In the noisy Deer Hunter restaurant, there are two strange people sitting in the corner of the restaurant.

It seemed that the excitement around them had nothing to do with them, and the atmosphere seemed to have encountered an invisible thick barrier. Once others approached this table, they would feel the weird suffocation of the air.

There is another name for this situation: embarrassment.

The waiter who delivered the meal and Sarah at the front desk whispered: "It's so strange, I can't understand the words, but the two of them communicate smoothly..."

"Fischer, you should know him." Sarah nodded her chin and thought, "But who is that guy in the black cloak? I've never seen it before."

On the table.

Shi Lan and Fischel were sitting opposite each other. The food they ordered had been delivered, steaming slowly, but neither of them had any intention of eating.

The stomachs of the two were growling loudly.

Ozzy stood on the backrest behind Fischer, embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

It feels unemployed.

The communication between these two people doesn't need me at all.

Shi Lan spoke first: "Why are you sitting here with me?"

Fischer was taken aback.

hateful!There were too many people and there were no empty seats, so I sat in front of him involuntarily!

It's really scary that he still has the ability to deceive people's hearts.

"Everyone is their own body, that is their territory. Even the princess, you must replenish your energy in time. Waiting will only make me weaker and give the enemy an opportunity. Besides, there are dangerous demons in your body. For the princess, I need to monitor you."

"Roar?" Shi Lan turned her neck, and the bones clucked: "Listen, the terrible demon is howling. He longs to control my body... I am almost... controlled by it now! I need to suppress it!"

As he spoke, Shi Lan stretched out his hand to hold the knife and fork.

Ozzy complained frantically in his heart: "It's obvious that your neck is sore from sitting still for too long! You are too hungry to take it!"

Shocked by the young man in front of him, Fischer also reached out to hold his own spoon: "What a terrifying will...If that's the case, I won't be easily controlled."

Ozzy breathed a sigh of relief, and the two were so hungry that they finally started cooking.


Fischer let out an exclamation.

Ozzy's scalp tingled.

Miss, eat well!
Fischer's face was ugly, as if he saw something unbelievable, the noodles slipped from the spoon: "It's resisting me!"

"That's right!" Shi Lan said in a deep voice, staring coldly at the rice grains falling from the fork: "This evil seed is rejecting me! It is mixed with the unhatched offspring fragments of the Demon Kun, and it has such terrifying power ! And the alluring energy they emit makes my body become...become..."

The waiter who watched the two of them for a long time couldn't bear it any longer, and stepped forward to remind them: "I'm sorry, I remind you, you used the wrong tableware. It's better to use a fork for noodles with meat sauce, and for fried rice with eggs." with a spoon..."

The awkward atmosphere in the air was even worse.

The waiter is gone.

The two were honest, lowering their heads and cooking silently.

Fischer sucked on the noodles, blushed up to the ears, puffed his cheeks, and kept chewing like a hamster.

He raised his head, took a sneak peek at Shi Lan, and found that the other party had a calm face, eating a spoonful of fried rice with eggs, which was delicious, as if the incident just now hadn't affected him.

There was a burst of laughter from the adjacent table, they whispered, and looked at Shi Lan and Fischer with strange eyes.

"Look at those two people, how weird!"

"Tch! There must be something wrong."

"Mom, they look so funny~"

"Hush! Don't imitate them, it will make people laugh."

The laughter from around made Fischer even more uneasy, and the fork rolled for a long time but failed to roll a single noodle.

"Hurry up and eat." Shi Lan said suddenly.

Fischer's little hands trembled, and he looked at Shi Lan blankly.

Shi Lan didn't raise her head, she just slurped up "evil seeds" and fried "unhatched fragments of the devil's heirs", and said while eating:

"It's just ordinary people's gossip. You and I are different from ordinary people. They only see our expressions and behaviors, but they can't understand what we really think in our hearts. This is a kind of sadness.

Therefore, I didn't take them seriously, or in other words, they didn't have the right to influence me at all.You are like me too, right?Your Excellency. "

Fischer opened his mouth slightly, and sat there blankly.

"Hey! That one over there!"

A fiery figure ran over quickly, and looked at Shi Lan in surprise: "Who are you... you will be blinded later, don't make noise... Guy? Isn't it... Anthony's right... Hanging on the windmill... Ah yes Shi Lan! You are Shi Lan!"

Shi Lan stared dumbfounded at the girl talking nonsense in front of her.

The fiery red rabbit ear bow swayed slightly, the goggles were pushed on the forehead, the red knee socks wrapped her tight and slender legs, and she was wearing white knee boots.

Looking at the energetic girl in front of him, isn't this the Amber I'm looking for!

He actually came to the door by himself!

But... what does hanging on a windmill mean!Why do you think of me with this!
"I'm sorry." Amber scratched his head with a smile: "I just looked at it outside and thought it looked familiar. I didn't remember the name for a while, sorry, sorry."

Shi Lan had a bad feeling.

Back then in Liyue, when they couldn't pronounce their own names, they relied on defeating wild boars at the age of ten to think of themselves... Could it be... another index keyword in Mond?

(Who is he? So familiar...)
(The one on the windmill...)
(Oh ~ Shi Lan!)

Shi Lan gasped, and quickly shook her head to get this terrifying picture out of her mind.

The thing about hanging a windmill... He took off in Mond on a whim after he got his pilot's license, because after Tewarin's visit, Mond's sky was gray, he didn't pay attention, and after crashing the leaves of the windmill Just hung there awkwardly...

This is also the reason why his license was deducted...

And was fined 3000 Mora.

Shi Lan waved her hand and said, "Since you still remember me, you should know why I came to Mond now..."

"Pilot license, right?" Amber shook his head: "Forget about that, have you finished eating yet?"

Looking at his empty disc, Shi Lan opened his eyes and said nonsense: "I haven't eaten it yet."

Amber: "That's great, I'll eat something together too, I'm exhausted for half a day in the morning... Fischer, do you mind if we sit together?"

"It is your honor to sit with this imperial daughter."

Ozzy's eyes lit up, come alive!
"Miss means..."

Amber interrupted directly: "Don't tell me, I know, she agreed."

Oz was speechless with his beak open.

Amber hurriedly opened the chair and sat down, ordered a sweet flower stuffed chicken, and then said to Shi Lan: "I remember, didn't you say that you are very good at fighting? You even fought against our night hero? "

Shi Lan was depressed: "Who is the hero of the night?"

"I don't know either." Amber grinned, "So, Shi Lan, who is especially good at fighting, can you do me a favor?"

Shi Lan changed the subject: "Give me back your flight license first, the date has come."

"I can return the flight license to you. This is my personal request." Amber was a little sluggish: "To be honest, I really can't do anything... There are too many people in Qiuqiu outside the city! I can't handle it, so I just want to Please help me."

Shi Lan folded her arms and snorted coldly: "I have no obligation to help you! Return the flight license to me!"

"But you are an adventurer! I can hire you for money!"

"how much is it?"

"20 rough stones."

"What thing?" Shi Lan was confused: "What is a rough stone?"

Amber is also even more strange: "All the mission rewards of the Adventurers Association use this. As a member of the Adventurers Association, you don't know?"

"Eh..." Shi Lan shook her head: "To be honest, I haven't accepted a mission from the Adventurer's Association for several years... Usually when I can't afford to eat, I do some missions to find cats and dogs to make ends meet... Later I made a lot of money, so I didn't go..."

"Let me explain it to you."

The sweet flower stuffed chicken was served, Amber tore off one leg and gave it to Shi Lan, the other to Fischer, and the head and neck to Ozzy.

Ozzy refused: "Thank you, no."

"Your neck is too short, you should take this tonic."

Ozzy is still cold: "The things that mortals eat are not suitable for me."

Fischer's eyes lit up: "Ha! Ozzy! You've got it!"

Shi Lan urged: "Tell me about Yuan Shi."

"The rough stone can be said to be a materialized thing. According to Abedo's explanation, it can be manifested through wishes, prayers, and intentions. This kind of wish must be pure and pure before it can be born. out of the original stone.

It is mainly used to strengthen one's own elemental power. When there are enough rough stones, the power of hope contained in the rough stones can even light up one's own life star!Therefore, the rough stone is now the most expensive trading item, and it has been used as a legal trading currency by Mond. "

"Light up your life star? Is it so outrageous?" Shi Lan asked in confusion, "But ordinary people can't manifest their own life star, so how can this be used as currency?"

Amber nodded again and again: "Yes, it only has a great effect on the holders of the God's Eye, and has no effect on ordinary people! Rough stones are generally used to trade with the holders of the God's Eye. After all, no one is Every day there is something to hire the holder of the God's Eye, and the store does not accept rough stones, so ordinary people still prefer Mora.

But what's interesting is that only ordinary people can condense rough stones, the holder of the God's far, no precedent for condensing rough stones has been found. "

Shi Lan suddenly realized: "So that's how it is."

"How about it? 20 rough stones, do you want to do it?"

"Too little." Shi Lan shook his head.

"That's not enough?" Amber asked anxiously, "Do you know how rare rough stones are? People in a whole city may not be able to give birth to more than 5 rough stones every day at most... I still have 20 of them. It’s been a long time, if I’m not really exhausted, I would be reluctant to use it to hire you.”

Shi Lan really wanted to say: This thing is useless to me!

Because I don't have a life seat at all!
Other people's eyes of God manifested the constellation of fate, and the star of fate twinkled and twinkled, only myself was a piece of darkness...

"You'd better give me the pilot's license first."

"If you don't help me, I won't give it."

Shi Lan looked at Amber in disbelief: "Why? You are using power for personal gain!"

"Because I'm busy cleaning up the Qiuqiu people outside, and I don't have time to help you find a flight license." Amber also said helplessly: "This is for the safety of the people in Mond City. I must not stop for a moment. If you don't help , I have no choice but to wait for me to find it for you when I am free."

Amber was very disappointed, and gave the two chicken wings to Shi Lan and Fischer, then packed the whole chicken, and was about to leave.

"Aren't you going to finish eating here?" Fischer asked doubtfully.

"No time." Amber shook his head, turned and left, and went to the counter to pay.

Shi Lan stood up abruptly, ran over to pat some Mora on the counter, ignored Sarah's change, and dragged Amber away.

"Okay, after cleaning up those Qiuqiu people, you will return my flight license!"

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