also disappointed.

The little leather shoes kicked a few ants away, and he put his hips on his hips and let out a long sigh: "Why are you talking about him everywhere, obviously I am stronger than him..."

"Look at me! I'm fine!"

"In combat, your fists are your eyes. Make your fist your eyes. Where your eyes go, where your fists go, don't be limited."

Ke Qing helplessly supported her forehead, and angrily tapped Shi Lan's head with the hilt of her sword.

"Do you understand now?"

Ke Qing's kick immediately reminded him of the time when he and Xing Qiu were exchanging ideas, at that time he tricked Xing Qiu by all means and succeeded in a sneak attack...

Keqing finally nodded in satisfaction, "You are just smarter in fighting, so you are right."

Shi Lan punched nothing, and the water droplets fell into the sink.

Shi Lan looked troubled, feeling as if he had grasped something, but couldn't put it into words.

Shi Lan scratched her head and didn't want to understand: "How can you make a move without revealing your flaws?"

But he didn't have time to think about it, the bamboo tube was still dripping water, Shi Lan remembered Ke Qing's request, and quickly punched to disperse the water droplets.

"What to eat?"


"This is specially customized for you." Keqing explained: "When I turn on the switch, water will drip from the bamboo tube, and all you have to do is to use your fist to attack the falling water droplets, so as not to let the water in the sink Overflow, that's what you do."

"What kind of sauce is it mixed with?"

"Have you had breakfast?" Ke Qing said abruptly.


This blow made him flustered, like a chain reaction, he missed the other, and missed many punches in a row.

Like a stress response, Shi Lan couldn't help but trembled when he heard Ke Qing's voice, and almost lost his fist again.

"I... seem to understand..."

Keqing pressed the switch, and the water in the bamboo tube slowly faded away.

"Hmm..." Shi Lan thought for a while and said, "I feel like I don't have enough stamina..."

"Master Carve, can you stop talking?"

He looked at Ke Qing.

"That's right, but it's not all right." Ke Qing nodded in satisfaction, and concluded:
"You can't keep your concentration. Once there is any big movement around you, you will be easily distracted. Besides, you don't know how to break your moves in battle. You won't make a move until the opponent reveals a flaw?"

"Then you were knocked like a lump of iron for a long time?"

Keqing nodded slightly.

However, Shi Lan's punching speed is very fast, which is acceptable to him, but he has to pay attention to the drip hole of the bamboo tube all the time, and his high concentration makes him feel nervous...

"I asked, and you have to answer." Ke Qing stood not far in front of Shi Lan, "Do you like Xinyuexuan or Liuli Pavilion?"

Ke Qing suddenly withdrew her hand and kicked Shi Lan's leg. The latter staggered two steps and fell to the ground, looking at her blankly.

Shi Lan gritted her teeth: "I like Wanmintang!" (I can't afford those two!!!)
Keqing spoke extremely fast, and asked continuously in a tone that could not be refused: "How many moras do you have a month?"

"Fifty thousand moras! After tax!" (Why are you asking this!!!)
Ke Qing: "What do you like to drink?"

Keqing spoke again: "Cats and dogs, which one do you like?"

After a long time, he raised his head.

Shi Lan's eyes lit up, and a carp turned upright from the ground.

There is a sink directly below the beam, and the water in the sink is in a state of almost overflowing.

"Understood, I understand!" Shi Lan nodded her head.


Ke Qing put her hands on her hips, "Let's listen."

Shi Lan subconsciously said: "Raspberry drink!"

"That is to say, when you figure out the opponent's routine, the opponent has already revealed a flaw, but this flaw is to be created by yourself, that is, if there is no opportunity, you must create an opportunity..."

Shi Lan twisted her waist, and punched a few times in a decent manner, proving to Ke Qing that she had fully recovered.

The water pipe injects water into the bamboo tube, and drips down through the small hole at the bottom of the bamboo tube.

Kun Zhen's sword style is always chopping and slashing, and he has adapted to his attack, so he did not think of his sudden slashing into stabbing at that time.

You cut me to block, I thought I would keep fighting like this, but the opponent suddenly stopped cutting and stabbed...

"anything else?"

Aren't we talking about noodles?Why are you asking this question all of a sudden?

Shi Lan scratched her head: "So easy?"

"do not know."


Shi Lan's eyes widened immediately, recalling the situation at that time.

Shi Lan frowned slightly, always feeling that Ke Qing's smile was a bit dark inside.

Keqing turned around and paced: "Next, you need to add a new training, follow me."

take note of it!
Quick questions and quick answers are often the best proof of a person's inner truth, especially Shi Lan, who answers whatever he asks, honest and cute.

"You just need to understand this question. The next thing you need to train is your concentration. It is very dangerous to be distracted during a battle."

It has to be said that these punches were really powerful, and the clothes were blown by a strong wind, kicking up the dust on the ground.

"Isn't it all right if he gets tired of knocking? Anyway, I don't need much effort."

Keqing smiled and nodded, "That's it, continue."

With quick eyes and quick hands, Shi Lan punched out the water droplets into mist.

As the water in the bamboo tube became more and more full, the dripping water became denser and more frequent.

But it's still Wang Baquan.

Shi Lan's eyes widened, and it took a lot of effort to finally get her rhythm back to normal.

"It's that easy." After speaking, Keqing pressed the switch.

Shi Lan looked at it for a long time but didn't see a trick: "This is it?"

"Um...unsteady footing?"

Shi Lan spoke very quickly: "It means that I fell into a misunderstanding at the time and was imprisoned by the enemy's tricks...Thus my thinking was limited...I couldn't break this restriction..."

"Say more."

"But I don't understand everything..."

She then asked, "What do you like to eat?"

"I lost to you..."

It turns out that the problem lies in this aspect...

Shi Lan fell into deep thought.

Thinking about it this way, isn't Kunzhen's sword the same?

So what if it was you who changed tactics first?

He really understood this time.

Ke Qing immediately kicked him angrily: "Idiot! Are you a rock! I guess they figured out your defensive moves! If you defend for a long time, you will lose, do you understand?"

"I see!"

"Eat... I can't eat it!"


Keqing brought Shi Lan to a wooden frame.

Keqing: "???"

"Did you feel your own flaws during the consecutive days of competition?" Ke Qing asked.

Shi Lan shook her hands, and a few drops of water leaked down.

The water is leaking more and more.

Shi Lan paused for a moment when she punched, "Eh... I ate..."

The water level in the sink is getting a little dangerous.

"Ah, ah, it's all gone!!"

The wooden frame is about two meters high. The two pillars and one beam are not very wide, like a door frame without a door. The beam is made of bamboo tubes. If you look closely, one end of the bamboo tubes is still connected to a water pipe.

While training and answering Ke Qing's questions, Shi Lan's head was as big as a bucket, and the rhythm of his punches was chaotic.

Shi Lan felt pain and raised his hand to block it.

Shi Lan continued: "Once caught in a long-term battle, I feel a little powerless. It doesn't mean that I have no energy, it should be said that I can't exert energy, and suddenly I don't know how to fight..."

"Then do you know why when fighting against Kunzhen, his sword can directly penetrate your defense and even almost kill you?"

Shi Lan's sleeves were drenched, panting while looking at the overflowing sink...

Ke Qing pursed her lips and mocked, "It's hard to keep your attention just by asking a few questions."

"Tsk tsk, the boy still needs to work hard."

 Thanks to book friend 20200802141801744 for tipping coins, 666 monthly tickets for Little Salted Fish calling 4, and 2 monthly tickets for Blossoming Butterfly Zilai [-]!There are also many supportive book friends, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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